World of Warcraft Reforged - Chat Commands
There is a number of chat commands in the map which should help you to do stuff:
- "-h/-help": Lists chat commands.
- "-helpping": Lists ping chat commands.
- "-helpclan": Lists clan chat commands.
- "-helpai": Lists AI chat commands.
- "-helpally": Lists alliance chat commands.
- "-helpcamera": Lists camera chat commands.
- "-helpvisual": Lists visual chat commands.
- "-helpsound": Lists sound chat commands.
- "-helpresources": Lists resources chat commands.
- "-helpattributes": Lists attributes chat commands.
- "-helpsave": Lists savecode chat commands.
- "-helpfood": Lists food chat commands.
- "-helptime": Lists time chat commands.
- "-helpreset": Lists reset chat commands.
- "-helpcheats": Lists cheat chat commands.
- "-c/-clear": Clears all screen messages.
- "-uion/off": Enables/disables custom UI when clicking on shops.
- "-uiqueueon/off": Enables/disables UI training queue.
- "-uiqueueclear": Clears the UI training queue.
- "-i/-info/-stats X": Shows info about player X (number, color, name).
- "-r/-revive": Selects your altar to revive your hero.
- "-d/-discord": Shows the Discord server URL.
- "-w/-website": Shows the website URL.
- "-o/-download": Shows the download URL.
- "-v/-version": Shows the map version.
- "-q/-news": Shows news with links and QR codes.
- "-l/-log": Shows a messages log which even works in multiplayer.
- "-dp/-diplomacy": Allows the host changing diplomacy settings.
- "-h1/-h2/-h3": Allows you to (re)pick your heroes keeping their XP.
- "-p1/-p2/-p3": Allows you to (re)pick your professions only.
- "-r1/-r2/-r3": Allows you to (re)pick your races only.
- "-repick": Allows you to choose a new hero but removes all of your units from the map!
- "-fullrepick": Lose 3/4 of your XP and Evolution but repick the game mode.
- "-g/-get": Recreates hero profession and race items.
- "-unlock/-lock": Allows you to unlock everything in the map.
- "-nobossicons/-bossicons": Disables/enables Boss icons on the minimap.
- "-nostats/-stats": Disables/enables stats GUI.
- "-auto": Auto skills all heroes in selection.
- "-it/-items": Shows all backpack items.
- "-pi/-pickup": Picks up all items around the first hero.
- "-o/-order": Orders your backpack.
- "-zoneson/off": Enables/disables zone info.
- "-z/-zone": Shows the zone info of your selected unit.
- "-zf/-zonefull": Shows the full zone info of your selected unit.
- "-camlockon/off": Locks/unlocks the camera to the selected hero.
- "-camrpgon/off": Enables/disables the RPG camera for the selected hero.
- "-suicide": Kills your selected units.
- "-anim X": Plays animation X for all selected units.
- "-give ": Allows you to give chosen units to an allied player.
- "-nogive": Cancels the giving process.
- "-players": Shows the numbers of all playing players.
- "-votekick X": Starts a votekick against player X.
- "-yes": Votes for a votekick.
- "-aireset": Resets the AI players and allows customizing them from the host.
- "-deathsoundson/off": Enables/disables hero death sounds.
- "-ping": Pings the current quest locations on the minimap.
- "-pingh": Pings all allied heroes.
- "-pingf": Pings all allied Freelancer heroes.
- "-pingm": Pings all of your mounts.
- "-pingportals": Pings all of your and allied portals.
- "-pingaltars": Pings all of your altars.
- "-pingres/resurrectionstones": Pings all resurrection stones.
- "-pinggoldmines": Pings all goldmines.
- "-pingnpcs": Pings all NPCs.
- "-pingproperties": Pings all properties.
- "-pingdragons": Pings all Dragon Roosts.
- "-pingl": Pings all legendary items which are on the ground.
