World of Warcraft Reforged - Heroes

Your first hero can be chosen in the beginning and is your main unit who can gain experience from killing enemy units. Gaining experience will lead to leveling up. The maximum hero level is 75. Heroes have different skillable attributes. There are three standard attributes: For most hero types these are increased automatically per level up. One of the three attributes is the hero's primary attribute which also increases the caused damage by the hero. For every level up a hero gains additional attributes and 1 skill point which can be spent on one of the hero spells improving its effect. The primary attribute, start attributes, attributes per level and spells differ from hero to hero. You can pick up to 3 heroes in World of Warcraft Reforged depending on your highest hero level (see Hero Journey). All 3 heroes can be saved and loaded. It stores only their gained experience, so you have to reskill them in every game. Besides, bonuses by tomes will be lost. Customizable heroes can use Equipment and Skins.
Icon Name Race Primary Attribute Mount Standard Ability Spells Start Strength Start Agility Start Intelligence Strength Per Level Agility Per Level Intelligence Per Level Movement Type Movement Speed Attack Type Attack Speed Attack Range Attack Damage Armor Type Armor Day Sight
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVillagerMan.blp Hero Strength Melee

Customizable hero who you can pick any attributes, spells and skins for. Use the chat command "-rename X" to give the hero the name X.

Attacks land units.

Mount: Gryphon.

Standard Ability: Randomize.
Hero Strength Melee - Strength - ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStatUp.blp 1 1 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 Foot 300 2.00 100 1 - 13 0 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVillagerMan.blp Hero Strength Range

Customizable hero who you can pick any attributes, spells and skins for. Use the chat command "-rename X" to give the hero the name X.

Attacks land and air units.

Mount: Gryphon.

Standard Ability: Randomize.
Hero Strength Range - Strength - ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStatUp.blp 1 1 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 Foot 300 2.00 500 1 - 13 0 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVillagerMan.blp Hero Agility Melee

Customizable hero who you can pick any attributes, spells and skins for. Use the chat command "-rename X" to give the hero the name X.

Attacks land units.

Mount: Gryphon.

Standard Ability: Randomize.
Hero Agility Melee - Agility - ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStatUp.blp 1 1 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 Foot 300 2.00 100 1 - 13 0 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVillagerMan.blp Hero Agility Range

Customizable hero who you can pick any attributes, spells and skins for. Use the chat command "-rename X" to give the hero the name X.

Attacks land and air units.

Mount: Gryphon.

Standard Ability: Randomize.
Hero Agility Range - Agility - ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStatUp.blp 1 1 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 Foot 300 2.00 500 1 - 13 0 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVillagerMan.blp Hero Intelligence Melee

Customizable hero who you can pick any attributes, spells and skins for. Use the chat command "-rename X" to give the hero the name X.

Attacks land units.

Mount: Gryphon.

Standard Ability: Randomize.
Hero Intelligence Melee - Intelligence - ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStatUp.blp 1 1 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 Foot 300 2.00 100 1 - 13 0 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVillagerMan.blp Hero Intelligence Range

Customizable hero who you can pick any attributes, spells and skins for. Use the chat command "-rename X" to give the hero the name X.

Attacks land and air units.

Mount: Gryphon.

Standard Ability: Randomize.
Hero Intelligence Range - Intelligence - ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStatUp.blp 1 1 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 Foot 300 2.00 500 1 - 13 0 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlack hand.blp Blackhand

Cunning Hero, adept at quickly killing individual units and creating confusion among enemies. Can learn Mirror Image, Wind Walk, Critical Strike and Bladestorm.

Attacks land units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Blackhand ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWyvern.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 19 23 16 2.00 1.75 2.25 Foot 320 1.77 100 23 - 47 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNerzhul.blp Ner'Zhul

Powerful Warlock working under the tutelage of Kil'jaeden himself. Can learn Spell of Conjuration, Summon Black Drakes, Find Artifacts, and Lich King.

Attacks land and air units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Ner'Zhul ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNetherDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 22 13 17 2.70 1.50 1.80 Foot 270 2.28 1500 42 - 50 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRevenant.blp Ner'Zhul

Powerful Warlock working under the tutelage of Kil'jaeden himself.

Attacks land and air units.
Ner'Zhul ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNetherDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 22 13 17 2.70 1.50 1.80 None 0 2.28 1500 42 - 50 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGul'dan.blp Gul'dan

Powerful Warlock working under the tutelage of Kil'jaeden himself. Can learn Rain of Fire, Drain, Mana Shield and Finger of Death.

Attacks land and air units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Gul'dan ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNetherDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 22 13 17 2.70 1.50 1.80 Foot 270 2.28 1500 42 - 50 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDurotan164.blp Durotan

Cunning Hero, effective at ranged attacks and scouting. Can learn Chain Lightning, Far Sight, Feral Spirit and Earthquake.

Attacks land and air units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Durotan ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWyvern.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 19 23 16 2.00 1.75 2.25 Foot 320 1.77 100 23 - 47 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGarona.blp Garona

Cunning Hero, adept at quickly killing individual units and creating confusion among enemies. Can learn Mirror Image, Wind Walk, Critical Strike and Bladestorm.

Attacks land units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Garona ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWyvern.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 18 23 16 2.00 1.75 2.25 Foot 300 1.77 100 23 - 47 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrgrimDoomhammer.blp Orgrim Doomhammer

Cunning Hero, effective at ranged attacks and scouting. Can learn Chain Lightning, Far Sight, Feral Spirit and Earthquake.

Attacks land and air units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Orgrim Doomhammer ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWyvern.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 19 23 16 2.00 1.75 2.25 Foot 320 1.77 100 23 - 47 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKhadgarOld.blp Khadgar

Mystical Hero, adept at ranged assaults. Can learn Raven Form, Mass Slow, Town Portal and Council of Six.

Attacks land and air units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Khadgar ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMedivh.blp 16 15 19 2.00 1.00 3.00 Foot 270 2.13 600 19 - 27 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMedivh.blp Medivh

Mystical Hero, adept at ranged assaults. Can learn Raven Form, Dark Portal, Corruption and Last Alliance.

Attacks land and air units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Medivh ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMedivh.blp 16 15 19 2.00 1.00 3.00 Foot 270 2.13 600 19 - 27 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAnduinLothar.blp Anduin Lothar

Warrior Hero, exceptional at defense and augmenting nearby friendly troops. Can learn Holy Light, Divine Shield, Devotion Aura and Resurrection.

Attacks land units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Anduin Lothar ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 22 13 17 2.70 1.50 1.80 Foot 270 2.20 100 44 - 56 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVarianWrynn.blp Varian Wrynn

Warrior Hero, exceptional at defense and augmenting nearby friendly troops. Can learn Holy Light, Divine Shield, Devotion Aura and Resurrection.

Attacks land units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Varian Wrynn ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 22 13 17 2.70 1.50 1.80 Foot 270 2.20 100 44 - 56 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroPaladin.blp Paladin

Warrior Hero, exceptional at defense and augmenting nearby friendly troops. Can learn Holy Light, Divine Shield, Devotion Aura and Resurrection.

Attacks land units.

Mount: Gryphon.

Standard Ability: Berserk.
Paladin ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 22 13 17 2.70 1.50 2.25 Foot 300 2.00 100 22 - 34 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanditMage.blp Wizard

Mystical Hero, adept at ranged assaults. Can learn Siphon Mana, Mana Shield, Brilliance Aura and Mass Teleport.

Attacks land and air units.
Wizard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 13 15 22 2.00 1.00 3.20 Foot 320 2.13 600 22 - 30 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGarithos.blp Dark Knight

Warrior Hero, exceptional at defense and augmenting nearby friendly troops. Can learn Shockwave, Holy Light, Ride Down and Avatar.

Attacks land units.
Dark Knight ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 22 13 17 2.70 1.50 1.80 Foot 320 2.20 100 22 - 34 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp Peasant

Constructing hero, exceptional at repairing mechanical units and constructing buildings. Can learn Harvest, Finish Construction, Repair Aura and Mechanical Repair.

Attacks land units.

Mount: Gryphon.

Standard Ability: Repair.
Peasant ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRepairOn.blp 22 13 17 2.70 1.50 2.25 Foot 300 2.00 100 22 - 34 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTheCaptain.blp Captain

Warrior Hero, exceptional at defense and augmenting nearby friendly troops. Can learn Defend, Parry, Command Aura and Avatar.

Attacks land units.

Mount: Gryphon.

Standard Ability: Berserk.
Captain ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 22 13 17 2.70 1.50 2.25 Foot 300 2.00 100 22 - 34 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArthas.blp Arthas

Warrior Hero, exceptional at defense and augmenting nearby friendly troops. Can learn Holy Light, Divine Shield, Devotion Aura and Resurrection.

Attacks land units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Arthas ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 22 13 17 2.70 1.50 1.80 Foot 270 2.20 100 22 - 34 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroPaladin.blp Uther

Warrior Hero, exceptional at defense and augmenting nearby friendly troops. Can learn Holy Light, Divine Shield, Devotion Aura and Resurrection.

Attacks land units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Uther ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 22 13 17 2.70 1.50 1.80 Foot 270 2.20 100 22 - 34 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGarithos.blp Lord Garithos

Warrior Hero, exceptional at defense and augmenting nearby friendly troops. Can learn Shockwave, Holy Light, Ride Down and Avatar.

Attacks land units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Lord Garithos ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 22 13 17 2.70 1.50 1.80 Foot 320 2.20 100 22 - 34 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAnduin_Wrynn.blp Anduin Wrynn

Warrior Hero, exceptional at defense and augmenting nearby friendly troops. Can learn Mass Holy Light, Holy Nova, Lion-skull Helmet and Resurrection.

Attacks land units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Anduin Wrynn ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 22 13 17 2.70 1.50 1.80 Foot 270 2.20 100 44 - 56 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKingAnduin.blp Anduin Wrynn

Warrior Hero, exceptional at defense and augmenting nearby friendly troops. Can learn Mass Holy Light, Holy Nova, Lion-skull Helmet and Resurrection.

Attacks land units.
Anduin Wrynn ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 22 13 17 2.70 1.50 1.80 Foot 210 2.20 100 44 - 56 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroMountainKing.blp Mountain King

Warrior Hero, adept at offensive combat and disrupting enemy troops. Can learn Storm Bolt, Thunder Clap, Bash and Avatar.

Attacks land units.

Mount: Gryphon.

Standard Ability: Berserk.
Mountain King ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 24 11 15 3.00 1.50 2.25 Foot 290 2.22 100 24 - 36 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMortarTeam.blp Mortar Team

Warrior Hero, adept at offensive combat and disrupting enemy troops. Can learn Flare, Fragmentation Shards, Summon Telescope and Split.

Attacks land units.

Mount: Gryphon.

Standard Ability: Berserk.
Mortar Team ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 11 24 15 1.50 3.00 2.25 Foot 290 2.00 500 24 - 36 6 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGeomancer.blp Dwarf Mage

Mystical Hero, adept at ranged assaults. Can learn Control Magic, Summon Golem, Brilliance Aura and Transmute.

Attacks land and air units.
Dwarf Mage ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 14 17 19 2.00 1.00 3.20 Foot 290 2.13 600 19 - 27 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroRiflemanElite.blp Elite Rifleman

Mystical Hero, adept at controlling magic and ranged assaults. Can learn Flame Strike, Banish, Siphon Mana and Phoenix.

Attacks land and air units.

Mount: Gryphon.

