World of Warcraft Reforged - Bosses

Bosses are special creep heroes which can be killed to gain XP and one legendary item. They are located and special locations and protected by their servents. After killing a boss, you have to destroy the building which holds the legendary item to pick it up. Bosses will respawn like units after some time.
Icon Name Level Legendary Item Spells Primary Attribute Strength Agility Intelligence Strength Per Level Agility Per Level Intelligence Per Level Movement Type Movement Speed Attack Type Attack Speed Attack Range Attack Damage Armor Type Armor Day Sight
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp Xavius

Satyr Lord.
Xavius 60 ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp Strength 167 75 283 2.50 1.00 4.50 Foot 459 1.80 500 167 - 179 20 550
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNYsera.blp Ysera

Powerful flying boss hero who can cast Breath of Fire, Summon Fire Elemental, Command Aura, Reincarnation and Cleaving Attack.
Ysera 75 ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGreenDragon.blp Intelligence 205 90 351 2.50 1.00 4.50 Fly 350 1.80 500 451 - 463 24 550
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMarkOfFire.blp Al'ar

Kael'thas Sunstrider's pet phoenix boss hero who can cast Flame Strike, Fire Attack, Phoenix Fire, Flame Storm and Phoenix Egg.
Al'ar 75 ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPhoenixEgg.blp Intelligence 203 90 353 2.50 1.00 4.50 Fly 350 1.80 500 353 - 365 24 550
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGruul.blp Gruul the Dragonkiller

Powerful Gronn boss hero from Outland who is the leader of the Ogres. Can learn Impale, Thunder Clap, Cleaving Attack, Avatar, and Reincarnation.

Attacks land and air units.
Gruul the Dragonkiller 60 ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgreClubs1.blp Strength 214 92 102 3.20 1.30 1.50 Foot 329 2.05 100 214 - 226 25 550
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWarEagle.blp Ohn'ahra

Flying Wild God boss hero who can cast Fan of Knives, Forked Lightning, Summon Hawk, Reincarnation, and Chain Lightning.

Attacks land and air units.
Ohn'ahra 45 - Agility 106 130 104 2.00 2.50 2.00 Fly 350 1.80 500 130 - 142 37 550
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNcloudserpent.blp Yu'lon

Flying Wild God boss hero who can cast Mirror Image, Drunken Brawler, Miss Aura, Bladestorm, and Reincarnation.

Attacks land and air units.
Yu'lon 75 - Intelligence 164 240 353 2.00 3.00 4.50 Fly 350 1.80 500 353 - 365 69 550
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSeaElemental.blp Neptulon

Mystical Hero, adept at disrupting spells and dealing large amounts of fire damage. Can learn Forked Lightning, Mana Shield, Bash, Crushing Wave and Summon Sea Elemental.

Attacks land and air units.
Neptulon 75 - Agility 163 138 203 2.00 1.60 2.50 Amphibious 320 1.80 550 138 - 146 39 650
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSummonAirElemental.BLP Thunderaan

Mystical Hero, adept at disrupting spells and dealing large amounts of fire damage. Can learn Forked Lightning, Wind Walk, Bash, Mass Cyclone and Evasion Aura.

Attacks land and air units.
Thunderaan 75 - Agility 163 138 203 2.00 1.60 2.50 Foot 320 1.80 550 138 - 146 39 650
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNEarthElemental.blp Therazane

Mystical Hero, adept at disrupting spells and dealing large amounts of fire damage. Can learn Shockwave, Summon Earth Elemental, Bash, Earthquake and War Stomp.

Attacks land and air units.
Therazane 75 - Agility 163 138 203 2.00 1.60 2.50 Foot 320 1.80 550 138 - 146 39 650
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDeathwing.blp Deathwing

Powerful flying boss hero who can cast Breath of Fire, Summon Fire Elemental, Command Aura, Reincarnation and Cleaving Attack.
Deathwing 75 ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDeathwing.blp Strength 353 90 203 4.50 1.00 2.50 Fly 350 1.80 500 453 - 465 24 550
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKeeperOfTheGrove.blp Cenarius

Mystical Hero, adept at using nature spells. Can learn Entangling Roots, Force of Nature, Thorns Aura, Tranquility, and Attribute Bonus.