- "-pingkeys": Pings all keys for dungeons which are visible to the player.
- "-pingaistarts": Pings all taken AI start locations.
- "-pingo": Pings all Obelisks.
- "-pingbosses/pingb/bosses": Pings all bosses.
- "-pingraces": Pings the next race check point.
- "-pinghuman": Pings the current Human quest locations on the minimap.
- "-pingvillage": Pings the current Village quest locations on the minimap.
- "-pingdalaran": Pings the current Dalaran quest locations on the minimap.
- "-pingkultiras": Pings the current Kul Tiras quest locations on the minimap.
- "-pingnightelf": Pings the current Night Elf quest locations on the minimap.
- "-pingorc": Pings the current Orc quest locations on the minimap.
- "-pingnaga": Pings the current Naga quest locations on the minimap.
- "-pingforsaken": Pings the current Forsaken quest locations on the minimap.
- "-pinglichking": Pings the current Lich King quest locations on the minimap.
- "-pingdraenei": Pings the current Draenei quest locations on the minimap.
- "-pingdemon": Pings the current Demon quest locations on the minimap.
- "-pingpanda": Pings the current Pandaren quest locations on the minimap.
- "-pingeredar": Pings the current Eredar quest locations on the minimap.
- "-pingtuskarr": Pings the current Tuskarr quest locations on the minimap.
- "-pinggoblin": Pings the current Goblin quest locations on the minimap.
- "-pingjaina": Pings the current Jaina quest locations on the minimap.
- "-crusadeon/-crusadeoff": Enable/disable leaderboard.
- "-centaurson/-centaursoff": Enable/disable leaderboard.
- "-paladinson/-paladinsoff": Enable/disable leaderboard.
- "-draeneion/-draeneioff": Enable/disable leaderboard.
- "-demonson/-demonsoff": Enable/disable leaderboard.
- "-whaleson/-whalessoff": Enable/disable leaderboard.
- "-oldgodson/off": Enables/disables leaderboard.
- "-invasionon/off": Enables/disables leaderboard.
- "-elementalon/off": Enables/disables leaderboard.
- "-wildon/off": Enables/disables leaderboard.
- "-aieasy X": Change AI difficulty to EASY for player X.
- "-ainormal X": Change AI difficulty to NORMAL for player X.
- "-aihard X": Change AI difficulty to HARD for player X.
- "-aiinsane X": Change AI difficulty to INSANE for player X.
- "-ainone X": Change AI controller to none for player X.
- "-aineutral X": Change AI controller to neutral for player X.
- "-aicreep X": Change AI controller to creep for player X.
- "-aicomputer X": Change AI controller to Computer for player X.
- "-aion/off X": Turn AI on/off for player X.
- "-aiignoreall X": Disable AI unit control for player X.
- "-aiignore": Disable AI unit control for all selected units.
- "-aiuse": Enable AI unit control for all selected units.
- "-aiattackson/off X": Turn AI player attacks on/off for player X.
- "-aishipsson/off X": Turn AI ships on/off for player X.
- "-aigold/wood X": Ask AI player X for gold/wood.
- "-aiexpansions X Y": Sets Y expansions for player X.
- "-aishredders X Y": Sets Y shredders for player X.
- "-aizeppelins X Y": Sets Y zeppelins for player X.
- "-ailoadmines X": Loads mines for player X.
- "-airevive X": Revives heroes for player X.
- "-aiinfo X": Shows information about player X.
- "-aitargeton/off X": Enables/disables AI attacking target for player X.
- "-aitarget X": Sets the AI target for player X to your hero 1 location.
- "-aitraceon/off X": Enables/disables AI trace for player X.
- "-ffa": Free For All. Every player has his/her own team.
- "-lobby": Use lobby teams.
- "-friends": Ally all players.
- "-friendsv": Ally all players with shared vision.
- "-friendsvuf": Ally all players with shared vision and fully shared units.
