World of Warcraft Reforged - Researches

Researches can be started for gold and lumber in the corresponding buildings. They upgrade your units and buildings to improve them. Once a research has been done, it stays during the whole game. Researches can also be saved and loaded.
Icon Name Race Levels
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHealthStone.blp Evolution

Increases the maximum hit points, mana and damage of all player units. Increases the armor and level by 1 every 10 levels of this research of all player units.

Is increased automatically for creeps and bosses to the lowest hero level of playing users.
Evolution - 75
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPowerGenerator.blp Improved Power Generator

Increases the armor and life regeneration rate provided by the Power Generator.
Improved Power Generator - 75
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDivineGolem.blp Improved Hand of God

Improves the stats of Divine Golems.
Improved Hand of God - 75
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneObservatory.blp Temple of Demigods Blueprints

Allows the upgrade of Level 3 Town Halls and Guardian Towers to a Temple of Light or Darkness.
Temple of Demigods Blueprints - 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTornado.blp Storm Protection

Your units won't die in Maelstrom anymore.
Storm Protection - 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinZeppelin.blp Improved Air Transport

Increases the cargo slots and armor by 2.
Improved Air Transport - 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPolymorph.blp Improved Creep Hunter

Allows unit abilities to target units with a level above their initial level: Polymorph (Human, Goblin), Transmute (Goblin), Possession (Undead), Charm Creeps) etc. This does not improve hero abilities!
Improved Creep Hunter - 75
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcTameBear.blp Improved Mount

Increases the movement speed of your mounts by 20, its maximum hit points by 50, its maximum mana points by 30, and sets the maximum of cargo slots available to 1.
Improved Mount - 75
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNShip.blp Improved Navy

Increases armour, movement speed and attack and sight range of ships and submarines.
Improved Navy - 75
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStoneArchitecture.blp Improved Clan Hall

Increases the armor, hit points and damage of the Clan Hall.
Improved Clan Hall - 75
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSteelMelee.blp Improved Clan

Increases the armor, hit points and damage of all Clan Emissaries.
Improved Clan - 75
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCrate.blp Improved Trading

Increases the hit points and defense of Pack Horses.
Improved Trading - 75
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStoneArchitecture.blp Reinforced Walls

Increases the armor and hit points of wall buildings.
Reinforced Walls - 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStoneArchitecture.blp Improved Masonry

Increases the armor, hit points, number of targets and damage of Engineer buildings.
Improved Masonry - 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNUnholyStrength.blp Unholy Strength

Increases the attack damage of Ghouls, Meat Wagons, Abominations, Skeleton Warriors, and Skeletal Mages.
Unholy Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCreatureAttack.blp Creature Attack

Increases the attack damage of Crypt Fiends, Gargoyles, Destroyers, and Frost Wyrms.
Creature Attack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNUnholyArmor.blp Unholy Armor

Increases the armor of Ghouls, Abominations, Skeleton Warriors, and Skeletal Mages.
Unholy Armor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCannibalize.blp Cannibalize

Enables Ghouls and Abominations to use the Cannibalize ability. Cannibalize consumes a nearby corpse to restore health.
Cannibalize ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGhoulFrenzy.blp Ghoul Frenzy

Increases the attack rate of Ghouls by 35%, and increases their movement speed.
Ghoul Frenzy ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWeb.blp Web

Enables Crypt Fiends to use the Web ability. Web binds a target enemy air unit in webbing, forcing it to the ground. Webbed units can be hit as though they were land units.
Web ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStoneForm.blp Stone Form

Enables the ability for Gargoyles to assume Stone Form. Stone Form transforms the Gargoyle into a statue with high armor, spell immunity, and regeneration. The Gargoyle cannot attack in this form.
Stone Form ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNecromancerAdept.blp Necromancer Adept Training

Increases Necromancers' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Unholy Frenzy.
Necromancer Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBansheeAdept.blp Banshee Adept Training

Increases Banshees' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Anti-magic Shell.
Banshee Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFreezingBreath.blp Freezing Breath

Enables Frost Wyrms to use the Freezing Breath ability. When cast on a building, temporarily stops production.
Freezing Breath ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSkeletalLongevity.blp Skeletal Longevity

Increases the duration of raised Skeleton Warriors and Skeletal Mages by 20 seconds.
Skeletal Longevity ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCreatureCarapace.blp Creature Carapace

Increases the armor of Crypt Fiends, Gargoyles, Destroyers, and Frost Wyrms.
Creature Carapace ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPlagueCloud.blp Disease Cloud

Gives Abominations a Disease Cloud aura that deals 2 damage per second for 75 seconds to nearby enemy units. Meat Wagons will cause Disease Clouds wherever they attack that deal 2 damage per second for 75 seconds to nearby enemy units.
Undead are immune to Disease Cloud.
Disease Cloud ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSkeletonMage.blp Skeletal Mastery

Causes one of the two skeletons created by Raise Dead to be a Skeletal Mage and increases the duration of raised Skeleton Warriors and Skeletal Mages by 20 seconds.
Skeletal Mastery ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCryptFiendBurrow.blp Burrow

Crypt Fiends gain the ability to burrow. Burrowed Crypt Fiends are invisible and gain increased hit point regeneration, but cannot attack.
Burrow ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDestroyer.blp Destroyer Form

Allows the Obsidian Statue to transform into a Destroyer, a large flying unit that must devour magic to sustain its mana. The Destroyer have Magic and Spell Immunity, Devour Magic, Absorb Mana, and Orb of Annihilation.

Attacks land and air units.
Destroyer Form ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNExhumeCorpses.blp Exhume Corpses

Gives Meat Wagons the ability to generate corpses.
Exhume Corpses ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPackBeast.blp Backpack

Gives specific Undead ground units the ability to carry items.
Backpack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRevenant.blp Lich King

Allows building male citizens the Lich King to convert hostile units into Undead and summoning Shades somewhere on the map.
Lich King ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStrengthOfTheMoon.blp Strength of the Moon

Increases the damage of Archers, Huntresses, Glaive Throwers, and Hippogryph Riders.
Strength of the Moon ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStrengthOfTheWild.blp Strength of the Wild

Increases the damage of Druids of the Claw in Bear Form, Druids of the Talon in Storm Crow Form, Dryads, Mountain Giants, Faerie Dragons, Hippogryphs, and Chimaeras.
Strength of the Wild ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMoonArmor.blp Moon Armor

Increases the armor of Archers, Huntresses, and Hippogryph Riders.
Moon Armor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNReinforcedHides.blp Reinforced Hides

Increases the armor of Druids of the Claw in Bear Form, Druids of the Talon in Storm Crow Form, Dryads, Mountain Giants, Faerie Dragons, Hippogryphs, and Chimaeras.
Reinforced Hides ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNUltravision.blp Ultravision

Gives Night Elves the ability to see as far at night as they do during the day.
Ultravision ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNaturesBlessing.blp Nature's Blessing

Upgrades all Ancients' and Treants' movement speed and armor.
Nature's Blessing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSentinel.blp Sentinel

Gives the Huntress the ability to send her owl companion to a nearby tree and provide vision.
Can see invisible units.
Sentinel ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNUpgradeMoonGlaive.blp Upgrade Moon Glaive

Gives the Huntress the ability to strike additional units with her bouncing glaive attacks.
Upgrade Moon Glaive ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNImprovedBows.blp Improved Bows

Increases the Archer's and Hippogryph Rider's attack range.
Improved Bows ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMarksmanship.blp Marksmanship

Increases damage of Archers and Hippogryph Riders by 4.
Marksmanship ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDOTAdeptTraining.blp Druid of the Talon Adept Training

Increases their Night Elf Form's mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability Storm Crow Form.
Druid of the Talon Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDOCAdeptTraining.blp Druid of the Claw Adept Training

Increases their Night Elf Form's mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, attack damage and gives them the ability Rejuvenation.
Druid of the Claw Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDryadDispelMagic.blp Abolish Magic

Gives the Dryad the ability to dispel positive buffs from enemy units, and negative buffs from friendly units.
Damages summoned units.
Abolish Magic ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCorrosiveBreath.blp Corrosive Breath

Gives Chimaeras the ability to hurl corrosive bile onto enemy buildings.
Corrosive Breath ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTameHippogriff.blp Hippogryph Taming

Trains Hippogryphs to allow Archers to mount them. This allows them to attack both air and ground units.
Hippogryph Taming ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVorpalBlades.blp Vorpal Blades

Increases the speed of glaives launched by the Glaive Thrower. Also allows them to attack trees.
Vorpal Blades ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNResistantSkin.blp Resistant Skin

Gives Mountain Giants increased resistance to spell damage.
Resistant Skin ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHardenedSkin.blp Hardened Skin

Gives Mountain Giants increased resistance to attack damage.
Hardened Skin ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNEnchantedBears.blp Mark of the Claw

Allows Druids of the Claw to cast Roar while in Bear Form.
Mark of the Claw ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNEnchantedCrows.blp Mark of the Talon

Allows Druids of the Talon to cast Faerie Fire while in Storm Crow Form.
Mark of the Talon ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWellSpring.blp Well Spring

Increases the amount of mana that can be stored in Moon Wells by 100, and their rate of mana regeneration by 52%.
Well Spring ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPackBeast.blp Backpack

Gives specific Night Elf ground units the ability to carry items.
Backpack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTreeOfLife.blp World Tree

Allows building male citizens a giant World Tree to heal and resurrect Night Elf units anywhere on the map!
World Tree ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPackBeast.blp Backpack

Gives specific Blood Elf ground units the ability to carry items.
Backpack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAnimalWarTraining.blp Blood Elf Animal War Training

Increases the maximum hit points of Dragonhawk Ridersby 100.
Blood Elf Animal War Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElvenSteelMelee.blp Iron Forged Swords

Increases the attack damage of Swordsmen, Spellbreakers, Dragonhawk Riders, Blood Elf Lieutenants and Wagons.
Iron Forged Swords ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElvenArmorUpOne.blp Iron Plating

Increases the armor of Swordsmen, Spellbreakers, Blood Elf Lieutenants, Ballistas, Cages, Wagons, and Blood Elf Decimators.
Iron Plating ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStoneArchitecture.blp Improved Masonry

Increases the armor and hit points of Blood Elf buildings.
Improved Masonry ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElvenLeatherUpgradeOne.blp Studded Leather Armor

Increases the armor of Blood Elf Archers,Dragonhawk Riders and Phoenixes.
Studded Leather Armor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanLumberUpgrade1.blp Improved Lumber Harvesting

Increases the amount of lumber that Workers can carry by 10.
Improved Lumber Harvesting ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPriestAdept.blp Priest Adept Training

Increases Priests' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Dispel Magic.
Priest Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElvesSunArmor.blp Sun Armor

Increases the armor of Archers.
Sun Armor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStrengthOfTheSun.blp Strength of the Sun

Increases the damage of Blood Elf Archers, Ballistas, Phoenixes, and Blood Elf Decimators.
Strength of the Sun ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNImprovedBloodElvenBows.blp Improved Bows

Increases the Blood Elf Archer's attack range.
Improved Bows ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMarksmanship.blp Marksmanship

Increases damage of Blood Elf Archers by 4.
Marksmanship ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFireRocks.blp Burning Oil

Upgrades Ballistas to fire missiles smothered in burning oil, which causes the ground to burn.
Burning Oil ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElvenVorpalBlades.blp Improved Siege Weapons

Increases the armor and hit points of Blood Elf siege weapons.
Improved Siege Weapons ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNManaDrain.blp Siphon Mana