Standard Ability: Invisibility.
Elite Rifleman ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 18 19 14 2.00 3.00 1.00 Foot 300 1.64 600 19 - 27 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroRiflemanElite.blp Elite Rifleman

Mystical Hero, adept at controlling magic and ranged assaults. Can learn Flame Strike, Banish, Siphon Mana and Phoenix.

Attacks land and air units.

Mount: Dragonhawk.

Standard Ability: Invisibility.
Elite Rifleman ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 18 19 14 2.00 3.00 1.00 Foot 300 1.64 90 19 - 27 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSeigeEngineWithMissles.blp Siege Engine

Mechanical Hero, adept at offensive combat and disrupting enemy troops. Can learn Barrage, Cluster Rockets, Permanent Immolation and Demolish.

Attacks land units.

Mount: Gryphon.

Standard Ability: Berserk.
Siege Engine ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 24 11 15 3.00 1.50 2.25 Foot 290 2.22 100 24 - 36 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroMountainKing.blp Bard

Story telling Hero, adept at buffing friendly and debuffing enemy units. Can learn Disarmament, Spell Steal, Battle Roar and Mass Inner Fire.

Attacks land and air units.

Mount: Gryphon.

Standard Ability: Invisibility.
Bard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 11 24 15 1.50 3.00 2.25 Foot 290 2.22 500 24 - 36 6 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp Gryphon Rider

Flying warrior Hero, adept at offensive combat and disrupting enemy troops. Can learn Storm Bolt, Barrage, Bash and Avatar.

Attacks air units.

Mount: Gryphon.

Standard Ability: Berserk.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Gryphon Rider ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 24 11 15 3.00 1.50 2.25 Fly 320 2.22 500 24 - 36 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroBloodElfPrince.blp Blood Mage

Mystical Hero, adept at controlling magic and ranged assaults. Can learn Flame Strike, Banish, Siphon Mana and Phoenix.

Attacks land and air units.

Mount: Dragonhawk.

Standard Ability: Invisibility.
Blood Mage ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDragonHawk.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 18 14 19 2.00 1.00 3.00 Foot 300 1.64 600 19 - 27 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSpellBreaker.blp Spellbreaker

Warrior Hero, exceptional at defense and augmenting nearby friendly troops. Can learn Mass Control Magic, Spell Steal, Feedback Aura and Magic Defense.

Attacks land units.

Mount: Dragonhawk.

Standard Ability: Invisibility.
Spellbreaker ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDragonHawk.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 17 13 22 1.80 1.50 2.70 Foot 290 2.00 250 22 - 34 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMarkOfFire.blp Phoenix

Flying warrior Hero, adept at offensive combat and disrupting enemy troops. Can learn Flamestrike, Fire Attack, Phoenix Fire and Phoenix Egg.

Attacks air units.

Mount: Phoenix.

Standard Ability: Invisibility.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction. Restricted to account Barade#2569.
Phoenix ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMarkOfFire.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 11 15 24 1.50 2.25 3.00 Fly 320 2.22 500 24 - 36 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSpellBreaker.blp Anasterian Sunstrider

Warrior Hero, exceptional at defense and augmenting nearby friendly troops. Can learn Rain of Fire, Breath of Fire, Brilliance Aura and Phoenix.

Attacks land units.

Mount: Dragonhawk.

Standard Ability: Invisibility.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Anasterian Sunstrider ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDragonHawk.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 22 13 17 2.70 1.50 1.80 Foot 290 2.00 250 22 - 34 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodMage2.blp Kael

Mystical Hero, adept at controlling magic and ranged assaults. Can learn Flame Strike, Banish, Siphon Mana and Phoenix.

Attacks land and air units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Kael ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDragonHawk.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 16 15 19 2.00 1.00 3.00 Foot 270 2.13 600 19 - 27 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSylvanusWindrunner.blp Ranger

Cunning Hero, adept at damaging opponents. Can learn Scout, Cold Arrows, Trueshot Aura, and Starfall.

Attacks land and air units.

Mount: Dragonhawk.

Standard Ability: Invisibility.
Ranger ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDragonHawk.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 18 19 15 1.90 1.50 2.60 Foot 350 2.46 600 19 - 31 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceress.blp Sorceress

Mystical Hero, adept at controlling magic and ranged assaults. Can learn Mass Invisibility, Mass Slow, Brilliance Aura and Mass Polymorph.

Attacks land and air units.

Mount: Dragonhawk.

Standard Ability: Magic Sentry.
Sorceress ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDragonHawk.blp ReplaceableTextures/PassiveButtons/PASBTNMagicalSentry.blp 18 14 19 2.00 1.00 3.00 Hover 300 1.64 600 19 - 27 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPriest.blp Priest

Mystical Hero, adept at controlling magic and ranged assaults. Can learn Holy Light, Inner Fire, Heal and Resurrection.

Attacks land and air units.

Mount: Dragonhawk.

Standard Ability: Invisibility.
Priest ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDragonHawk.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 18 14 19 2.00 1.00 3.00 Foot 300 1.64 600 19 - 27 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSylvanusWindrunner.blp Sylvanas Windrunner

Cunning Hero, adept at damaging opponents. Can learn Scout, Cold Arrows, Trueshot Aura, and Starfall.

Attacks land and air units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Sylvanas Windrunner ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDragonHawk.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 18 19 15 1.90 1.50 2.60 Foot 350 2.46 600 19 - 31 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGhost.blp Sylvanas Windrunner

Sylvanas Windrunner ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDragonHawk.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 18 19 15 1.90 1.50 2.60 Foot 350 2.46 600 19 - 31 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTheCaptain.blp Thalorien Dawnseeker

Warrior Hero, exceptional at defense and augmenting nearby friendly troops. Can learn Storm Bolt, Banish, Critical Strike and Resurrection.

Attacks land units.

Mount: Dragonhawk.

Standard Ability: Berserk.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Thalorien Dawnseeker ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDragonHawk.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 18 22 16 2.00 1.75 2.25 Foot 320 1.77 100 22 - 46 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroBlademaster.blp Blademaster

Cunning Hero, adept at quickly killing individual units and creating confusion among enemies. Can learn Mirror Image, Wind Walk, Critical Strike and Bladestorm.

Attacks land units.
Blademaster ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWyvern.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 18 22 16 2.00 1.75 2.25 Foot 320 1.77 100 22 - 46 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroFarseer.blp Far Seer

Mystical Hero, effective at ranged attacks and scouting. Can learn Chain Lightning, Far Sight, Feral Spirit and Earthquake.

Attacks land and air units.
Far Seer ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWyvern.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 15 18 19 2.00 1.00 3.00 On Horse 320 2.28 600 19 - 27 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosWarlockGreen.blp Warlock

Cunning Hero, adept at damaging and supporting magics. Can learn Firebolt, Summon Doom Guard, Cripple and Animate Dead.

Attacks land and air units.
Warlock ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWyvern.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 15 20 17 2.00 1.50 2.50 Foot 290 2.28 600 17 - 25 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp Peon

Constructing hero, exceptional at repairing mechanical units and constructing buildings. Can learn Harvest, Finish Construction, Repair Aura and Mechanical Repair.

Attacks land units.

Mount: Wyvern.

Standard Ability: Repair.
Peon ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWyvern.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRepairOn.blp 22 13 17 2.70 1.50 2.25 Foot 300 2.00 100 22 - 34 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKotoBeast.blp Kodo Beast

Cunning Hero, adept at healing magics and voodoo curses. Can learn Shockwave, War Stomp, Command Aura and Mass Devour.

Attacks land and air units.

Mount: Wyvern.

Standard Ability: Berserk.
Kodo Beast ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWyvern.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 15 20 17 2.00 1.50 2.50 Foot 320 2.28 90 20 - 28 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRaider.blp Raider

Cunning Hero, adept at quickly killing individual units and creating confusion among enemies. Can learn Hurl Boulder, Demolish, Pillage Aura and Mass Ensnare.

Attacks land units.
Raider ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWyvern.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 18 22 16 2.00 1.75 2.25 On Horse 320 1.77 100 22 - 46 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNShaman.blp Shaman

Cunning Hero, adept at healing magics and voodoo curses. Can learn Purge, Mass Bloodlust, Lightning Shield and Monsoon.

Attacks land and air units.

Mount: Wyvern.

Standard Ability: Invisibility.
Shaman ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWyvern.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 15 17 20 2.00 1.50 2.50 Foot 320 2.28 600 20 - 28 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNThrall.blp Thrall

Mystical Hero, effective at ranged attacks and scouting. Can learn Chain Lightning, Far Sight, Feral Spirit and Earthquake.

Attacks land and air units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Thrall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWyvern.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 16 18 19 2.00 1.00 3.00 On Horse 320 2.28 600 19 - 27 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHellScream.blp Grommash Hellscream

Cunning Hero, adept at quickly killing individual units and creating confusion among enemies. Can learn Mirror Image, Wind Walk, Critical Strike and Bladestorm.

Attacks land units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Grommash Hellscream ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWyvern.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 19 23 16 2.00 1.75 2.25 Foot 320 1.77 100 23 - 47 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosGrom.blp Grommash Hellscream

Cunning Hero, adept at quickly killing individual units and creating confusion among enemies. Can learn Mirror Image, Wind Walk, Critical Strike and Bladestorm.

Attacks land units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Grommash Hellscream ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWyvern.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 19 23 16 2.00 1.75 2.25 Foot 320 1.77 100 35 - 59 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroFarseer.blp Drek'Thar

Mystical Hero, effective at ranged attacks and scouting. Can learn Chain Lightning, Far Sight, Feral Spirit and Earthquake.

Attacks land and air units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Drek'Thar ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWyvern.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 15 18 19 2.00 1.00 3.00 On Horse 320 2.28 600 19 - 27 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroBlademaster.blp Samuro

Cunning Hero, adept at quickly killing individual units and creating confusion among enemies. Can learn Mirror Image, Wind Walk, Critical Strike and Bladestorm.

Attacks land units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Samuro ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWyvern.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 18 23 16 2.00 1.75 2.25 Foot 300 1.77 100 23 - 47 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroDeathKnight.blp Death Knight

Warrior Hero, evil counterpart to the Human Paladin. Can learn Death Coil, Death Pact, Unholy Aura, and Animate Dead.

Attacks land units.
Death Knight ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFrostWyrm.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 23 12 17 2.70 1.50 1.80 Foot 320 2.33 100 23 - 35 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLichVersion2.blp Lich

Mystical Hero, particularly adept at cold magic. Can learn Frost Armor, Frost Nova, Dark Ritual and Death And Decay.

Attacks land and air units.
Lich ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFrostWyrm.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 15 14 20 2.00 1.00 3.40 Hover 290 1.90 600 20 - 28 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBansheeRanger.blp Dark Ranger

Cunning Hero, adept at manipulating opponents. Can learn Silence, Black Arrow, Life Drain, and Charm.

Attacks land and air units.
Dark Ranger ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFrostWyrm.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 18 21 15 1.90 1.50 2.60 Foot 320 2.42 600 21 - 33 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKelThuzad.blp Necromancer

Mystical Hero, particularly adept at cold magic. Can learn Raise Dead, Summon Meat Wagon, Skeletal Mastery and Summon Sapphiron.

Attacks land and air units.
Necromancer ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFrostWyrm.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 15 14 20 2.00 1.00 3.40 Foot 290 1.90 600 20 - 28 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAbomination.blp Abomination

Warrior Hero, adept at crushing enemies. Can learn Cannibalize, Devour, Aura of Blight and Disease Cloud.