- "-aishared": Gives you shared control with all allied AI players.
- "-ainotshared": Removes your shared control from all allied AI players.
- "-ally X": Ally player X.
- "-allyv X": Ally player X with shared vision.
- "-allyvu X": Ally player X with shared vision and units.
- "-allyvuf X": Ally player X with fully shared vision and units.
- "-neutral X": Become neutral to player X.
- "-neutralv X": Become neutral to player X with shared vision.
- "-unally X": Unally player X.
- "-unallyv X": Unally player X with shared vision.
- "-accounts": Lists all known account names.
- "-u/-unlocked": Lists everything unlocked for your account.
- "-b/-bans": Lists all banned account names.
- "-presave": Lists the prestored savecodes.
- "-clanspresave": Lists the prestored clan savecodes.
- "-loadp X": Loads the prestored savecode X.
- "-loadclanp X": Loads the prestored clan savecode X.
- "-save": Saves your hero and prints the savecode.
- "-savec"/"-s": Saves your hero without info.
- "-saveautoon/off": Enables/disables auto saving of your hero.
- "-savegui": Shows the GUI for savecodes.
- "-asave": Saves all savecodes in the auto load file.
- "-aload": Loads all save codes from the auto load file.
- "-areset": Allows saving and loading automatic save codes.
- "-load X"/"-l X": Loads your hero from savecode X.
- "-savecheck XXX": Checks savecode XXX.
- "-loadres X": Loads your resources from savecode X.
- "-generated": Lists all generated savecodes from the current game.
- "-passive": Passive mode against enemy players.
- "-bounty X Y Z": Sets a bounty of X gold and Y lumber on player Z.
- "-bounties": Shows all bounties on players.
- "-loadc XXX": Loads the clan savecode XXX.
- "-clanrename X": Renames your clan to X.
- "-clangold X": Deposits X gold.
- "-clanlumber X": Deposits X lumber.
- "-clanwgold X": Withdraws X gold.
- "-clanwlumber X": Withdraws X lumber.
- "-clans": Shows a list of all playing clans.
- "-claninfo": Shows info about your clan.
- "-clanrank X Y": Sets the rank of player X to Y.
- "-claninvite X": Invites player X to join your clan.
- "-clanaccept": Accepts a clan invitation.
- "-clanleave": Leave your current clan.
- "-goblindeposit": Shows your gold and lumber in the Goblin Bank.
- "-maxbosslevels": Increases the hero level of all bosses.
- "-e/-enchanter": Lists enchanting bonuses and items.
- "-n/-inscriptor": Lists inscription bonuses and spells.
- "-t/-trophies": Lists hunting trophies.
- "-letter ": Leaves a letter for a player or clan.
- "-mailbox": Lists all letters in your mailbox.
- "-dice X": Throws a dice with X numbers.
- "-host": Shows the host player of the game.
- "-vips": Lists all VIPs.
- "-vipson/off": Enables/disables VIPs.
- "-gold X Y": Gives Y of your gold to player X.
- "-lumber X Y": Gives Y of your lumber to player X.
- "-raceui X": Changes the UI to race X.
- "-music X": Changes the UI to race X.
- "-musicreset": Resets the music to the lobby music.
- "-damageon/off": Enables/disable visual text for caused damage of your units.
- "-nobossicons/bossicons": Disables/enableds minimap boss icons.
- "-notomes/tomes": Disables/enableds tomes.
- "-resources X": Shows the resources of player X or your resources.
- "-resguion/-resgui": Shows the resource GUI.
- "-resguioff": Hides the resources GUI.
- "-give X Y Z": Gives the amount X of resource Y to player Z.
- "-ask X Y Z": Asks for the amount X of resource Y from allied Computer player Z.
- "-sell X Y": Sells the amount X of resource Y for gold.
- "-sellall/-sa": Sells all resources except gold and lumber for gold.
- "-sellwood/-sw": Sells all lumber for gold.