Provides Blood Elf units and buildings with the Siphon Mana ability, which transfers mana from enemy units to the caster or from the caster to allied units.
Siphon Mana ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMagicVault.blp Magic Vault

Allows building male citizens a Magic Vault with abilities Burn Mana and Siphon Mana.
Magic Vault ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNEnsnare.blp Ensnare

Enables Naga Myrmidons to use the Ensnare ability. Ensnare causes a target enemy unit to be bound to the ground so that it cannot move. Air units that are ensnared can be attacked as though they were land units.
Ensnare ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurgalSlave.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDryadDispelMagic.blp Abolish Magic

Gives the Couatl the ability to dispel positive buffs from enemy units, and negative buffs from friendly units.
Damages summoned units.
Abolish Magic ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurgalSlave.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNagaWeaponUp1.blp Coral Blades

Increases the attack damage of Naga attack units.
Coral Blades ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurgalSlave.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNagaArmorUp1.blp Coral Scales

Increases the armor of Naga attack units.
Coral Scales ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurgalSlave.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNagaBurrow.blp Submerge

Gives Naga Myrmidons and Snap Dragons the ability to submerge under water, hiding them from view.
Submerge ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurgalSlave.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSirenAdept.blp Naga Siren Adept Training

Increases Naga Sirens' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Frost Armor.
Naga Siren Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurgalSlave.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSirenAdept.blp Naga Sorceror Adept Training

Increases Naga Sorcerors' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Abolish Magic.
Naga Sorceror Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurgalSlave.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPackBeast.blp Backpack

Gives specific Naga ground units the ability to carry items.
Backpack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurgalSlave.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAzsharaStatue.blp Statue of Azshara

Allows building male citizens a Statue of Azshara to protect your city with powerful storms.
Statue of Azshara ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurgalSlave.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNThickFur.blp Resistant Skin

Enables Coral Golems to get the Resistant Skin ability.
Resistant Skin ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurgalSlave.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNImmolationOn.blp Permanent Immolation

Allows Infernals and Reavers to use the ability Permanent Immolation.
Permanent Immolation ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNThickFur.blp Resistant Skin

Gives Infernals the ability Resistant Skin.
Resistant Skin ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNecromancerAdept.blp Eredar Sorcerer Adept Training

Increases Eredar Sorcerers mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Sleep.
Eredar Sorcerer Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBansheeAdept.blp Succubus Adept Training

Increases Succubus' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Dispel Magic.
Succubus Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNUnholyStrength.blp Unholy Strength

Increases the attack damage of Overlords, Infernal Machines, Inquisitors and Doom Guards.
Unholy Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWeb.blp Web

Gives Fel Stalkers the ability Web.
Web ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDevourMagic.blp Devour Magic

Gives Fel Stalkers the ability Devour Magic.
Devour Magic ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCleavingAttack.blp Cleaving Attack

Gives Overlords the ability Cleaving Attack.
Cleaving Attack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMarkOfFire.blp Improved Demon Fire

Improves the Demon Fire ability of Nether Drakes.
Improved Demon Fire ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDefend.blp Defend

Gives Infernal Machines the ability Defend.
Defend ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCripple.blp Cripple

Gives Doom Guards the ability Cripple.
Cripple ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFire.blp Rain of Fire

Gives Doom Guards the ability Rain of Fire.
Rain of Fire ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSlow.blp Slow

Gives the Greater Voidwalkers the ability Slow.
Slow ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDATier1.blp Fel Armor

Increases the armor of Overlords, Infernal Machines, Inquisitors and Doom Guards.
Fel Armor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDemonArmorUpg1.blp Creature Carapace

Increases the armor of Fel Stalkers, Nether Drakes, Greate Voidwalkers, Jailers, Infernals and Reavers.
Creature Carapace ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHardenedSkin.blp Hardened Skin

Allows Infernals and Reavers to use the ability Hardened Skin.
Hardened Skin ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDarkSummoning.blp Fel Transporting

Increases the number of summoned units and reduces the cooldown of Dark Summon.
Fel Transporting ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRedDragonDevour.blp Improved Devour

Increases the damage per second, maximum target creep level and capacity for Devour of Jailers.
Improved Devour ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSoulGem.blp Soul Theft

Gives Inquisitors the ability Soul Theft.
Soul Theft ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBearBlink.blp Space Travel

Gives all ships the ability Hyperspace which allows them to travel at any visible point on the map.
Space Travel ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInfernal.blp Inferno

Gives all ships the ability Inferno which allows them to summon Infernals.
Inferno ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPackBeast.blp Backpack

Gives specific Demon ground units the ability to carry items.
Backpack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSteelRanged.blp Steel Ranged Weapons

Increases the ranged attack damage of Draenei Harbringers, Draenei Seers, Salamanders, Tamed Nether Drakes and Draenei Demolishers.
Steel Ranged Weapons ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranai.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSteelArmor.blp Steel Armor

Increases the armor of Draenei Vindicators, Draenei Stalkers, Draenei Harbringers, Draenei Seers, Salamanders, Tamed Nether Drakes and Draenei Demolishers.
Steel Armor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranai.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNShamanAdept.blp Draenei Seer Adept Training

Increases Draenei Seer mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Healing Wave.
Draenei Seer Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranai.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWitchDoctorAdept.blp Draenei Harbringer Adept Training

Increases Draenei Harbringer's mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Bloodlust.
Draenei Harbringer Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranai.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStoneArchitecture.blp Improved Masonry

Increases the armor and hit points of Draenei buildings.
Improved Masonry ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranai.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMarkOfFire.blp Improved Demon Fire

Improves the Demon Fire ability of Tamed Nether Drakes.
Improved Demon Fire ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranai.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDevour.blp Devour

Gives Salamanders the ability Devour.
Devour ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranai.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCage.blp Draenei Prison

Allows building male citizens a Draenei Prison to capture enemy units anywhere on the map!
Draenei Prison ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranai.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPackBeast.blp Backpack

Gives specific Furbolg ground units the ability to carry items.
Backpack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolg.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcMeleeUpOne.blp Steel Melee Weapons

Increases the melee attack damage of Furbolgs, Furbolg Trackers, Furbolg Champions, Furbolg Ursa Warriors, Polar Furbolgs, Polar Furbolg Champions, Furbolg Shamans and Furbolg Elder Shamans.
Steel Melee Weapons ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolg.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSteelRanged.blp Steel Ranged Weapons

Increases the ranged attack damage of Furbolgs, Furbolg Trackers, Furbolg Champions, Furbolg Ursa Warriors, Polar Furbolgs, Polar Furbolg Champions, Furbolg Shamans and Furbolg Elder Shamans.
Steel Ranged Weapons ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolg.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSteelArmor.blp Steel Armor

Increases the armor of Furbolgs, Furbolg Trackers, Furbolg Champions, Furbolg Ursa Warriors, Polar Furbolgs, Polar Furbolg Champions, Furbolg Shamans and Furbolg Elder Shamans.
Steel Armor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolg.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCreatureAttack.blp Creature Attack

Increases attack damage of Timber Wolves, Giant Wolves, Dire Wolves and Green Drakes.
Creature Attack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolg.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCreatureCarapace.blp Creature Carapace

Increases the armor of Timber Wolves, Giant Wolves, Dire Wolves and Green Drakes.
Creature Carapace ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolg.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWitchDoctorAdept.blp Furbolg Shaman Adept Training

Increases Furbolg Shaman's mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Abolish Magic.
Furbolg Shaman Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolg.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNEnsnare.blp Ensnare

Enables Furbolg Trackers to use the Ensnare ability. Ensnare causes a target enemy unit to be bound to the ground so that it cannot move. Air units that are ensnared can be attacked as though they were land units.
Ensnare ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolg.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFaerieFire.blp Faerie Fire

Enables Furbolg Trackers to use the Ensnare ability. Ensnare causes a target enemy unit to be bound to the ground so that it cannot move. Air units that are ensnared can be attacked as though they were land units.
Faerie Fire ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolg.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodLust.blp Blood Lust

Enables Furbolg Ursa Warriors to use the Blood Lust ability.
Blood Lust ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolg.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBash.blp Bash

Enables Furbolg Ursa Warriors to use the Bash ability.
Bash ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolg.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWeb.blp Web

Gives Polar Furbolgs the ability Web.
Web ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolg.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFountainOfLifeDefiled.blp Corruption

Gives Furbolg Shamans and Furbolg Elder Shamans the ability Corruption.
Corruption ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolg.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanLumberUpgrade1.blp Improved Lumber Harvesting

Increases the amount of lumber that Young Furbolgs can carry by 10.
Improved Lumber Harvesting ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolg.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBundleOfLumber.blp Air Supplies

Allows to drop air supplies from flying units.
Air Supplies ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinWorker.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPackBeast.blp Backpack

Gives specific Goblin ground units the ability to carry items.
Backpack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinWorker.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNReveal.blp Observatory

Allows towers to use the Reveal ability.
Observatory ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinWorker.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLiquidFire.blp Explosives

Allows using explosives to blow up the whole tunnel system.
Explosives ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinWorker.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRepair.blp Repair

Allows Goblin warriors to repair mechanical units and structures.
Repair ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinWorker.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAlembic.blp Chemistry

Gives units with flame attacks extra and AOE damage.
Chemistry ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinWorker.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcMeleeUpOne.blp Steel Melee Weapons

Increases the melee attack damage of Goblin units.
Steel Melee Weapons ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinWorker.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNScatterRockets.blp Barrage

Upgrades Goblin Air Drones, giving them the Barrage ability, which allows them to damage nearby enemy units.
Barrage ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinWorker.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanLumberUpgrade1.blp Improved Lumber Harvesting

Increases the amount of lumber that Young Furbolgs can carry by 10.
Improved Lumber Harvesting ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinWorker.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIncome.blp Improved Banking

Increases the amount of gold that Goblin Laborers can carry by 1.
Improved Banking ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinWorker.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinFuelSpill.blp Fuel

Gives Fuel Pumps the ability Fuel.
Fuel ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinWorker.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDemolish.blp Demolish

Gives Goblin Emperors the ability Demolish.
Demolish ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinWorker.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNEngineeringUpgrade.blp Engineering

Makes Goblin tank units faster.
Engineering ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinWorker.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNUnstableConcoction.blp Flame Grenade

Allows Goblin Flamethrowers to use the ability Flame Grenade.
Flame Grenade ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinWorker.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFlakCannons.blp Mobile Turret

Allows Goblin ground units to take turrets and carry them around.
Mobile Turret ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinWorker.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOilStation.blp Oil Drilling

Allows constructing Oil Derricks.
Oil Drilling ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinWorker.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTNTBarrel.BLP Explosive Barrel

Allows Sappers to place Explosive Barrels which cause more damage than Goblin Land Mines.
Explosive Barrel ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinWorker.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNClusterRockets.blp Cluster Rockets

Allows Assault Tanks to cast Cluster Rockets.
Cluster Rockets ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinWorker.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStoneArchitecture.blp Improved Construction

Increases the armor and hit points of Goblin buildings. Increases the speed of repairing buildings and mechanical units for Goblin Laborers and warriors.
Improved Construction ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinWorker.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSteelArmor.blp Steel Armor

Increases the armor of Goblin units.
Steel Armor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinWorker.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSteelRanged.blp Steel Ranged Weapons

Increases the ranged attack damage of Goblin units.
Steel Ranged Weapons ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinWorker.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanArtilleryUpOne.blp Goblin War Zeppelin Bombs

Allows Goblin War Zeppelins to drop bombs on ground units.
Goblin War Zeppelin Bombs ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinWorker.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNImmolationOn.blp Cut Down Trees