Attacks land units.
Abomination ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFrostWyrm.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 26 14 14 3.20 1.20 1.60 Foot 290 1.90 128 26 - 34 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanshee.blp Banshee

Mystical Hero, particularly adept at cold magic. Can learn Curse, Anti-magic Shell, Scream and Charm.

Attacks land and air units.
Banshee ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFrostWyrm.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 15 14 20 2.00 1.00 3.40 Hover 290 1.90 600 20 - 28 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp Acolyte

Constructing hero, exceptional at repairing mechanical units and constructing buildings. Can learn Harvest, Unsummon Buildings, Repair Aura and Shade Form.

Attacks land units.

Mount: Frost Wyrm.

Standard Ability: Repair.
Acolyte ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFrostWyrm.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRepairOn.blp 22 13 17 2.70 1.50 2.25 Foot 300 2.00 100 22 - 34 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNShade.blp Shade

Constructing hero, exceptional at repairing mechanical units and constructing buildings. Can learn Harvest, Unsummon Buildings, Repair Aura and Shade Form.

Attacks land units.

Mount: Frost Wyrm.

Standard Ability: Repair.
Shade ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFrostWyrm.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRepairOn.blp 22 13 17 2.70 1.50 2.25 Foot 300 2.00 100 22 - 34 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNObsidianStatue.blp Obsidian Statue

Mechanical Hero, particularly adept at destroying magic. Can learn Replenish, Orb of Annihilation, Absorb and Destroyer Form.

Attacks land units.
Obsidian Statue ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFrostWyrm.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 15 14 20 2.00 1.00 3.40 Hover 290 1.90 600 20 - 28 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDestroyer.blp Destroyer Form

Mechanical Hero, particularly adept at destroying magic. Can learn Replenish, Orb of Annihilation, Absorb and Destroyer Form.

Attacks land units.
Destroyer Form ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFrostWyrm.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 15 14 20 2.00 1.00 3.40 Fly 320 1.90 600 20 - 28 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroDeathKnight.blp Arthas

Warrior Hero, evil counterpart to the Human Paladin. Can learn Death Coil, Death Pact, Unholy Aura, and Animate Dead.

Attacks land units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Arthas ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFrostWyrm.blp ReplaceableTextures/PassiveButtons/PASBTNScout.blp 23 12 17 2.70 1.50 1.80 Foot 320 2.33 100 23 - 35 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKelThuzad.blp Kel'Thuzad

Mystical Hero, particularly adept at cold magic. Can learn Raise Dead, Summon Meat Wagon, Skeletal Mastery and Summon Sapphiron.

Attacks land and air units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Kel'Thuzad ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFrostWyrm.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 15 14 20 2.00 1.00 3.40 Foot 290 1.90 600 20 - 28 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLichVersion2.blp Kel'Thuzad

Mystical Hero, particularly adept at cold magic. Can learn Frost Armor, Frost Nova, Dark Ritual and Death And Decay.

Attacks land and air units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Kel'Thuzad ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFrostWyrm.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 14 14 20 1.60 1.00 3.40 Foot 270 1.90 600 20 - 28 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroDreadlord.blp Mal'Ganis

Cunning Hero, adept at controlling combat. Can learn Lordaeron Villagers, Sleep, Aura of Darkness, and Dark Conversion.

Attacks land units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Mal'Ganis ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFrostWyrm.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 20 16 18 2.50 1.00 2.50 Foot 270 1.80 100 20 - 32 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBansheeRanger.blp Sylvanas

Cunning Hero, adept at manipulating opponents. Can learn Silence, Black Arrow, Life Drain, and Charm.

Attacks land and air units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Sylvanas ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFrostWyrm.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 18 19 15 1.90 1.50 2.60 Foot 320 2.46 600 19 - 31 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLichKing.blp Lich King

Warrior Hero, evil counterpart to the Human Paladin. Can learn Death Coil, Bash Unholy Aura, and Finger of Death.

Attacks land units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction. Restricted to account Barade#2569.
Lich King ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFrostWyrm.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 23 12 17 2.70 1.50 1.80 Foot 320 2.33 100 23 - 35 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroCryptLord.blp Crypt Lord

Warrior Hero, adept at summoning insect minions and crushing enemies. Can learn Impale, Spiked Carapace, Carrion Beetles and Locust Swarm.

Attacks land units.
Crypt Lord ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFrostWyrm.blp - 26 14 14 3.20 1.20 1.60 Foot 290 1.90 128 26 - 34 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroCryptLord.blp Burrowed Crypt Lord

Warrior Hero, adept at summoning insect minions and crushing enemies. Can learn Impale, Spiked Carapace, Carrion Beetles and Locust Swarm.

Attacks land units.
Burrowed Crypt Lord ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFrostWyrm.blp - 26 14 14 3.20 1.20 1.60 None 0 - - - - 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNerubianQueen.blp Nerubian Queen

Warrior Hero, adept at summoning insect minions and crushing enemies. Can learn Mass Web, Summon Spider Egg, Spin Web and Nerubian Army.

Attacks land units.
Nerubian Queen ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFrostWyrm.blp - 14 26 14 1.20 3.20 1.60 Foot 290 1.90 500 26 - 34 5 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNerubianQueen.blp Burrowed Nerubian Queen

Warrior Hero, adept at summoning insect minions and crushing enemies. Can learn Mass Web, Summon Spider Egg, Spin Web and Nerubian Army.

Attacks land units.
Burrowed Nerubian Queen ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFrostWyrm.blp - 14 26 14 1.20 3.20 1.60 None 0 - - - - 5 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroCryptLord.blp Anub'arak

Warrior Hero, adept at summoning insect minions and crushing enemies. Can learn Impale, Spiked Carapace, Carrion Beetles and Locust Swarm.

Attacks land units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Anub'arak ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFrostWyrm.blp - 26 14 14 3.20 1.20 1.60 Foot 270 1.90 128 26 - 34 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroCryptLord.blp Burrowed Anub'arak

Warrior Hero, adept at summoning insect minions and crushing enemies. Can learn Impale, Spiked Carapace, Carrion Beetles and Locust Swarm.

Attacks land units.
Burrowed Anub'arak ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFrostWyrm.blp - 26 14 14 3.20 1.20 1.60 None 0 - - - - 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNShandris.blp Ranger

Cunning Hero, adept at damaging opponents. Can learn Scout, Poison Arrows, Trueshot Aura, and Starfall.

Attacks land and air units.

Mount: Chimaera.

Standard Ability: Invisibility.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Ranger ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 18 19 15 1.90 1.50 2.60 Foot 350 2.46 600 19 - 31 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKeeperOfTheGrove.blp Keeper of the Grove

Mystical Hero, adept at using nature spells. Can learn Entangling Roots, Force of Nature, Thorns Aura, and Tranquility.

Attacks land and air units.
Keeper of the Grove ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 16 15 18 1.80 1.50 2.70 On Horse 320 2.18 600 18 - 26 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPriestessOfTheMoon.blp Priestess of the Moon

Warrior Hero, adept at enhancing ranged attacks and slaying enemies from afar. Can learn Scout, Searing Arrows, Trueshot Aura, and Starfall.

Attacks land and air units.
Priestess of the Moon ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 18 19 15 1.90 1.50 2.60 On Horse 320 2.33 600 19 - 31 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroDemonHunter.blp Demon Hunter

Cunning Hero, adept at maneuvering through battles. Can learn Immolation, Evasion, Mana Burn, and Metamorphosis.

Attacks land units.
Demon Hunter ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 19 21 16 2.40 1.50 2.10 Foot 320 1.70 100 21 - 45 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMetamorphosis.blp Demon Hunter

Cunning Hero, adept at maneuvering through battles. Can learn Immolation, Evasion, Mana Burn, and Metamorphosis.

Attacks land units.
Demon Hunter ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 26 20 16 2.40 1.50 2.10 Foot 320 1.60 600 20 - 44 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroWarden.blp Warden

Cunning Hero, adept at entering and escaping combat. Can learn Blink, Fan of Knives, Shadow Strike and Vengeance.

Attacks land units.
Warden ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 18 20 16 2.40 1.60 2.25 Foot 320 2.05 100 20 - 42 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMountainGiant.blp Mountain Giant

Tank Hero, defending your army and destroying hostile towns. Can learn Hurl Boulder, Hardened Skin, Eat Tree, and Demolish.

Attacks land units.
Mountain Giant ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 26 16 14 3.20 1.30 2.25 Foot 300 1.70 100 26 - 50 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDruidOfTheClaw.blp Druid of the Claw

Mystical Hero, adept at using nature spells. Can learn Mass Rejuvenation, Mass Faerie Fire, Battle Roar, and Bear Form.

Attacks land units.
Druid of the Claw ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 16 15 18 1.80 1.50 2.70 On Horse 320 2.18 100 18 - 26 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBearForm.blp Druid of the Claw

Mystical Hero, adept at using nature spells. Can learn Entangling Roots, Force of Nature, Thorns Aura, and Tranquility.

Attacks land and air units.
Druid of the Claw ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 16 15 18 1.80 1.50 2.70 On Horse 320 2.18 100 18 - 26 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDruidOfTheTalon.blp Druid of the Talon

Mystical Hero, adept at using nature spells. Can learn Mass Cyclone, Mass Faerie Fire, Battle Roar, and Crow Form.

Attacks land units.
Druid of the Talon ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 16 15 18 1.80 1.50 2.70 On Horse 320 2.18 600 18 - 26 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRavenForm.blp Druid of the Talon

Mystical Hero, adept at using nature spells. Can learn Entangling Roots, Force of Nature, Thorns Aura, and Tranquility.

Attacks land and air units.
Druid of the Talon ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 16 15 18 1.80 1.50 2.70 Fly 350 2.18 600 18 - 26 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDryad.blp Dryad

Mystical Hero, adept at enhancing attacks and protecting against enemy magic. Can learn Abolish Magic, Poison Arrows, Barrage, and Magic Defense.

Attacks land and air units.
Dryad ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 18 19 15 1.90 1.50 2.60 On Horse 320 2.33 600 19 - 31 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp Wisp

Cunning Hero, adept at entering and escaping combat. Can learn Harvest, Devour Magic, Absorb Mana and Big Bad Voodoo.

Attacks air units.
Wisp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRepairOn.blp 18 20 16 2.40 1.60 2.25 Hover 320 2.05 600 20 - 42 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAncientOfLore.blp Ancient of Lore

Mystical Hero, adept at using nature spells. Can learn Mass Rejuvenation, Mass Faerie Fire, Eat Tree, and Forest Word.

Attacks land and air units.
Ancient of Lore ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRoot.blp 16 15 18 1.80 1.50 2.70 On Horse 0 2.18 600 18 - 26 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurion.blp Furion

Mystical Hero, adept at using nature spells. Can learn Entangling Roots, Force of Nature, Thorns Aura, and Tranquility.

Attacks land and air units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Furion ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 17 15 18 1.80 1.50 2.70 Foot 270 2.18 600 18 - 26 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurion.blp Malfurion

Mystical Hero, adept at using nature spells. Can learn Entangling Roots, Force of Nature, Thorns Aura, and Tranquility.

Attacks land and air units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Malfurion ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 17 15 18 1.80 1.50 2.70 Foot 270 2.18 600 18 - 26 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroDemonHunter.blp Illidan

Cunning Hero, adept at maneuvering through battles. Can learn Immolation, Evasion, Mana Burn, and Metamorphosis.

Attacks land units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Illidan ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 21 22 16 2.40 1.50 2.10 Foot 320 1.70 100 22 - 46 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMetamorphosis.blp Illidan

Cunning Hero, adept at maneuvering through battles. Can learn Immolation, Evasion, Mana Burn, and Metamorphosis.

