World of Warcraft Reforged - Buildings

Buildings can be constructed by workers and allow training units, selling items/units and researching. Neutral buildings are available all over the map for any player to buy items, units, heroes or spells.
Icon Name Spells Race Gold Cost Lumber Cost Armor Type Armor Attack Type Attack Speed Attack Range Attack Damage HP HP Regeneration Mana Mana Regeneration Sight
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTomeBrown.blp Hero Abilities
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Allows changing the standard ability of your hero.
Hero Abilities - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMerchant.blp Equipment Laboratory
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Equipment Laboratory - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNsteelcage.blp Crafting Stash
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Allows crafting items using the items in its inventory. You can drop items from your hero's inventory in a Crafting Stash to use them for crafting.
Crafting Stash - 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNThievesGuildX.blp Thieves Guild
200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp
Sells killed units from creeps and enemy players. Units can only be purchased once and are removed from the Thieves Guild after that. However, when they die again, they will be readded.

Limited to 1. Does not sell workers, citizens or summoned units.
Thieves Guild - 200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 400 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackMarket.blp Marketplace
200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp
Sells items dropped from creeps.

Limited to 1.
Marketplace - 200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 400 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackMarket.blp Alchemist Lab
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Alchemist Lab - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMerchant.blp Black Market
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Neutral shop with all kinds of items to improve your hero and unit stats and to build a Hideout for Freelancers.
Black Market - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAmmoDump.blp Goblin Laboratory
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Goblin Laboratory - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMerchant.blp Goblin Merchant
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Goblin Merchant - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinShipyard.blp Goblin Shipyard
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Goblin Shipyard - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoldMine.blp Gold Mine

Gold Mine - - - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoldMine.blp Water Gold Mine

Water Gold Mine - - - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWaygate.blp Way Gate
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Way Gate - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFountainOfLife.blp Fountain of Health
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Fountain of Health - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFountainOfLife.blp Fountain of Mana
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Fountain of Mana - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFountainOfLife.blp Fountain of Power
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Fountain of Power - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGreenDragonRoost.blp Green Dragon Roost
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Green Dragon Roost - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDragonRoost.blp Red Dragon Roost
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Red Dragon Roost - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackDragonRoost.blp Black Dragon Roost
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Black Dragon Roost - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlueDragonRoost.blp Blue Dragon Roost
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Blue Dragon Roost - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDragonRoost.blp Bronze Dragon Roost
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Bronze Dragon Roost - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackDragonRoost.blp Nether Dragon Roost
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Nether Dragon Roost - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPhoenixEgg.blp Phoenix Roost
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Phoenix Roost - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceressMaster.blp Hero Spells Slot 1
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Allows buying hero spells for slot 1.
Hero Spells Slot 1 - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceressMaster.blp Hero Spells Slot 2
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Hero Spells Slot 2 - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceressMaster.blp Hero Spells Slot 3
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Hero Spells Slot 3 - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceressMaster.blp Hero Spells Slot 4
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Hero Spells Slot 4 - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceressMaster.blp Hero Spells Slot 5
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Hero Spells Slot 5 - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTaurenTotem.blp Goblin Vehicle Shop
135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Flame Tanks, Assault Tanks, Goblin Emperors and Goblin Steam Rollers.
Also contains upgrades for tanks.
Goblin Vehicle Shop - 135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCage.blp Mounts Cage
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Mounts Cage - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIceCrownObelisk.blp Obelisk
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Obelisk - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCrate.blp Chest
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Chest - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCrate.blp Flotsam
50 images/WC3gold.webp
There is a 50 % chance to get 5 - 50 units of a random custom resource (no gold and no lumber).
- 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 100 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFish.blp Fish School

Allows harvesting 1000 meat.
Fish School
- - - 0 - - - - 3000 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWaygate.blp Blue Turnstile Entry
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Blue Turnstile Entry - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWaygate.blp Red Turnstile Entry
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Red Turnstile Entry - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArmoredOge.blp Stonemaul Arena Master

Stonemaul Arena Master - - - 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGeneradorazul.blp Power Generator
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Power Generator
- 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFrostmourne.blp Legendary Artifact
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Legendary Artifact - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 2000 5.00 - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNUndeadShipyard.blp Undead Shipyard
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Undead Transport Ships, Undead Frigates, and Undead Battleships.
Undead Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 2 - - - - 750 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPowerGenerator.blp Power Generator
2000 images/WC3gold.webp 1500 images/WC3lumber.webp
A power generator that can protect buildings nearby by increasing their defense and life generation. It helps you to protect your main base from being completely destroyed by an enemy army.

Can only be built once and has to be built in an area without hostile buildings.
Power Generator - 2000 images/WC3gold.webp 1500 images/WC3lumber.webp 7 - - - - 900 - 600 2.00 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTent.blp Research Tent
150 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
A tent for important researches.
Research Tent - 150 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 900 - - - 600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCentaurTent.blp Event House
150 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
A house to control important events.

Limited to 1.
Event House - 150 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 900 - - - 600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPortal.blp Portal
150 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Opens a Portal which can have another allied Portal as destination. This helps you to connect different locations on the map with each other avoiding enemy troops. When the Portal is destroyed all allied Portals which have it as destination will be disabled automatically. When the Portal's destination is destroyed, it will be disabled automatically.

Be careful since Portals can be used by enemy units, too!
Portal - 150 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 100 - - - 600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNsteelcage.blp Crafting Stash
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Allows crafting items using the items in its inventory. You can drop items from your hero's inventory in a Crafting Stash to use them for crafting.
Crafting Stash - 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCage.blp Mounts Cage
200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp
Allows buying mounts for your heroes. Mounts are available at hero level 20. Use the Change Page abilities to change the listed ones.
Mounts Cage - 200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 200 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAmmoDump.blp Alchemist Lab
3000 images/WC3gold.webp 2000 images/WC3lumber.webp
Allows converting units into different races.

Limited to 1.
Alchemist Lab - 3000 images/WC3gold.webp 2000 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 200 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceressMaster.blp Spell Book
200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp
Allows learning spells for reskillable heroes and Equipment Bags. Contains all available spells for all 5 slots. Use the Change Page abilities to change the listed ones.
Spell Book - 200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 200 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackDragonRoost.blp Dragon Roost
15000 images/WC3gold.webp 15000 images/WC3lumber.webp
Allows to train all Dragons.

Limited to 1.
Dragon Roost - 15000 images/WC3gold.webp 15000 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWebWard.blp Antimagic Ward
1000 images/WC3gold.webp 1000 images/WC3lumber.webp
Prevents enemy Reveals, Far Sight, Portal, Scroll of Town Portal, Blink, Mass Teleportation and Staff of Teleportation spells of enemy units in the nearby area and adds a black mask for enemy players. Can cast Silence, detects invisible units and is permanently invisible itself.

Only works if built before enemy Antimagic Wards in the area.
Antimagic Ward - 1000 images/WC3gold.webp 1000 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 900 - 400 2.00 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMarketStone.blp Trading Post
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Allows training Pack Horses which can gather gold and lumber from your own or allied Trading Posts. This increases your gold and lumber as well as for the allied player.

Allows buying and selling resources other than gold and lumber.
Trading Post - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 900 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStatUp.blp Attributes
200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp
Allows changing the attributes of customizable heroes.
Attributes - 200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 200 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGlyph.blp Skins
200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp
Allows changing the skin of customizable heroes.
Skins - 200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 200 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGenericCreepBuilding.blp Witch Hut
3000 images/WC3gold.webp 2000 images/WC3lumber.webp
Allows learning unit abilities.
Witch Hut - 3000 images/WC3gold.webp 2000 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 200 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlacksmith.blp Armory
1000 images/WC3gold.webp 500 images/WC3lumber.webp
Allows equipping units and heroes.

Limited to 1.
Armory - 1000 images/WC3gold.webp 500 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 1000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStonewall.blp Wall
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
A wall protects your town.
Wall - 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStonewall.blp Wall
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
A wall protects your town.
Wall - 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStonewall.blp Wall
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
A wall protects your town.
Wall - 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGate.blp Gate Closed
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Allows entering your base.
Gate Closed - 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 7 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGateOpened.blp Gate Open
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Allows entering your base.
Gate Open - 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 7 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGenericCreepBuilding.blp Hideout
1000 images/WC3gold.webp
Hideout ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMercenaryCamp.blp 1000 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 0.90 600 22 - 27 1000 5.00 300 5.00 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElvenFarm.blp Fortified Hideout
2000 images/WC3gold.webp
Has beter defensive capabilities than the standard Hideout. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Fortified Hideout ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMercenaryCamp.blp 2000 images/WC3gold.webp - 8 0.90 600 30 - 35 2000 10.00 300 5.00 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneObservatory.blp Guardian´s Citadel
3000 images/WC3gold.webp
Has beter defensive capabilities than the fortified Hideout. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Guardian´s Citadel ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMercenaryCamp.blp 3000 images/WC3gold.webp - 10 0.90 600 35 - 40 3500 15.00 500 8.00 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneObservatory.blp Temple of Light
3000 images/WC3gold.webp
The Eternal Guardian´s seat of power. Has different defensive capabilities. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Temple of Light - 3000 images/WC3gold.webp - 10 0.90 600 35 - 40 4500 15.00 500 8.00 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNShrineOfAszhara.blp Temple of Darkness
3000 images/WC3gold.webp
The Destroyer´s seat of power. Has different offensive capabilities. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Temple of Darkness - 3000 images/WC3gold.webp - 10 0.90 600 35 - 40 4500 15.00 500 8.00 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNEnergyTower.blp Freelancer Tower
120 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Fires bolts of energy. Good at destroying air units. Immune to magic.

Attacks land and air units.
Freelancer Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMercenaryCamp.blp 120 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 1.00 600 19 - 29 500 - - - 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedEnergyTower.blp Advanced Freelancer Tower
160 images/WC3gold.webp 90 images/WC3lumber.webp
Increases the damage of the energy bolts. Good at destroying air units. Immune to magic.

Attacks land and air units.
Advanced Freelancer Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMercenaryCamp.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 90 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 1.00 600 25 - 39 500 - - - 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAmmoDump.blp Freelancer Laboratory
130 images/WC3gold.webp
Creates a laboratory with researches. Can be used to return gold and lumber.
Freelancer Laboratory ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMercenaryCamp.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMercenaryCamp.blp Freelancer Mercenary Camp
130 images/WC3gold.webp
Creates a mercenary camp with trainable creeps.
Freelancer Mercenary Camp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMercenaryCamp.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMerchant.blp Freelancer Shop
130 images/WC3gold.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items.
Freelancer Shop ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMercenaryCamp.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPigFarm.blp Pig Farm
160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Pig Farm ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - - - 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAltarOfStorms.blp Altar of Storms
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes. Provides the research Ogre-Mages to convert Ogres into Ogre-Mages.
Altar of Storms ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollLumbermill.BLP Troll Lumber Mill
205 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains upgrades for Troll Axethrowers.

Owning at least one Troll Lumber Mill will increase the returned lumber from peons by 25.
Troll Lumber Mill ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 205 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 1000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNForge.blp Blacksmith
205 images/WC3gold.webp
Contains upgrades for improved armor, melee weapons, ranged weapons.
Blacksmith ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 205 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 1000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBarracks.blp Barracks
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Grunts, Troll Axethrowers, Ogres and Catapults.
Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVoodooLounge.blp Voodoo Lounge
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Great Hall has (Great Hall, Stronghold, or Fortress) and which buildings you have.
Voodoo Lounge ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcScoutTower.BLP Watch Tower
110 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp
Defensive structure for scouting enemies. Cannot attack. Can be upgraded to Guard Tower or Cannon Tower.
Watch Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 110 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp 3 - - - - 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcGuardTower.BLP Guard Tower
240 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp
Defensive structure.

Attacks land and air units.
Guard Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 240 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp 3 0.60 800 15 - 18 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcCannonTower.BLP Cannon Tower
300 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Defensive structure.

Attacks land and air units.
Cannon Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 300 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 3 0.60 800 15 - 18 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTempleOfTheDamned.blp Temple of the Damned
155 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Death Knights.
Temple of the Damned ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 155 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1100 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAmmoDump.blp Goblin Alchemist
145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Goblin Zeppelins, and Goblin Sappers.
Goblin Alchemist ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1100 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackDragonRoost.blp Dragon Roost
145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Dragons.
Dragon Roost ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1100 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGreatHallWC2v2.blp Great Hall
385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Peons and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Stronghold and then Fortress to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Great Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcStronghold.BLP Stronghold
700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp

Upgrade to Stronghold to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Stronghold ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFortress.blp Fortress
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp

Upgrade to Fortress to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Fortress ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPigFarm.blp Orc Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Orc Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcShipyard.BLP Orc Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Orc Transport Ships, Orc Frigates, and Orc Battleships.
Orc Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanFarm.BLP Farm
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Farm ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanChurch.BLP Church
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Church ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElvenLumbermill.BLP Elven Lumber Mill
120 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains the upgrades for Elven Archers and Elven Rangers.
Elven Lumber Mill ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 120 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlacksmith.blp Blacksmith
140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Contains upgrades for improved armor, weaponry and gunpowder.
Blacksmith ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanBarracks.blp Barracks
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Footmen, Elven Archers and Knights.
Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneVault.blp Arcane Vault
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Town Hall, Keep, or Castle) and which buildings you have.
Arcane Vault ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanWatchTower.blp Scout Tower
30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Basic observation tower. Has no attack, but can be upgraded into a Guard Tower, an Arcane Tower, or a Cannon Tower. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.
Scout Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 300 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGuardTower.blp Guard Tower
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Guard Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 700 22 - 27 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCannonTower.blp Cannon Tower
150 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp
Heavy defensive structure. Particularly effective against clusters of troops. Can learn Fragmentation Shards and Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land units and trees.
Cannon Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 150 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 2.50 800 89 - 111 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMageTowerWc2.BLP Mage Tower
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Priests, and Sorceresses.
Also contains spell upgrades for Priests and Sorceresses, and Magic Sentry.
Mage Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWorkshop.blp Gnomish Inventor
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Siege Engines, Flying Machines, and Mortar Teams.
Also contains the Flare, Fragmentation Shards, Barrage, Flying Machine Bombs, and Flak Cannons upgrades.
Gnomish Inventor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonAviary.blp Gryphon Aviary
140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Gryphon Riders.
Gryphon Aviary ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTownHallWC2.blp Town Hall
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Peasants and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Keep and then Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Town Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanKeep.BLP Keep
705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Keep to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Keep ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanCastle.BLP Castle
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Castle ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGranary.blp Human Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Human Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanShipyard.blp Human Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Human Transport Ships, Human Frigates, and Human Battleships.
Human Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFarm.blp Farm
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Farm ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAltarOfKings.blp Altar of Kings
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Kings ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanLumberMill.blp Lumber Mill
120 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains the upgrades for Lumber Harvesting and Masonry.
Lumber Mill ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 120 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlacksmith.blp Blacksmith
140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Contains upgrades for improved armor, weaponry and gunpowder.
Blacksmith ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanBarracks.blp Barracks
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Footmen, Riflemen and Knights.
Also contains the Defend, Long Rifles, Animal War Training, and Sundering Blades upgrades.
Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneVault.blp Arcane Vault
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Town Hall, Keep, or Castle) and which buildings you have.
Arcane Vault ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanWatchTower.blp Scout Tower
30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Basic observation tower. Has no attack, but can be upgraded into a Guard Tower, an Arcane Tower, or a Cannon Tower. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.
Scout Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 300 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGuardTower.blp Guard Tower
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Guard Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 700 22 - 27 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCannonTower.blp Cannon Tower
150 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp
Heavy defensive structure. Particularly effective against clusters of troops. Can learn Fragmentation Shards and Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land units and trees.
Cannon Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 2.50 800 89 - 111 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanArcaneTower.blp Arcane Tower
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Magical defensive tower. Particularly effective against enemy Heroes and spellcasters. Has the Feedback ability, which causes its attacks to destroy mana, dealing extra damage equal to the mana destroyed. Deals bonus damage against summoned units. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Arcane Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 1.00 800 7 - 10 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneSanctum.blp Arcane Sanctum
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Priests, and Sorceresses.
Also contains spell upgrades for Priests and Sorceresses, and Magic Sentry.
Arcane Sanctum ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWorkshop.blp Workshop
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Siege Engines, Flying Machines, and Mortar Teams.
Also contains the Flare, Fragmentation Shards, Barrage, Flying Machine Bombs, and Flak Cannons upgrades.
Workshop ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonAviary.blp Gryphon Aviary
140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Gryphon Riders, and Dragonhawk Riders.
Also contains the Storm Hammers and Cloud upgrades.
Gryphon Aviary ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTownHall.blp Town Hall
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Peasants and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Keep and then Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Town Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKeep.blp Keep
705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Keep to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Keep ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCastle.blp Castle
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Castle ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanShipyard.blp Human Shipyard
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Human Transport Ships, Human Frigates, and Human Battleships.
Human Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneObservatory.blp Arcane Observatory
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Special building with a high sight range. Has Truesight, Resurrect and Reveal.

Limited to 1.
Arcane Observatory ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollBurrow.blp Burrow
160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained. Peons can garrison inside to attack enemy units. Can learn the Reinforced Defenses upgrade.

Attacks land and air units.
Burrow ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 4.00 700 22 - 27 600 - - - 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAltarOfStorms.blp Altar of Storms
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Storms ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNForge.blp War Mill
205 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains upgrades for improved armor, melee weapons, ranged weapons, Reinforced Defenses, and Spiked Barricades.
War Mill ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 205 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 1000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBarracks.blp Barracks
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Grunts, Headhunters and Demolishers.
Also contains the Brute Strength, Berserker, Troll Regeneration, and Burning Oil upgrades.
Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVoodooLounge.blp Voodoo Lounge
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Great Hall has (Great Hall, Stronghold, or Fortress) and which buildings you have.
Voodoo Lounge ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcTower.blp Watch Tower
110 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp
Defensive structure. Can learn the Reinforced Defenses upgrade.

Attacks land and air units.
Watch Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 110 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp 3 0.60 800 15 - 18 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSpiritLodge.blp Spirit Lodge
150 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp
Spellcaster production building. Trains Shaman and Witch Doctors.
Also contains spell upgrades for Shaman and Witch Doctors.
Spirit Lodge ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 800 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBeastiary.blp Beastiary
145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Raiders, Kodo Beasts, Batriders, and Wind Riders.
Also contains the Ensnare, Envenomed Spears, Liquid Fire and War Drums upgrades.
Beastiary ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1100 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTaurenTotem.blp Tauren Totem
135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Spirit Walkers and Tauren.
Also contains upgrades for Spirit Walkers and Tauren.
Tauren Totem ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGreathall.blp Great Hall
385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Peons and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Stronghold and then Fortress to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Great Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStronghold.blp Stronghold
700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Stronghold to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Stronghold ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFortress.blp Fortress
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Fortress to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Fortress ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinShipyard.blp Orc Shipyard
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Orc Transport Ships, Orc Frigates, and Orc Battleships.
Orc Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFountainOfLifeBlood.blp Fountain of Blood
160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Converts Orc units into Fel Orc units which makes them stronger.

Limited to 1.
Fountain of Blood ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNZiggurat.blp Ziggurat
150 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained. Can be upgraded to a defensive structure that attacks land and air units.
Ziggurat ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAltarOfDarkness.blp Altar of Darkness
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Darkness ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGraveyard.blp Graveyard
215 images/WC3gold.webp
Provides attack and armor upgrades for Undead units. Also produces corpses and serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Graveyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 215 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCrypt.blp Crypt
200 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Ghouls, Crypt Fiends, and Gargoyles. Also contains the upgrades Ghoul Frenzy, Cannibalize, Stone Form, Web and Burrow.
Crypt ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 200 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1300 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTombOfRelics.blp Tomb of Relics
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Necropolis has (Necropolis, Halls of the Dead, or Black Citadel) and which buildings you have.
Tomb of Relics ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 475 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNZigguratUpgrade.blp Spirit Tower
295 images/WC3gold.webp 90 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to create a defensive structure.

Attacks land and air units.
Spirit Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 295 images/WC3gold.webp 90 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 700 26 - 32 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFrostTower.blp Nerubian Tower
250 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to create a defensive structure that deals cold damage and slows enemy units.

Attacks land and air units.
Nerubian Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 250 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 1.30 700 8 - 10 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTempleOfTheDamned.blp Temple of the Damned
155 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Spellcaster production building. Trains Necromancers and Banshees.
Also contains upgrades for Necromancers, Banshees, and Skeletal Mastery.
Temple of the Damned ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 155 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1100 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSlaughterhouse.blp Slaughterhouse
140 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Abominations, Obsidian Statues, and Meat Wagons. Also contains the Disease Cloud, and Destroyer Form upgrades.
Slaughterhouse ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBoneyard.blp Boneyard
150 images/WC3gold.webp 200 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Frost Wyrms. Also contains the Freezing Breath upgrade.
Boneyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 200 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNecropolis.blp Necropolis
225 images/WC3gold.webp
Primary structure, used to train Acolytes and receive lumber gathered by Ghouls. Can be upgraded to Halls of the Dead and then Black Citadel to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Necropolis ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 225 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHallOfTheDead.blp Halls of the Dead
545 images/WC3gold.webp 210 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Halls of the Dead to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.

Attacks land and air units.
Halls of the Dead ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 545 images/WC3gold.webp 210 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 1.00 800 10 - 12 4000 - - - 1200
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackCitadel.blp Black Citadel
870 images/WC3gold.webp 440 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Black Citadel to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.

Attacks land and air units.
Black Citadel ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 870 images/WC3gold.webp 440 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 1.00 800 12 - 15 6000 - - - 1200
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNerubianZiggurat.blp Undead Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Undead Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRevenant.blp Lich King
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Allows reanimating 22 dead units anywhere on the map. Besides, allows summoning 1 Shades anywhere on the map.

Limited to 1.
Lich King ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMoonWell.blp Moon Well
180 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained. Has the Replenish Mana and Life ability. Can gain the Well Spring upgrade. Regenerates mana at night.
Moon Well ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 1.45 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAltarOfElders.blp Altar of Elders
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Elders ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHuntersHall.blp Hunter's Hall
210 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp
Contains the attack and armor upgrades for all units, the Ultravision and Well Spring upgrades.
Hunter's Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 210 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1100 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAncientOfTheEarth.blp Ancient of War
150 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Keeper of primary assault troops. Trains Archers, Huntresses, and Glaive Throwers.
Also contains Archer, Huntress, and Glaive Thrower upgrades.

Attacks land units.
Ancient of War ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 2 2.50 128 36 - 47 900 0.50 - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAncientOfWonders.blp Ancient of Wonders
90 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Tree of Life has (Tree of Life, Tree of Ages, or Tree of Eternity) and which buildings you have.

Attacks land units.
Ancient of Wonders ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 90 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 2 2.50 128 20 - 25 450 0.50 - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTreant.blp Ancient Protector
135 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp
Defensive Ancient. When rooted in the ground, can hurl enormous rocks at nearby enemy units.

Attacks land and air units.
Ancient Protector ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 135 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp 1 - - - - 1000 0.50 - - 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAncientOfLore.blp Ancient of Lore
155 images/WC3gold.webp 145 images/WC3lumber.webp
Keeper of ground based spellcasters. Trains Druids of the Claw, Dryads, and Mountain Giants.
Also contains the upgrades for Druids of the Claw, Mark of the Claw, Abolish Magic, Hardened Skin, and Resistant Skin.

Attacks land units.
Ancient of Lore ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 155 images/WC3gold.webp 145 images/WC3lumber.webp 2 2.50 128 40 - 50 900 0.50 - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAncientOfTheMoon.blp Ancient of Wind
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Keeper of aerial assault units and spellcasters. Trains Hippogryphs, Druids of the Talon, and Faerie Dragons.
Also contains the upgrades for Druids of the Talon and Mark of the Talon.

Attacks land units.
Ancient of Wind ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 2 2.50 128 37 - 46 900 0.50 - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaeraRoost.blp Chimaera Roost
140 images/WC3gold.webp 190 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Chimaeras.
Also contains the Corrosive Breath upgrade.
Chimaera Roost ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 190 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTreeOfLife.blp Tree of Life
340 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Wisps and entangle gold mines. Can be upgraded to Tree of Ages and then Tree of Eternity to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.

Attacks land units.
Tree of Life ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 340 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp 2 2.50 128 40 - 50 2000 0.50 - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTreeOfAges.blp Tree of Ages
660 images/WC3gold.webp 365 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Tree of Ages to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.

Attacks land units.
Tree of Ages ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 660 images/WC3gold.webp 365 images/WC3lumber.webp 2 2.50 128 48 - 60 4000 0.50 - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTreeOfEternity.blp Tree of Eternity
990 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Tree of Eternity to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.

Attacks land units.
Tree of Eternity ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 990 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp 2 2.50 128 59 - 74 6000 0.50 - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNentangledmine.blp Night Elf Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Night Elf Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 2 - - - - 800 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNightElfShipyard.blp Night Elf Shipyard
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Night Elf Transport Ships, Night Elf Frigates, and Night Elf Battleships.
Night Elf Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTreeOfLife.blp World Tree
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Giant World Tree of the Night Elves which can hold up to 8 Wisps. Heals Night Elf units and causes extra damage against Demon units. The caused damage depends on the number of Wisps in the World Tree. If the World Tree is full with Wisps, then healing Night Elf units will also resurrect dead units all over the map!

Limited to 1.
World Tree ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfFarm.blp Elven Farm
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Elven Farm ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfAltar.blp Altar of Mana
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Mana ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfLumberMill.blp Blood Elf Lumber Mill
120 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains the upgrades for Lumber Harvesting and Masonry.
Blood Elf Lumber Mill ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 120 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfForge.blp Blood Elf Blacksmith
140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Contains upgrades for improved armor, weaponry and gunpowder.
Blood Elf Blacksmith ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfBarracks.blp Blood Elf Barracks
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Blood Elf Lieutenants, Swordsmen, Dragonhawk Riders, and Archers.
Also contains the Defend, Blood Elf Animal War Training, and Cloud upgrades.
Blood Elf Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfVault.blp Blood Elf Arcane Vault
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Town Hall, Keep, or Castle) and which buildings you have.
Blood Elf Arcane Vault ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanWatchTower.blp Scout Tower
30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Basic observation tower. Has no attack, but can be upgraded into a Guard Tower, an Arcane Tower, or a Cannon Tower. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.
Scout Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 300 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfMagicTower.blp Blood Elf Guard Tower
120 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure witch magic attack. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Blood Elf Guard Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 120 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 600 19 - 29 1000 - - - 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanArcaneTower.blp Arcane Tower
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Magical defensive tower. Particularly effective against enemy Heroes and spellcasters. Has the Feedback ability, which causes its attacks to destroy mana, dealing extra damage equal to the mana destroyed. Deals bonus damage against summoned units. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Arcane Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 1.00 800 7 - 10 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBESanctum.tga Blood Elf Arcane Sanctum
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Priests, Sorceresses, and Spellbreakers.
Also contains spell upgrades for Priests and Sorceresses, Control Magic, Siphon Mana, and Magic Sentry.
Blood Elf Arcane Sanctum ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBEWorkshop.tga Blood Elf Workshop
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Ballistas, Wagons, and Cages.
Blood Elf Workshop ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPhoenixEgg.blp Phoenix Egg
140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Phoenixes.
Phoenix Egg ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfHall1.blp Blood Elf Town Hall
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Peasants and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Keep and then Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Blood Elf Town Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfHall2.blp Blood Elf Keep
705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Keep to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Blood Elf Keep ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfHall3.blp Blood Elf Castle
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Blood Elf Castle ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElvenFarm.blp Blood Elf Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Blood Elf Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElvenShipyardA.blp Blood Elf Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Human Transport Ships, Human Frigates, and Human Battleships.
Blood Elf Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMagicVault.blp Magic Vault
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Casts Burn Mana and Siphon Mana.

Limited to 1.
Magic Vault ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 500 - 600 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCoralBed.blp Coral Bed
115 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Coral Bed ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurgalSlave.blp 115 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 1200
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAltarOfDepths.blp Altar of the Depths
255 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of the Depths ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurgalSlave.blp 255 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNagaRoyalVault.blp Royal Vault
205 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains upgrades Coral Blades, Coral Scales and Submerge.
Royal Vault ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurgalSlave.blp 205 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 1000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTreasuryOfTheTides.blp Treasury Of Tides
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Temple of Water has (Temple of Water, Temple of Tides, or Temple of Seas) and which buildings you have.
Treasury Of Tides ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurgalSlave.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTidalGuardian.blp Tidal Guardian
130 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure.