Attacks land and air units.
Cenarius 75 ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHornOfCenarius.blp Intelligence 313 59 388 4.00 0.60 5.00 On Horse 400 2.00 1000 473 - 537 29 1050
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFelGuardBlue.blp Imonar the Soulhunter

Powerful Fel Lord boss hero who can cast Howl of Terror, Thunder Clap, Cleaving Attack, Demon Master and Reincarnation.

Attacks land units.
Imonar the Soulhunter 60 ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcMeleeUpThree.blp Strength 214 92 102 3.20 1.30 1.50 Foot 329 2.05 100 214 - 226 25 550
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNagaSeaWitch.blp War Queen

Mystical Sea Witch boss hero, adept at ranged assaults. Can learn Forked Lightning, Frost Arrows, Mana Shield, Volcano, and Summon Watery Minion.

Attacks land and air units.
War Queen 60 ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNImprovedBows.blp Intelligence 120 76 207 1.80 1.00 3.20 Foot 320 1.90 600 207 - 219 20 650
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElune'sVision.blp Elune

Cunning Hero, high base hit points and high hit point regeneration but only at night. Can learn Moonstone, Summon Vicaresses of Elune, Elune's Grace and Replenish Mana and Life.

Attacks land and air units.
Elune 75 ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMoonStone.blp Agility 195 138 182 2.40 1.60 2.25 Foot 320 2.05 600 183 - 205 52 700
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSylvanusWindrunner.blp Sylvanas Windrunner

Cunning boss Hero, adept at damaging opponents. Can learn Holy Light, Cold Arrows, Trueshot Aura, and Banshee Form, and Attribute Bonus.

Attacks land and air units.
Sylvanas Windrunner 65 ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNP_AngelWings.blp Agility 139 115 181 1.90 1.50 2.60 Foot 350 2.46 600 160 - 172 46 700
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGhostMage.blp Antonidas

Mystical Hero Spirit, adept at ranged assaults. Can learn Blizzard, Summon Water Elemental, Brilliance Aura and Mass Teleport.

Attacks land and air units.
Antonidas 55 ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNEyeOfDalaran.blp Intelligence 111 71 191 1.80 1.00 3.20 Foot 320 2.13 600 191 - 199 19 650
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRagnaros.blp Ragnaros

Mystical Hero, adept at disrupting spells and dealing large amounts of fire damage. Can learn Soul Burn, Summon Lava Spawn, Incinerate and Volcano.

Attacks land and air units.
Ragnaros 40 ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlastHammer.blp Agility 93 82 115 2.00 1.60 2.50 Foot 320 1.80 550 82 - 90 22 650
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSeaWitch.blp Queen Azshara

Mystical Sea Witch boss hero, adept at ranged assaults. Can learn Forked Lightning, Frost Arrows, Mana Shield, Volcano, and Summon Watery Minion.

Attacks land and air units.
Queen Azshara 75 ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeartOfAszune.blp Intelligence 147 91 255 1.80 1.00 3.20 Amphibious 320 1.90 600 255 - 267 25 650
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranaiAkama.blp Akama

Cunning Hero, adept at maneuvering through battles. Can learn Chain Lightning, Feral Spirit, Shadow Strike, Critical Strike and Reincarnation.

Attacks land units.
Akama 75 ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHammer.blp Intelligence 163 108 226 2.00 1.20 2.80 Foot 320 1.80 128 226 - 242 31 550
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroTinker.blp Tinkerer Gizlock

Cunning Hero, exceptional at disrupting battles and enduring damage. Can learn Pocket Factory, Cluster Rockets, Critical Strike, Battle Roar, and Cleaving Attack.

Attacks land units.
Tinkerer Gizlock 75 ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPocketFactory.blp Intelligence 197 89 212 2.40 1.00 2.60 Foot 290 2.00 128 212 - 220 25 550
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroAlchemist.blp Rumblefitz

Warrior Hero, known for offensive and defensive versatility. Can learn Healing Spray, Chemical Rage, Acid Bomb and Transmute.