Attacks land units.
Illidan ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 26 20 16 2.40 1.50 2.10 Amphibious 320 1.60 600 32 - 56 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNEvilIllidan.blp Illidan

Cunning Hero, adept at maneuvering through battles. Can learn Immolation, Evasion, Mana Burn, and Metamorphosis.

Attacks land units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Illidan ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 21 22 16 2.40 1.50 2.10 Amphibious 320 1.70 100 22 - 46 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMetamorphosis.blp Illidan

Cunning Hero, adept at maneuvering through battles. Can learn Immolation, Evasion, Mana Burn, and Metamorphosis.

Attacks land units.
Illidan ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 26 20 16 2.40 1.50 2.10 Amphibious 320 1.60 600 32 - 56 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPriestessOfTheMoon.blp Tyrande

Warrior Hero, adept at enhancing ranged attacks and slaying enemies from afar. Can learn Scout, Searing Arrows, Trueshot Aura, and Starfall.

Attacks land and air units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Tyrande ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 18 19 15 1.90 1.50 2.60 On Horse 320 2.46 600 19 - 31 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWarden2.blp Maiev

Cunning Hero, adept at entering and escaping combat. Can learn Blink, Fan of Knives, Shadow Strike and Vengeance.

Attacks land units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Maiev ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 18 20 15 2.40 1.60 2.00 Foot 320 2.05 100 20 - 42 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNShandris.blp Shandris Feathermoon

Cunning Hero, adept at damaging opponents. Can learn Scout, Poison Arrows, Trueshot Aura, and Starfall.

Attacks land and air units.

Mount: Chimaera.

Standard Ability: Invisibility.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Shandris Feathermoon ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 18 19 15 1.90 1.50 2.60 Foot 350 2.46 600 19 - 31 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKeeperGhostBlue.blp Keeper of the Grove

Mystical Hero, adept at using nature spells. Can learn Entangling Roots, Force of Nature, Thorns Aura, and Tranquility.

Attacks land and air units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Keeper of the Grove ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 16 15 18 1.80 1.50 2.70 On Horse 320 2.18 600 18 - 26 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKeeperOfTheGrove.blp Cenarius

Mystical Hero, adept at using nature spells. Can learn Entangling Roots, Force of Nature, Thorns Aura, and Tranquility.

Attacks land and air units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Cenarius ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 17 15 18 4.00 0.60 5.00 On Horse 400 2.00 1000 58 - 122 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDruidOfTheTalonBETA.blp Archdruid

Mystical Hero, adept at using nature spells. Can learn Mass Rejuvenation, Mass Faerie Fire, Battle Roar, and Druid Forms.

Attacks land units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Archdruid ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 16 15 18 1.80 1.50 2.70 On Horse 320 2.18 100 18 - 26 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ Druid Aquatic Form

Mystical Hero, adept at using nature spells. Can learn Entangling Roots, Force of Nature, Thorns Aura, and Tranquility.

Attacks land and air units.
Druid Aquatic Form ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 16 15 18 1.80 1.50 2.70 Amphibious 320 2.18 100 18 - 26 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBearForm.blp Druid Bear Form

Mystical Hero, adept at using nature spells. Can learn Entangling Roots, Force of Nature, Thorns Aura, and Tranquility.

Attacks land and air units.
Druid Bear Form ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 16 15 18 1.80 1.50 2.70 On Horse 320 2.18 100 18 - 26 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ Druid Cat Form

Mystical Hero, adept at using nature spells. Can learn Entangling Roots, Force of Nature, Thorns Aura, and Tranquility.

Attacks land and air units.
Druid Cat Form ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 16 15 18 1.80 1.50 2.70 On Horse 320 2.18 100 18 - 26 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRavenForm.blp Druid Crow Form

Mystical Hero, adept at using nature spells. Can learn Entangling Roots, Force of Nature, Thorns Aura, and Tranquility.

Attacks land and air units.
Druid Crow Form ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 16 15 18 1.80 1.50 2.70 Fly 350 2.18 600 18 - 26 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ Druid Flight Form

Mystical Hero, adept at using nature spells. Can learn Entangling Roots, Force of Nature, Thorns Aura, and Tranquility.

Attacks land and air units.
Druid Flight Form ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 16 15 18 1.80 1.50 2.70 Fly 360 2.18 100 18 - 26 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ Druid Spider Form

Mystical Hero, adept at using nature spells. Can learn Entangling Roots, Force of Nature, Thorns Aura, and Tranquility.

Attacks land and air units.
Druid Spider Form ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 16 15 18 1.80 1.50 2.70 On Horse 320 2.18 100 18 - 26 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ Druid Stag Form

Mystical Hero, adept at using nature spells. Can learn Entangling Roots, Force of Nature, Thorns Aura, and Tranquility.

Attacks land and air units.
Druid Stag Form ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 16 15 18 1.80 1.50 2.70 On Horse 400 2.18 100 18 - 26 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ Druid Tree Form

Mystical Hero, adept at using nature spells. Can learn Entangling Roots, Force of Nature, Thorns Aura, and Tranquility.

Attacks land and air units.
Druid Tree Form ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 16 15 18 1.80 1.50 2.70 Foot 200 2.18 100 18 - 26 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNForceOfNature.blp Druid Wildkin Form

Mystical Hero, adept at using nature spells. Can learn Entangling Roots, Force of Nature, Thorns Aura, and Tranquility.

Attacks land and air units.
Druid Wildkin Form ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 16 15 18 1.80 1.50 2.70 On Horse 320 2.18 100 18 - 26 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ Druid Wolf Form

Mystical Hero, adept at using nature spells. Can learn Entangling Roots, Force of Nature, Thorns Aura, and Tranquility.

Attacks land and air units.
Druid Wolf Form ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 16 15 18 1.80 1.50 2.70 On Horse 320 2.18 100 18 - 26 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPriestessOfTheMoonOnOwl.blp Priestess of the Moon on Owl

Warrior Hero, adept at enhancing ranged attacks and slaying enemies from afar. Can learn Scout, Searing Arrows, Trueshot Aura, and Starfall.

Attacks land and air units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Priestess of the Moon on Owl ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 18 19 15 1.90 1.50 2.60 Fly 370 2.33 600 19 - 31 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStag.blp Malorne

Mystical Hero, adept at using nature spells. Can learn Entangling Roots, Force of Nature, Thorns Aura, and Tranquility.

Attacks land and air units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Malorne ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 17 15 18 4.00 0.60 5.00 On Horse 400 2.00 90 58 - 122 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp Chimaera

Warrior Hero, adept at enhancing ranged attacks and slaying enemies from afar. Can learn Chain Lightning, Mana Shield, Corrosive Breath, and Mass Devour.

Attacks land and air units. Causes Splash damage.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Chimaera ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 18 15 19 1.90 2.60 1.50 Fly 370 2.33 600 19 - 31 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroAlchemist.blp Alchemist

Warrior Hero, known for offensive and defensive versatility. Can learn Healing Spray, Chemical Rage, Acid Bomb and Transmute.

Attacks land and air units.
Alchemist ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinWorker.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinZeppelin.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 25 10 18 3.30 1.00 2.00 Foot 290 2.50 100 25 - 55 1 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroTinker.blp Tinker

Cunning Hero, exceptional at disrupting battles and enduring damage. Can learn Pocket Factory, Cluster Rockets, Engineering Upgrade and Robo-Goblin.

Attacks land units.
Tinker ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinWorker.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinZeppelin.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 20 15 20 2.40 1.00 2.60 Foot 290 2.00 128 20 - 28 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroTinker.blp Tinker

Cunning Hero, exceptional at disrupting battles and enduring damage. Can learn Pocket Factory, Cluster Rockets, Engineering Upgrade and Robo-Goblin.

Attacks land units.
Tinker ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinWorker.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinZeppelin.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 20 15 20 2.40 1.00 2.60 Foot 290 2.00 128 20 - 28 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFlameShredder.blp Flame Shredder

Cunning Hero, exceptional at disrupting battles and enduring damage. Can learn Burning Oil, Flamethrower, Permanent Immolation and Flamethrower Turret.

Attacks land units.
Flame Shredder ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinWorker.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinZeppelin.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 20 15 20 1.20 1.00 2.60 Foot 290 0.80 250 20 - 28 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNJunkGolem.blp Goblin Shredder

Mechanical Hero, exceptional at disrupting battles and enduring damage. Can learn Harvest, Kaboom!, Demolish and Avatar.

Attacks land units.
Goblin Shredder ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinWorker.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinZeppelin.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 20 15 20 2.60 1.00 2.40 Foot 290 2.00 128 20 - 28 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGobGunner.blp Gunner

Cunning Hero, exceptional at disrupting battles and enduring damage. Can learn Turret Ward, Barrage, Special Ammunition and Minigun Rage.

Attacks land and air units.
Gunner ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinWorker.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinZeppelin.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 20 20 15 2.40 2.60 1.00 Foot 290 2.00 600 20 - 28 5 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGoblinPrince.blp Goblin Prince

Cunning Hero, exceptional at disrupting battles and enduring damage. Can learn Pocket Factory, Cluster Rockets, Command Aura and Flying Form.

Attacks land units.
Goblin Prince ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinWorker.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinZeppelin.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 20 15 20 2.40 1.00 2.60 Foot 290 2.00 500 20 - 28 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGoblinPrince.blp Goblin Prince

Cunning Hero, exceptional at disrupting battles and enduring damage. Can learn Pocket Factory, Cluster Rockets, Command Aura and Flying Form.

Attacks land units.
Goblin Prince ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinWorker.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinZeppelin.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 20 15 20 2.40 1.00 2.60 Fly 320 2.00 500 20 - 28 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblin Assault Tank 'Gazlowe'1.blp Goblin Heavy Tank

Mechanical Hero, exceptional at disrupting battles and enduring damage. Can learn Anti Air Missiles, Double Attack, Chemical Attack and Mechanical Repair.

Attacks land units.
Goblin Heavy Tank ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinWorker.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinZeppelin.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFlakCannons.blp 20 15 20 2.40 1.00 2.60 Foot 290 2.00 128 20 - 28 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinWarZeppelin.blp Goblin War Zeppelin

Flying mechanical Hero, exceptional at destroying ground structures. Can learn Turrets, Net Launcher Turret, Bombs, and Summon Nuclear Silo.

Attacks land units. Mechanical unit.

Warning: Uses a custom turret system and might be really buggy.
Goblin War Zeppelin ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinWorker.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinZeppelin.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFlakCannons.blp 20 15 20 2.40 1.00 2.60 Fly 480 2.00 900 20 - 28 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNagaSeaWitch.blp Sea Witch

Mystical Hero, adept at ranged combat. Can learn Forked Lightning, Frost Arrows, Mana Shield, and Tornado.

Attacks land and air units.
Sea Witch ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurgalSlave.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWindSerpent.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 15 16 22 2.00 1.00 3.00 Amphibious 290 1.90 600 22 - 34 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNagaArmoredRoyalGuard.blp Naga Royal Guard

Mystical Hero, adept at ranged combat. Can learn Frost Bolt, Summon Sea Elementals, Crushing Wave, and Monsoon.

Attacks land units.
Naga Royal Guard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurgalSlave.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWindSerpent.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 22 16 15 3.00 1.00 2.00 Amphibious 290 2.00 90 22 - 34 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSeaWitch.blp Naga Siren

Mystical Hero, adept at ranged combat. Can learn Mass Cyclone, Frost Armor, Parasite, and Charm.