Allows Goblin Steam Rollers to cut down trees.
Cut Down Trees ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinWorker.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPackBeast.blp Backpack

Gives specific Dwarf ground units the ability to carry items.
Backpack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNThunderLizardEgg.blp Breeding

Allows Gryphons to cast Breed.
Breeding ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarvenLumberMill.blp Dwarf Lumber Mill

Allows building male citizens a Dwarf Lumber Mill to collect lumber from nearby trees.
Dwarf Lumber Mill ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGolemThunderclap.blp Slam

Allows War Golems to cast Slam.
Slam ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDevour.blp Devour

Gives Gryphons and Giant Polar Bears the ability Devour.
Devour ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarvenLongRifle.blp Long Rifles

Increases the range of Riflemen and Gun Tower attacks.
Long Rifles ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp Berserker Upgrade

Gives Troll Slayers the Berserk ability.
Berserker Upgrade ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPlateArmor.blp Mithril Armor

Reduces the received damage to 80 % and returns 30% of an enemy unit's melee attack damage back to it.
Mithril Armor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNScatterRockets.blp Barrage

Upgrades Siege Engines, giving them the Barrage ability, which allows them to damage nearby enemy air units.
Barrage ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSeigeEngineWithMissles.blp Elite Siege Tank

Upgrades Siege Engines to Elite Siege Tanks.
Elite Siege Tank ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStoneArchitecture.blp Improved Masonry

Increases the armor and hit points of Dwarf buildings.
Improved Masonry ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanLumberUpgrade1.blp Improved Lumber Harvesting

Increases the amount of lumber that Dwarf Miners can carry by 10.
Improved Lumber Harvesting ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceressAdept.blp Dwarf Runecaster Adept Training

Increases Runecaster's mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Summon Rock Golem.
Dwarf Runecaster Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPriestAdept.blp Battle Priest Adept Training

Increases Battle Priests' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Dispel Magic.
Battle Priest Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArmorGolem.blp Sleep Form

Allows War Golems to cast Sleep Form.
Sleep Form ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFlakCannons.blp Flak Cannons

Upgrades the weapons on Flying Machines to give them an area effect damage attack against air units.
Flak Cannons ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanArtilleryUpOne.blp Flying Machine Bombs

Allows Flying Machines to attack land units.
Flying Machine Bombs ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFragmentationBombs.blp Fragmentation Shards

Upgrades the mortar shells on Mortar Teams and Cannon Towers to increase the damage they deal to Unarmored and Medium armor units.
Fragmentation Shards ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFlare.blp Flare

Provides Mortar Teams with the Flare ability. Flares can be used to reveal any area of the map.
Can see invisible units.
Flare ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSteelMelee.blp Iron Forged Swords

Increases the attack damage of Militia, Footmen, Spellbreakers, Dragonhawk Riders, Gryphon Riders and Knights.
Iron Forged Swords ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanArmorUpOne.blp Iron Plating

Increases the armor of Militia, Footmen, Spellbreakers, Knights, Flying Machines and Siege Engines.
Iron Plating ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLeatherUpgradeOne.blp Studded Leather Armor

Increases the armor of Riflemen, Mortar Teams, Dragonhawk Riders and Gryphon Riders.
Studded Leather Armor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanMissileUpOne.blp Black Gunpowder

Increases the ranged attack damage of Riflemen, Mortar Teams, Siege Engines and Flying Machines.
Black Gunpowder ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAnimalWarTraining.blp Animal War Training

Increases the maximum hit points of Knights, Dragonhawk Riders, and Gryphon Riders by 100.
Animal War Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStormHammer.blp Storm Hammers

Causes a Gryphon Rider's attacks to damage multiple units.
Storm Hammers ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPackBeast.blp Backpack

Gives specific High Elf ground units the ability to carry items.
Backpack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWellSpring.blp Sunwell

Allows building male citizens a Sun Well with abilities Sun Key and Life and Mana Regeneration for player units.
Sunwell ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMagicalSentry.blp Magic Sentry

Provides High Elf towers with the ability to detect invisible units.
Magic Sentry ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAntiMagicShell.blp Antimagic Shield

Provides High Elf towers with the ability Antimagic Shield.
Antimagic Shield ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMarksmanship.blp Marksmanship

Increases damage of Archers by 4.
Marksmanship ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCloudOfFog.blp Cloud

Provides Dragonhawk Riders with the Cloud ability, which stops ranged buildings from attacking.
Cloud ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAnimalWarTraining.blp Animal War Training

Increases the maximum hit points of Knights, Dragonhawk Riders, and Gryphon Riders by 100.
Animal War Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNImprovedHighElvenBows.blp Improved Bows

Increases the Archer's attack range.
Improved Bows ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanLumberUpgrade1.blp Improved Lumber Harvesting

Increases the amount of lumber that Peasants can carry by 10.
Improved Lumber Harvesting ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTameWarEagleHighElf.blp War Eagle Taming

Trains War Eagles to allow Archers to mount them. This allows them to attack both air and ground units.
War Eagle Taming ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPriestAdept.blp Priest Adept Training

Increases Priests' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Dispel Magic.
Priest Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStoneArchitecture.blp Improved Masonry

Increases the armor and hit points of High Elf buildings.
Improved Masonry ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPriestAdept.blp Arch Cleric Adept Training

Increases Priests' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Dispel Magic.
Arch Cleric Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHighElvenSteelMelee.blp Iron Forged Swords

Increases the attack damage of Militia, Footmen, Spellbreakers, Dragonhawk Riders, Gryphon Riders and Knights.
Iron Forged Swords ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSunArmor.blp Sun Armor

Increases the armor of Militia, Footmen, Spellbreakers, Knights, Flying Machines and Siege Engines.
Sun Armor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLeatherUpgradeOne.blp Studded Leather Armor

Increases the armor of Riflemen, Mortar Teams, Dragonhawk Riders and Gryphon Riders.
Studded Leather Armor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrbOfTheSun.blp Diurnal

The High Elves revere the sun. Increases the sight and other stats of High Elf units at day time. Workers harvest plus 10 lumber and plus 5 gold during the day.
Diurnal ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPackBeast.blp Backpack

Gives specific Gnome ground units the ability to carry items.
Backpack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNEngineeringUpgrade.blp Inventions

Gives you 100 bonus gold and 100 bonus lumber whenever any player researches anything.
Inventions ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSteelMelee.blp Gnome Weapons

Increases the attack damage of Militia, Footmen, Spellbreakers, Dragonhawk Riders, Gryphon Riders and Knights.
Gnome Weapons ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanArmorUpOne.blp Gnome Armor

Increases the armor of Militia, Footmen, Spellbreakers, Knights, Flying Machines and Siege Engines.
Gnome Armor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMotor.blp Gnome Engineering

Increases the attack speed, armor, hit points, and hit points regeneration of Gnome mechanical units.
Gnome Engineering ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNResistantSkin.blp Resistant Skin

Gives Gnome units increased resistance to spell damage.
Resistant Skin ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPriestAdept.blp Arcanist Adept Training

Increases Priests' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Dispel Magic.
Arcanist Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPackBeast.blp Backpack

Gives specific Troll ground units the ability to carry items.
Backpack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRegenerate.blp Troll Regeneration

Increases the hit point regeneration rate of Headhunters, Witch Doctors and Batriders.
Troll Regeneration ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrueShot.blp Trueshot Aura

Gives Ice Troll Warlord the Trueshot ability, which increases the damage of nearby friendly range attacking units.
Trueshot Aura ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWitchDoctorAdept.blp Ice Troll High Priest Adept Training

Increases Ice Troll High Priest's mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Abolish Magic.
Ice Troll High Priest Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWitchDoctorAdept.blp Witch Doctor Adept Training

Increases Witch Doctors' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Stasis Trap.
Witch Doctor Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNShamanAdept.blp Shaman Adept Training

Increases Shaman mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Lightning Shield.
Shaman Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNScatterRockets.blp Barrage

Gives Zalandari Throne of Wars the ability 'Barrage' which allows them to attack multiple air targets at the same time.
Barrage ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLiquidFire.blp Liquid Fire

Gives Batriders the Liquid Fire attack, which deals damage over time to enemy buildings, reduces the repaired rate and the attack rate of enemy buildings.
Liquid Fire ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDarkTroll.blp Troll Tribes

Gives Troll warriors the ability Troll Tribes which increases their stats for every different troll tribe represented by a living player unit.
Troll Tribes ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeadHunterBerserker.blp Berserker Upgrade

Transforms Headhunters into Berserkers, giving them increased hit points and the Berserk ability.
Berserker Upgrade ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTempleOfSacrifice.blp Temple of Sacrifice

Allows building male citizens a Fountain of Blood to train and convert Fel Orcs.
Temple of Sacrifice ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSteelRanged.blp Steel Troll Spears

Increases the ranged attack damage of Headhunters, Wind Riders, Batriders and Demolishers.
Steel Troll Spears ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKotoBeast.blp Creature Attack

Increases the melee attack damage of Grunts, Raiders and Tauren.
Creature Attack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRiderlessKodo.blp Creature Armor

Increases the armor of Grunts, Raiders, Batriders, Tauren, Headhunters, Wind Riders and Demolishers.
Creature Armor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSteelArmor.blp Troll Armor

Increases the armor of Grunts, Raiders, Batriders, Tauren, Headhunters, Wind Riders and Demolishers.
Troll Armor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWitchDoctorAdept.blp Troll Hexer Adept Training

Increases Troll Hexers' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Invisibility.
Troll Hexer Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDrum.blp War Drums Damage Increase

Increases the damage bonus that the War Drums aura on the Zandalari Throne of War gives. War Drums increases the damage of friendly units around Zandalari Thrones of War.
War Drums Damage Increase ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWitchDoctorAdept.blp Troll Bloodmage Adept Training

Increases Troll Bloodmages' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Unstable Concoction.
Troll Bloodmage Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPackBeast.blp Backpack

Gives specific Tauren ground units the ability to carry items.
Backpack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNReincarnation.blp Earth Mother

Gives Tauren warriors the chance to be reincarnated after dying and to reincarnate enemy creeps as allied creeps after their death.
Earth Mother ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSpiritWalkerAdeptTraining.blp Spirit Walker Adept Training

Increases Spirit Walkers' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Disenchant.
Spirit Walker Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWitchDoctorAdept.blp Tauren Druid Adept Training

Increases Witch Doctors' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Stasis Trap.
Tauren Druid Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp Elite Tauren Upgrade

Transforms Tauren into Elite Tauren, giving them increased hit points, armor and damage.
Elite Tauren Upgrade ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNShamanTotem.blp Totem Pole

Allows building male citizens a Totem Pole to reincarnate dead Tauren units.
Totem Pole ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDrum.blp War Drums Damage Increase

Increases the damage bonus that the War Drums aura on the Kodo Beast gives. War Drums increases the damage of friendly units around Kodo Beasts Riders.
War Drums Damage Increase ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSmash.blp Pulverize Damage Increase

Upgrades the totem carried by Tauren, increasing the damage of their Pulverize ability.
Pulverize Damage Increase ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp Invisibility

Gives Spirit Wyverns the ability Invisibility.
Invisibility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSteelArmor.blp Steel Armor

Increases the armor of Grunts, Raiders, Batriders, Tauren, Headhunters, Wind Riders and Demolishers.
Steel Armor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcMeleeUpOne.blp Steel Melee Weapons

Increases the melee attack damage of Grunts, Raiders and Tauren.
Steel Melee Weapons ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSteelRanged.blp Steel Ranged Weapons

Increases the ranged attack damage of Headhunters, Wind Riders, Batriders and Demolishers.
Steel Ranged Weapons ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPackBeast.blp Backpack