- "-buy X Y": Buys the amount X of resource Y for gold.
- "-resinfo/-resourcesinfo": Shows the resource information about the first selected unit.
- "-savecodes": Enables savecodes for all players.
- "-nosavecodes": Disables savecodes for all players.
- "-stats": Enables stats.
- "-nostats": Disables stats.
- "-legion": Enables The Burning Legion.
- "-nolegion": Disables The Burning Legion.
- "-soundsets": Enables custom unit sound sets.
- "-nosoundsets": Disables custom unit sound sets.
- "-achievements": Lists all available achievements with your score.
- "-str X": Skills X strength. Skills max strength if empty.
- "-agi X": Skills X agility. Skills max agility if empty.
- "-int X": Skills X intelligence. Skills max intelligence if empty.
- "-rename X": Renames selected heroes into X.
- "-builder": Creates a builder for player 1 red.
- "-nobuilder": Removes the builder from player 1 red.
- "-rename X": Renames selected heroes into X.
- "-scale X": Scales selected units to X.
- "-teamcolor X": Changes the team color of selected units to X.
- "-playercolor X Y": Changes the color of player X into Y.
- "-playername X Y": Changes the name of player X into Y.
- "-mountname1/2/3 X": Changes the name of the mount to X.
- "-cinrace X": Plays the cinematic for race X.
- "-cindalaran": Plays the cinematic Dalaran.
- "-mocks": Lists all mocks.
- "-mockson/off": Enable/disable mocks.
- "-ambientsound": Resets ambient sound to Sunken Ruins.
- "-ambientsoundashenvale": Changes ambient sound to Ashenvale.
- "-ambientsoundlordaeronsummer": Changes ambient sound to Lordaeron Summer.
- "-noambientsound": Disables ambient sound.
- "-sky": Resets sky to Lordaeron Summer.
- "-skyashenvale": Changes sky to Ashenvale.
- "-skybarrens": Changes sky to Barrens.
- "-skyblizzard": Changes sky to Blizzard.
- "-skydalaran": Changes sky to Dalaran.
- "-skydalaranruins": Changes sky to Dalaran Ruins.
- "-skyfelwood": Changes sky to Felwood.
- "-skyfogged": Changes sky to Fogged.
- "-skygeneric": Changes sky to Generic.
- "-skymoon": Changes sky to Moon.
- "-food50/100/200/300/600": Changes the maximum food.
- "-limits": Enables housing and tower limits.
- "-nolimits": Disables housing and tower limits.
- "-seasons": Enables seasons.
- "-noseasons": Disables seasons.
- "-winter": Changes season to winter.
- "-spring": Changes season to spring.
- "-summer": Changes season to summer.
- "-fall": Changes season to fall.
- "-weather": Starts weather immediately.
- "-noweather": Stops weather immediately.
- "-morning": Changes time of day to 6.
- "-noon": Changes time of day to 12.
- "-evening": Changes time of day to 18.
- "-midnight": Changes time of day to 24.
- "-dnc": Enables day and night cycle.
- "-nodnc": Disables day and night cycle.
- "-nowater"/"-water": Disables/enables visibility of water.
- "-waterred": Changes the color of water to red.
- "-nofog"/"-fog": Disables/enables visibility of fog.
- "-nohardcore"/"-hardcore": Disables/enables hardcore mode.
- "-noportals"/"-portals": Disables/enables neutral portals.
- "-nocheats/-cheats": Disables/enables cheat chat commands.
- "-resetevolution X": Resets level of research Evolution back to X.
- "-resetnavy X": Resets level of research Improved Navy back to X.
- "-resetpower X": Resets level of research Improved Power Generator back to X.
- "-resetmount X": Resets level of research Improved Mount back to X.
- "-resetmasonry X": Resets level of research Improved Masonry back to X.
- "-resethandofgod X": Resets level of research Improved Hand of God back to X.