Attacks land and air units.
Naga Siren ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurgalSlave.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWindSerpent.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 15 16 22 2.00 1.00 3.00 Amphibious 290 1.90 600 22 - 34 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNagaSeaWitch.blp Lady Vashj

Mystical Hero, adept at ranged combat. Can learn Forked Lightning, Frost Arrows, Mana Shield, and Tornado.

Attacks land and air units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Lady Vashj ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurgalSlave.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWindSerpent.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 15 14 20 2.00 1.00 3.40 Amphibious 270 1.90 600 20 - 28 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp Gnomish Engineer

Cunning Hero, exceptional at disrupting battles and enduring damage. Can learn Harvest, Flamethrower, Repair Aura and Mechanical Repair.

Attacks land units.
Gnomish Engineer ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 20 15 20 2.40 1.00 2.60 Foot 290 2.00 128 20 - 28 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWarlock.blp Warlock

Cunning Hero, adept at damaging and supporting magics. Can learn Firebolt, Summon Doom Guard, Cripple and Inferno.

Attacks land and air units.
Warlock ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 15 20 17 2.00 1.50 2.50 Foot 290 2.28 600 17 - 25 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandarenBrewmaster.blp Brewmaster

Warrior Hero, exceptional at absorbing damage and melee combat. Can learn Breath of Fire, Drunken Haze, Drunken Brawler and Storm, Earth, And Fire.

Attacks land units.
Brewmaster ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNcloudserpentbronze.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 23 14 16 3.00 1.50 2.25 Foot 290 2.22 100 23 - 35 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIronFist.blp Iron Fist

Tank Hero, defending your army and destroying hostile towns. Can learn Shockwave, Hardened Skin, Bash, and Avatar.

Attacks land units.
Iron Fist ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNcloudserpentbronze.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 26 16 14 3.20 1.30 2.25 Foot 300 1.70 100 26 - 50 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroShadoPan.blp Shado Pan

Cunning Hero, adept at quickly killing individual units and creating confusion among enemies. Can learn Slide, Mirror Image, Critical Strike and Bladestorm.

Attacks land units.
Shado Pan ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNcloudserpentbronze.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 18 22 16 2.00 1.75 2.25 Foot 320 1.77 100 22 - 46 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNEarthBrewmaster.blp Monk

Warrior Hero, exceptional at absorbing damage and melee combat. Can learn Slide, Jump Attack, Heal and Bladestorm.

Attacks land units.
Monk ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNcloudserpentbronze.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 16 14 23 2.25 1.50 3.00 Foot 290 2.22 100 23 - 35 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandarenBrewmaster.blp Chen Stormstout

Warrior Hero, exceptional at absorbing damage and melee combat. Can learn Breath of Fire, Drunken Haze, Drunken Brawler and Storm, Earth And Fire.

Attacks land units.
Chen Stormstout ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNcloudserpentbronze.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 23 12 15 3.00 1.50 1.50 Foot 320 2.22 100 23 - 35 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNShadowHunter.blp Shadow Hunter

Cunning Hero, adept at healing magics and voodoo curses. Can learn Healing Wave, Hex, Serpent Ward and Big Bad Voodoo.

Attacks land and air units.

Mount: Bat.

Standard Ability: Invisibility.
Shadow Hunter ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollBatRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 15 20 17 2.00 1.50 2.50 Foot 320 2.28 600 20 - 28 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWitchDoctor.blp Witch Doctor

Cunning Hero, adept at healing magics and voodoo curses. Can learn Healing Ward, Stasis Trap, Mana Ward and Mass Hex.

Attacks land and air units.

Mount: Bat.

Standard Ability: Invisibility.
Witch Doctor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollBatRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 15 17 20 2.00 1.50 2.50 Foot 320 2.28 600 20 - 28 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNForestTroll.blp Troll Warlord

Cunning Hero, adept at manipulating opponents. Can learn Mass Ensnare, Battle Roar, Trueshot Aura, and Summon Green Dragon.

Attacks land and air units.
Troll Warlord ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGreenDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 18 21 15 1.90 1.50 2.60 Foot 320 2.42 600 21 - 33 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNShadowHunter.blp Rokhan

Cunning Hero, adept at healing magics and voodoo curses. Can learn Healing Wave, Hex, Serpent Ward and Big Bad Voodoo.

Attacks land and air units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Rokhan ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollBatRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 15 20 18 2.00 1.50 2.50 Foot 320 2.28 600 20 - 28 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroTaurenChieftain.blp Tauren Chieftain

Warrior Hero, exceptional at absorbing damage and melee combat. Can learn Shockwave, War Stomp, Endurance Aura and Reincarnation.

Attacks land units.
Tauren Chieftain ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWyvern.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 25 10 15 3.20 1.50 2.25 Foot 290 2.05 128 25 - 37 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSpiritWalker.blp Spirit Walker

Mystical Hero, supporting your army by reviving units and preventing enemy spells. Can learn Revive, Spirit Link, Discharge and Etheral Form.

Attacks land units.
Spirit Walker ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWyvern.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 15 10 25 2.25 1.50 3.20 Foot 290 2.05 400 25 - 37 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSpiritWalker.blp Spirit Walker

Mystical Hero, supporting your army by reviving units and preventing enemy spells. Can learn Revive, Spirit Link, Discharge and Etheral Form.

Attacks land units.
Spirit Walker ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWyvern.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 15 10 25 2.25 1.50 3.20 Foot 290 2.05 128 25 - 37 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroTaurenChieftain.blp Cairne Bloodhoof

Warrior Hero, exceptional at absorbing damage and melee combat. Can learn Shockwave, War Stomp, Endurance Aura and Reincarnation.

Attacks land units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Cairne Bloodhoof ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWyvern.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 25 10 14 3.20 1.50 1.30 Foot 250 2.05 128 25 - 37 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroDreadLord.blp Dreadlord

Cunning Hero, adept at controlling combat. Can learn Carrion Swarm, Sleep, Vampiric Aura, and Inferno.

Attacks land units.
Dreadlord ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNetherDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 20 16 18 2.50 1.00 2.50 Foot 300 1.80 100 20 - 32 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPitLord.blp Pit Lord

Warrior Hero, adept at terrorizing enemies. Can learn Rain of Fire, Howl of Terror, Cleaving Attack, and Demon Master.

Attacks land units.
Pit Lord ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNetherDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 26 16 14 3.20 1.30 2.25 Foot 300 2.05 100 26 - 38 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNeredarRed.blp Eredar Warlock

Spell casting Hero, good for damaging enemy troops. Can learn Firebolt, Mana Shield, Bash, and Finger of Death.

Attacks land and air units.
Eredar Warlock ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNetherDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 14 17 19 1.50 2.20 3.00 Foot 320 2.00 600 19 - 27 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlueDemoness.blp Succubus

Cunning Hero, adept at manipulating opponents. Can learn Silence, Death Coil, Unholy Aura, and Charm.

Attacks land units.
Succubus ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNetherDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 18 21 15 1.90 1.50 2.60 Foot 320 2.42 90 21 - 33 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDoomGuard.blp Doom Guard

Warrior Hero, adept at terrorizing enemies. Can learn Rain of Fire, War Stomp, Mass Cripple, and Doom.

Attacks land units.
Doom Guard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNetherDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 26 16 14 3.20 1.30 2.25 Foot 300 2.05 100 26 - 38 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPurpleFelhound.blp Fel Beast

Warrior Hero, adept at terrorizing enemies. Can learn Mana Burn, Devour, Devour Magic, and Stampede.

Attacks land units.
Fel Beast ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNetherDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 26 16 14 3.20 1.30 2.25 Foot 300 2.05 100 26 - 38 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInfernal.blp Infernal

Warrior Hero, adept at summoning beasts into battle. Can learn Death Coil, War Stomp, Permanent Immolation, and Burning Sky.

Attacks land units.
Infernal ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNetherDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 22 14 15 2.90 1.30 2.25 Foot 320 2.20 128 22 - 34 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNJailerRed.blp Jailer

Mystical Hero, particularly adept at cold magic. Can learn Rain of Fire, Life Drain, Siphon Mana and Mass Devour.

Attacks land and air units.
Jailer ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNetherDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 15 14 20 2.00 1.00 3.40 Hover 290 1.90 600 20 - 28 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNoverlord.blp Mo'arg Overlord

Warrior Hero, adept at terrorizing enemies. Can learn Shockwave, Howl of Terror, Cleaving Attack, and Avatar.

Attacks land units.
Mo'arg Overlord ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNetherDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 26 16 14 3.20 1.30 2.25 Foot 300 2.05 100 26 - 38 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArchimonde.blp Archimonde

Mystical Hero, particularly adept at cold magic. Can learn Dark Portal, Rain of Chaos, Bash and Finger of Death.

Attacks land and air units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Archimonde ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNetherDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 21 17 20 3.00 3.00 4.00 Foot 320 2.00 600 20 - 140 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMannoroth.blp Mannoroth

Warrior Hero, adept at terrorizing enemies. Can learn Shockwave, Thunder Clap, Reincarnation, and Demon Master.

Attacks land units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Mannoroth ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNetherDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 30 17 20 3.00 1.00 2.00 Foot 250 1.30 200 44 - 52 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKiljaedin.blp Kil'jaeden

Mystical Hero, particularly adept at cold magic. Can learn Dark Portal, Rain of Chaos, Bash and Finger of Death.

Attacks land and air units.
Kil'jaeden ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNetherDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 20 16 18 2.50 1.00 4.50 Foot 270 1.80 100 20 - 32 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTichondrius.blp Tichondrius

Cunning Hero, adept at controlling combat. Can learn Carrion Swarm, Sleep, Rain of Chaos, and Finger of Death.

Attacks land units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Tichondrius ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNetherDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 20 16 18 2.50 1.00 4.50 Foot 270 1.80 100 20 - 32 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKazzakIon.blp Doom Lord

Warrior Hero, adept at terrorizing enemies. Can learn Mass Firebolt, War Stomp, Mass Cripple, and Mass Doom.

Attacks land units.
Doom Lord ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNetherDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 26 16 14 3.20 1.30 2.25 Foot 300 2.05 100 26 - 38 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranaiAkama.blp Elder Sage

Cunning Hero, adept at maneuvering through battles. Can learn Chain Lightning, Shadow Strike, Feral Spirit and Reincarnation.

Attacks land units.
Elder Sage ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranai.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNetherDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 15 20 19 2.00 1.20 2.80 Foot 320 1.80 128 19 - 35 5 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranai.blp Vindicator

Warrior Hero, exceptional at defense and augmenting nearby friendly troops. Can learn Holy Light, Divine Shield, Devotion Aura and Resurrection.

Attacks land units.

Mount: Nether Drake.

Standard Ability: Berserk.
Vindicator ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranai.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNetherDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 22 13 17 2.70 1.50 2.25 Foot 300 2.00 100 22 - 34 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDraeneiProphet.blp Velen

Mystical Hero, adept at ranged assaults. Can learn Teleportation, Far Sight, Mass Holy Light and Revive Heroes.

Attacks land and air units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Velen ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranai.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNetherDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 16 15 19 2.00 1.00 3.00 Foot 270 2.13 600 19 - 27 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolgElder.blp Furbolg Ursa Warrior

Warrior Hero, suppors the troops and weakens enemy troops. Can learn Rejuvenation, Mass Faerie Fire, Command Aura and Corruption.

Attacks land units.
Furbolg Ursa Warrior ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolg.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGreenDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 18 20 16 2.40 1.60 2.25 Foot 320 2.05 100 20 - 42 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFountainOfLifeDefiled.blp Furbolg Ursa Warrior

Warrior Hero, suppors the troops and weakens enemy troops. Can learn Rejuvenation, Faerie Fire, Command Aura and Corruption.