Attacks land and air units.
Tidal Guardian ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurgalSlave.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 700 30 - 45 500 - - - 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNShrineOfAszhara.blp Shrine of Azshara
180 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Naga Sirens and Couatl. Also contains spell upgrades for Naga Sirens and Couatl.
Shrine of Azshara ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurgalSlave.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSpawningGrounds.blp Spawning Grounds
205 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Naga Myrmidons, Snap Dragons, and Dragon Turtles. Also contains the Ensnare upgrade.
Spawning Grounds ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurgalSlave.blp 205 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPyramidOfTheSerpent.blp Pyramid of the Serpent
205 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Naga Whalers and Coral Golems. Provides the research Resistant Skin.

Can be used to return harvested lumber.
Pyramid of the Serpent ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurgalSlave.blp 205 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTempleOfTides1.blp Temple of Water
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Mur'gul Slaves, Mur'gul Reavers and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Temple of Tides and then Temple of Seas to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Temple of Water ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurgalSlave.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTempleOfTides.blp Temple of Tides
705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Temple of Tides to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Temple of Tides ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurgalSlave.blp 705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTempleOfSeas.blp Temple of Seas
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Temple of Seas to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Temple of Seas ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurgalSlave.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurlocHut1.blp Naga Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Naga Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurgalSlave.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHighborneShipyard2.blp Naga Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Night Elf Transport Ships, Night Elf Frigates, and Night Elf Battleships.
Naga Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurgalSlave.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAzsharaStatue.blp Statue of Azshara
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Giant statue which protects your base with powerful storms.

Limited to 1.
Statue of Azshara ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurgalSlave.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInfernalCannon.blp Fortified Infernal Machine
150 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained. Can be upgraded to a defensive structure that attacks land and air units.
Fortified Infernal Machine
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAltarOfTerror.blp Altar of Twisting Nether
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Twisting Nether ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ Floating Rock
215 images/WC3gold.webp
Provides attack and armor upgrades for Demon units. Also serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Floating Rock ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 215 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDarkPortal.blp Dimensional Gate
200 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Overlords, Fel Stalkers, and Nether Drakes. Also contains upgrades for the unit types.
Dimensional Gate ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 200 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1300 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ Obelisk
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Demon Gate has (Demon Gate, Large Demon Gate or Gigantic Demon Gate) and which buildings you have.
Obelisk ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 475 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInfernalFlameCannon.blp Fortified Infernal Juggernaut
295 images/WC3gold.webp 90 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to create a defensive structure.

Attacks land and air units.
Fortified Infernal Juggernaut
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 295 images/WC3gold.webp 90 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 700 26 - 32 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ Dungeon of Pain
155 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Spellcaster production building. Trains Eredar Sorcerers and Succubus.
Also contains upgrades for Eredar Sorcerers and Succubus.
Dungeon of Pain ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 155 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1100 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPortal.blp Portal
140 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Doom Guards, Greater Voidwalker and Infernal Machines. Also contains the Defend, Cripple, Slow and Rain of Fire upgrades.
Portal ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNUndeadShrine.blp Shrine
150 images/WC3gold.webp 200 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Infernals. Also contains the Permanent Immolation, Hardened Skin and Resistant Skin upgrades.
Shrine ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 200 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDemonGate.blp Demon Gate
225 images/WC3gold.webp
Primary structure, used to train Gan'arg Engineers and receive lumber gathered by them. Can be upgraded to Large Demon Gate and then Gigantic Demon Gate to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Demon Gate ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 225 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDemonGate.blp Large Demon Gate
545 images/WC3gold.webp 210 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Large Demon Gate to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.

Attacks land and air units.
Large Demon Gate ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 545 images/WC3gold.webp 210 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 1.00 800 10 - 12 4000 - - - 1200
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDemonGate.blp Gigantic Demon Gate
870 images/WC3gold.webp 440 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Gigantic Demon Gate to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.

Attacks land and air units.
Gigantic Demon Gate ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 870 images/WC3gold.webp 440 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 1.00 800 12 - 15 6000 - - - 1200
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVolcano.blp Demon Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Demon Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNUndeadShipyard.blp Demon Shipyard
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Undead Transport Ships, Undead Frigates, and Undead Battleships.
Demon Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 2 - - - - 750 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDarkPortal.blp Outland Dimensional Gate
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Giant Dimensional Gate from Outland which transports Demons into this world.

Limited to 1.
Outland Dimensional Gate ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBookOfSummoning.blp Book of Summoning Pedestal
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Allows summoning Infernals from the sky.

Limited to 1.
Book of Summoning Pedestal ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDraeneiHutFarm.blp Draenei Hut
160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Draenei Hut ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranai.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 4.00 700 22 - 27 600 - - - 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAltarOfSeers.blp Altar of Seers
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Seers ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranai.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHarvestersMill.blp Draenei Harvester's Mill
170 images/WC3gold.webp 55 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides Draenei researches and allows returning lumber.
Draenei Harvester's Mill ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranai.blp 170 images/WC3gold.webp 55 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1250 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranaiHut.blp Draenei Barracks
170 images/WC3gold.webp 55 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Draenei Vindicators, Stalkers, Demolishers and Salamanders.
Draenei Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranai.blp 170 images/WC3gold.webp 55 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1250 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranaiHut.blp Draenei Shop
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items.
Draenei Shop ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranai.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 485 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRockTower.blp Boulder Tower
120 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Fires massive boulders that deal splash damage. Good at destroying ground units. Immune to magic.

Attacks land units.
Boulder Tower
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranai.blp 120 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 2.50 800 89 - 111 500 - - - 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedRockTower.blp Advanced Boulder Tower
200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp
Increases the damage of the boulders. Good at destroying ground units. Immune to magic.

Attacks land units.
Advanced Boulder Tower
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranai.blp 200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp 6 2.50 800 110 - 132 800 - - - 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranaiHut.blp Seer's Den
100 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Draenei Seers, Harbingers and Tamed Nether Drakes.
Seer's Den ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranai.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1150 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranaiChiefHut.blp Draenei Haven
400 images/WC3gold.webp 195 images/WC3lumber.webp
Allows the collection of gold, produces Laborers and can revive Heroes.
Draenei Haven ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranai.blp 400 images/WC3gold.webp 195 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranaiHut.blp Draenei Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Draenei Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranai.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinShipyard.blp Draenei Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Orc Transport Ships, Orc Frigates, and Orc Battleships.
Draenei Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranai.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCage.blp Draenei Prison
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Big prison which can capture units from anywhere on the map! Can also Ensnare units anywhere on the map!

Limited to 1.
Draenei Prison ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranai.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolgHut2.blp Furbolg Hut
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food. Can cast Battle Stations which leads to Furbolgs entering the hut and shooting arrows from inside at enemy units.
Furbolg Hut ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolg.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 4.00 500 22 - 27 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNResStone.blp Resurrection Stone
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Resurrection Stone ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolg.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNatureTouchGrow.blp Lumber Camp
120 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains the upgrades for Furbolg warriors.
Lumber Camp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolg.blp 120 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMarketplace.blp Furbolg Marketplace
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items.
Furbolg Marketplace ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolg.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolgTracker.blp Guarding Furbolg
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure.

Attacks land and air units.
Guarding Furbolg ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolg.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 700 22 - 27 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFountainOfLifeDefiled.blp Defiled Fountain of Life
200 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Building to train Furbolg Shamans and Furbolg Elder Shamans which are useful spell casting units. Restores life and mana of units.
Defiled Fountain of Life ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolg.blp 200 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - 450 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCage.blp Wolves Cage
200 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Building to train tamed wolves of the forest.
Wolves Cage ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolg.blp 200 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGreenDragonRoost.blp Green Dragon Roost
300 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Green Drakes.
Green Dragon Roost ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolg.blp 300 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolgHut.blp Furbolg Tribal Center
225 images/WC3gold.webp
Main building which produces Young Furbolgs and revives dead heroes.
Furbolg Tribal Center ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolg.blp 225 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolgHut.blp Furbolg Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Furbolg Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolg.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinShipyard.blp Furbolg Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Orc Transport Ships, Orc Frigates, and Orc Battleships.
Furbolg Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolg.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCorruptedAncientProtector.blp Corrupted Ancient Protector
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Corrupted Ancient Protector which is a defensive building to protect your base. It has Thorns Aura for structures and Disease Cloud.

Limited to 1.
Corrupted Ancient Protector ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolg.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 2.00 300 2.00 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinSheepProcessor.blp Goblin Sheep Processor
160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Goblin Sheep Processor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroTinker.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - - - 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinAltar.blp Altar of Engineering
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Engineering ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroTinker.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinDerrick.blp Fuel Pump
145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains upgrades for improved armor, melee weapons, ranged weapons, Repair, Improved Construction, Fuel, Chemistry, Improved Lumber Harvesting, and Improved Banking.
Fuel Pump ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroTinker.blp 145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1100 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinBarracks.blp Goblin Barracks
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Goblin Flamethrowers, Goblin Sappers, Flame Shredders and Ogre Goblin Squads.
Also contains the Mobile Turret, Flame Grenade, and Explosive Barrel upgrades.
Goblin Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroTinker.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMerchant.blp Goblin Shop
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items.
Goblin Shop ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroTinker.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinGearTowerv2.blp Goblin Tower
110 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp
Defensive structure. Can upgrade Observatory and learn Reveal. Can be upgraded to Goblin Rocket Tower.

Attacks land and air units.
Goblin Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroTinker.blp 110 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp 3 0.60 800 15 - 18 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinTowerOrange.blp Goblin Rocket Tower
160 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp
Defensive structure against air units. Can be upgraded to Advanced Goblin Rocket Tower.

Attacks air units.
Goblin Rocket Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroTinker.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp 3 0.60 800 15 - 18 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinTurret.blp Goblin Turret
200 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp
Defensive structure against ground units.

Attacks land units.
Goblin Turret ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroTinker.blp 200 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp 3 0.60 800 20 - 23 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAmmoDump.blp Goblin Arcane Laboratory
150 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp
Spellcaster production building. Trains Goblin Mage, Goblin Sorceress and Goblin Alchemist.
Also contains spell upgrades for the three unit types.
Goblin Arcane Laboratory ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroTinker.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 800 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTaurenTotem.blp Goblin Tank Factory
135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Flame Tanks, Assault Tanks, Goblin Emperors and Goblin Steam Rollers.
Also contains upgrades for tanks.
Goblin Tank Factory ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroTinker.blp 135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ Goblin Air Field
145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Goblin Air Drones, Goblin Zeppelins, and Goblin War Zeppelins.
Also contains the Barrage, Air Supplies and Goblin War Zeppelin Bombs upgrades.
Goblin Air Field ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroTinker.blp 145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1100 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinHallTier1.blp Goblin Town Hall
385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Goblin Laborerers, Goblin Shredders Goblin Citizens and receive gathered resources.
Goblin Town Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroTinker.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinHallTier2.blp Goblin Stronghold
700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Stronghold to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Goblin Stronghold ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroTinker.blp 700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinHallTier3.blp Goblin Fortress
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Fortress to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Goblin Fortress ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroTinker.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPocketFactory.blp Goblin Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Goblin Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroTinker.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinShipyard.blp Goblin Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Goblin Submarines, Engineer Ships, Transport Ships, Orc Frigates, and Orc Battleships.
Goblin Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroTinker.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarvenHouse.blp Dwarf House
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Dwarf House ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarvenAltar.blp Altar of Mountains
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Mountains ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarvenForge.blp Dwarf Blacksmith
140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber. Contains upgrades for improved armor, weaponry and gunpowder.
Dwarf Blacksmith ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarvenBarracks.blp Dwarf Barracks
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Troll Slayers, Dwarf Riflemen and Dwarf Riders.
Also contains the Berserker Upgrade, Long Rifles, and Animal War Training upgrades.
Dwarf Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarvenTavern.blp Dwarf Tavern
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Town Hall, Keep, or Castle) and which buildings you have.
Dwarf Tavern ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarvenScoutTower.blp Dwarf Scout Tower
30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Basic observation tower. Has no attack, but can be upgraded into a Dwarf Guard Tower, a Dwarf Gun Tower, or a Dwarf Cannon Tower.
Dwarf Scout Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 300 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarvenMysticHall.blp Dwarf Mystical Hall
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Dwarf Runecasters, Battle Priests and War Golems.
Also contains spell upgrades for them.
Dwarf Mystical Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarvenWorkshop.blp Dwarf Workshop
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Siege Engines, Flying Machines, Mortar Teams and Steam Fortresses.
Also contains the Flare, Fragmentation Shards, Barrage, Flying Machine Bombs, Flak Cannons, and Elite Siege Tank upgrades.
Dwarf Workshop ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarvenAviary.blp Dwarf Beastiary
140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Gryphons, Giant Polar Bears, and Gryphon Riders.
Also contains the Breeding, Devour, and Storm Hammers upgrades.
Dwarf Beastiary ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarvenHall.blp Dwarf Town Hall
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Peasants and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Keep and then Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Dwarf Town Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarvenKeep.blp Dwarf Keep
705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Keep to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Dwarf Keep ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarvenFortress.blp Dwarf Castle
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Dwarf Castle ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoldMine.blp Dwarf Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Dwarf Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarvenShipyard.blp Dwarf Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Human Transport Ships, Human Frigates, Human Battleships, Ironclad Submarines, and Gnomish Submarines.
Dwarf Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarvenLumberMill.blp Dwarf Lumber Mill
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Gathers lumber from trees nearby.

Limited to 1.
Dwarf Lumber Mill ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElvenFarm.blp High Elf Farm
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
High Elf Farm ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAltarofEternity.blp Altar of Sun
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Sun ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHighelfEnchanters.blp Enchanter Tower
140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Contains upgrades for improved armor, weaponry and gunpowder.
Enchanter Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMageTower.blp High Elf Barracks
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Blood Elf Lieutenants, Swordsmen, Dragonhawk Riders, and Archers.
Also contains the Defend, Blood Elf Animal War Training, and Cloud upgrades.
High Elf Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfBazaar.blp Bazaar
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (High Elf Town Hall, High Elf Keep, or High Elf Castle) and which buildings you have.
Bazaar ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElvenGuardTower.blp High Elven Guard Tower
120 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure witch magic attack. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
High Elven Guard Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 120 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 600 19 - 29 1000 - 500 2.00 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHighelfMageTower2.blp Mage Tower
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Priests, and Sorceresses.
Also contains spell upgrades for Priests and Sorceresses, and Magic Sentry.
Mage Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfStables.blp High Elf Stables
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains High Elf Knights.
High Elf Stables ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlueDragonNexus.blp Blue Dragon Nexus
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Blue Drakes.
Blue Dragon Nexus ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHighElfSanctuary.blp High Elf Town Hall
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Peasants and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Keep and then Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
High Elf Town Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHighElfSanctuary1.blp High Elf Keep
705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to High Elf Keep to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
High Elf Keep ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHighElfSanctuary2.blp High Elf Castle
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to High Elf Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
High Elf Castle ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfWindMill.blp High Elf Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
High Elf Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElvenShipyardA.blp High Elf Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Human Transport Ships, Human Frigates, and Human Battleships.
High Elf Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWellSpring.blp Sunwell
200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Casts Sun Key and regenerates life and mana of player units. Can change the time of day to 12 for some time.