Gives specific Pandaren ground units the ability to carry items.
Backpack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNImprovedBows.blp Improved Bows

Increases the Archer's attack range.
Improved Bows ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStrongDrink.blp Drunk Panda

Upgrades all Pandaren units and gives them the ability Drunk Panda which can be used only once to increase the maximum hit points of the caster and fully heal the caster.
Drunk Panda ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDOCAdeptTraining.blp Druid Adept Training

Increases their Pandaren Form's mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, attack damage and gives them the ability Rejuvenation.
Druid Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDefend.blp Defend

Allows Footmen to use the Defend ability, which increases their defensive capabilities against Piercing attacks.
Defend ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaWeaponUpg1.blp Bamboo Weapons

Increases the attack damage of Militia, Footmen, Spellbreakers, Dragonhawk Riders, Gryphon Riders and Knights.
Bamboo Weapons ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaArmorUpg1.blp Pandaren Armor

Increases the armor of Militia, Footmen, Spellbreakers, Knights, Flying Machines and Siege Engines.
Pandaren Armor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDOCAdeptTraining.blp Monk Adept Training

Increases their Monk's mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, attack damage and gives them the ability Wind Walk.
Monk Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTN_CR_PandaP1.blp Pandaren Drink

Increases the hit points regeneration of Pandaren units.
Pandaren Drink ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 4
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFirework.blp Firework

Provides Firework Teams with the Firework ability. Fireworks can be used to reveal any area of the map.
Can see invisible units.
Firework ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChainLightning.blp Chain Lightning

Gives Cloud Serpents the ability Chain Lightning.
Chain Lightning ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCloudOfFog.blp Cloud

Provides Cloud Serpents with the Cloud ability, which stops ranged buildings from attacking.
Cloud ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTreeOfLife.blp Jade Forest

Allows building male citizens the Jade Forest which prevents enemies from fighting.
Jade Forest ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGnollCommandAura.blp Command Aura

Provides Warlords with the Command Aura ability, which increases the damage of allied units.
Command Aura ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPriestAdept.blp Sage Adept Training

Increases Priests' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Dispel Magic.
Sage Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFragmentationBombs.blp Fragmentation Shards

Upgrades the mortar shells on Firework Teams to increase the damage they deal to Unarmored and Medium armor units.
Fragmentation Shards ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp Berserker Upgrade

Gives Primal Pandaren the Berserk ability.
Berserker Upgrade ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHardenedSkin.blp Hardened Skin

Gives Dragon Turtles increased resistance to attack damage.
Hardened Skin ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNThornShield.blp Spiked Shell

Gives Dragon Turtles and Giant Sea Turtles the ability Spiked Shell which returns enemy melee damage.
Spiked Shell ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandarenBambooStick.blp Bamboo Sticks

Increases the attack damage of Pandaren Woodcutters and increases the gathered lumber.
Bamboo Sticks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPackBeast.blp Backpack

Gives specific Lordaeron ground units the ability to carry items.
Backpack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSteelMelee.blp Iron Forged Swords

Increases the attack damage of Militia, Footmen, Spellbreakers, Dragonhawk Riders, Gryphon Riders and Knights.
Iron Forged Swords ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanArmorUpOne.blp Iron Plating

Increases the armor of Militia, Footmen, Spellbreakers, Knights, Flying Machines and Siege Engines.
Iron Plating ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSteelRanged.blp Steel Ranged Weapons

Increases the ranged attack damage of Headhunters, Wind Riders, Batriders and Demolishers.
Steel Ranged Weapons ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLeatherUpgradeOne.blp Studded Leather Armor

Increases the armor of Riflemen, Mortar Teams, Dragonhawk Riders and Gryphon Riders.
Studded Leather Armor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStoneArchitecture.blp Improved Engineering

Increases the armor and hit points of mechanical units.
Improved Engineering ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarvenLongRifle.blp Long Rifles

Increases the range of Riflemen attacks.
Long Rifles ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAnimalWarTraining.blp Animal War Training

Increases the maximum hit points of Knights, Pegasus Knights, and Gryphon Riders by 100.
Animal War Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPriestAdept.blp Mage Adept Training

Increases Mage's mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Dispel Magic.
Mage Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceressAdept.blp Sorceress Adept Training

Increases Sorceresses' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Invisibility.
Sorceress Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFire.blp Rain of Fire

Gives Battle Mages the ability to cast Rain of Fire.
Rain of Fire ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGnollCommandAura.blp Human Courage

Increases the damage bonus of the ability Command Aura for Banner Carriers.
Human Courage ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStoneArchitecture.blp Improved Masonry

Increases the armor and hit points of Human buildings.
Improved Masonry ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanLumberUpgrade1.blp Improved Lumber Harvesting

Increases the amount of lumber that Peasants can carry by 10.
Improved Lumber Harvesting ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSpearman Lordaeron.blp Spearmen

Upgrades Footmen to Spearmen, giving them a higher attack range and more damage.
Spearmen ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCrossbowman Lordaeron.blp Crossbowmen

Upgrades Archers to Crossbowmen, giving them more damage but slower cooldown.
Crossbowmen ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTN_ANA_HolyCross.BLP Scarlet Crusade

Gives units the passive ability Scarlet Crusade which allows them causing extra damage to Undead enemies.
Scarlet Crusade ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNScarletMonastery.blp Scarlet Monastery

Allows building male citizens the Scarlet Monastery.
Scarlet Monastery ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBShipCannon1.blp Ship Cannons

Increases the range and damage of ship attacks.
Ship Cannons ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCannonIcon.blp Land Cannons

Increases the damage from land cannons against enemy ships.
Land Cannons ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanTransport.blp Transporters

Allows all battleships to transport units.
Transporters ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarvenLongRifle.blp Long Rifles

Increases the range of Riflemen attacks.
Long Rifles ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWellSpring.blp Shipyard Repair

Increases the amount of mana that can be stored in Kul Tiras Shipyards by 100, and their rate of mana regeneration by 52%. Allows Kul Tiras Shipyards to Replenish friendly mechanical units.
Shipyard Repair ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNProudmooreKeep.blp Proudmoore Keep

Allows building male citizens the Proudmoore Keep to defend their base.
Proudmoore Keep ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceressAdept.blp Storm Sorcerer Adept Training

Increases Storm Sorcerers' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Invisibility.
Storm Sorcerer Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPriestAdept.blp Ship Doctor Adept Training

Increases Ship Doctors' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Dispel Magic.
Ship Doctor Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPriestAdept.blp Hydromancer Adept Training

Increases Hydromancers' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Dispel Magic.
Hydromancer Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanLumberUpgrade1.blp Improved Lumber Harvesting

Increases the amount of lumber that Sailors can carry by 10.
Improved Lumber Harvesting ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStoneArchitecture.blp Improved Masonry

Increases the armor and hit points of Kul Tiras buildings.
Improved Masonry ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAnimalWarTraining.blp Animal War Training

Increases the maximum hit points of Knights, Dragonhawk Riders, and Gryphon Riders by 100.
Animal War Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTN_SpectralHead.blp Ghosts of the Sea

Gives Kul Tiras units the ability Ghosts of the Sea which returns the units as a ghost for some time to continue fighting when being killed.
Ghosts of the Sea ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKul Tiran Defend (on).blp Defend

Gives Captains the ability Defend.
Defend ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNEnsnare.blp Ensnare

Enables Guardsmen to use the Ensnare ability. Ensnare causes a target enemy unit to be bound to the ground so that it cannot move. Air units that are ensnared can be attacked as though they were land units.
Ensnare ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCleavingAttack.blp Cleaving Attack

Enables Guardsmen to use the Ensnare ability. Ensnare causes a target enemy unit to be bound to the ground so that it cannot move. Air units that are ensnared can be attacked as though they were land units.
Cleaving Attack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMagicalSentry.blp Magic Sentry

Provides Kul Tiras towers with the ability to detect invisible units.
Magic Sentry ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSteelMelee.blp Iron Forged Swords

Increases the attack damage of Militia, Footmen, Spellbreakers, Dragonhawk Riders, Gryphon Riders and Knights.
Iron Forged Swords ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanArmorUpOne.blp Iron Plating

Increases the armor of Militia, Footmen, Spellbreakers, Knights, Flying Machines and Siege Engines.
Iron Plating ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLeatherUpgradeOne.blp Studded Leather Armor

Increases the armor of Riflemen, Mortar Teams, Dragonhawk Riders and Gryphon Riders.
Studded Leather Armor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanMissileUpOne.blp Black Gunpowder

Increases the ranged attack damage of Riflemen, Mortar Teams, Siege Engines and Flying Machines.
Black Gunpowder ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRedDragonDevour.blp Devour

Gives Water Dragons the ability Devour.
Devour ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNScout.blp True Sight

Provides Peregrin Falcons with the ability to detect invisible units.
True Sight ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPackBeast.blp Backpack

Gives specific Kul Tiras ground units the ability to carry items.
Backpack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSunderingBlades.blp Sundering Blades

Upgrades Knights to deal increased damage to targets with Medium armor.
Sundering Blades ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFragmentationBombs.blp Fragmentation Shards

Upgrades the mortar shells on Mortar Teams and Cannon Towers to increase the damage they deal to Unarmored and Medium armor units.
Fragmentation Shards ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFlare.blp Flare

Provides Mortar Teams with the Flare ability. Flares can be used to reveal any area of the map.
Can see invisible units.
Flare ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPackBeast.blp Backpack

Gives specific Vrykul ground units the ability to carry items.
Backpack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDefend.blp Defend

Allows Warriors to use the Defend ability, which increases their defensive capabilities against Piercing attacks.
Defend ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNThornShield.blp Spiked Shell

Allows Spear Carriers to use the Spiked Shell ability, which increases damages attacking melee units.
Spiked Shell ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFarm.blp Halls of Valor

Allows building male citizens the Halls of Valor to bring back dead warriors as champions.
Halls of Valor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRedDragonDevour.blp Devour

Allows Spear Carriers to use the Spiked Shell ability, which increases damages attacking melee units.
Devour ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanLumberUpgrade1.blp Improved Lumber Harvesting

Increases the amount of lumber that Mammoth Riders can carry by 10.
Improved Lumber Harvesting ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPriestAdept.blp Golden Val'kyr Adept Training

Increases Priests' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Dispel Magic.
Golden Val'kyr Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPriestAdept.blp Dark Val'kyr Adept Training

Increases Priests' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Dispel Magic.
Dark Val'kyr Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNResistantSkin.blp Resistant Skin

Provides Vrykul units with the Resistant Skin ability, which reduces the duration of negative spells and renders the units immune to certain spells.
Resistant Skin ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSteelMelee.blp Iron Forged Swords

Increases the attack damage of Militia, Footmen, Spellbreakers, Dragonhawk Riders, Gryphon Riders and Knights.
Iron Forged Swords ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanArmorUpOne.blp Iron Plating

Increases the armor of Militia, Footmen, Spellbreakers, Knights, Flying Machines and Siege Engines.
Iron Plating ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCreatureAttack.blp Creature Attack

Increases the ranged attack damage of Riflemen, Mortar Teams, Siege Engines and Flying Machines.
Creature Attack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCreatureCarapace.blp Creature Skin

Increases the armor of Riflemen, Mortar Teams, Dragonhawk Riders and Gryphon Riders.
Creature Skin ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRegenerate.blp Giants

Increases the hit point regeneration rate and maximum hit points of Vrykul units.
Giants ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNUltravision.blp Ultravision

Gives Lamps the ability to see as far at night as they do during the day and increases their sight range.
Ultravision ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPackBeast.blp Backpack