Attacks land units.
Furbolg Ursa Warrior ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolg.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 18 20 16 2.40 1.60 2.25 Foot 320 2.05 100 35 - 57 7 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroArchMage.blp Archmage

Mystical Hero, adept at ranged assaults. Can learn Blizzard, Summon Water Elemental, Brilliance Aura and Mass Teleport.

Attacks land and air units.

Mount: Gryphon.

Standard Ability: Invisibility.
Archmage ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 14 17 19 2.00 1.00 3.20 Foot 320 2.13 600 19 - 27 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFemaleMage.blp Arch Sorceress

Mystical Hero, adept at controlling magic and ranged assaults. Can learn Water Ray, Wind Ray, Brilliance Aura, and Fire and Frost Ray.

Attacks land and air units.

Mount: Dragonhawk.

Standard Ability: Loot Ray.
Arch Sorceress ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDragonHawk.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPickUpItem.blp 18 14 19 2.00 1.00 3.00 Hover 300 1.64 600 19 - 27 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceress.blp Aegwynn

Mystical Hero, adept at ranged assaults. Can learn Holy Magic, Arcane Magic, Dark Magic, Fel Magic and Fire Magic.

Attacks land and air units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction. Restricted to account Barade#2569.
Aegwynn ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 15 17 19 1.80 1.00 3.20 Foot 270 2.13 600 19 - 27 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanditMage.blp Hydromancer

Mystical Hero, adept at ranged assaults. Can learn Forked Lightning, Summon Sea Elemental, Cyclone and Monsoon.

Attacks land and air units.
Hydromancer ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 14 17 19 1.80 1.00 3.20 On Horse 320 2.00 500 41 - 53 5 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/Btn_TidesageGreen.blp Tidesage

Mystical Hero, adept at controlling magic and ranged assaults. Can learn Crushing Wave, Summon Sea Elemental, Mana Aura and Charm.

Attacks land and air units.

Mount: Gryphon.

Standard Ability: Invisibility.
Tidesage ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 18 14 19 2.00 1.00 3.00 Foot 300 1.64 600 19 - 27 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNJaina.blp Jaina

Mystical Hero, adept at ranged assaults. Can learn Blizzard, Summon Water Elemental, Brilliance Aura and Mass Teleport.

Attacks land and air units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Jaina ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 15 17 19 1.80 1.00 3.20 Foot 270 2.13 600 19 - 27 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNProudmoore.blp Admiral Proudmoore

Warrior Hero, exceptional at defense and augmenting nearby friendly troops. Can learn Forked Lightning, Summon Sea Elemental, Howl of Terror and Battleship.

Attacks land units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Admiral Proudmoore ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 22 13 17 2.70 1.50 1.80 Foot 270 2.20 100 44 - 56 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNProudmoore.blp Admiral Proudmoore

Warrior Hero, exceptional at defense and augmenting nearby friendly troops. Can learn Holy Light, Divine Shield, Devotion Aura and Resurrection.

Attacks land units.
Admiral Proudmoore ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 22 13 17 2.70 1.50 1.80 Float 360 2.20 900 44 - 56 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroPaladin.blp Lion Rider

Warrior Hero, exceptional at defense and augmenting nearby friendly troops. Can learn Holy Light, Divine Shield, Devotion Aura and Resurrection.

Attacks land units.

Mount: Gryphon.

Standard Ability: Berserk.
Lion Rider ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 22 13 17 2.70 1.50 2.25 On Horse 320 2.00 500 22 - 34 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBishop.blp Bishop

Holy Hero, adept at banning Undead, charming enemies and healing friendly units. Can learn Revive, Holy Nova, Holy Aura and Mass Charm.

Attacks land and air units.

Mount: Gryphon.

Standard Ability: Rejuvenation.
Bishop ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRejuvenation.blp 18 14 19 2.00 1.00 3.00 Foot 300 1.64 600 19 - 27 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulThane.blp Thane

Warrior Hero, adept at offensive combat and disrupting enemy troops. Can learn Defend, War Stomp, Bash and Avatar.

Attacks land units.

Mount: Proto Drake.

Standard Ability: Berserk.
Thane ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulProtoDrake.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 24 11 15 3.00 1.50 2.25 Foot 290 2.22 100 24 - 36 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRagnarFlamebeard.blp Flamebinder

Mystical Hero, adept at controlling magic and ranged assaults. Can learn Meteor, Rain of Fire, Phoenix Fire and Flame Storm.

Attacks land and air units.

Mount: Proto Drake.

Standard Ability: Invisibility.
Flamebinder ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulProtoDrake.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 18 14 19 2.00 1.00 3.00 Foot 300 1.64 600 19 - 27 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSylvanusWindrunner.blp Wolf Rider

Mystical Hero, effective at ranged attacks and scouting. Can learn Rain of Arrows, Poison Arrows, Trueshot Aura and Mass Devour.

Attacks land and air units.
Wolf Rider ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulProtoDrake.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 15 19 18 2.00 3.00 1.00 On Horse 320 2.28 600 19 - 27 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNValkyrDarkIcon.blp Dark Val'kyr

Cunning Hero, adept at manipulating opponents. Can learn Curse, Mass Death Coil, Vampiric Aura, and Animate Dead.

Attacks land and air units.
Dark Val'kyr ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFrostWyrm.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 18 21 15 1.90 1.50 2.60 Foot 320 2.42 600 21 - 33 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNValkyrDarkIcon.blp Golden Val'kyr

Cunning Hero, adept at manipulating opponents. Can learn Mass Holy Light, Inner Fire, Holy Aura, and Resurrection.

Attacks land and air units.
Golden Val'kyr ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFrostWyrm.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 18 21 15 1.90 1.50 2.60 Foot 320 2.42 600 21 - 33 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWorgenHero.blp Deathclaw

Warrior Hero, adept at offensive combat and disrupting enemy troops. Can learn Wind Walk, Devour, Critical Strike and Avatar.

Attacks land units.

Mount: Running Wild.

Standard Ability: Nocturnal.
Deathclaw ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp Strength - - 24 11 15 3.00 1.50 2.25 Foot 290 2.22 100 24 - 36 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTimberWolf.blp Worgen Death Knight

Warrior Hero, evil counterpart to the Human Paladin. Can learn Death Coil, Death Pact, Unholy Aura, and Animate Dead.

Attacks land units.

Mount: Running Wild.

Standard Ability: Nocturnal.
Worgen Death Knight ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulProtoDrake.blp - 23 12 17 2.70 1.50 1.80 Foot 320 2.33 100 23 - 35 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroPaladin.blp Genn Greymane

Warrior Hero, exceptional at defense and augmenting nearby friendly troops. Can learn Moonstone, Howl of Terror, Critical Aura and Worgen Form.

Attacks land units.

Mount: Gryphon/Running Wild.

Standard Ability: Berserk.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Genn Greymane ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 22 13 17 2.70 1.50 1.80 Foot 270 2.20 100 22 - 34 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTimberWolf.blp Genn Greymane

Warrior Hero, exceptional at defense and augmenting nearby friendly troops. Can learn Moonstone, Howl of Terror, Critical Aura and Worgen Form.

Attacks land units.
Genn Greymane ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp Strength - - 22 13 17 2.70 1.50 1.80 Foot 270 2.20 100 22 - 34 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBlack.blp Tuskarr Chieftain

Warrior Hero, adept at summoning beasts into battle. Can learn Mass Ensnare, War Stomp, Command Aura, and Avatar.

Attacks land units.
Tuskarr Chieftain ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSnowOwl.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 22 14 15 2.90 1.30 2.25 Foot 320 2.20 128 22 - 34 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurlocNightCrawler.blp Murloc Sorcerer

Mystical Murloc, adept at ranged assaults. Can learn Rain of Fire, Crushing Wave, Watery Minion, and Tornado.

Attacks land and air units.
Murloc Sorcerer ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWindSerpent.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 14 17 19 1.80 1.00 3.20 Amphibious 320 1.90 600 19 - 31 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgreLord.blp Ogre Lord

Warrior Hero, adept at summoning beasts into battle. Can learn Shockwave, Mass Bloodlust, Devotion Aura, and Reincarnation.

Attacks land units.
Ogre Lord ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 22 14 15 2.90 1.30 2.25 Foot 320 2.20 128 22 - 34 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgreMagi.blp Ogre Magi

Cunning Hero, adept at healing magics and voodoo curses. Can learn Mass Firebolt, Mass Bloodlust, Brilliance Aura and Mass Hex.

Attacks land and air units.

Mount: Wyvern.

Standard Ability: Invisibility.
Ogre Magi ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 15 17 20 2.00 1.50 2.50 Foot 320 2.28 600 20 - 28 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGruul.blp Gronn

Warrior Hero, adept at summoning beasts into battle. Can learn Shockwave, Mass Bloodlust, Devotion Aura, and Reincarnation.

Attacks land units.
Gronn ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 22 14 15 2.90 1.30 2.25 Foot 320 2.20 128 22 - 34 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBeastMaster.blp Beastmaster

Warrior Hero, adept at summoning beasts into battle. Can learn Summon Bear, Summon Quilbeast, Summon Hawk, and Stampede.

Attacks land units.
Beastmaster ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWyvern.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 22 14 15 2.90 1.30 2.25 Foot 320 2.20 128 22 - 34 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRexxar.blp Rexxar

Warrior Hero, adept at summoning beasts and rallying his allies. Can learn Summon Bear, Summon Quilbeast, Storm Bolt, and Stampede.

Attacks land and air units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Rexxar ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWyvern.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 25 14 18 2.90 1.30 2.00 Foot 320 2.05 128 35 - 47 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlueDemoness.blp Eredar Annihilator

Cunning Hero, adept at manipulating opponents. Can learn Silence, Death Coil, Unholy Aura, and Charm.

Attacks land units.
Eredar Annihilator ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNetherDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 18 21 15 1.90 1.50 2.60 Foot 320 2.42 90 21 - 33 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosBlademaster.blp Blademaster

Cunning Hero, adept at quickly killing individual units and creating confusion among enemies. Can learn Mirror Image, Wind Walk, Critical Strike and Bladestorm.

Attacks land units.
Blademaster ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 19 23 16 2.00 1.75 2.25 Foot 320 1.77 100 23 - 47 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosWarlock.blp Fel Warlock

Cunning Hero, adept at damaging and supporting magics. Can learn Firebolt, Summon Doom Guard, Cripple and Animate Dead.

Attacks land and air units.
Fel Warlock ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 15 20 17 2.00 1.50 2.50 Foot 290 2.28 600 17 - 25 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosWarlord.blp Fel Warlord

Warrior Hero, exceptional at absorbing damage and melee combat. Can learn Shockwave, War Stomp, Endurance Aura and Reincarnation.

Attacks land units.
Fel Warlord ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 25 10 15 3.20 1.50 2.25 Foot 290 2.05 128 25 - 37 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFelOrcCrossbow.blp Fel Crossbowman

Cunning Hero, adept at range combat. Can learn Barrage, Searing Arrows, Trueshot Aura and Avatar.

Attacks land and air units.

Mount: Black Dragon.

Standard Ability: Invisibility.
Fel Crossbowman ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 15 20 17 2.00 1.50 2.50 Foot 320 2.28 600 20 - 28 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosWolfRider.blp Fel Raider

Cunning Hero, adept at quickly killing individual units and creating confusion among enemies. Can learn Hurl Boulder, Demolish, Pillage Aura and Mass Ensnare.