Limited to 1.
Sunwell ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 500 - 600 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGear.blp Gear
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Gear ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAltarOfKings.blp Altar of Technology
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Technology ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPocketFactory.blp Gnome Factory
140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains the upgrades.
Gnome Factory ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanBarracks.blp Gnome Brassman
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains primary assault troops. Trains Riflemen, Field Engineers, and Artillery Tanks.
Gnome Brassman ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneVault.blp Technology Fair
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Town Hall, Keep, or Castle) and which buildings you have.
Technology Fair ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanWatchTower.blp Gnome Turret
30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Simple defense tower.
Gnome Turret ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp 30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 300 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneSanctum.blp Gnomish Laboratory
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Priests, and Sorceresses.
Also contains spell upgrades for Priests and Sorceresses, and Magic Sentry.
Gnomish Laboratory ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWorkshop.blp Gnomish Inventor Lab
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Drill Engines, Flying Machines, Mortar Teams, and Bombardiers.
Gnomish Inventor Lab ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonAviary.blp Gnome Aviary
140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Gryphon Riders, and Hover Copters.
Gnome Aviary ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTownHall.blp Town Hall
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Peasants and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Keep and then Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Town Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKeep.blp Keep
705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Keep to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Keep ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp 705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCastle.blp Castle
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Castle ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGranary.blp Gnome Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Gnome Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanShipyard.blp Gnome Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Human Transport Ships, Human Frigates, and Human Battleships.
Gnome Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNForestTrollHut0.blp Troll Hut
160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Troll Hut ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - - - 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAltarOfBlood.blp Altar of Blood
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Blood ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNForge.blp War Mill
205 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains upgrades for improved armor, creature attacks, ranged weapons, and creature armor.
War Mill ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 205 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 1000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMercenaryCamp.blp Troll Camp
200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp
Sells Troll creep units.

Limited to 1.
Troll Camp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 400 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBuilding_TrollBarracks.blp Troll Barracks
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Headhunters, Manhunters, Darkspear Troll Riders, and Voodoo Cannoneers.
Also contains the Berserker, and Troll Regeneration upgrades.
Troll Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVoodooLounge.blp Voodoo Lounge
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Great Hall has (Great Hall, Stronghold, or Fortress) and which buildings you have.
Voodoo Lounge ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcTower.blp Watch Tower
110 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp
Defensive structure.

Attacks land and air units.
Watch Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 110 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp 3 0.60 800 15 - 18 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSpiritLodge.blp Spirit Lodge
150 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp
Spellcaster production building. Trains Shaman and Witch Doctors.
Also contains spell upgrades for Shaman and Witch Doctors.
Spirit Lodge ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 800 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBeastiary.blp Troll Beastiary
145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Batriders, Bats, Troll Golems, and Zalandari Throne of Wars.
Also contains the Liquid Fire and Barrage upgrades.
Troll Beastiary ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1100 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIceTrollHut0.blp Ice Troll Hut
135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Ice Troll High Priests and Ice Troll Warlords.
Also contains upgrades for Ice Troll High Priests and Ice Troll Warlords.
Ice Troll Hut ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBuilding_ForestTrollT1.blp Great Hall
385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Peons and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Stronghold and then Fortress to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Great Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBuilding_ForestTrollT2.blp Stronghold
700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Stronghold to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Stronghold ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBuilding_ForestTrollT3.blp Fortress
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Fortress to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Fortress ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGenericCreepBuilding.blp Troll Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Troll Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinShipyard.blp Troll Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Orc Transport Ships, Orc Frigates, Orc Battleships, Gnomish Submarines, and Troll Tigershark Riders.
Troll Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTempleOfSacrifice.blp Temple of Sacrifice
160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Sacrifices Troll units converting them into random creeps with their base level.

Limited to 1.
Temple of Sacrifice ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNtentTauren.blp Tent
160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Tent ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - - - 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTaurenTotem.blp Altar of Earth Mother
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Earth Mother ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTaurenLumberMill.blp Lumber Mill
205 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains upgrades for improved armor, melee weapons, and ranged weapons.
Lumber Mill ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp 205 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 1000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTaurenBarracks.blp Tauren Barracks
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Tauren Axe Fighters, Tauren Spear Throwers, Tauren Catapults, and Kodo Beasts.
Tauren Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTaurenLounge.blp Spirit Lounge
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Great Hall has (Great Hall, Stronghold, or Fortress) and which buildings you have.
Spirit Lounge ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTaurenWatchTower.blp Watch Tower
110 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp
Defensive structure. Can learn the Reinforced Defenses upgrade.

Attacks land and air units.
Watch Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp 110 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp 3 0.60 800 15 - 18 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTaurenSpiritLodge.blp Spirit Lodge
150 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp
Spellcaster production building. Trains Spirit Walkers and Tauren Druids.
Also contains spell upgrades for Spirit Walkers and Tauren Druids.
Spirit Lodge ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 800 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTaurenRoost.blp Wyvern Roost
145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Wyverns, and Spirit Wyverns.
Wyvern Roost ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp 145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1100 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTaurenTotem.blp Tauren Totem
135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Tauren who can be upgraded to Elite Tauren.
Tauren Totem ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp 135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNchieftainshall.blp Great Hall
385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Tauren Workers and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Stronghold and then Fortress to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Great Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNchieftainsgreathall.blp Stronghold
700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Stronghold to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Stronghold ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp 700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNchieftainsgreathall.blp Fortress
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Fortress to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Fortress ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNarmory.blp Tauren Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Tauren Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNShamanTotem.blp Totem Pole
160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Reincarnates dead non-Tauren units.

Limited to 1.
Totem Pole ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandarenHouse.blp Pandaren House
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Pandaren House ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandarenShrine.blp Altar of Wind
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Wind ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandarenMill.blp Lumber Mill
120 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains the upgrades for Lumber Harvesting and Masonry.
Lumber Mill ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 120 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandarenBlacksmith.blp Blacksmith
140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Contains upgrades for improved armor, weaponry and gunpowder.
Blacksmith ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandarenDojo.blp Dojo
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Honorguards, Archers and Warlords.
Also contains the Defend, Improved Bows, and Command Aura upgrades.
Dojo ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandarenBrewery.blp Brewery
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Pandaren Temple, Advanced Pandaren Temple, or Great Pandaren Temple) and which buildings you have.
Brewery ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandarenScountTower.blp Scout Tower
30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Basic observation building. Has no attack, but can be upgraded into an Arcane Lantern. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.
Scout Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 300 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandarenGuardTower.blp Guard Tower
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Guard Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 700 22 - 27 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandarenCannonTower.blp Cannon Tower
150 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp
Heavy defensive structure. Particularly effective against clusters of troops. Can learn Fragmentation Shards and Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land units and trees.
Cannon Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 2.50 800 89 - 111 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandarenMagicTower.blp Magic Tower
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Magical defensive tower. Particularly effective against enemy Heroes and spellcasters. Has the Feedback ability, which causes its attacks to destroy mana, dealing extra damage equal to the mana destroyed. Deals bonus damage against summoned units. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Magic Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 1.00 800 7 - 10 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandarenTemple.blp Elemental Sanctuary
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Monks, Sages, and Druids.
Also contains spell upgrades for Monks, Sages, and Druids, and Magic Sentry.
Elemental Sanctuary ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandarenWorkshop.blp Workshop
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Dragon Turtles, Firework Teams, and Primal Pandaren. Allows researching upgrades Firework and Fragmentation Shards.
Workshop ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandarenFlightMaster.blp Storm Spire
140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Cloud Serpents and Giant Sea Turtles. Contains upgrades Chain Lightning and Cloud.
Storm Spire ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandarenTownHall.blp Pandaren Temple
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Pandaren Woodcutters and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Advanced Pandaren Temple and then Great Pandaren Temple to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Pandaren Temple ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandarenKeep.blp Advanced Pandaren Temple
705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Advanced Pandaren Temple to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Advanced Pandaren Temple ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandarenPalace.blp Great Pandaren Temple
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Great Pandaren Temple to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Great Pandaren Temple ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBarrel.blp Pandaren Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Pandaren Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNightElfShipyard.blp Pandaren Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Gnomish Submarines, Engineer Ships, Pandaren Transport Ships, Night Elf Frigates, and Pandaren Battleships.
Pandaren Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTreeOfLife.blp Jade Forest
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Can cast Disarmament.

Limited to 1.
Jade Forest ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 500 - 800 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLordaeronFarm.blp Farm
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Farm ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLordaeronAltar.blp Altar of Lordaeron
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Lordaeron ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLordaeronLumberMill.blp Lumber Mill
120 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains the upgrades for Lumber Harvesting and Masonry.
Lumber Mill ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 120 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLordaeronBlacksmithV1.blp Blacksmith
140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Contains upgrades for improved armor, weaponry and gunpowder.
Blacksmith ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLordaeronBarracks.blp Barracks
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Footmen, Archers, and Knights.
Also contains the Defend, Improved Archery, Crossbowmen, Spearmen, and Animal War Training upgrades.
Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLordaeronTradeHouse.blp Trade House
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Town Hall, Citadel, or Palace) and which buildings you have.
Trade House ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLordaeronScoutTower.blp Scout Tower
30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Basic observation tower. Has no attack, but can be upgraded into a Guard Tower, an Arcane Tower, or a Cannon Tower. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.
Scout Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 300 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLordaeronGuardTower.blp Guard Tower
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Guard Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 700 22 - 27 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLordaeronCannonTower.blp Cannon Tower
150 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp
Heavy defensive structure. Particularly effective against clusters of troops. Can learn Fragmentation Shards and Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land units and trees.
Cannon Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 2.50 800 89 - 111 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLordaeronArcaneTower.blp Arcane Tower
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Magical defensive tower. Particularly effective against enemy Heroes and spellcasters. Has the Feedback ability, which causes its attacks to destroy mana, dealing extra damage equal to the mana destroyed. Deals bonus damage against summoned units. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Arcane Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 1.00 800 7 - 10 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLordaeronMageTower.blp Mage Tower
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Mages, Sorceresses, and Battle Mages.
Also contains spell upgrades for Mages, Sorceresses, and Battle Mages, and Magic Sentry.
Mage Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLordaeronWorkshop.blp Workshop
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Riflemen, Banner Carriers, and Alliance Siege Towers.
Workshop ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLordaeronAviary.blp Gryphon Aviary
140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Gryphon Riders, and Pegasus Knights.
Gryphon Aviary ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLordaeronTownCenter.blp Town Center
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Peasants and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Citadel and then Palace to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Town Center ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLordaeronCitadel.blp Citadel
705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Citadel to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Citadel ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLordaeronPalace.blp Palace
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Palace to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Palace ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGranary.blp Human Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Human Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLordaeronShipyard.blp Lordaeron Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Human Transport Ships, Human Frigates, and Human Battleships.
Lordaeron Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNScarletMonastery.blp Scarlet Monastery
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Special building with a high sight range. Has Truesight, Resurrect and Reveal.

Limited to 1.
Scarlet Monastery ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStormwindHouse.blp House
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
House ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStormwindAltar.blp Altar of Lions
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Lions ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStormwindLumberMill.blp Lumber Mill
120 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains the upgrades for Lumber Harvesting and Masonry.
Lumber Mill ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 120 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStormwindBlacksmith.blp Blacksmith
140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Contains upgrades for improved armor, weaponry and gunpowder.
Blacksmith ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStormwindBarracks.blp Barracks
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Footmen, Rangers and Knights.
Also contains the Defend, Improved Bows, Marksmanship, Unmount, Animal War Training, and Sundering Blades upgrades.
Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStormwindArcaneVault.blp Arcane Vault
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Town Hall, Keep, or Castle) and which buildings you have.
Arcane Vault ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStormwindScoutTower.blp Scout Tower
30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Basic observation tower. Has no attack, but can be upgraded into a Guard Tower, an Arcane Tower, or a Cannon Tower. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.
Scout Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 300 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStormwindGuardTower.blp Guard Tower
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Guard Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 700 22 - 27 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStormwindCannonTower.blp Cannon Tower
150 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp
Heavy defensive structure. Particularly effective against clusters of troops. Can learn Fragmentation Shards and Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land units and trees.
Cannon Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 2.50 800 89 - 111 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStormwindArcaneTower.blp Arcane Tower
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Magical defensive tower. Particularly effective against enemy Heroes and spellcasters. Has the Feedback ability, which causes its attacks to destroy mana, dealing extra damage equal to the mana destroyed. Deals bonus damage against summoned units. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Arcane Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 1.00 800 7 - 10 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStormwindMageTower.blp Mage Tower
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Priests, Sorceresses, and Mages.
Also contains spell upgrades for Priests, Sorceresses, and Mages, and Magic Sentry.
Mage Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStormwindWorkshop.blp Workshop
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Siege Engines, Flying Machines, and Mortar Teams.
Also contains the Flare, Fragmentation Shards, Barrage, Flying Machine Bombs, and Flak Cannons upgrades.
Workshop ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStormwindAviary.blp Aviary
140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Gryphon Riders, Eagle Knights, and Gryphon Knights.
Aviary ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStormwindTownhall.blp Town Hall
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Peasants and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Keep and then Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Town Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStormwindKeep.blp Keep
705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Keep to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Keep ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStormwindCastle.blp Castle
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Castle ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGranary.blp Human Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Human Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNobbyMansionShipyard.blp Stormwind Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Human Transport Ships, Human Frigates, and Human Battleships.
Stormwind Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCathedralOfLight.blp Cathedral of Light
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Special building with a high sight range. Has Truesight, Resurrect and Reveal.