Attacks land and air units.
Rumblefitz 70 ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAmmoDump.blp Strength 252 79 156 3.30 1.00 2.00 Foot 290 2.50 100 252 - 282 21 550
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNYogg-saronIcon.blp Yogg-saron

Ancient old god of death, who moves very slowly but can use Blink to teleport. Can learn Spawn Tentacle, Spawn Mace Tentacle, Breath of Frost, Frost Armor and Frost Arrows.
Can cast a number of powerful Old God abilities.

Attacks land and air units.
Yogg-saron 75 ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTN_CR_Heart_of_Gold.blp Intelligence 147 91 255 1.80 1.00 3.20 Amphibious 1 1.90 600 255 - 267 25 650
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNzothIcon.blp N'zoth

Ancient old god of nightmares, who moves very slowly but can use Blink to teleport. Can learn Spawn Tentacle, Spawn Eye Tentacle, Death Coil, Sleep and Death and Decay.
Can cast a number of powerful Old God abilities.

Attacks land and air units.
N'zoth 75 - Intelligence 147 91 255 1.80 1.00 3.20 Amphibious 1 1.90 600 255 - 267 25 650
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCthunIcon.blp C'thun

Ancient old god of madness and chaos, who moves very slowly but can use Blink to teleport. Can learn Spawn Tentacle, Spawn Eye Tentacle, Rain of Chaos, Critical Strike and Reincarnation.
Can cast a number of powerful Old God abilities.

Attacks land and air units.
C'thun 75 - Intelligence 147 91 255 1.80 1.00 3.20 Amphibious 1 1.90 600 255 - 267 25 650
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSARGERASDEMONBlueborder.blp Avatar of Sargeras

Powerful titan hero Sargeras. Can learn Cripple, Critical Strike, Drunken Brawler, Demon Master and Finger of Death.

Attacks land and air units.
Avatar of Sargeras 75 ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSARGERASDEMONBlueborder.blp Strength 222 123 150 2.70 1.50 1.80 Foot 320 2.33 100 222 - 234 35 550
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNagaSeaWitch.blp Sea Witch

Mystical Sea Witch, adept at ranged assaults. Can learn Summon Water Elemental, Brilliance Aura, and Earthquake.

Attacks land and air units.
Sea Witch 70 ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNagaSeaWitch.blp Intelligence 138 86 239 1.80 1.00 3.20 Foot 320 1.90 600 239 - 251 23 650
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosWarlord.blp Mathog

Mystical Hero, effective at ranged attacks and scouting. Can learn Chain Lightning, Silence, Feral Spirit, Transmute and Ensnare.

Attacks land and air units.
Mathog 60 ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCagedIllidan.blp Strength 195 74 137 3.00 1.00 2.00 On Horse 320 2.28 90 195 - 203 20 650
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGul'dan.blp Gul'dan

Powerful Warlock working under the tutelage of Kil'jaeden himself. Can learn Rain of Fire, Drain, Mana Shield, Finger of Death, and Demon Master.

Attacks land and air units.
Gul'dan 75 ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGuldanSkull.blp Strength 221 124 150 2.70 1.50 1.80 Foot 270 2.28 1500 301 - 381 37 1550
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDragonEye.blp The Eye of Sargeras

Mystical eye of the titan Sargeras, adept at ranged assaults. Can learn Bash, Charm, Demon Master, Finger of Death, and Attribute Bonus.

Attacks land and air units.
The Eye of Sargeras 75 ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDragonEye.blp Intelligence 147 91 255 1.80 1.00 3.20 Amphibious 1 1.90 600 300 - 312 38 650
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSpiderCrab.blp Spider Crab Behemoth

Strong defensive hero, good at capturing enemy heroes. Can learn Ensnare, Hex, Summon Spider Crabs, Starfall, and Immolation.