Gives specific Nerubian ground units the ability to carry items.
Backpack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSlowPoison.blp Spider Poison

Enables the ability Spider Poison for Nerubian units. Attacked units will get more damage over time.
Spider Poison ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWeb.blp Web

Enables Crypt Fiends to use the Web ability. Web binds a target enemy air unit in webbing, forcing it to the ground. Webbed units can be hit as though they were land units.
Web ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDroneCocoon.blp Cocoon

Enables the ability for Crypt Drones to assume Cocoon. Cocoon transforms the Crypt Drones into a cocoon with high armor, spell immunity, and regeneration. The Crypt Drone cannot attack in this form.
Cocoon ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNerubian.blp Spawn Spiderlings

Enables the ability for Nerubian Warriors to assume Spawn Spiderlings. Spawn Spiderlings summons Spiderlings when a Nerubian Warrior dies.
Spawn Spiderlings ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNerubWeapon.blp Nerubian Weapons

Increases the attack damage of Crypt Fiends, Gargoyles, Destroyers, and Frost Wyrms.
Nerubian Weapons ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNerubHeaddress.blp Nerubian Armor

Increases the armor of Crypt Fiends, Gargoyles, Destroyers, and Frost Wyrms.
Nerubian Armor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNerubWings.blp Nerubian Wings

Increases the armor of Crypt Fiends, Gargoyles, Destroyers, and Frost Wyrms.
Nerubian Wings ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNerubianPalace.blp Azjol-Nerub

Allows building male citizens the Azjol-Nerub.
Azjol-Nerub ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStoneArchitecture.blp Improved Ancient Architecture

Increases the armor and hit points of Nerubian buildings.
Improved Ancient Architecture ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNecromancerAdept.blp Seer Adept Training

Increases Seer's' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Unholy Frenzy.
Seer Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBansheeAdept.blp Webspinner Adept Training

Increases Banshees' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Anti-magic Shell.
Webspinner Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNerubianQueen.blp Ancient Power

Causes one of the two skeletons created by Raise Dead to be a Skeletal Mage and increases the duration of raised Skeleton Warriors and Skeletal Mages by 20 seconds.
Ancient Power ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCorrosiveBreath.blp Corrosive Breath

Gives Chimaeras the ability to hurl corrosive bile onto enemy buildings.
Corrosive Breath ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPackBeast.blp Backpack

Gives specific Tuskarr ground units the ability to carry items.
Backpack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskarrattack1.blp Tuskarr Weapons

Increases the melee attack damage of Fighters, Spearmen, Mammoth Riders, and Chieftains.
Tuskarr Weapons ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFrost.blp Frost Immunity

Makes Tuskarr units immune to frost damage and increases hit points and hit points regeneration.
Frost Immunity ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskarr.blp Tuskarr Armor

Increases the armor of Fighters, Spearmen, Mammoth Riders, and Chieftains.
Tuskarr Armor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFish.blp Improved Fishing

Increases the amount of lumber that Workers can carry by 5 and the amount of gold by 3. Increases the amount of meat gathered by Fish Traps by 5.
Improved Fishing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBeastprotection1.blp Beast Protection

Increases the armor of Giant Frost Wolves, Icetusk Mammoths, Polar Bears, and Giant Snowy Owls.
Beast Protection ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNEtheral.blp Etheral Beasts

Increase the attack and movement speed of Mammoth Riders, Giant Frost Wolves, Icetusk Mammoths, Polar Bears, and Giant Snowy Owls.
Etheral Beasts ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMagicalSentry.blp Magic Sentry

Provides Frost Snowmen with the ability to detect invisible units.
Magic Sentry ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHarpoon.blp Harpoons

Increases the ranged attack damage of Spearmen and Giant Snowy Owls.
Harpoons ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGnollCommandAura.blp Clans

Gives Chieftains the ability Command Aura. Command Aura ncreases the damage of friendly units around Chieftains.
Clans ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRedDragonDevour.blp Devour

Gives Polar Bears and Giant Snowy Owls the ability Devour.
Devour ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNShamanAdept.blp Shaman Adept Training

Increases Shaman mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Bloodlust.
Shaman Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWitchDoctorAdept.blp Healer Adept Training

Increases Healers' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Dispel Magic.
Healer Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNPolarBro2.blp Elite Armored Polar Bear

Upgrades Polar Bears, giving them more damage, armor and hit points.
Elite Armored Polar Bear ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCleavingAttack.blp Cleaving Attack

Gives Icetusk Mammoths the ability Cleaving Attack.
Cleaving Attack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNEnsnare.blp Ensnare

Enables Spearmen to use the Ensnare ability. Ensnare causes a target enemy unit to be bound to the ground so that it cannot move. Air units that are ensnared can be attacked as though they were land units.
Ensnare ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWarStomp.blp War Stomp

Enables Mammoth Riders to use the War Stomp ability.
War Stomp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCriticalStrike.blp Critikal Strike

Gives Giant Frost Wolves the Critikal Strike ability.
Critikal Strike ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAnkh.blp Burial Place

Allows building male citizens a Burial Place which has auras with effects depending on the number of units lost to enemies.
Burial Place ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPackBeast.blp Backpack

Gives specific Murloc ground units the ability to carry items.
Backpack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc_Caviar.blp Murloc Eggs

Turtles will spawn Eggs after dying which will summon Hatchlings.
Murloc Eggs ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSirenAdept.blp Murloc Bubble Mage Adept Training

Increases Naga Sirens' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Frost Armor.
Murloc Bubble Mage Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSirenAdept.blp Murloc Shadowcaster Adept Training

Increases Naga Sirens' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Frost Armor.
Murloc Shadowcaster Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCrushingWave.blp River Bank

Gives Murloc units the ability River Bank which increases stats as long as this unit is in deep or shallow water.
River Bank ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp Swarming

Gives Murloc units the ability Swarming which increases stats for all nearby allied Murloc units.
Swarming ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNagaWeaponUp1.blp Coral Blades

Increases the attack damage of Murloc attack units.
Coral Blades ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNagaArmorUp1.blp Coral Scales

Increases the armor of Murloc attack units.
Coral Scales ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSirenAdept.blp Murloc Cultist Adept Training

Increases Naga Sirens' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Frost Armor.
Murloc Cultist Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurlocHut1.blp Murloc Fisher

Allows building male citizens a Murloc Fisher to protect your base.
Murloc Fisher ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSeaGiantPulverize.blp Pulverize Damage Increase

Upgrades the totem carried by Sea Giants, increasing the damage of their Pulverize ability.
Pulverize Damage Increase ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDryadDispelMagic.blp Abolish Magic

Gives the Couatl the ability to dispel positive buffs from enemy units, and negative buffs from friendly units.
Damages summoned units.
Abolish Magic ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTurtleSiegeMode.blp Siege Dragon Turtle

Gives Dragon Turtles the ability Siege Form.
Siege Dragon Turtle ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPackBeast.blp Backpack

Gives specific Ogre ground units the ability to carry items. Ogre ground units can carry up to 4 items.
Backpack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgreClubs1.blp Ogre Clubs

Increases the melee attack damage of Ogre units.
Ogre Clubs ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgreArmor1.blp Ogre Armor

Increases the armor of Ogre units.
Ogre Armor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSteelRanged.blp Ogre Ranged Weapons

Increases the ranged attack damage for Ogre units.
Ogre Ranged Weapons ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWitchDoctorAdept.blp Ogre Magi Adept Training

Increases Ogre Magi mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Slow.
Ogre Magi Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgreBash.blp Pulverize

Enables Ogre Warriors to use the Pulverize ability.
Pulverize ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNResistantSkin.blp Resistant Skin

Gives Ogre units increased resistance to spell damage.
Resistant Skin ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTN$GiantOgreSmashingHand.blp Ogre Strength

Improves the fighting capabilities of Ogres with a 250 hit point increase, 3 bonus attack damage, and 1 bonus hit points regeneration.
Ogre Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlueOgre - Ambush.blp Ambush

Enables Ogre Hunters to use the Ambush ability. Ambush makes the Ogre Hunter invisible for some time.
Ambush ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNEnsnare.blp Ensnare

Enables Ogre Hunters to use the Ensnare ability. Ensnare causes a target enemy unit to be bound to the ground so that it cannot move. Air units that are ensnared can be attacked as though they were land units.
Ensnare ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNShamanAdept.blp Ogre Warlock Adept Training

Increases Ogre Warlocks' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Cripple.
Ogre Warlock Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFireForTheCannon.blp Breath of Fire

Enables Ogre Fire Breathers to use the Firebolt ability
Breath of Fire ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNecromancerAdept.blp Necromancer Adept Training

Increases Necromancers' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Summon Corpse.
Necromancer Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaTaunt.blp Taunt

Enables Ogre ground units to use the Taunt ability.
Taunt ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre Reincarnation.blp Reincarnation

Enables Ogre Lords to use the Reincarnation ability.
Reincarnation ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDemolish.blp Demolish

Enables Ogre Stone Throwers to use the Demolish ability.
Demolish ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNReinforcedFireAttack.blp Fire Attack

Enables Captured Black Drakes to use the Fire Attack ability.
Fire Attack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGrizzlyBear.blp Summon Bear

Enables Mok'Nathal to use the Summon Bear ability.
Summon Bear ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBattleRoar.blp Roar

Enables Ogre Drummers to use the Roar ability.
Roar ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSimpleOgreArena.blp Stonemaul Camp

Allows building male citizens a Stonemaul Camp to train Stonemaul clan Ogres.
Stonemaul Camp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWarStomp.blp War Stomp

Enables Clefthoof to use the War Stomp ability.
War Stomp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgreClubs1.blp Gronn Clubs

Transforms Gronn into Gronn with War Clubs, giving them increased damage.
Gronn Clubs ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPackBeast.blp Backpack

Gives specific Eredar ground units the ability to carry items.
Backpack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDefend.blp Defend

Allows Footmen to use the Defend ability, which increases their defensive capabilities against Piercing attacks.
Defend ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNItem_Gem_Amethyst.blp Improved Arkonite Defense

Increases the armor, hit points and hit points regeneration of Eredar buildings.
Improved Arkonite Defense ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPowerGenerator.blp Exodar

Allows building male citizens Exodar a powerful dimensional ship and the capital of the Draenei.
Exodar ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPackBeast.blp Backpack

Gives specific Fel Orc ground units the ability to carry items.
Backpack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSpiritWalkerAdeptTraining.blp Cultist Adept Training

Increases Spirit Walkers' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Disenchant.
Cultist Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosBerserk2.blp Fel

Gives Fel Orc units the Fel ability.
Fel ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNShamanAdept.blp Elder Adept Training

Increases Elder mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Bloodlust.
Elder Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWarlockUpgradeBase.blp Warlock Adept Training

Increases Warlocks'' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Unholy Frenzy.
Warlock Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHellfireCitadelOutland.blp Hellfire Citadel

Allows building male citizens the Hellfire Citadel to defend your base.
Hellfire Citadel ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSteelArmor.blp Steel Armor

Increases the armor of Grunts, Raiders, Batriders, Tauren, Headhunters, Wind Riders and Demolishers.
Steel Armor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcMeleeUpOne.blp Steel Melee Weapons

Increases the melee attack damage of Grunts, Raiders and Tauren.
Steel Melee Weapons ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSteelRanged.blp Steel Ranged Weapons

Increases the ranged attack damage of Headhunters, Wind Riders, Batriders and Demolishers.
Steel Ranged Weapons ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNEnsnare.blp Ensnare

Enables Raiders to use the Ensnare ability. Ensnare causes a target enemy unit to be bound to the ground so that it cannot move. Air units that are ensnared can be attacked as though they were land units.
Ensnare ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDrum.blp War Drums Damage Increase