Limited to 1.
Cathedral of Light ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGeneradorazul.blp Dalaran Power Generator
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained. Creates a damaging aura around it.
Dalaran Power Generator ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - 500 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElvenAltarOfKings.blp Altar of Magic
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Magic ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - 500 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ Magical Pen
120 images/WC3gold.webp
Allows capturing enemy units.
Magical Pen ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 120 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ Arcane Blacksmith
140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Contains upgrades for improved armor, weaponry and Dalaran buildings.
Arcane Blacksmith ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - 500 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ Dalaran Guards Tower
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Footmen, Riflemen and Knights.
Also contains the Defend, Long Rifles, Animal War Training, and Sundering Blades upgrades.
Dalaran Guards Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - 500 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneVault.blp Arcane Vault
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Town Hall, Keep, or Castle) and which buildings you have.
Arcane Vault ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - 500 2.00 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDalaranGuardTower.blp Dalaran Guard Tower
120 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Basic watch tower. Can be upgraded into a Dalaran Sky Guard Tower. Can learn the Feedback ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Dalaran Guard Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 120 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 1.00 600 19 - 29 500 - 500 2.00 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElvenGuardTower.blp Dalaran Sky Guard Tower
200 images/WC3gold.webp 90 images/WC3lumber.webp
Advanced watch tower. Can learn the Feedback ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Dalaran Sky Guard Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 200 images/WC3gold.webp 90 images/WC3lumber.webp 6 1.00 600 30 - 42 800 - 500 2.00 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneSanctum.blp Arcane Sanctum
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Sorceresses, Fire Mages and Wizards.
Also contains spell upgrades for Sorceresses, Fire Mages, Wizards, and Magic Sentry.
Arcane Sanctum ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - 500 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCage.blp Dalaran Zoo
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Dalaran Mutants, Dalaran Rejects, Guardian Golems, and Flesh Golems.
Dalaran Zoo ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - 500 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneAviary.blp Dalaran Aviary
140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Dragonhawk Riders.
Also contains the Cloud upgrade.
Dalaran Aviary ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - 500 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneTownHall.blp Dalaran Town Hall
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Elemental Servants and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Keep and then Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Dalaran Town Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - 500 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneKeep.blp Dalaran Keep
705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Dalaran Keep to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Dalaran Keep ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - 500 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneCastle.blp Dalaran Castle
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Dalaran Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Dalaran Castle ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - 500 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneGranary.blp Dalaran Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Dalaran Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - 500 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneShipyard.blp Arcane Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Human Transport Ships, Human Frigates, and Human Battleships.
Arcane Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - 500 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ Violet Citadel
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Special building with a high sight range. Has Truesight, Resurrect and Reveal.

Limited to 1.
Violet Citadel ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 1.80 900 90 - 102 600 - 500 2.00 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKultirasHouse.blp House
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
House ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKultirasAltar.blp Altar of Sea
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Sea ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKultirasLumberMill.blp Lumber Mill
120 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains the upgrades for Lumber Harvesting and Masonry.
Lumber Mill ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 120 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKultirasBlacksmith.blp Blacksmith
140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Contains upgrades for improved armor, weaponry and gunpowder.
Blacksmith ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKultirasBarracks.blp Barracks
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Footmen, Riflemen and Knights.
Also contains the Defend, Long Rifles, Animal War Training, and Sundering Blades upgrades.
Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKultirasTradeHouse.blp Trade House
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Town Hall, Keep, or Castle) and which buildings you have.
Trade House ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKultirasTowerScout.blp Scout Tower
30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Basic observation tower. Has no attack, but can be upgraded into a Guard Tower, an Arcane Tower, or a Cannon Tower. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.
Scout Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 300 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKultirasTowerGuard.blp Guard Tower
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Guard Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 700 22 - 27 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKultirasTowerCannon.blp Cannon Tower
150 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp
Heavy defensive structure. Particularly effective against clusters of troops. Can learn Fragmentation Shards and Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land units and trees.
Cannon Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 2.50 800 89 - 111 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKultirasArcaneSanctum.blp Arcane Tower
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Magical defensive tower. Particularly effective against enemy Heroes and spellcasters. Has the Feedback ability, which causes its attacks to destroy mana, dealing extra damage equal to the mana destroyed. Deals bonus damage against summoned units. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Arcane Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 1.00 800 7 - 10 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKultirasArcaneSanctum.blp Arcane Sanctum
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Ship Doctors, Storm Sorcerers, and Hydromancers.
Also contains spell upgrades for Ship Doctors, Storm Sorcerers, and Hydromancers, and Magic Sentry.
Arcane Sanctum ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKultirasWorkshop.blp Workshop
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Siege Engines, Flying Machines, and Mortar Teams.
Also contains the Flare, Fragmentation Shards, Barrage, Flying Machine Bombs, and Flak Cannons upgrades.
Workshop ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKultirasGryphonAviary.blp Aviary
140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Peregrin Falcons, and Water Dragons.
Also contains the True Sight and Devour upgrades.
Aviary ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKultirasTownHall.blp Town Hall
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Sailors and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Keep and then Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Town Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKultirasKeep.blp Keep
705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Keep to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Keep ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKultirasCastle.blp Castle
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Castle ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKultirasShipyard.blp Kul Tiras Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Human Transport Ships, Human Frigates, Kul Tiras Battleships, Engineer Ships and Gnomish Submarines.

Provides researches Shipyard Repair and Improved Navy.
Kul Tiras Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - 200 2.40 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNProudmooreKeep.blp Proudmoore Keep
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
A big keep to defend your base. Counts as a town hall. Causes extra damage against Heavy and Light armor units. Can cast Monsoon and summon Sea Elementals.

Limited to 1.
Proudmoore Keep ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 2.00 900 60 - 72 7000 - 600 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGilneasFarm.blp House
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
House ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGilneasAltar.blp Altar of Moon
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Moon ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGilneasLumberMill.blp Lumber Mill
120 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains the upgrade Improved Wall.
Lumber Mill ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 120 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGilneasBlacksmith.blp Blacksmith
140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Contains upgrades for improved armor, weaponry and Worgen traits.
Blacksmith ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGilneasBarracks.blp Barracks
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Footmen, Riflemen and Knights.
Also contains the Defend, Long Rifles, Animal War Training, and Sundering Blades upgrades.
Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGilneasTradeHouse.blp Trade House
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Town Hall, Keep, or Castle) and which buildings you have.
Trade House ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGilneasTowerScout.blp Scout Tower
30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Basic observation tower. Has no attack, but can be upgraded into a Guard Tower, an Arcane Tower, or a Cannon Tower. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.
Scout Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 300 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGilneasGuardTower.blp Guard Tower
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Guard Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 700 22 - 27 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGilneasCannonTower.blp Cannon Tower
150 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp
Heavy defensive structure. Particularly effective against clusters of troops. Can learn Fragmentation Shards and Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land units and trees.
Cannon Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 2.50 800 89 - 111 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGilneasArcaneTower.blp Arcane Tower
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Magical defensive tower. Particularly effective against enemy Heroes and spellcasters. Has the Feedback ability, which causes its attacks to destroy mana, dealing extra damage equal to the mana destroyed. Deals bonus damage against summoned units. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Arcane Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 1.00 800 7 - 10 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGilneasWizardTower.blp Wizard Tower
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Nightstalkers, Druids and Battle Mages.
Also contains spell upgrades for Nightstalkers, Druids and Battle Mages, and Magic Sentry.
Wizard Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGilneasWorkshop.blp Workshop
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Gilneas Gunships, Manticores, and Banner Carriers.
Also contains the Rockets, Cargo, Barrage, and Human Courage upgrades.
Workshop ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGilneasManorHouse.blp Manor
140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Mindless Worgen, and Stormcrow Knights.
Also contains the Improved Critical Strike and Slow Poison upgrades.
Manor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGilneasTownHall.blp Town Hall
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Peasants and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Keep and then Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Town Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGilneasKeep.blp Keep
705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Keep to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Keep ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGilneasCastle.blp Castle
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Castle ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGilneasWorgenDen.blp Worgen Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Worgen Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGilneasShipyard.blp Worgen Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Human Transport Ships, Human Frigates, and Human Battleships.
Worgen Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGilneasCathedral.blp Cathedral
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Special building which can force the moon to appear.

Limited to 1.
Cathedral ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGate.blp Greymane Wall Closed
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Allows entering your base.
Greymane Wall Closed ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 12 - - - - 15000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulFarm.blp Fisher House
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Fisher House ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNResStone.blp Altar of Runes
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Runes ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTheBlacksmith.blp Blacksmith
140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains upgrades for improved armor, weaponry and gunpowder.
Blacksmith ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVikingLongHouse.blp Longhouse
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Warriors, Spear Carriers and Mammoth Riders.
Also contains the Defend, and Spiked Shell upgrades.
Longhouse ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFarm.blp Inn
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Dragon's Reach, Advanced Dragon's Reach, or Fortified Dragon's Reach) and which buildings you have.
Inn ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLamp.blp Lamp
30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Basic observation tower. Has no attack.
Lamp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 300 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCastle1.blp Val'kyr Temple
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Golden Val'kyrs, Dark Val'kyrs, Undead Vrykuls, and Runecarvers.
Val'kyr Temple ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCage.blp Beastiary
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Armored Wolves, Mammoths, and Giant Polar Bears.
Beastiary ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDragonRoost.blp Proto Drake Roost
200 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Proto Drakes.
Proto Drake Roost ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 200 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulMain1.blp Dragon's Reach
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Vrykul Workers and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Advanced Dragon's Reach and then Fortified Dragon's Reach to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Dragon's Reach ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulMain2.blp Advanced Dragon's Reach
705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Advanced Dragon's Reach to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Advanced Dragon's Reach ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulMain3.blp Fortified Dragon's Reach
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Fortified Dragon's Reach to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Fortified Dragon's Reach ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWell.blp Vrykul Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Vrykul Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIceHumanShipyard.blp Vrykul Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Human Transport Ships, Rakkar Ships, and Gnomish Submarines.
Vrykul Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFarm.blp Halls of Valor
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Special building which brings back dead warriors as champions.

Limited to 1.
Halls of Valor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNerubianZiggurat.blp Nerubian Ziggurat
150 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained. Can be upgraded to a defensive structure that attacks land and air units.
Nerubian Ziggurat ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSpiderAltarIconNew2.BLP Altar of the Spider
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of the Spider ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNEgg.blp Hatchery
215 images/WC3gold.webp
Provides attack and armor upgrades for Nerubian units. Also hatches Spiderlings and serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Hatchery ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 215 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAncientSpawningPit.blp Spawning Pit
200 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Nerubian Warriors, Crypt Fiends, and Crypt Drones. Also contains the upgrades Ghoul Frenzy, Cannibalize, Stone Form, Web and Burrow.
Spawning Pit ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 200 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1300 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAncientVault.blp Vault of Relics
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Necropolis has (Necropolis, Halls of the Dead, or Black Citadel) and which buildings you have.
Vault of Relics ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 475 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFrostTower.blp Nerubian Tower
250 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to create a defensive structure that deals cold damage and slows enemy units.

Attacks land and air units.
Nerubian Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 250 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 1.30 700 8 - 10 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAncientShrineV1.01.blp Ancient Shrine
155 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Spellcaster production building. Trains Necromancers and Banshees.
Also contains upgrades for Necromancers, Banshees, and Skeletal Mastery.
Ancient Shrine ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 155 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1100 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSpiderNest.blp Nest
140 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Nerubian Spear Throwers, Nerubian Spider Lords, and Flying Bombarders.
Nest ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAncientBurrow.blp Spawning Ground
150 images/WC3gold.webp 200 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Nerubian Queen. Also contains the Freezing Breath upgrade.
Spawning Ground ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 200 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIceRuinsMetropolis0.blp Metropolis
225 images/WC3gold.webp
Primary structure, used to train Workers and receive lumber gathered by them. Can be upgraded to Halls of the Dead and then Black Citadel to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Metropolis ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 225 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIceRuinsMetropolis0.blp Advanced Metropolis
545 images/WC3gold.webp 210 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Advanced Metropolis to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.

Attacks land and air units.
Advanced Metropolis ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 545 images/WC3gold.webp 210 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 1.00 800 10 - 12 4000 - - - 1200
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIceRuinsMetropolis0.blp Great Metropolis
870 images/WC3gold.webp 440 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Great Metropolis to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.

Attacks land and air units.
Great Metropolis ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 870 images/WC3gold.webp 440 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 1.00 800 12 - 15 6000 - - - 1200
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIceCrownObelisk.blp Nerubian Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Nerubian Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIceRuinsShipyard.blp Nerubian Shipyard
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Undead Transport Ships, Undead Frigates, and Undead Battleships.
Nerubian Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 2 - - - - 750 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNerubianPalace.blp Azjol-Nerub
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Powerful strong building with Chaos damage and Frost Attack.

Limited to 1.
Azjol-Nerub ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 1.30 600 80 - 86 3000 - - - 600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIgloo.blp Igloo
160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Igloo ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - - - 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNTundralAltar.blp Altar of Ice
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Ice ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNIcySpire.blp Icy Spire
205 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains upgrades for improved armor, melee weapons, ranged weapons, and Improved Fishing.
Icy Spire ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 205 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 1000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNIgloo.blp Igloo Barracks
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Tuskarr Fighters, Tuskarr Spearmen and Tuskarr Mammoth Riders.
Also contains the Frost Immunity, Ensnare, and War Stomp upgrades.
Igloo Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNNorthpactShop.blp Northern Vendor Shop
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Great Hall has (Frozen Hall, Frozen Stronghold, or Frozen Fortress) and which buildings you have.
Northern Vendor Shop ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNBlockOfIce.blp Block of Ice
110 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp
Defensive structure with close attack range. Has the Freezing Breath ability. Can be upgraded to Spider Shrine, Ice Wall, and Frost Snowman.

Attacks land and air units.
Block of Ice ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 110 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp 3 0.60 300 15 - 18 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNSpiderShrine.blp Spider Shrine
190 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp
Defensive structure. Can cast Web and has the ability Spawn Spiderlings.

Attacks land and air units.
Spider Shrine ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 190 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp 3 0.60 800 15 - 18 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNIceWall.blp Ice Wall
190 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp
Strong Defensive structure without attack.
Ice Wall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 190 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp 6 - - - - 3000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNPermafrostSnowman.blp Frost Snowman
190 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp
Defensive structure which causes magic damage. Has the Feedback ability. Can learn the Magic Sentry upgrade.

Attacks land and air units.
Frost Snowman ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 190 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp 3 0.60 800 15 - 18 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNHuntersRest.blp Hunters Rest
150 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp
Spellcaster production building. Trains Shaman and Healers.
Also contains spell upgrades for Shaman and Healers.
Hunters Rest ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 800 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNIceCuttersLodge.blp Ice Cutters Lodge
145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Giant Frost Wolves, Icetusk Mammoths, Polar Bears, and Giant Snowy Owls.
Also contains the Etheral Beasts, Critical Strike, Cleaving Attack, Devour and Elite Armored Polar Bear upgrades.
Ice Cutters Lodge ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1100 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNCrystallineCavern.blp Decorated Cavern
135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Chieftains.
Also contains the Clans upgrade which gives Chieftains the Command Aura ability.
Decorated Cavern ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNicon1good.blp Frozen Hall
385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Workers and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Frozen Stronghold and then Frozen Fortress to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Frozen Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNicon2good.blp Frozen Stronghold
700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Frozen Stronghold to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Frozen Stronghold ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNicon3good.blp Frozen Fortress
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Frozen Fortress to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Frozen Fortress ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIcyTreasureBox.blp Tuskarr Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Tuskarr Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIceHumanShipyard.blp Tuskarr Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Tuskarr Fishing Boats, Gnomish Submarines, Engineer Ships, Orc Transport Ships, Orc Frigates, and Orc Battleships.
Tuskarr Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAnkh.blp Burial Place
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Has auras with effects depending on the number of units lost to enemies.