Attacks land and air units.
Spider Crab Behemoth 75 ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSpiderCrab.blp Strength 262 112 125 3.20 1.30 1.50 Foot 300 2.05 100 262 - 274 31 550
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurlocNightCrawler.blp Murloc Sorcerer

Mystical Murloc, adept at ranged assaults. Can learn Rain of Fire, Crushing Wave, Watery Minion, and Tornado.

Attacks land and air units.
Murloc Sorcerer 60 ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLesserRejuvScroll.blp Intelligence 120 76 207 1.80 1.00 3.20 Amphibious 320 1.90 600 252 - 264 39 650
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSeaTurtleRed.blp Tortolla

Tortolla 45 ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSeaTurtleRed.blp Strength 166 73 80 3.20 1.30 1.50 Amphibious 300 2.05 100 166 - 178 19 550
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroPaladin.blp Sir Gregory Edmunson

Warrior Hero, exceptional at defense and augmenting nearby friendly troops. Can learn Holy Light, Divine Shield, Devotion Aura and Resurrection, and Attribute Bonus.

Attacks land units.
Sir Gregory Edmunson 45 ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAshbringer.blp Strength 140 79 96 2.70 1.50 1.80 Foot 270 2.20 100 176 - 188 51 550
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSeaGiantGreen.blp King Deepbeard

King Deepbeard 40 ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWitchDoctorAdept.blp Strength 150 66 72 3.20 1.30 1.50 Foot 300 2.05 100 150 - 162 17 550
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArchimonde.blp Archimonde

Archimonde 75 ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBookOfSummoning.blp Strength 205 90 351 2.50 1.00 4.50 Foot 270 1.80 500 250 - 262 40 550
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKiljaedin.blp Kil'jaeden

The Deceiver.
Kil'jaeden 60 ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNUsedSoulGem.blp Strength 167 75 283 2.50 1.00 4.50 Foot 270 1.80 500 167 - 179 20 550
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNetherDragon.blp Veraku

Flying boss hero from Outland who can cast Critical Strike, Evasion, Life Steal, Demon Master and Reincarnation.
Veraku 55 ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMaskOfDeath.blp Strength 155 70 261 2.50 1.00 4.50 Fly 350 1.80 500 155 - 167 37 550
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroDreadlord.blp Varimathras the Betrayer

Varimathras the Betrayer 30 ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStoneForm.blp Strength 92 45 148 2.50 1.00 4.50 Foot 296 1.80 100 92 - 104 11 550
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLichVersion2.blp Arch Lich

Arch Lich 45 ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightningShield.blp Intelligence 103 58 169 2.00 1.00 3.40 Hover 493 1.90 600 169 - 177 15 650
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGreenHydra.blp Hydra Queen

Hydra Queen 25 ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGreenHydra.blp Strength 101 46 46 3.20 1.50 1.30 Foot 405 2.05 128 101 - 113 12 550
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNpurpleDragonSpawn.blp Dragon Temple Guardian

Cunning Hero, adept at maneuvering through battles. Can learn Mana Burn, Bash, Drunken Brawler, Reincarnation and Resurrection.

Attacks land units.
Dragon Temple Guardian 60 ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPriestMaster.blp Agility 160 109 139 2.40 1.50 2.10 Foot 320 1.70 100 109 - 133 35 700
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRevenant.blp Void Revenant

Void Revenant 50 ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRevenant.blp Strength 155 85 105 2.70 1.50 1.80 Foot 512 2.33 100 155 - 167 24 550
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFacelessOne.blp Faceless Nightmare

Faceless Nightmare 40 ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNecromancerMaster.blp Strength 150 60 76 3.20 1.20 1.60 Foot 318 1.90 128 150 - 158 16 550
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNThunderLizard.blp Stormbringer

Stormbringer 25 ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNThunderLizard.blp Intelligence 59 51 82 1.80 1.50 2.70 On Horse 320 2.18 600 82 - 90 13 650
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPitLord.blp Felwood's Pain

Felwood's Pain 60 ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCleavingAttack.blp Strength 214 92 102 3.20 1.30 1.50 Foot 329 2.05 100 214 - 226 25 550