Increases the damage bonus that the War Drums aura on the Kodo Beast gives. War Drums increases the damage of friendly units around Kodo Beasts.
War Drums Damage Increase ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFireRocks.blp Burning Oil

Upgrades Demolishers to fire rocks smothered in burning oil, which causes the ground to burn.
Burning Oil ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMarksmanship.blp Marksmanship

Increases damage of Crossbowmen and Lancers by 4.
Marksmanship ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNImprovedBows.blp Improved Crossbows

Increases the Crossbowmen's and Lancersr' attack range.
Improved Crossbows ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDemonGate.blp Demon Power

Increases the number of available Demon units for kills.
Demon Power ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPackBeast.blp Backpack

Gives specific Faceless One ground units the ability to carry items.
Backpack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFacelessOne.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTentacle.blp Tentacles

Allows town halls to summon Tentacles.
Tentacles ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFacelessOne.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNForgottenOne.blp Forgotten One

Allows building male citizens a Forgotten One, a powerful creature from ancient times.
Forgotten One ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFacelessOne.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCreep Attack 1.blp Steel Melee Weapons

Increases the melee attack damage of Grunts, Raiders and Tauren.
Steel Melee Weapons ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFacelessOne.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNExample 1.blp Creature Armor

Increases the armor of Grunts, Raiders, Batriders, Tauren, Headhunters, Wind Riders and Demolishers.
Creature Armor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFacelessOne.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNecromancerAdept.blp Cultist Adept Training

Increases Shaman mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Dark Summoning.
Cultist Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFacelessOne.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWitchDoctorAdept.blp Witch Adept Training

Increases Witch Doctors' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Stasis Trap.
Witch Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFacelessOne.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPackBeast.blp Backpack

Gives specific Satyr ground units the ability to carry items.
Backpack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMoonArmor.blp Corrupted Moon Armor

Increases the armor of Archers, Huntresses, and Hippogryph Riders.
Corrupted Moon Armor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStrengthOfTheMoon.blp Corrupted Strength of the Moon

Increases the damage of Archers, Huntresses, Glaive Throwers, and Hippogryph Riders.
Corrupted Strength of the Moon ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDOTAdeptTraining.blp Sludge Flinger Adept Training

Increases Sludge Flinger's mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability Parasite.
Sludge Flinger Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStrengthOfTheWild.blp Strength of the Wild

Increases the damage of Druids of the Claw in Bear Form, Druids of the Talon in Storm Crow Form, Dryads, Mountain Giants, Faerie Dragons, Hippogryphs, and Chimaeras.
Strength of the Wild ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNImpCorruptedProtector1.blp Improved Corrupted Ancient Protectors

Increases the damage and hit points of Corrupted Ancient Protectors.
Improved Corrupted Ancient Protectors ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNReinforcedHides.blp Reinforced Hides

Increases the armor of Druids of the Claw in Bear Form, Druids of the Talon in Storm Crow Form, Dryads, Mountain Giants, Faerie Dragons, Hippogryphs, and Chimaeras.
Reinforced Hides ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNManaBurn.blp Mana Burn

Gives Satyr buildings the ability Mana Burn and improves Mana Burn for all buildings.
Mana Burn ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCorruptedBlessing.blp Nature's Blessing

Upgrades all Ancients' and Treants' movement speed and armor.
Nature's Blessing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNUndeadShrine.blp Skull of Gul'dan

Allows building male citizens the Skull of Gul'dan to cast Rain of Chaos anywhere on the map.
Skull of Gul'dan ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMagicalSentry.blp Magic Sentry

Provides Freelancer towers with the ability to detect invisible units.
Magic Sentry ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMercenaryCamp.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStoneArchitecture.blp Improved Masonry

Increases the armor, hit points, attack speed and damage of your buildings.
Improved Masonry ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMercenaryCamp.blp 75
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHealthStone.blp Cheap Evolution

Increases the maximum hit points, mana and damage of all player units. Increases the armor and level by 1 every 10 levels of this research of all player units.

Is increased automatically for creeps and bosses to the lowest hero level of playing users.
Cheap Evolution ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMercenaryCamp.blp 75
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPackBeast.blp Backpack

Gives specific Orc ground units the ability to carry items.
Backpack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRegenerate.blp Berserker Regeneration

Makes Troll Berserkers slowly regain lost HP.
Berserker Regeneration ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNForestTroll.blp Berserker Scouting

Increases the sight of Troll Berserkers by 300.
Berserker Scouting ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDeathAndDecay.blp Death and Decay

Enables Death Knights to use the Death and Decay ability. The aphotic, swirling clouds conjured by the Death Knights can cause anything within their path to rot and decompose. The vapor created by Decay can consume anything - flesh, bone, wood or even the strongest metal. Heavily laden with base substances, these clouds descend and quickly diffuse, leaving only suffering in their wake.
Death and Decay ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHaste.BLP Haste

Enables Death Knights to use the Haste ability. Haste upgrades target's movement speed and attack rate.
Haste ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp Ogre-Mages

Transforms Ogres into Ogre-Mages, giving them mana and the abilities Eye of Kilrogg, Bloodlust, and Runes.
Ogre-Mages ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRaiseDead.blp Raise Dead

Enables Death Knights to use the Raise Dead ability. Summons the controllable skeletons of up to 5 dead units.
Raise Dead ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcMeleeUpOne.blp Research Lighter Axes

Increases the range of Troll Berserkers by 100.
Research Lighter Axes ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNForestTroll.blp Troll Berserker Training

Upgrades Troll Axethrowers to Troll Berserkers which have increased maximum hit points, sight range and attack range.
Troll Berserker Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNUnholyAura.blp Unholy Armor

Enables Death Knights to use the Unholy Armor ability. Unholy Armor Damages the target unit but makes it invulnerable for a short time. Does not protect against Polymorph.
Unholy Armor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNUpgradeCannonOrc.blp Upgrade Cannons

Increases the ranged attack damage of Headhunters, Wind Riders, Batriders and Demolishers.
Upgrade Cannons ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCatapult.blp Upgrade Catapult

Increases the ranged attack damage of Headhunters, Wind Riders, Batriders and Demolishers.
Upgrade Catapult ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSteelArmor.blp Upgrade Shields

Increases the armor of Grunts, Raiders, Batriders, Tauren, Headhunters, Wind Riders and Demolishers.
Upgrade Shields ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNUpgradeShipArmorOrc.blp Upgrade Ship Armor

Increases the armor of Grunts, Raiders, Batriders, Tauren, Headhunters, Wind Riders and Demolishers.
Upgrade Ship Armor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcMeleeUpOne.blp Upgrade Throwing Axes

Increases the ranged attack damage of Headhunters, Wind Riders, Batriders and Demolishers.
Upgrade Throwing Axes ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcMeleeUpOne.blp Upgrade Weapons

Increases the melee attack damage of Grunts, Raiders and Tauren.
Upgrade Weapons ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTornado.blp Whirlwind

Enables Death Knights to use the Whirlwind ability. This focusing of the winds of the underworld causes any caught within to be cast about with great force and violence. Bones are easily shattered and mainsails are quickly snapped within the torrents of these fierce winds. The howl of these winds allow no commands to be issued to those trapped within the Whirlwind, rendering those unfortunates helpless until the magiks fade.
Whirlwind ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPackBeast.blp Backpack

Gives specific Alliance of Lordaeron ground units the ability to carry items.
Backpack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlizzard.blp Blizzard

Gives Mages the ability Blizzard.
Blizzard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElvenRanger.BLP Elven Ranger Training

Transforms Elven Archers into Elven Rangers, giving them increased hit points and sight radius.
Elven Ranger Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeal.blp Healing

Provides Paladins with the Healing ability. Can heal friendly units.
Healing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp Invisibility

Gives Mages the ability Invisibility.
Invisibility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKnight.blp Paladins

Upgrades Knights to Paladins, giving them new abilities and increasing their stats.
Paladins ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPolymorph.blp Polymorph

Gives Mages the ability Polymorph.
Polymorph ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSlow.blp Slow

Gives Mages the ability Slow.
Slow ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSteelRanged.blp Upgrade Arrows

Increases the ranged attack damage of Elven Archers and Elven Rangers.
Upgrade Arrows ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSteelRanged.blp Upgrade Ballistas

Increases the ranged attack damage of Ballistas.
Upgrade Ballistas ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanArmorUpOne.blp Upgrade Shields

Increases the armor of Militia, Footmen, Spellbreakers, Knights, Flying Machines and Siege Engines.
Upgrade Shields ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSteelMelee.blp Upgrade Swords

Increases the attack damage of Militia, Footmen, Spellbreakers, Dragonhawk Riders, Gryphon Riders and Knights.
Upgrade Swords ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPackBeast.blp Backpack

Gives specific Human ground units the ability to carry items.
Backpack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStoneArchitecture.blp Improved Masonry

Increases the armor and hit points of Human buildings.
Improved Masonry ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNControlMagic.blp Control Magic

Gives Spellbreakers the ability to take control of enemy summoned units.
Control Magic ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDefend.blp Defend

Allows Footmen to use the Defend ability, which increases their defensive capabilities against Piercing attacks.
Defend ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAnimalWarTraining.blp Animal War Training

Increases the maximum hit points of Knights, Dragonhawk Riders, and Gryphon Riders by 100.
Animal War Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPriestAdept.blp Priest Adept Training

Increases Priests' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Dispel Magic.
Priest Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceressAdept.blp Sorceress Adept Training

Increases Sorceresses' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Invisibility.
Sorceress Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLeatherUpgradeOne.blp Studded Leather Armor

Increases the armor of Riflemen, Mortar Teams, Dragonhawk Riders and Gryphon Riders.
Studded Leather Armor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanArmorUpOne.blp Iron Plating

Increases the armor of Militia, Footmen, Spellbreakers, Knights, Flying Machines and Siege Engines.
Iron Plating ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSteelMelee.blp Iron Forged Swords

Increases the attack damage of Militia, Footmen, Spellbreakers, Dragonhawk Riders, Gryphon Riders and Knights.
Iron Forged Swords ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanMissileUpOne.blp Black Gunpowder

Increases the ranged attack damage of Riflemen, Mortar Teams, Siege Engines and Flying Machines.
Black Gunpowder ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanLumberUpgrade1.blp Improved Lumber Harvesting

Increases the amount of lumber that Burglers can carry by 10.
Improved Lumber Harvesting ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarvenLongRifle.blp Long Rifles

Increases the range of Riflemen attacks.
Long Rifles ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanLumberUpgrade1.blp Improved Lumber Harvesting

Increases the amount of lumber that Peasants can carry by 10.
Improved Lumber Harvesting ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMagicalSentry.blp Magic Sentry

Provides Human towers with the ability to detect invisible units.
Magic Sentry ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanArtilleryUpOne.blp Flying Machine Bombs

Allows Flying Machines to attack land units.
Flying Machine Bombs ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStormHammer.blp Storm Hammers

Causes a Gryphon Rider's attacks to damage multiple units.
Storm Hammers ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFragmentationBombs.blp Fragmentation Shards

Upgrades the mortar shells on Mortar Teams and Cannon Towers to increase the damage they deal to Unarmored and Medium armor units.
Fragmentation Shards ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNScatterRockets.blp Barrage

Upgrades Siege Engines, giving them the Barrage ability, which allows them to damage nearby enemy air units.
Barrage ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFlakCannons.blp Flak Cannons

Upgrades the weapons on Flying Machines to give them an area effect damage attack against air units.
Flak Cannons ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCloudOfFog.blp Cloud