Limited to 1.
Burial Place ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurlocHut1.blp Murloc Hut
205 images/WC3gold.webp
Increases food.
Murloc Hut ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp 205 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 1000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurlocAltarOfTheDeeps.blp Altar of the Shores
255 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of the Shores ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp 255 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurlocLumberkeep.blp Murloc Lumberkeep
205 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Murloc Lumberkeep ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp 205 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 1000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurlocBlademakingHut.blp Murloc Blademaking Hut
205 images/WC3gold.webp
Contains upgrades Coral Blades, Coral Scales, Swarming and River Bank.
Murloc Blademaking Hut ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp 205 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 1000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurlocBarrack.blp Barracks
180 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Murloc Tiderunners, Murloc Huntsmen and Murloc Flesheaters.
Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurlocTreasureHold.blp Murloc Treasurehold
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Gathering Hall, Gathering Stronghold, or Gathering Fortress) and which buildings you have.
Murloc Treasurehold ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurlocBoneChipper.blp Bone Chipper
130 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure.

Attacks land and air units.
Bone Chipper ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 700 30 - 45 500 - - - 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurlocSorcererDen.blp Murloc Sorcerer Den
180 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Murloc Bubble Mages. Also contains spell upgrades for Murloc Bubble Mages.
Murloc Sorcerer Den ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurlocHatchlingGround.blp Hatchling Ground
205 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Snap Dragons, Dragon Turtles, and Sea Giants. Also contains the Murloc Eggs upgrade.
Hatchling Ground ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp 205 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurlocGatheringHallLevel1.blp Gathering Hall
385 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Mur'gul Slaves, Mur'gul Reavers and receive gathered resources. Also contains the Naga weapon and armor upgrades, and the Submerge upgrade.
Gathering Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurlocGatheringHallLevel2.blp Gathering Stronghold
705 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Mur'gul Slaves, Mur'gul Reavers and receive gathered resources. Also contains the Naga weapon and armor upgrades, and the Submerge upgrade.
Gathering Stronghold ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp 705 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurlocGatheringHallLevel3.blp Gathering Fortress
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Mur'gul Slaves, Mur'gul Reavers and receive gathered resources. Also contains the Naga weapon and armor upgrades, and the Submerge upgrade.
Gathering Fortress ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurlocHut1.blp Murloc Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Murloc Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurlocHut1.blp Murloc Fisher
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Giant statue which protects your base with powerful storms.

Limited to 1.
Murloc Fisher ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCentaurTent.blp Ogre Tent
160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Ogre Tent ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - - - 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAltarOfStorms.blp Altar of War
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of War ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranaiHut.blp Forge
205 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains upgrades for improved armor, melee weapons, and ranged weapon.
Forge ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 205 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 1000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgreMound2.BLP Ogre Cave
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Ogre Warriors, Ogre Stone Throwers and Ogre Dummers.
Also contains the Ogre Strength, Pulverize, and Resistant Skin upgrades.
Ogre Cave ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranaiHut.blp Draenor Merchant
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Ogre Mound has (Ogre Mound, Advanced Ogre Mound, or Fortified Ogre Mound) and which buildings you have.
Draenor Merchant ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRockTower.blp Boulder Tower
120 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Fires massive boulders that deal splash damage. Good at destroying ground units. Immune to magic.

Attacks land units.
Boulder Tower
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 120 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 2.50 800 89 - 111 500 - - - 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedRockTower.blp Advanced Boulder Tower
200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp
Increases the damage of the boulders. Good at destroying ground units. Immune to magic.

Attacks land units.
Advanced Boulder Tower
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp 6 2.50 800 110 - 132 800 - - - 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranaiHut.blp Magi Lodge
150 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp
Spellcaster production building. Trains Ogre Magi, Ogre Warlocks, and Ogre Necromancers.
Also contains spell upgrades for Ogre Magi, Ogre Warlocks, and Ogre Necromancers.
Magi Lodge ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 800 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCage.blp Beastiary
145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Ogre Hunters, Clefthoofs, Bronze Drakes, and Zeppelins.
Also contains the Ensnare, Ambush, and Lightning Attack upgrades.
Beastiary ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1100 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSimpleOgreArena.blp Ogre Arena
135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Ogre Lords, Mok'Nathal and Gronn.
Also contains the upgrade Reincarnation for Ogre Lords, Summon Bear for Mok'Nathal and War Clubs for Gronn.
Ogre Arena ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgreMound.blp Ogre Mound
385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Ogre Slaves and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Advanced Ogre Mound and then Fortified Ogre Mound to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Ogre Mound ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgreMound.blp Advanced Ogre Mound
700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Advanced Ogre Mound to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Advanced Ogre Mound ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgreMound.blp Fortified Ogre Mound
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Fortified Ogre Mound to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Fortified Ogre Mound ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPigFarm.blp Ogre Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Ogre Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinShipyard.blp Ogre Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Orc Transport Ships, Orc Frigates, and Orc Battleships.
Ogre Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCentaurTent2.blp Stonemaul Camp
135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Stonemaul Ogre, Stonemaul Magi, and Kor'gall.

Limited to 1.
Stonemaul Camp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ Eredar Pylon
160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Eredar Pylon ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ 160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 4.00 700 22 - 27 600 - - - 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNEnchantedGemstone.blp Altar of Naaru
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Naaru ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanLumberMill.blp Argunite Mill
120 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains the upgrades for Lumber Harvesting and Masonry.
Argunite Mill ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ 120 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlacksmith.blp Eredar Forge
140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Contains upgrades for improved armor, weaponry and gunpowder.
Eredar Forge ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ 140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ Barracks
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Footmen, Riflemen and Knights.
Also contains the Defend, Long Rifles, Animal War Training, and Sundering Blades upgrades.
Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneVault.blp Argus Merchant
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Town Hall, Keep, or Castle) and which buildings you have.
Argus Merchant ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCrystalGenerator.blp Man'ari Crystal
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Priests, and Sorceresses.
Also contains spell upgrades for Priests and Sorceresses, and Magic Sentry.
Man'ari Crystal ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBeastiary.blp Eredar Workshop
145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Elekk Knights, Vigilants, Siegebreakers, and Nether Rays.
Eredar Workshop ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ 145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1100 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNightElvenAirship.blp Dimensional Ship
400 images/WC3gold.webp 195 images/WC3lumber.webp
Allows the collection of gold, produces Artificers.
Dimensional Ship ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ 400 images/WC3gold.webp 195 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNightElvenAirship.blp Advanced Dimensional Ship
400 images/WC3gold.webp 195 images/WC3lumber.webp
Allows the collection of gold, produces Artificers.
Advanced Dimensional Ship ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ 400 images/WC3gold.webp 195 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNightElvenAirship.blp Dimensional Ship Fortress
400 images/WC3gold.webp 195 images/WC3lumber.webp
Allows the collection of gold, produces Artificers.
Dimensional Ship Fortress ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ 400 images/WC3gold.webp 195 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGeneradorazul.blp Eredar Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Eredar Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPigFarm.blp Pig Farm
115 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces food. Trains Fel Boars. Can learn Slaughter Time. Contains the research Piggery.
Pig Farm ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 115 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAltarOfTerror.blp Altar of Chaos
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Chaos ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosMill.blp War Mill
205 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains upgrades for improved armor, melee weapons, and ranged weapons.
War Mill ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 205 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 1000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosBarracks.blp Barracks
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Grunts, Crossbowmen and War Machines.
Also contains the Fel, and Burning Oil upgrades.
Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosVault.blp Chaos Vault
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Great Hall has (Great Hall, Stronghold, or Fortress) and which buildings you have.
Chaos Vault ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcTower.blp Watch Tower
110 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp
Defensive structure.

Attacks land and air units.
Watch Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 110 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp 3 0.60 800 15 - 18 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWarlockTemple.blp Warlock Temple
150 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp
Spellcaster production building. Trains Cultists, Warlocks, and Elders.
Also contains spell upgrades for Cultists, Warlocks, and Elders.
Warlock Temple ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 800 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosBeastiary.blp Beastiary
145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Raiders, Kodo Beasts, and Lancers.
Also contains the Ensnare, and War Drums upgrades.
Beastiary ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1100 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDragonRoost.blp Red Dragon Roost
200 images/WC3gold.webp
Trains Red Dragons.
Red Dragon Roost ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 200 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFelOrcGreatHall.blp Great Hall
385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Peons and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Stronghold and then Fortress to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Great Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFelOrcStrongHold.blp Stronghold
700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Stronghold to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Stronghold ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFelOrcFortress.blp Fortress
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Fortress to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Fortress ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosVault.blp Fel Orc Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Fel Orc Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFelOrcShipyard.blp Fel Orc Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Orc Transport Ships, Orc Frigates, and Orc Battleships.
Fel Orc Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHellfireCitadelOutland.blp Hellfire Citadel
160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Strong citadel building which defends your base. Can cast Rain of Chaos.

Limited to 1.
Hellfire Citadel ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 12 2.00 700 55 - 60 5000 - 300 2.00 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackEmpireTowerEndlessFountain.blp Endless Fountain
115 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Endless Fountain ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFacelessOne.blp 115 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 1200
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackEmpireAltarOfTheVoid.blp Altar of Void
255 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Void ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFacelessOne.blp 255 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackEmpirePrisonOfUnspeakableHorrors.blp Prison of Unspeakable Horrors
205 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains upgrades for improved armor, melee weapons, ranged weapons, and Tentacles.
Prison of Unspeakable Horrors ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFacelessOne.blp 205 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 1000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackEmpireSleeplessTower.blp Sleepless Tower
205 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Unbroken Darkhunter, Bone Throwers, and Riders.
Sleepless Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFacelessOne.blp 205 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackEmpireVaultOfOminousSecrets.blp Vault of Ominous Secrets
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Great Hall has (Great Hall, Stronghold, or Fortress) and which buildings you have.
Vault of Ominous Secrets ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFacelessOne.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackEmpireTowerAcidicCarnivore.blp Acidic Carnivore
130 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure with low attack range but high damage. Can learn Bash and Poison abilities.

Attacks land units.
Acidic Carnivore ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFacelessOne.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 250 45 - 60 500 - - - 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackEmpireAncientLibraryOfForbiddenKnowledge.blp Ancient Library of Forbidden Knowledge
150 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp
Spellcaster production building. Trains Witches and Cultists.
Also contains spell upgrades for Witches and Cultists.
Ancient Library of Forbidden Knowledge ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFacelessOne.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 800 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackEmpirePulsatingPortal.blp Pulsating Portal
145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Tricksters, Ballistas, and Aqirs.
Pulsating Portal ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFacelessOne.blp 145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1100 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackEmpireCreationHive.blp Creation Hive
135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Berserkers, and Kings.
Creation Hive ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFacelessOne.blp 135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackEmpireTwistedHalls.blp Twisted Halls
385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Peons and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Stronghold and then Fortress to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Twisted Halls ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFacelessOne.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - 200 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackEmpireWhisperingChambers.blp Whispering Chambers
700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Whispering Chambers to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Whispering Chambers ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFacelessOne.blp 700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - 200 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackEmpireCathedralOfMadness.blp Cathedral of Madness
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Cathedral of Madness to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Cathedral of Madness ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFacelessOne.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - 200 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNzothEyeIcon.blp Faceless One Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Faceless One Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFacelessOne.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNForgottenOne.blp Forgotten One
745 images/WC3gold.webp 250 images/WC3lumber.webp
An ancient and powerful creature who hurls fire at its enemies. Can cast Spawn Tentacle, Firebolt, and Charm.

Attacks land and air units.

Limited to 1.
Forgotten One ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFacelessOne.blp 745 images/WC3gold.webp 250 images/WC3lumber.webp 4 2.00 600 40 - 70 4000 10.00 1000 5.00 1400
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCorruptedMoonWell.blp Corrupted Moon Well
155 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained. Has the Replenish Mana and Life ability.
Corrupted Moon Well ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp 155 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 2 - - - - 600 - 300 1.25 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCorruptedAltarOfElders.blp Corrupted Altar of Elders
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Corrupted Altar of Elders ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCorruptedHuntersHall.blp Hunter's Hall
210 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp
Contains the attack and armor upgrades for all units, the Ultravision and Well Spring upgrades.
Hunter's Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp 210 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1100 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCorruptedAncientOfWar.blp Corrupted Ancient of War
255 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Keeper of primary assault troops. Trains Satyr, Satyr Tricksters, and Giant Skeleton Warriors.

Attacks land units.
Corrupted Ancient of War ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp 255 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 2 2.50 128 44 - 55 800 0.50 - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCorruptedAncientOfWonders.blp Corrupted Ancient of Wonders
90 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Tree of Life has (Tree of Life, Tree of Ages, or Tree of Eternity) and which buildings you have.

Attacks land units.
Corrupted Ancient of Wonders ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp 90 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 2 2.50 128 20 - 25 450 0.50 - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCorruptedAncientProtector.blp Corrupted Ancient Protector
240 images/WC3gold.webp 130 images/WC3lumber.webp
Defensive Ancient. When rooted in the ground, can hurl enormous rocks at nearby enemy units.
Attacks land and air units.
Corrupted Ancient Protector ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp 240 images/WC3gold.webp 130 images/WC3lumber.webp 2 - - - - 1500 0.50 - - 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCorruptedAncientofLore.blp Corrupted Ancient of Lore
155 images/WC3gold.webp 145 images/WC3lumber.webp
Keeper of ground based spellcasters. Trains Druids of the Claw, Dryads, and Mountain Giants.
Also contains the upgrades for Druids of the Claw, Mark of the Claw, Abolish Magic, Hardened Skin, and Resistant Skin.

Attacks land units.
Corrupted Ancient of Lore ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp 155 images/WC3gold.webp 145 images/WC3lumber.webp 2 2.50 128 40 - 50 900 0.50 - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCorruptedAncientOfTheMoon.blp Corrupted Ancient of Wind
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Keeper of aerial assault units and spellcasters. Trains Hippogryphs, Druids of the Talon, and Faerie Dragons.
Also contains the upgrades for Druids of the Talon and Mark of the Talon.