Attacks land units.
Fel Raider ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 18 22 16 2.00 1.75 2.25 On Horse 320 1.77 100 22 - 46 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp Fel Peon

Constructing hero, exceptional at repairing mechanical units and constructing buildings. Can learn Harvest, Finish Construction, Repair Aura and Mechanical Repair.

Attacks land units.

Mount: Wyvern.

Standard Ability: Repair.
Fel Peon ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRepairOn.blp 22 13 17 2.70 1.50 2.25 Foot 300 2.00 100 22 - 34 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKotoBeast.blp Fel Kodo Beast

Cunning Hero, adept at healing magics and voodoo curses. Can learn Shockwave, War Stomp, Command Aura and Mass Devour.

Attacks land and air units.

Mount: Black Dragon.

Standard Ability: Berserk.
Fel Kodo Beast ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 15 20 17 2.00 1.50 2.50 Foot 320 2.28 90 20 - 28 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosGrom.blp Grommash Hellscream

Cunning Hero, adept at quickly killing individual units and creating confusion among enemies. Can learn Mirror Image, Wind Walk, Critical Strike and Bladestorm.

Attacks land units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Grommash Hellscream ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 19 23 16 2.00 1.75 2.25 Foot 320 1.77 100 35 - 59 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroKargathBladefist.blp Kargath Bladefist

Cunning Hero, adept at quickly killing individual units and creating confusion among enemies. Can learn Mirror Image, Wind Walk, Critical Strike and Bladestorm.

Attacks land units.
Kargath Bladefist ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 19 23 16 2.00 1.75 2.25 Foot 320 1.77 100 35 - 59 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNUnbroken.blp Unbroken

Warrior Hero, adept at summoning beasts into battle. Can learn Mass Ensnare, Sleep, Mana Shield, and Mass Charm.

Attacks land units.
Unbroken ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFacelessOne.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNetherDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 22 14 15 2.90 1.30 2.25 Foot 320 2.20 128 22 - 34 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGeneralVezax.blp General Vezax

Warrior Hero, adept at terrorizing enemies. Can learn Mass Firebolt, Howl of Terror, Cleaving Attack, and Mass Transmute.

Attacks land units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
General Vezax ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFacelessOne.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNetherDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 26 16 14 3.20 1.30 2.25 Foot 300 2.05 100 26 - 38 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp Satyr Hellcaller

Warrior Hero, adept at summoning Undead into battle. Can learn Mana Burn, Mass Bloodlust, Unholy Aura, and Animate Dead.

Attacks land units.
Satyr Hellcaller ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 22 14 15 2.90 1.30 2.25 Foot 320 2.20 128 22 - 34 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyrTrickster.blp Satyr Trickster

Mystical Hero, adept at summoning beasts into battle. Can learn Wind Walk, Mirror Image, Evasion, and Transmute.

Attacks land and air units.
Satyr Trickster ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNEnsnare.blp 15 14 22 2.25 1.30 2.90 Foot 320 2.20 500 22 - 34 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCentaurKhan.blp Centaur Khan

Warrior Hero, adept at summoning beasts into battle. Can learn Rain of Fire, War Stomp, Endurance Aura, and Reincarnation.

Attacks land units.
Centaur Khan ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNcentaur.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWarEagle.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 22 14 15 2.90 1.30 2.25 On Horse 320 2.20 128 22 - 34 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGnollKing.blp Gnoll Alpha

Warrior Hero, adept at melee fighting. Can learn Storm Bolt, War Stomp, Critical Strike, and Avatar.

Attacks land units.
Gnoll Alpha ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGnollKing.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWyvern.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 22 14 15 2.90 1.30 2.25 Foot 320 2.20 128 22 - 34 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKoboldGeomancer.blp Geomancer

Warrior Hero, adept at summoning beasts into battle. Can learn Mass Firebolt, Mass Slow, Bash, and Earthquake.

Attacks land units.
Geomancer ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKobold.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWyvern.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCryptFiendBurrow.blp 22 14 15 2.90 1.30 2.25 Foot 320 2.20 128 22 - 34 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKoboldGeomancer.blp Burrowed Geomancer

Warrior Hero, adept at summoning beasts into battle. Can learn Mass Firebolt, Mass Slow, Bash, and Earthquake.

Attacks land units.
Burrowed Geomancer ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKobold.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWyvern.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCryptFiendBurrow.blp 22 14 15 2.90 1.30 2.25 None 0 - - - - 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRazorManeChief.blp Razormane Chieftain

Warrior Hero, exceptional at absorbing damage and melee combat. Can learn Healing Ward, Feral Spirit, Evasion and Reincarnation.

Attacks land units.
Razormane Chieftain ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRazorback.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWyvern.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 25 10 15 3.20 1.50 2.25 Foot 290 2.05 128 25 - 37 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanditLord.blp Bandit Lord

Warrior Hero, exceptional at defense and augmenting nearby friendly troops. Can learn Shockwave, Divine Shield, Ride Down and Avatar.

Attacks land units.
Bandit Lord ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanditSpearThrower.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 22 13 17 2.70 1.50 1.80 Foot 320 2.20 100 22 - 34 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanditMage.blp Dark Wizard

Mystical Hero, adept at ranged assaults. Can learn Purge, Polymorph, Brilliance Aura and Animate Dead.

Attacks land and air units.
Dark Wizard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanditSpearThrower.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 13 15 22 2.00 1.00 3.20 Foot 320 2.13 600 22 - 30 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanditSpearThrower.blp Assassin

Agile Hero, adept at controlling capturing enemies and ranged assaults. Can learn Spy, Shadow Strike, Envenomed Weapons and Mass Ensnare.

Attacks land and air units.

Mount: Dragonhawk.

Standard Ability: Invisibility.
Assassin ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanditSpearThrower.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 18 19 14 2.00 3.00 1.00 Foot 300 1.64 600 19 - 27 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBandit.blp Thief

Cunning Hero, exceptional at tricking and robbing enemies. Can learn Holy Light, Divine Shield, Devotion Aura and Resurrection.

Attacks land units.

Mount: Gryphon.

Standard Ability: Berserk.
Thief ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanditSpearThrower.blp Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPickUpItem.blp 13 22 17 1.50 2.70 2.25 Foot 300 2.00 100 22 - 34 6 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSkeletonWarrior.blp Giant Skeleton

Cunning Hero, adept at controlling combat. Can learn Summon Skeletons, Mass Death Coil, Command Aura, and Animate Dead.

Attacks land units.
Giant Skeleton ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTN_SkeletonPeasant.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFrostWyrm.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 20 16 18 2.50 1.00 2.50 Foot 300 1.80 100 20 - 32 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArmorGolem.blp Siege Golem

Warrior Hero, adept at summoning beasts into battle. Can learn Hurl Boulder, War Stomp, Bash, and Avatar.

Attacks land units.
Siege Golem ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTN_SkeletonPeasant.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWyvern.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 22 14 15 2.90 1.30 2.25 Foot 320 2.20 128 22 - 34 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSludgeCreature.blp Sludge Monstrosity

Powerful Hero, adept at crushing the enemy. Can learn Telekinesis, War Stomp, Bash, and Reincarnation.

Attacks land and air units.
Sludge Monstrosity ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTN_SkeletonPeasant.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNetherDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 15 10 25 1.30 1.50 3.20 Foot 290 2.05 500 25 - 37 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNThunderLizardSalamander.blp Salamander Lord

Beast Hero, adept at terrorizing enemies. Can learn Rain of Fire, Immolation, Eat Tree, and Mass Devour.

Attacks land units.
Salamander Lord ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTN_SkeletonPeasant.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNetherDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 26 16 14 3.20 1.30 2.25 Foot 300 2.05 100 26 - 38 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRevenant.blp Revenant

Mystical Hero, particularly adept at cold magic. Can learn Frost Nova, Raise Dead, Vampiric Aura and Animate Dead.

Attacks land units.
Revenant ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTN_SkeletonPeasant.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFrostWyrm.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 15 14 20 2.00 1.00 3.40 Hover 290 1.90 90 20 - 28 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOwlBear.blp Berserk Wildkin

Warrior Hero, adept at summoning beasts into battle. Can learn Mass Entangling Roots, War Stomp, Bash, and Avatar.

Attacks land units.
Berserk Wildkin ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTN_SkeletonPeasant.blp Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 22 14 15 2.90 1.30 2.25 Foot 320 2.20 128 22 - 34 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTN_AzureDragonJudicator.blp Evoker

Mystical Hero, adept at controlling magic and ranged assaults. Can learn Breath of Fire, Jump Attack, Tail Swipe and Dragon Attack.

Attacks land and air units.

Mount: Dragon Form.

Standard Ability: Invisibility.
Evoker ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlueDragonSpawn.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTN_AzureDragonJudicator.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 18 14 19 2.00 1.00 3.00 Foot 300 1.64 600 19 - 27 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTN_AzureDragonJudicator.blp Evoker

Mystical Hero, adept at controlling magic and ranged assaults. Can learn Breath of Fire, Jump Attack, Tail Swipe and Mass Charm.

Attacks land and air units.

Mount: Dragon Form.

Standard Ability: Invisibility.
Evoker ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlueDragonSpawn.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTN_AzureDragonJudicator.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 18 14 19 2.00 1.00 3.00 Fly 380 1.64 600 19 - 27 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlueDragonSpawn.blp Dragonspawn

Mystical Hero, adept at ranged combat. Can learn Rejuvenation, Frost Bolt, Evasion, and Reincarnation.

Attacks land units.
Dragonspawn ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlueDragonSpawn.blp Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWindSerpent.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 15 16 22 2.00 1.00 3.00 Foot 290 2.00 90 22 - 34 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroAvatarOfFlame.blp Firelord

Mystical Hero, adept at disrupting spells and dealing large amounts of fire damage. Can learn Soul Burn, Summon Lava Spawn, Incinerate and Volcano.

Attacks land and air units.
Firelord - Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNetherDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 15 20 18 2.00 1.60 2.50 Foot 320 1.80 550 20 - 28 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSeaGiantGreen.blp Sea Giant

Amphibious warrior Hero, adept at summoning beasts into battle. Can learn Mass Ensnare, War Stomp, Pulverize, and Reincarnation.

Attacks land units.
Sea Giant - Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWindSerpent.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 22 14 15 2.90 1.30 2.25 Amphibious 320 2.20 128 22 - 34 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDeepLordRevenant.blp Deeplord Revenant

Mystical Hero, particularly adept at cold magic. Can learn Crushing Wave, Frost Armor, Summon Sea Elementals, and Monsoon.

Attacks land units.
Deeplord Revenant - Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFrostWyrm.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 15 14 20 2.00 1.00 3.40 Hover 290 1.90 90 20 - 28 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlueMagnataur.blp Magnataur Destroyer

Warrior Hero, adept at summoning beasts into battle. Can learn Frost Bolt, War Stomp, Cleaving Attack, and Stampede.

Attacks land units.
Magnataur Destroyer - Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWyvern.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 22 14 15 2.90 1.30 2.25 Foot 320 2.20 128 22 - 34 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIceCrownOverlord.blp Icecrown Overlord

Mystical Hero, adept at disrupting spells and dealing large amounts of frost damage. Can learn Frost Bolt, Frost Arrows, Breath of Frost and Frost Bolt Rain.

Attacks land and air units.
Icecrown Overlord - Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNetherDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 15 20 18 2.00 1.60 2.50 Foot 320 1.80 550 20 - 28 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGreenHydra.blp Ancient Hydra

Powerful Hero, adept at crushing the enemy. Can learn Crushing Wave, War Stomp, Envenomed Weapons, and Mass Devour.