Provides Dragonhawk Riders with the Cloud ability, which stops ranged buildings from attacking.
Cloud ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSunderingBlades.blp Sundering Blades

Upgrades Knights to deal increased damage to targets with Medium armor.
Sundering Blades ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFlare.blp Flare

Provides Mortar Teams with the Flare ability. Flares can be used to reveal any area of the map.
Can see invisible units.
Flare ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneObservatory.blp Arcane Observatory

Allows building male citizens an Arcane Observatory to reveal hostile units and resurrect dead player units.
Arcane Observatory ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPackBeast.blp Backpack

Gives specific Orc ground units the ability to carry items.
Backpack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcMeleeUpOne.blp Steel Melee Weapons

Increases the melee attack damage of Grunts, Raiders and Tauren.
Steel Melee Weapons ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSteelRanged.blp Steel Ranged Weapons

Increases the ranged attack damage of Headhunters, Wind Riders, Batriders and Demolishers.
Steel Ranged Weapons ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSteelArmor.blp Steel Armor

Increases the armor of Grunts, Raiders, Batriders, Tauren, Headhunters, Wind Riders and Demolishers.
Steel Armor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDrum.blp War Drums Damage Increase

Increases the damage bonus that the War Drums aura on the Kodo Beast gives. War Drums increases the damage of friendly units around Kodo Beasts.
War Drums Damage Increase ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPillage.blp Pillage

Causes Peons', Grunts', and Raiders' attacks to gain resources when hitting enemy buildings.
Pillage ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBerserk.blp Brute Strength

Improves the fighting capabilities of Grunts with a 125 hit point increase, and 3 bonus attack damage.
Brute Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSmash.blp Pulverize Damage Increase

Upgrades the totem carried by Tauren, increasing the damage of their Pulverize ability.
Pulverize Damage Increase ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNEnsnare.blp Ensnare

Enables Raiders to use the Ensnare ability. Ensnare causes a target enemy unit to be bound to the ground so that it cannot move. Air units that are ensnared can be attacked as though they were land units.
Ensnare ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNEnvenomedSpear.blp Envenomed Spears

Adds an additional poison effect to Wind Riders' attacks. A unit poisoned by Envenomed Spears takes damage over time.
Envenomed Spears ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWitchDoctorAdept.blp Witch Doctor Adept Training

Increases Witch Doctors' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Stasis Trap.
Witch Doctor Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNShamanAdept.blp Shaman Adept Training

Increases Shaman mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Lightning Shield.
Shaman Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSpikedBarricades.blp Spiked Barricades

Surrounds Orc buildings with spikes that damage enemy melee attackers. Deals 5 damage per attack plus an additional 20% of the attacker's damage.
Spiked Barricades ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNReinforcedBurrows.blp Reinforced Defenses

Upgrades Burrows and Watch Towers so that they have Fortified armor.
Reinforced Defenses ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRegenerate.blp Troll Regeneration

Increases the hit point regeneration rate of Headhunters, Witch Doctors and Batriders.
Troll Regeneration ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLiquidFire.blp Liquid Fire

Gives Batriders the Liquid Fire attack, which deals damage over time to enemy buildings, reduces the repaired rate and the attack rate of enemy buildings.
Liquid Fire ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSpiritWalkerAdeptTraining.blp Spirit Walker Adept Training

Increases Spirit Walkers' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Disenchant.
Spirit Walker Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeadHunterBerserker.blp Berserker Upgrade

Transforms Headhunters into Berserkers, giving them increased hit points and the Berserk ability.
Berserker Upgrade ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFireRocks.blp Burning Oil

Upgrades Demolishers to fire rocks smothered in burning oil, which causes the ground to burn.
Burning Oil ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFountainOfLifeBlood.blp Fel

Allows building male citizens a Fountain of Blood to train and convert Fel Orcs.
Fel ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanLumberUpgrade1.blp Improved Lumber Harvesting

Increases the amount of lumber that Peasants can carry by 10.
Improved Lumber Harvesting ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStoneArchitecture.blp Improved Masonry

Increases the armor and hit points of Stormwind buildings.
Improved Masonry ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSteelMelee.blp Iron Forged Swords

Increases the attack damage of Militia, Footmen, Spellbreakers, Dragonhawk Riders, Gryphon Riders and Knights.
Iron Forged Swords ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanArmorUpOne.blp Iron Plating

Increases the armor of Militia, Footmen, Spellbreakers, Knights, Flying Machines and Siege Engines.
Iron Plating ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanMissileUpOne.blp Black Gunpowder

Increases the ranged attack damage of Riflemen, Mortar Teams, Siege Engines and Flying Machines.
Black Gunpowder ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLeatherUpgradeOne.blp Studded Leather Armor

Increases the armor of Riflemen, Mortar Teams, Dragonhawk Riders and Gryphon Riders.
Studded Leather Armor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDefend.blp Defend

Allows Footmen to use the Defend ability, which increases their defensive capabilities against Piercing attacks.
Defend ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNImprovedBows.blp Improved Bows

Increases the Ranger's attack range.
Improved Bows ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMarksmanship.blp Marksmanship

Increases damage of Stormwind Rangers by 4.
Marksmanship ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPackBeast.blp Backpack

Gives specific Stormwind ground units the ability to carry items.
Backpack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceressAdept.blp Sorceress Adept Training

Increases Sorceresses' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Invisibility.
Sorceress Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPriestAdept.blp Mage Adept Training

Increases Mage's mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Teleport.
Mage Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPriestAdept.blp Priest Adept Training

Increases Priests' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Dispel Magic.
Priest Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAnimalWarTraining.blp Animal War Training

Increases the maximum hit points of Knights, Dragonhawk Riders, and Gryphon Riders by 100.
Animal War Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKnight.blp Unmount

Unmounts when the horse is being killed and continues fighting on foot.
Unmount ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMagicalSentry.blp Magic Sentry

Provides Stormwind towers with the ability to detect invisible units.
Magic Sentry ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNReinforcedBurrows.blp Reinforced Defenses

Upgrades Houses, Scout Towers, Guard Towers, Arcane Towers, and Cannon Towers so that they have Fortified armor.
Reinforced Defenses ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNScarletMonastery.blp Cathedral of Light

Allows building male citizens the Cathedral of Light.
Cathedral of Light ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNEntangled Gold Mine (Fall).blp Arcane Gold Mines

Adds one additional slot to Enchanted Gold Mines.
Arcane Gold Mines ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 4
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSteelMelee.blp Iron Forged Swords

Increases the attack damage of Pikeman, Apprentice Wizards and Dragonhawk Riders.
Iron Forged Swords ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanArmorUpOne.blp Iron Plating

Increases the armor of of Pikeman, Apprentice Wizards and Dragonhawk Riders.
Iron Plating ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCreatureAttack.blp Arcane Creature Attack

Increases the attack damage of Supply Carts, Dalaran Rejects, Dalaran Mutants, Guardian Golems, Flesh Golems and Elementals.
Arcane Creature Attack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCreatureCarapace.blp Arcane Flesh Armor

Increases the armor of Supply Carts, Dalaran Rejects, Dalaran Mutants, Guardian Golems, Flesh Golems and Elementals.
Arcane Flesh Armor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCleavingAttack.blp Cleaving Attack

Gives Pikemen the ability Cleaving Attack.
Cleaving Attack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceressAdept.blp Sorceress Adept Training

Increases Sorceresses' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Invisibility.
Sorceress Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceressAdept.blp Wizard Adept Training

Increases Wizards mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Summon Sea Elemental.
Wizard Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceressAdept.blp Fire Mage Adept Training

Increases Fire Mages mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Rain of Fire.
Fire Mage Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceressAdept.blp Golem Adept Training

Increases Guardian Golems and Flesh Golems mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Hurl Boulder and Shockwave.
Golem Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAnimalWarTraining.blp Animal War Training

Increases the maximum hit points of Dragonhawk Riders and Supply Carts by 100.
Animal War Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCloudOfFog.blp Cloud

Provides Dragonhawk Riders with the Cloud ability, which stops ranged buildings from attacking.
Cloud ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPackBeast.blp Backpack

Gives specific Dalaran ground units the ability to carry items.
Backpack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMagicalSentry.blp Magic Sentry

Provides Dalaran towers with the ability to detect invisible units.
Magic Sentry ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBearBlink.blp Buildings Blink

Allows Dalaran buildings to use the ability Blink.
Buildings Blink ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNeutralManaShield.blp Buildings Mana Shield

Allows Dalaran buildings to use the ability Mana Shield.
Buildings Mana Shield ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFireSpawn.blp Spawn Fire Elementals

Allows Dalaran buildings to spawn 2 Fire Elementals whenever it gets destroyed.
Spawn Fire Elementals ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGeneradorazul.blp Dalaran Shield

Allows Power Generators to enable or disable shields which cause damage to enemy units.
Dalaran Shield ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElementalConvergence.blp Elemental Convergence

Increases the armor, maximum hit points and damage of all elemental units.
Elemental Convergence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFeedBack.blp Feedback

Gives Apprentice Wizards the ability Feedback.
Feedback ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNaturesBlessing.blp Flying City

Upgrades all buildings' movement speed and armor.
Flying City ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ Violet Citadel

Allows building male citizens the Violet Citadel.
Violet Citadel ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPriestAdept.blp Druid Adept Training

Increases Druids' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Dispel Magic.
Druid Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSavannahNight.blp Nocturnal

Increases the sight of Worgen units at night and increases other stats of Worgen units during night. Workers harvest plus 10 lumber and plus 5 gold during night.
Nocturnal ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWorgenMoon.blp Worgen Curse

Provides Worgen units with the Worgen Curse ability, which transforms organic enemy units into Worgen.
Worgen Curse ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPackBeast.blp Backpack

Gives specific Worgen ground units the ability to carry items.
Backpack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGilneasCathedral.blp Cathedral

Allows building male citizens a Cathedral which can force the moon to appear.
Cathedral ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGate.blp Greymane Wall

Allows building male citizens the Greymane Wall which protects your base.
Greymane Wall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAnimalWarTraining.blp Animal War Training

Increases the maximum hit points of Knights, Dragonhawk Riders, and Gryphon Riders by 100.
Animal War Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNScatterRockets.blp Barrage

Upgrades Manticores, giving them the Barrage ability, which allows them to damage nearby enemy air units.
Barrage ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLoad.blp Cargo

Provides Gilneas Gunships with the Cargo ability, which allows transporting units.
Cargo ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDefend.blp Defend

Allows Footmen to use the Defend ability, which increases their defensive capabilities against Piercing attacks.
Defend ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceressAdept.blp Nightstalker Adept Training

Increases Nightstalkers' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Invisibility.
Nightstalker Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFire.blp Rain of Fire

Gives Battle Mages the ability to cast Rain of Fire.
Rain of Fire ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanArtilleryUpOne.blp Rockets

Allows Gilneas Gunships to attack air units.
Rockets ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSlowPoison.blp Slow Poison

Provides Stormcrow Knights and Manticores with the Slow Poison ability, which damages hit enemy targets over time.
Slow Poison ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNClawsOfAttack.blp Worgen Claws

Increases the attack damage of Militia, Footmen, Spellbreakers, Dragonhawk Riders, Gryphon Riders and Knights.
Worgen Claws ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanArmorUpOne.blp Gilneas Armor

Increases the armor of Militia, Footmen, Spellbreakers, Knights, Flying Machines and Siege Engines.
Gilneas Armor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSteelRanged.blp Gilneas Range Weapons

Increases the ranged attack damage of Riflemen, Mortar Teams, Siege Engines and Flying Machines.
Gilneas Range Weapons ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGnollCommandAura.blp Human Courage