Attacks land units.
Corrupted Ancient of Wind ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 2 2.50 128 37 - 46 900 0.50 - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDemonGate.blp Demon Gate
300 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Fel Stalkers, Doom Guards, and Infernals.
Demon Gate ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp 300 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 12 - - - - 10000 - - - 400
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCorruptedTreeOfLife.blp Corrupted Tree of Life
385 images/WC3gold.webp
Primary structure, used to train Wisps and entangle gold mines. Can be upgraded to Corrupted Tree of Ages and then Corrupted Tree of Eternity to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Corrupted Tree of Life ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp - 2 2.50 128 40 - 50 1500 0.50 - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTreeOfAges.blp Corrupted Tree of Ages
660 images/WC3gold.webp 365 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Corrupted Tree of Ages to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Corrupted Tree of Ages ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp 660 images/WC3gold.webp 365 images/WC3lumber.webp 2 2.50 128 48 - 60 2000 0.50 - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTreeOfEternity.blp Corrupted Tree of Eternity
995 images/WC3gold.webp 200 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Corrupted Tree of Eternity to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Corrupted Tree of Eternity ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp 995 images/WC3gold.webp 200 images/WC3lumber.webp 2 2.50 128 59 - 74 2500 0.50 - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNentangledmine.blp Satyr Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Satyr Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 2 - - - - 800 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNUndeadShrine.blp Skull of Gul'dan
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
A powerful Demon artifact which made corrupted Illidan but also made him stronger. Can cast Rain of Chaos.

Limited to 1.
Skull of Gul'dan ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCentaurTent.blp Centaur Tent
160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Centaur Tent ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNcentaur.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 4.00 700 22 - 27 600 - - - 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCentaurTent2.blp Centaur Camp
385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Centaur Workers and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Stronghold and then Fortress to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Centaur Camp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNcentaur.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGnollCamp.blp Gnoll Camp
385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Centaur Workers and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Stronghold and then Fortress to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Gnoll Camp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGnollKing.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAltarOfStorms.blp Altar of Candles
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Candles ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKobold.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNForge.blp War Mill
205 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains upgrades for improved armor, melee weapons, and ranged weapons.
War Mill ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKobold.blp 205 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 1000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKoboldBarracks.blp Barracks
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Kobold Warrior, Kobold Tunnelers.
Also contains the Candles, and Burrow upgrades.
Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKobold.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVoodooLounge.blp Kobold Shop
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Great Hall has (Great Hall, Stronghold, or Fortress) and which buildings you have.
Kobold Shop ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKobold.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSpiritLodge.blp Spirit Lodge
150 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp
Spellcaster production building. Trains Kobold Geomancers and Witch Doctors.
Also contains spell upgrades for Kobold Geomancers and Witch Doctors.
Spirit Lodge ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKobold.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 800 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGreathall.blp Kobold Camp
385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Kobold Engineers and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Stronghold and then Fortress to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Kobold Camp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKobold.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStronghold.blp Advanced Kobold Camp
700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Advanced Kobold Campto enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Advanced Kobold Camp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKobold.blp 700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFortress.blp Fortified Kobold Camp
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Fortified Kobold Camp to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Fortified Kobold Camp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKobold.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPigFarm.blp Kobold Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Kobold Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKobold.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNQuilboarShelter.blp Quillboar Shelter
385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Peons and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Stronghold and then Fortress to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Quillboar Shelter ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRazorback.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAltarOfStorms.blp Altar of Wings
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Wings ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGreenDragon.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDragonRoost.blp Dragon Roost
385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Dragonspawn Slaves and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Advanced Dragon Roost and then Fortified Dragon Roost to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Dragon Roost ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGreenDragon.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFarm.blp House
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
House ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHoplite Helmet UPG2.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAltarOfKings.blp Altar of Gods
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Gods ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHoplite Helmet UPG2.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanLumberMill.blp Stockpile
120 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains the upgrades for Lumber Harvesting and Masonry.
Stockpile ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHoplite Helmet UPG2.blp 120 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlacksmith.blp Blacksmith
140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Contains upgrades for improved armor, weaponry and gunpowder.
Blacksmith ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHoplite Helmet UPG2.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanBarracks.blp Barracks
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Swordsman, Hoplite, and Companion Cavalry.
Also contains the Defend upgrade.
Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHoplite Helmet UPG2.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAncientMarket.blp Marketplace
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Town Center) and which buildings you have.
Marketplace ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHoplite Helmet UPG2.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGuardTower.blp Watch Tower
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure.

Attacks land and air units.
Watch Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHoplite Helmet UPG2.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 700 22 - 27 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneSanctum.blp Temple
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Priests, and Sorceresses.
Also contains spell upgrades for Priests and Sorceresses, and Magic Sentry.
Temple ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHoplite Helmet UPG2.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWorkshop.blp Archery Range
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Archers and siege weapons.
Archery Range ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHoplite Helmet UPG2.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTownHall.blp Town Center
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Slaves and receive gathered resources.
Town Center ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHoplite Helmet UPG2.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGranary.blp Greek Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Greek Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHoplite Helmet UPG2.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAncientShipyard.blp Dock
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Human Transport Ships, Human Frigates, and Human Battleships.
Dock ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHoplite Helmet UPG2.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneObservatory.blp Lighthouse of Alexandria
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Special building can cast Inner Fire and has ability Command Aura.

Limited to 1.
Lighthouse of Alexandria ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHoplite Helmet UPG2.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGenericCreepBuilding.blp Roman Tent
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained. Can train Roman Legionaries.
Roman Tent ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRomanHelmet.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanLumberMill.blp Roman Villa
120 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains the upgrades for Lumber Harvesting and Masonry.
Roman Villa ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRomanHelmet.blp 120 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAncientBarrack.blp Roman Barracks
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Praetorian Guards, Roman Centurions, Roman Archers and Eques.
Roman Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRomanHelmet.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAncientMarket.blp Marketplace
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Town Hall, Keep, or Castle) and which buildings you have.
Marketplace ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRomanHelmet.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGuardTower.blp Guard Tower
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Guard Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRomanHelmet.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 700 22 - 27 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneSanctum.blp Roman Temple
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Priests, and Sorceresses.
Also contains spell upgrades for Priests and Sorceresses, and Magic Sentry.
Roman Temple ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRomanHelmet.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAncientWorkshop.blp Roman Workshop
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Ballistas, Catapults, Siege Towers, and Roman Military Engineers.
Roman Workshop ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRomanHelmet.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonAviary.blp Circus Maximus
140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Chariots.
Circus Maximus ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRomanHelmet.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTent.blp Command Tent
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Slaves and receive gathered resources.
Command Tent ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRomanHelmet.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWheat.blp Roman Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Roman Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRomanHelmet.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAncientShipyard.blp Roman Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Human Transport Ships, Human Frigates, and Human Battleships.
Roman Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRomanHelmet.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneObservatory.blp Triumphal Arch
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Special building can cast Inner Fire and has ability Command Aura.

Limited to 1.
Triumphal Arch ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRomanHelmet.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHousing.blp House
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
House ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMedievalHelmet.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMedievalTavern.blp Tavern
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Tavern ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMedievalHelmet.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSawmillNew.blp Lumber Mill
120 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains the upgrades for Lumber Harvesting and Masonry.
Lumber Mill ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMedievalHelmet.blp 120 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTheBlacksmith.blp Blacksmith
140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Contains upgrades for improved armor, weaponry and gunpowder.
Blacksmith ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMedievalHelmet.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArmoryStone.blp Barracks
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Footmen, Riflemen and Knights.
Also contains the Defend, Long Rifles, Animal War Training, and Sundering Blades upgrades.
Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMedievalHelmet.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMarketStone.blp Market
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Age I, Age II, or Age III) and which buildings you have.
Market ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMedievalHelmet.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTowerLookout.blp Scout Tower
30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Basic observation tower. Has no attack, but can be upgraded into a Guard Tower, an Arcane Tower, or a Cannon Tower. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.
Scout Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMedievalHelmet.blp 30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 300 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTowerGuard.blp Guard Tower
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Guard Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMedievalHelmet.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 700 22 - 27 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTowerSentry.blp Sentry Tower
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Sentry Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMedievalHelmet.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 700 22 - 27 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChurch.blp Church
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Monks, Wizards and Witches.
Also contains spell upgrades for Monks, Wizards and Witches.
Church ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMedievalHelmet.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSiegeshop2.blp Siege Workshop
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces siege weapons.
Siege Workshop ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMedievalHelmet.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCastle6.blp Knight's Castle
140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Gryphon Riders, and Dragonhawk Riders.
Also contains the Storm Hammers and Cloud upgrades.
Knight's Castle ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMedievalHelmet.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCastle1.blp Age I
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Peasants and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Keep and then Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Age I ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMedievalHelmet.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCastle2.blp Age II
705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Keep to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Age II ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMedievalHelmet.blp 705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCastle3.blp Age III
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Age III ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMedievalHelmet.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWheat.blp Medieval Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Medieval Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMedievalHelmet.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDockWood.blp Dock
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Human Transport Ships, Human Frigates, and Human Battleships.
Dock ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMedievalHelmet.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBuildableCathedral.blp Cathedral
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Special building with a high sight range. Has Truesight, Resurrect and Reveal.

Limited to 1.
Cathedral ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMedievalHelmet.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTent.blp Tent
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Tent ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArmoryWood.blp Barracks
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Footmen, Riflemen and Knights.
Also contains the Defend, Long Rifles, Animal War Training, and Sundering Blades upgrades.
Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCastle1.blp Fort
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Saboteurs and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Advanced Fort and then Central Fort to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Fort ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCastle2.blp Advanced Fort
705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Advanced Fort to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Advanced Fort ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ 705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCastle3.blp Central Fort
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Central Fort to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Central Fort ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTerranBunker.blp Bunker
160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained. Pioneers can garrison inside to attack enemy units.

Attacks land and air units.
Bunker ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNReichSapper.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 4.00 700 22 - 27 600 - - - 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTent.blp Hospital Tent
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Hospital Tent ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNReichSapper.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGermanWeaponSupport.blp Weapons Storage
140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Contains upgrades and allows units to return lumber.
Weapons Storage ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNReichSapper.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGermanBarracks.blp Barracks
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains U. S. Rangers, U. S. Marines, Snipers and Medics.
Also contains the Fast Reload, Grenades, Flashbangs, Camouflage, and Headshot upgrades.
Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNReichSapper.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBrickTower.blp Equipment Store
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items.
Equipment Store ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNReichSapper.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGuardTower.blp Guard Tower
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Guard Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNReichSapper.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 700 22 - 27 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneSanctum.blp Officers Room
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Priests, and Sorceresses.
Also contains spell upgrades for Priests and Sorceresses, and Magic Sentry.
Officers Room ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNReichSapper.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGermanTankCompany.blp Vehicle Factory
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Humvees, M-113b Medics, M1A2 Abrams, and Rocket Launcher Vehicles.
Also contains the Load and Repair Aura upgrades.
Vehicle Factory ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNReichSapper.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRadar.blp Airbase
140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Su-35 Super Flankers, Stealth Bombers and Satelites.
Contains the upgrade Flares.
Airbase ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNReichSapper.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGermanHQ.blp Headquarters
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Peasants and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Keep and then Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Headquarters ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNReichSapper.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGranary.blp German Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
German Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNReichSapper.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFarm.blp Berghof
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Special building with strategic commands. Allows casting Artillery Strike.

Limited to 1.
Berghof ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNReichSapper.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTerranBunker.blp Bunker
160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained. Engineers can garrison inside to attack enemy units.

Attacks land and air units.
Bunker ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNhelmet.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 4.00 700 22 - 27 600 - - - 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTent.blp Hospital Tent
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Hospital Tent ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNhelmet.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlacksmith.blp Factory
140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Contains upgrades and allows units to return lumber.
Factory ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNhelmet.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ Radio Tower
30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Basic observation tower. Has no attack, but can be upgraded into a Missile Launcher, Flamethrower Turret, or a M61 Vulcan Turret. Can learn the Reveal and Radar abilities.
Radio Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNhelmet.blp 30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 300 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanBarracks.blp Barracks
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains U. S. Rangers, U. S. Marines, Snipers and Medics.
Also contains the Fast Reload, Grenades, Flashbangs, Camouflage, and Headshot upgrades.
Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNhelmet.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBrickTower.blp Equipment Store
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items.
Equipment Store ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNhelmet.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFlakCannons.blp M61 Vulcan Turret
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure wtih fast range attack.

Attacks land and air units.
M61 Vulcan Turret ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNhelmet.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 900 30 - 35 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNClusterRockets.blp Missile Launcher
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure. Can learn the Radar ability.

Attacks air units.
Missile Launcher ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNhelmet.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 700 40 - 45 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFlamethrower.blp Flamethrower Turret
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure wtih close range attack.

Attacks land units.
Flamethrower Turret ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNhelmet.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.32 300 12 - 17 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneSanctum.blp Heliport
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Cargo Helicopters, Cobra Attack Helicopters and Apaches.
Also contains the upgrades Flares and Cluster Rockets.
Heliport ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNhelmet.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWorkshop.blp Vehicle Factory
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Humvees, M-113b Medics, M1A2 Abrams, and Rocket Launcher Vehicles.
Also contains the Load and Repair Aura upgrades.
Vehicle Factory ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNhelmet.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRadar.blp Airbase
140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Su-35 Super Flankers, Stealth Bombers and Satelites.
Contains the upgrade Flares.
Airbase ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNhelmet.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTownHall.blp Command Center
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Engineers and receive gathered resources.
Command Center ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNhelmet.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTownHall.blp Advanced Command Center
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Engineers and receive gathered resources.
Advanced Command Center ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNhelmet.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGranary.blp Modern Warfare Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Modern Warfare Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNhelmet.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanShipyard.blp Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Human Transport Ships, Human Frigates, and Human Battleships.
Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNhelmet.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneObservatory.blp United Nations Building
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Special building with strategic commands. Allows casting Artillery Strike.

Limited to 1.
United Nations Building ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNhelmet.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTerranSupplyDepot.blp Supply Depot
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Supply Depot ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTerranSCV.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTerranArmory.blp Armory
140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
enable production of advanced units such as Valkyries and Goliaths.
Armory ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTerranSCV.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTerranBarracs.blp Barracks
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Footmen, Riflemen and Knights.
Also contains the Defend, Long Rifles, Animal War Training, and Sundering Blades upgrades.
Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTerranSCV.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTerranBunker.blp Bunker
160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained. Engineers can garrison inside to attack enemy units.