Attacks land and air units.
Ancient Hydra - Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWindSerpent.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 25 10 15 3.20 1.50 1.30 Foot 290 2.05 128 25 - 37 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSpiderBlue.blp Brood Mother

Warrior Hero, adept at summoning beasts into battle. Can learn Mass Invisibility, Summon Spider Egg, Envenomed Weapons, and Mass Ensnare.

Attacks land units.
Brood Mother - Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 22 14 15 2.90 1.30 2.25 Foot 320 2.20 128 22 - 34 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSasquatch.blp Ancient Sasquatch

Powerful Hero, adept at crushing the enemy. Can learn Rejuvenation, Force of Nature, Bash, and Reincarnation.

Attacks land units.
Ancient Sasquatch - Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWyvern.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 25 10 15 3.20 1.50 1.30 Foot 290 2.05 128 25 - 37 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWendigo.blp Ancient Wendigo

Powerful Hero, adept at crushing the enemy. Can learn Rejuvenation, War Stomp, Bash, and Reincarnation.

Attacks land units.
Ancient Wendigo - Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFrostWyrm.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 25 10 15 3.20 1.50 1.30 Foot 290 2.05 128 25 - 37 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNJungleBeast.blp Enraged Jungle Stalker

Powerful Hero, adept at crushing the enemy. Can learn Rejuvenation, War Stomp, Bash, and Reincarnation.

Attacks land units.
Enraged Jungle Stalker - Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWindSerpent.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 25 10 15 3.20 1.50 1.30 Foot 290 2.05 128 25 - 37 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHarpyQueen.blp Harpy Queen

Mobile flying Hero, adept at weakening the enemy. Can learn Mass Cyclone, Mass Faerie Fire, Miss Aura, and Mass Sleep.

Attacks land and air units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Harpy Queen - Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWyvern.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 14 22 15 1.30 2.90 2.25 Fly 350 2.20 500 22 - 34 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPriestessOfTheMoon.blp Ramkahen Huntress

Warrior Hero, adept at enhancing ranged attacks and slaying enemies from afar. Can learn Scout, Searing Arrows, Trueshot Aura, and Starfall.

Attacks land and air units.
Ramkahen Huntress - Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaera.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 18 19 15 1.90 1.50 2.60 On Horse 320 2.33 600 19 - 31 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRedDragon.blp Red Dragon

Mobile flying Hero, adept at damaging the enemy. Can learn Mass Firebolt, Fire Attack, Mass Cripple, and Mass Devour.

Attacks land and air units.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Red Dragon - Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 14 22 15 1.30 2.90 2.25 Fly 350 2.20 500 22 - 34 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp Gnomish Submarine

Water based hero, exceptional at hiding and striking from the water. Can learn Torpedoes, Place Water Mine, Drop Water Bomb and Launch Missiles.

Attacks land units.
Gnomish Submarine - Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp - 22 13 17 2.70 1.50 1.80 Float 522 2.20 100 22 - 34 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinSapper.blp Goblin Submarine

Water based hero, exceptional at hiding and striking from the water. Can learn Torpedoes, Place Water Mine, Drop Water Bomb and Launch Missiles.

Attacks land units.
Goblin Submarine - Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWyvern.blp - 22 13 17 2.70 1.50 1.80 Float 522 2.20 100 22 - 34 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroMountainKing.blp Ironclad Submarine

Water based hero, exceptional at hiding and striking from the water. Can learn Torpedoes, Place Water Mine, Drop Water Bomb and Launch Missiles.

Attacks land units.
Ironclad Submarine - Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp - 22 13 17 2.70 1.50 1.80 Float 522 2.20 100 22 - 34 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp Submarine Pilot

Cunning Hero, exceptional at disrupting battles and enduring damage. Can learn Harvest, Flamethrower, Repair Aura and Mechanical Repair.

Attacks land units.
Submarine Pilot - Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWyvern.blp - 20 15 20 2.40 1.00 2.60 Foot 290 2.00 128 20 - 28 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfCar.blp Submarine Pilot

Cunning Hero, exceptional at disrupting battles and enduring damage. Can learn Harvest, Flamethrower, Repair Aura and Mechanical Repair.

Attacks land units.
Submarine Pilot - Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp - 20 15 20 2.40 1.00 2.60 Foot 290 2.00 128 20 - 28 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroTinker.blp Submarine Pilot

Cunning Hero, exceptional at disrupting battles and enduring damage. Can learn Harvest, Flamethrower, Repair Aura and Mechanical Repair.

Attacks land units.
Submarine Pilot - Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWyvern.blp - 20 15 20 2.40 1.00 2.60 Foot 290 2.00 128 20 - 28 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanBattleShip.blp Human Battleship

Water based hero, exceptional at hiding and striking from the water with high attack range. Can learn Torpedoes, Place Water Mine, Place Water Bomb and Launch Missiles.

Attacks land and air units.
Human Battleship - Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp - 22 13 17 2.70 1.50 1.80 Float 522 2.20 900 22 - 34 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNProudmoore.blp Captain

Cunning Hero, exceptional at disrupting battles and enduring damage. Can learn Harvest, Flamethrower, Repair Aura and Mechanical Repair.

Attacks land units.
Captain - Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp - 20 15 20 2.40 1.00 2.60 Foot 290 2.00 128 20 - 28 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVoidWalker.blp Void Lord Range Strength

Special Hero, who can change his spells, has amphibious movement and causes Chaos damage.

Attacks land and air units.

Void Lord hero requires level 75. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Void Lord Range Strength - Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNetherDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRandomBasicIcon.blp 20 15 18 2.50 1.60 2.00 Amphibious 320 1.80 550 20 - 28 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVoidWalker.blp Void Lord Range Agility

Special Hero, who can change his spells, has amphibious movement and causes Chaos damage.

Attacks land and air units.

Void Lord hero requires level 75. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Void Lord Range Agility - Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNetherDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRandomBasicIcon.blp 15 20 18 2.00 1.60 2.50 Amphibious 320 1.80 550 20 - 28 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVoidWalker.blp Void Lord Range Intelligence

Special Hero, who can change his spells, has amphibious movement and causes Chaos damage.

Attacks land and air units.

Void Lord hero requires level 75. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Void Lord Range Intelligence - Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNetherDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRandomBasicIcon.blp 15 20 18 2.00 1.60 2.50 Amphibious 320 1.80 550 18 - 26 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVoidWalker.blp Void Lord Melee Strength

Special Hero, who can change his spells during combat, has amphibious movement and causes Chaos damage.

Attacks land units.

Void Lord hero requires level 75. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Void Lord Melee Strength - Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNetherDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRandomBasicIcon.blp 20 15 18 2.50 1.60 2.00 Amphibious 320 1.80 90 20 - 28 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVoidWalker.blp Void Lord Melee Agility

Special Hero, who can change his spells during combat, has amphibious movement and causes Chaos damage.

Attacks land units.

Void Lord hero requires level 75. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Void Lord Melee Agility - Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNetherDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRandomBasicIcon.blp 15 20 18 2.00 1.60 2.50 Amphibious 320 1.80 90 20 - 28 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVoidWalker.blp Void Lord Melee Intelligence

Special Hero, who can change his spells during combat, has amphibious movement and causes Chaos damage.

Attacks land units.

Void Lord hero requires level 75. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Void Lord Melee Intelligence - Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNetherDragon.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRandomBasicIcon.blp 15 20 18 2.00 1.60 2.50 Amphibious 320 1.80 90 18 - 26 4 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGiftoftheNaaru.blp Naaru

Light Hero, exceptional at fighting Undead and augmenting nearby friendly troops. Can learn Teleportation, Divine Shield, Mass Holy Light and Resurrection.

Attacks land units.

Mount: Gryphon.

Standard Ability: Invisibility.

Bonus hero requires level 40. Use -unlock to disable this restriction.
Naaru - Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 17 13 22 2.25 1.50 2.70 Hover 320 1.80 500 22 - 34 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDragonHawk.blp Eternal Guardian

Mystical Hero, adept at ranged assaults. Can learn Gate, Call of Drakes, Gate, Light of Righteousness, and Spell Shield.

Attacks land and air units.

Demigod hero requires you to be a Demigod.
Eternal Guardian - Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedUnholyStrength.blp 25 17 20 3.50 1.50 3.50 Foot 320 2.13 600 20 - 28 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSkeletonMage.blp Hand of Destruction

Mystical Hero, adept at ranged assaults. Can learn Gate, Touch of Darkness, Finger of Death and Rain of Chaos.

Attacks land and air units.

Demigod hero requires you to be a Demigod.
Hand of Destruction - Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFrostWyrm.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInvisibility.blp 25 17 20 3.50 1.50 3.50 Foot 320 2.13 600 20 - 28 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPenguin.blp Barade

Map creator hero, adept at creating maps and adding bugs. Can learn Slide, Crushing Wave, Miss Aura, and Mass Transmute.

Attacks land units.

Restricted to account Barade#2569.
Barade - Strength - ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSpellBookBLS.blp 24 11 15 3.00 1.50 1.50 Foot 270 2.22 100 24 - 36 2 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNP_AngelWings.blp Archangel

Warrior Hero, exceptional at defense and augmenting nearby friendly troops. Can learn Holy Light, Divine Shield, Devotion Aura and Resurrection.

Attacks land units.

Mount: Gryphon.

Standard Ability: Berserk.
Archangel - Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRandomBasicIcon.blp 22 13 17 2.70 1.50 2.25 Fly 522 2.00 500 22 - 34 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNP_AngelWings.blp Archangel

Warrior Hero, exceptional at defense and augmenting nearby friendly troops. Can learn Holy Light, Divine Shield, Devotion Aura and Resurrection.

Attacks land units.

Mount: Gryphon.

Standard Ability: Berserk.
Archangel - Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRandomBasicIcon.blp 13 22 17 1.50 2.70 2.25 Fly 522 2.00 500 22 - 34 6 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNP_AngelWings.blp Archangel

Warrior Hero, exceptional at defense and augmenting nearby friendly troops. Can learn Holy Light, Divine Shield, Devotion Aura and Resurrection.

Attacks land units.

Mount: Gryphon.

Standard Ability: Berserk.
Archangel - Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonRider.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRandomBasicIcon.blp 17 13 22 2.25 1.50 2.70 Fly 522 2.00 500 22 - 34 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSeaGiant.blp Sea Giant

Warrior Hero, exceptional at defense and augmenting nearby friendly troops. Can learn Holy Light, Divine Shield, Devotion Aura and Resurrection.

Attacks land units.

Mount: Gryphon.

Standard Ability: Berserk.
Sea Giant - Strength ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWindSerpent.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRandomBasicIcon.blp 22 13 17 2.70 1.50 2.25 Amphibious 300 2.00 500 22 - 34 3 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSeaGiant.blp Sea Giant

Warrior Hero, exceptional at defense and augmenting nearby friendly troops. Can learn Holy Light, Divine Shield, Devotion Aura and Resurrection.

Attacks land units.

Mount: Gryphon.

Standard Ability: Berserk.
Sea Giant - Agility ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWindSerpent.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRandomBasicIcon.blp 13 22 17 1.50 2.70 2.25 Amphibious 300 2.00 500 22 - 34 6 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSeaGiant.blp Sea Giant

Warrior Hero, exceptional at defense and augmenting nearby friendly troops. Can learn Holy Light, Divine Shield, Devotion Aura and Resurrection.

Attacks land units.

Mount: Gryphon.

Standard Ability: Berserk.
Sea Giant - Intelligence ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWindSerpent.blp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRandomBasicIcon.blp 17 13 22 2.25 1.50 2.70 Amphibious 300 2.00 500 22 - 34 3 1800