Increases the damage bonus of the ability Command Aura for Banner Carriers.
Human Courage ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCriticalStrike.blp Improved Critical Strike

Upgrades the fighting style of Mindless Worgen, improving their Critical Strike ability, giving it a higher chance to multiply their damage on hits with a higher factor.
Improved Critical Strike ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStoneArchitecture.blp Improved Wall

Increases the armor and hit points of Worgen buildings.
Improved Wall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarvenLongRifle.blp Long Rifles

Increases the range of Riflemen and Gun Tower attacks.
Long Rifles ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMagicalSentry.blp Magic Sentry

Provides Worgen towers with the ability to detect invisible units.
Magic Sentry ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPackBeast.blp Backpack

Gives specific Centaur ground units the ability to carry items.
Backpack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNcentaur.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNShamanAdept.blp Diviner Adept Training

Increases Diviner mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Cyclone.
Diviner Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNcentaur.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHorseShoe.blp Horse Shoes

Increases the movement speed of Centaur ground units.
Horse Shoes ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNcentaur.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNReincarnation.blp Reincarnation

Enables Centaur Khans to use the Reincarnation ability.
Reincarnation ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNcentaur.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCentaurTent2.blp Shok'Thokar

Allows building male citizens Shok'Thokar.
Shok'Thokar ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNcentaur.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWitchDoctorAdept.blp Sorcerer Adept Training

Increases Sorcerers' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Battle Roar.
Sorcerer Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNcentaur.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSearingArrows.blp Searing Arrows

Gives Centaur Archers the ability Searing Arrows.
Searing Arrows ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNcentaur.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcMeleeUpOne.blp Steel Melee Weapons

Increases the melee attack damage of Centaur units.
Steel Melee Weapons ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNcentaur.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSteelRanged.blp Steel Ranged Weapons

Increases the ranged attack damage of Centaur units.
Steel Ranged Weapons ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNcentaur.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSteelArmor.blp Steel Armor

Increases the armor of Centaur units.
Steel Armor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNcentaur.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCavCharge.blp Ride Down

Upgrades Centaur melee ground warriors to have the ability Ride Down.
Ride Down ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNcentaur.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNScout.blp True Sight

Gives Eagles the True Sight ability.
True Sight ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNcentaur.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSleep.blp Sleep

Gives Harpy Windwitches the Sleep ability.
Sleep ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNcentaur.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPackBeast.blp Backpack

Gives specific Gnoll ground units the ability to carry items.
Backpack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGnollKing.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNEnvenomedSpear.blp Envenomed Weapons

Adds an additional poison effect to Gnoll Assassins' attacks. A unit poisoned by Envenomed Weapons takes damage over time.
Envenomed Weapons ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGnollKing.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCage2.blp Enslavement

Gives Gnoll melee units the ability Enslavement which allows them to enslave weak enemies on killing them, making them weak slave units with no food costs who cannot be resurrected.
Enslavement ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGnollKing.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTNTBarrel.BLP Barrel Form

Allows Gnoll Rocketbreakers to change into a Barrel Form which allows them to explode in enemy buildings.
Barrel Form ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGnollKing.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIncome.blp Improved Mining

Increases the amount of gold that Kobold Engineers can carry by 1.
Improved Mining ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKobold.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChestOfGold.blp Gold Coins

Kobold units will drop random Gold Coins on death.
Gold Coins ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKobold.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKoboldLibrary.blp Kobold Mines

Allows building male citizens Kobold Mines which has auras with effects depending on the number of units lost to enemies.
Kobold Mines ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKobold.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPackBeast.blp Backpack

Gives specific Quillboar ground units the ability to carry items.
Backpack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRazorback.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWitchDoctorAdept.blp Razormane Medicine Man Adept Training

Increases Razormane Medicine Men's mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Feral Spirit.
Razormane Medicine Man Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRazorback.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNShamanAdept.blp Razormane Mystic Adept Training

Increases Razormane Mystic mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Cyclone.
Razormane Mystic Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRazorback.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNecromancerAdept.blp Necromancer Adept Training

Increases Necromancer's mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Lightning Shield.
Necromancer Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRazorback.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNQuillSpray.blp Quill Spray

Gives Quillboar range units maximum mana, mana regeneration and the Quil Spray ability whicht deals extra damage and damages multiple units at once.
Quill Spray ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRazorback.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPiercingQuills.blp Quills

Gives Quillboar range units maximum mana, mana regeneration and the Quil Spray ability whicht deals extra damage and damages multiple units at once.
Quills ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRazorback.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNThorns.blp Thorns Aura

Gives Razormane Chieftains the ability Thorns Aura which deals damage back to attacking enemy melee units.
Thorns Aura ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRazorback.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcMeleeUpOne.blp Steel Melee Weapons

Increases the melee attack damage of Grunts, Raiders and Tauren.
Steel Melee Weapons ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRazorback.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSteelRanged.blp Steel Ranged Weapons

Increases the ranged attack damage of Headhunters, Wind Riders, Batriders and Demolishers.
Steel Ranged Weapons ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRazorback.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSteelArmor.blp Steel Armor

Increases the armor of Grunts, Raiders, Batriders, Tauren, Headhunters, Wind Riders and Demolishers.
Steel Armor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRazorback.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPackBeast.blp Backpack

Gives specific Bandit ground units the ability to carry items.
Backpack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanditSpearThrower.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNEnsnare.blp Ensnare

Allows Bandits to use the Ensnare ability, which makes enemy units imovable for some time.
Ensnare ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanditSpearThrower.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAmbush.blp Shadow Meld

Allows Bandits to use the Shadow Meld ability, which makes them invisible at night.
Shadow Meld ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanditSpearThrower.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPillage.blp Rob

Causes Bandit units' attacks to gain resources when hitting enemy units.
Rob ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanditSpearThrower.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNEnvenomedSpear.blp Envenomed Weapons

Gives Bandit range units the Envenomed Weapons ability which damages hit enemies over time.
Envenomed Weapons ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanditSpearThrower.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCage2.blp Enslavement

Gives Bandit melee units the ability Enslavement which allows them to enslave weak enemies on killing them, making them weak slave units with no food costs who cannot be resurrected.
Enslavement ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanditSpearThrower.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPriestAdept.blp Wizard Adept Training

Increases Wizards' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Frost Armor.
Wizard Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanditSpearThrower.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBansheeAdept.blp Heretic Adept Training

Increases Heretics' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Carrion Swarm.
Heretic Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanditSpearThrower.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDOTAdeptTraining.blp Slave Master Adept Training

Increases Slave Masters' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Release Dogs.
Slave Master Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanditSpearThrower.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLeatherArmor.blp Studded Leather Armor

Increases the armor of Bandits, Brigands, Bandit Lords, Crossbowmen, Ambals, Cage Carts, Crows and Gryphon Raiders.
Studded Leather Armor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanditSpearThrower.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSteelMelee.blp Iron Forged Swords

Increases the attack damage of Bandits, Bandit Lords, and Ambals.
Iron Forged Swords ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanditSpearThrower.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSteelRanged.blp Spears

Increases the ranged attack damage of Brigands, Crossbowmen, Crows and Gryphon Raiders.
Spears ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanditSpearThrower.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNUpgradeMoonGlaive.blp Feather Attack

Gives the Crows the ability to strike additional units with their attacks.
Feather Attack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanditSpearThrower.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNScout.blp True Sight

Provides Crows and Flying Spear Throwers with the ability to detect invisible units.
True Sight ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanditSpearThrower.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStormHammer.blp Storm Hammers

Causes a Gryphon Raider's attacks to damage multiple units.
Storm Hammers ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanditSpearThrower.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCavCharge.blp Ride Down

Upgrades Bandit Lords to have the ability Ride Down.
Ride Down ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanditSpearThrower.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNResistantSkin.blp Resistant Skin

Provides Ambals with the ability Resistant Skin which reduces the duration of negative spells.
Resistant Skin ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanditSpearThrower.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNThievesGuildX.blp Thieves Guild

Allows building male citizens a Thieves Guild to sell killed units and dropped items.
Thieves Guild ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanditSpearThrower.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPackBeast.blp Backpack

Gives specific Dungeon ground units the ability to carry items.
Backpack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTN_SkeletonPeasant.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcMeleeUpOne.blp Steel Melee Weapons

Increases the melee attack damage of Skeleton Warriors, Skeleton Berserkers, War Golems, Wildkins and Dungeon Lords.
Steel Melee Weapons ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTN_SkeletonPeasant.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSteelArmor.blp Steel Armor

Increases the armor of Skeleton Warriors, Skeleton Archers, Skeleton Berserkers, War Golems, Salamanders, Sludge Monstrosities, Wildkins, Red Dragons and Dungeon Lords.
Steel Armor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTN_SkeletonPeasant.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSteelRanged.blp Steel Ranged Weapons

Increases the ranged attack damage of Skeleton Archers, Salamanders, Sludge Monstrosities, and Red Dragons.
Steel Ranged Weapons ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTN_SkeletonPeasant.blp 3
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNEatTree.blp Eat Tree

Gives Salamanders the ability Eat Tree which allows them to consume trees to heal themselves.
Eat Tree ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTN_SkeletonPeasant.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSearingArrows.blp Burning Arrows

Gives Sekeleton Archers the passive ability Burning Arrows.
Burning Arrows ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTN_SkeletonPeasant.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBansheeAdept.blp Ghost Adept Training

Increases Ghosts' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Anti-magic Shell.
Ghost Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTN_SkeletonPeasant.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNecromancerAdept.blp Fire Revenant Adept Training

Increases Fire Revenants' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Immolation.
Fire Revenant Adept Training ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTN_SkeletonPeasant.blp 2
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHardenedSkin.blp Skeleton Bones

Allows all Skeleton units to use the ability Skeleton Bones which reduces received range damage.
Skeleton Bones ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTN_SkeletonPeasant.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/PassiveButtons/PASBTNExhumeCorpses.blp Create Corpse

Torture Chambers gain the ability Create Corpse which creates corpses around it. The corpses can be used to raise skeletons.
Create Corpse ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTN_SkeletonPeasant.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCage2.blp Capture

Enables the ability for Capture to allow Cages to capture enemy troops and damage them.
Capture ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTN_SkeletonPeasant.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRedDragonDevour.blp Devour

Gives Salamanders and Red Dragons the Devour ability which allows devouring enemy ground units.
Devour ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTN_SkeletonPeasant.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp Berserker Upgrade

Gives Skeleton Berserkers the Berserk ability.
Berserker Upgrade ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTN_SkeletonPeasant.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArmorGolem.blp Sleep Form

Allows War Golems to cast Sleep Form.
Sleep Form ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTN_SkeletonPeasant.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSpikes.blp Dungeon Spikes

Defensive structure. Can learn the Spikes upgrade.

Attacks land and air units.
Dungeon Spikes ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTN_SkeletonPeasant.blp 15
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKingThrone.blp Throne

Allows building male citizens a Throne which trains Dungeon Lords.
Throne ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTN_SkeletonPeasant.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPackBeast.blp Backpack

Gives specific Dragonkin ground units the ability to carry items.
Backpack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlueDragonSpawn.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRunedBracers.blp Spell Damage Reduction

Gives Dragonkin warriors more protection against magic damage and spells.
Spell Damage Reduction ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlueDragonSpawn.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNThickFur.blp Resistant Skin

Gives Dragonkin warriors the ability Resistant Skin.
Resistant Skin ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlueDragonSpawn.blp 1
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrbOfFire.blp Fire Attack

Gives Black Dragons area of effect damage.
Fire Attack ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlueDragonSpawn.blp 1