Attacks land and air units.
Bunker ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTerranSCV.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 4.00 700 22 - 27 600 - - - 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTerranAcademy.blp Academy
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Priests, and Sorceresses.
Also contains spell upgrades for Priests and Sorceresses, and Magic Sentry.
Academy ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTerranSCV.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTerranFactory.blp Factory
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Vultures, Siege Tanks, and Goliaths.
Factory ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTerranSCV.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCommandCenter.blp Command Center
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Peasants and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Keep and then Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Command Center ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTerranSCV.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGondorFarm.blp Gondor House
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Gondor House ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNHobbitMan.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAltarOfKings.blp Altar of Free People
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Free People ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNHobbitMan.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlacksmith.blp Dwarven Forge
120 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains the upgrades for Lumber Harvesting and Masonry.
Dwarven Forge ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNHobbitMan.blp 120 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanBarracks.blp Gondor Barracks
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Gondorian Soldiers, Gondorian Archers, Ithilien Rangers and Fountain Guards.
Also contains the Defend, Long Rifles, Animal War Training, and Sundering Blades upgrades.
Gondor Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNHobbitMan.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMerchant.blp Shop of Middle Earth
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Town Hall, Keep, or Castle) and which buildings you have.
Shop of Middle Earth ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNHobbitMan.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTowerRohan.blp Rohan Scout Tower
30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Basic observation tower. Has no attack, but can be upgraded into a Gondorian Guard Tower.
Rohan Scout Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNHobbitMan.blp 30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 300 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTowerArthedain.blp Gondorian Guard Tower
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Gondorian Guard Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNHobbitMan.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 700 22 - 27 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneSanctum.blp Elven Outpost
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Priests, and Sorceresses.
Also contains spell upgrades for Priests and Sorceresses, and Magic Sentry.
Elven Outpost ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNHobbitMan.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStables.blp Rohan Stables
140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Contains upgrades for improved armor, weaponry and gunpowder.
Rohan Stables ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNHobbitMan.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTreeOfLife.blp Enchanted Tree
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Ents and Eagles.
Enchanted Tree ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNHobbitMan.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRohanTownHall1.blp Hall of Rohan
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Hall of Rohan ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNHobbitMan.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRohanTownHall2.blp Advanced Hall of Rohan
705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Advanced Hall of Rohan to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Advanced Hall of Rohan ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNHobbitMan.blp 705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRohanTownHall3.blp Golden Hall of Rohan
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Golden Hall of Rohan to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Golden Hall of Rohan ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNHobbitMan.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHobbitHole.blp Hobbit Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Hobbit Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNHobbitMan.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanShipyard.blp Human Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Human Transport Ships, Human Frigates, and Human Battleships.
Human Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNHobbitMan.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneObservatory.blp Minas Tirith
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Special building with a strong armor and strong attack. Can train Gondorian units.

Limited to 1.
Minas Tirith ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNHobbitMan.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 2.00 1200 70 - 82 600 - 300 2.00 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNMordorStronghold1.blp Great Hall
385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Peons and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Stronghold and then Fortress to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Great Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcWarrior1.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNMordorStonghold2.blp Stronghold
700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Stronghold to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Stronghold ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcWarrior1.blp 700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNMordorStronghold3.blp Fortress
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Fortress to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Fortress ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcWarrior1.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBaraddur.blp Barad'dur
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Special building. Has Truesight, Reveal and Summon Orcs.

Limited to 1.
Barad'dur ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcWarrior1.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPalantirSauron.blp Orthanc
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Special building. Has Truesight, Reveal and Summon Orcs.

Limited to 1.
Orthanc ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcWarrior1.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTurbolazer.blp Turbolazer
110 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp
Defensive structure. Produces food, allows returning lumber and provides researches for troops.

Attacks land and air units.
Turbolazer ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGungan.blp 110 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp 3 0.60 800 15 - 18 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPotionBlueSmall.blp Bacta Tank
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Bacta Tank ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGungan.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanBarracks.blp Barracks
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Clone Troopers, Arc Troopers and Kaminoan.
Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGungan.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneVault.blp Kamino Shop
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Town Hall, Keep, or Castle) and which buildings you have.
Kamino Shop ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGungan.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneSanctum.blp Jedi Temple
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Jedi.
Jedi Temple ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGungan.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWorkshop.blp Vehicle Factory
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces AT-RT, AT-AP, Clone Turbo Tank, and AT-TE.
Vehicle Factory ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGungan.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTN.Galaxy.blp Spaceport
140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains ARC-170s, V-Wings, Consular-class Cruisers, and Republic Gunships. Provides researches Hyperspace and Rockets.
Spaceport ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGungan.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcclamator Class Assault Acclamator
385 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Droids and receive gathered resources.
Acclamator ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGungan.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 2 - - - - 2000 - 1000 2.00 1400
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGranary.blp Galactic Republic Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Galactic Republic Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGungan.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDeathStarV2.blp Coruscant
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 4 images/WC3food.webp
Allows attacking enemy bases.

Limited to 1.
Coruscant ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGungan.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 2 2.00 1200 17 - 20 10000 - 1000 2.00 1400
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTechnoUnionShip.blp Techno Union Ship
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces food, allows returning lumber and provides researches to imrpove your troops. Protects your base by attacking enemy troops.

Attacks land and air units.
Techno Union Ship ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGeonosian.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 1.90 900 15 - 25 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPotionBlueSmall.blp Bacta Tank
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Bacta Tank ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGeonosian.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanBarracks.blp Droid Factory
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Battle Droids, Super Battle Droids, and Droidekas.
Also contains the Battle Formation, and Shield upgrades.
Droid Factory ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGeonosian.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneSanctum.blp Sith Temple
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Sith.
Sith Temple ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGeonosian.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWorkshop.blp Heavy Droid Vehicle Factory
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Dwarf Spider Droid, Homing Spider Droid, Hall Fire Droid, MTT, and AAT.
Heavy Droid Vehicle Factory ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGeonosian.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTN.Galaxy.blp Spaceport
140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Droid Star Fighters, Droid Tri-Fighters, Droid Gunships, Munificent Class Frigate, and Providence Class Destroyers.
Spaceport ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGeonosian.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ Droid Control Ship
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Peasants and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Keep and then Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Droid Control Ship ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGeonosian.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 2 2.00 1200 17 - 20 2000 - 1000 2.00 1400
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGranary.blp CIS Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
CIS Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGeonosian.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRebelTurret.blp Hoth Blaster
110 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp
Defensive structure. Produces food, allows returning lumber and provides researches for troops.

Attacks land and air units.
Hoth Blaster ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIthorian.blp 110 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp 3 0.60 800 15 - 18 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPotionBlueSmall.blp Bacta Tank
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Bacta Tank ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIthorian.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanBarracks.blp Barracks
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Recruits, Troopers and Repeaters.
Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIthorian.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneVault.blp Tatooine Shop
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Town Hall, Keep, or Castle) and which buildings you have.
Tatooine Shop ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIthorian.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneSanctum.blp Jedi Academy
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Jedi.
Jedi Academy ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIthorian.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMercenaryCamp.blp Mos Eisley Cantina
140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Tusken Raiders, Gungan, Grans and Bantha Riders.
Mos Eisley Cantina ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIthorian.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTN.Galaxy.blp Spaceport
140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains X-Wings, Y-Wings and B-Wings. Provides researches Hyperspace and Rockets.
Spaceport ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIthorian.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTownHall.blp Rebel Base
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Ithorians and receive gathered resources.
Rebel Base ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIthorian.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGranary.blp Rebel Alliance Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Rebel Alliance Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIthorian.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneObservatory.blp Echo Base Shield Generator
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Special building which gives friendly buildings an armor bonus. Trains Wampas.

Limited to 1.
Echo Base Shield Generator ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIthorian.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 8 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTurbolazer.blp Turbolazer
110 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp
Defensive structure. Produces food, allows returning lumber and provides researches for troops.

Attacks land and air units.
Turbolazer ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNR2D2.blp 110 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp 3 0.60 800 15 - 18 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPotionBlueSmall.blp Bacta Tank
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Bacta Tank ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNR2D2.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanBarracks.blp Barracks
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Stormtrooper, Field Trooper, Plex Trooper, Assault Trooper, and Dewbacks.
Also contains the Dewback upgrade.
Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNR2D2.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneVault.blp Coruscant Shop
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Town Hall, Keep, or Castle) and which buildings you have.
Coruscant Shop ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNR2D2.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneSanctum.blp Sith Temple
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Sith.
Sith Temple ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNR2D2.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWorkshop.blp Vehicle Factory
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces AT-STs, and AT-ATs.
Vehicle Factory ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNR2D2.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTN.Galaxy.blp Spaceport
140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains TIE Interceptors, TIE Bombers, and Imperial Shuttles. Provides researches Hyperspace and Rockets.
Spaceport ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNR2D2.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRepublicAssaultShip.blp Star Destroyer
385 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Astromech Droids and receive gathered resources.
Star Destroyer ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNR2D2.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 2 - - - - 2000 - 1000 2.00 1400
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGranary.blp Galactic Empire Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Galactic Empire Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNR2D2.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTomeBrown.blp Hero Abilities
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Allows changing the standard ability of your hero.
Hero Abilities - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMerchant.blp Equipment Laboratory
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Equipment Laboratory - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNsteelcage.blp Crafting Stash
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Allows crafting items using the items in its inventory. You can drop items from your hero's inventory in a Crafting Stash to use them for crafting.
Crafting Stash - 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNThievesGuildX.blp Thieves Guild
200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp
Sells killed units from creeps and enemy players. Units can only be purchased once and are removed from the Thieves Guild after that. However, when they die again, they will be readded.

Limited to 1. Does not sell workers, citizens or summoned units.
Thieves Guild - 200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 400 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackMarket.blp Marketplace
200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp
Sells items dropped from creeps.

Limited to 1.
Marketplace - 200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 400 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackMarket.blp Alchemist Lab
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Alchemist Lab - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMerchant.blp Black Market
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Neutral shop with all kinds of items to improve your hero and unit stats and to build a Hideout for Freelancers.
Black Market - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAmmoDump.blp Goblin Laboratory
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Goblin Laboratory - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMerchant.blp Goblin Merchant
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Goblin Merchant - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinShipyard.blp Goblin Shipyard
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Goblin Shipyard - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoldMine.blp Gold Mine

Gold Mine - - - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoldMine.blp Water Gold Mine

Water Gold Mine - - - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWaygate.blp Way Gate
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Way Gate - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFountainOfLife.blp Fountain of Health
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Fountain of Health - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFountainOfLife.blp Fountain of Mana
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Fountain of Mana - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFountainOfLife.blp Fountain of Power
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Fountain of Power - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGreenDragonRoost.blp Green Dragon Roost
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Green Dragon Roost - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDragonRoost.blp Red Dragon Roost
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Red Dragon Roost - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackDragonRoost.blp Black Dragon Roost
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Black Dragon Roost - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlueDragonRoost.blp Blue Dragon Roost
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Blue Dragon Roost - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDragonRoost.blp Bronze Dragon Roost
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Bronze Dragon Roost - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackDragonRoost.blp Nether Dragon Roost
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Nether Dragon Roost - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPhoenixEgg.blp Phoenix Roost
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Phoenix Roost - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceressMaster.blp Hero Spells Slot 1
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Allows buying hero spells for slot 1.
Hero Spells Slot 1 - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceressMaster.blp Hero Spells Slot 2
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Hero Spells Slot 2 - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceressMaster.blp Hero Spells Slot 3
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Hero Spells Slot 3 - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceressMaster.blp Hero Spells Slot 4
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Hero Spells Slot 4 - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceressMaster.blp Hero Spells Slot 5
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Hero Spells Slot 5 - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTaurenTotem.blp Goblin Vehicle Shop
135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Flame Tanks, Assault Tanks, Goblin Emperors and Goblin Steam Rollers.
Also contains upgrades for tanks.
Goblin Vehicle Shop - 135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCage.blp Mounts Cage
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Mounts Cage - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIceCrownObelisk.blp Obelisk
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Obelisk - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCrate.blp Chest
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Chest - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCrate.blp Flotsam
50 images/WC3gold.webp
There is a 50 % chance to get 5 - 50 units of a random custom resource (no gold and no lumber).
- 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 100 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFish.blp Fish School

Allows harvesting 1000 meat.
Fish School
- - - 0 - - - - 3000 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWaygate.blp Blue Turnstile Entry
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Blue Turnstile Entry - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWaygate.blp Red Turnstile Entry
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Red Turnstile Entry - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArmoredOge.blp Stonemaul Arena Master

Stonemaul Arena Master - - - 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGeneradorazul.blp Power Generator
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Power Generator
- 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFrostmourne.blp Legendary Artifact
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Legendary Artifact - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 2000 5.00 - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNUndeadShipyard.blp Undead Shipyard
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Undead Transport Ships, Undead Frigates, and Undead Battleships.
Undead Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 2 - - - - 750 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPowerGenerator.blp Power Generator
2000 images/WC3gold.webp 1500 images/WC3lumber.webp
A power generator that can protect buildings nearby by increasing their defense and life generation. It helps you to protect your main base from being completely destroyed by an enemy army.

Can only be built once and has to be built in an area without hostile buildings.
Power Generator - 2000 images/WC3gold.webp 1500 images/WC3lumber.webp 7 - - - - 900 - 600 2.00 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTent.blp Research Tent
150 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
A tent for important researches.
Research Tent - 150 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 900 - - - 600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCentaurTent.blp Event House
150 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
A house to control important events.

Limited to 1.
Event House - 150 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 900 - - - 600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPortal.blp Portal
150 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Opens a Portal which can have another allied Portal as destination. This helps you to connect different locations on the map with each other avoiding enemy troops. When the Portal is destroyed all allied Portals which have it as destination will be disabled automatically. When the Portal's destination is destroyed, it will be disabled automatically.

Be careful since Portals can be used by enemy units, too!
Portal - 150 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 100 - - - 600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNsteelcage.blp Crafting Stash
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Allows crafting items using the items in its inventory. You can drop items from your hero's inventory in a Crafting Stash to use them for crafting.
Crafting Stash - 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCage.blp Mounts Cage
200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp
Allows buying mounts for your heroes. Mounts are available at hero level 20. Use the Change Page abilities to change the listed ones.
Mounts Cage - 200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 200 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAmmoDump.blp Alchemist Lab
3000 images/WC3gold.webp 2000 images/WC3lumber.webp
Allows converting units into different races.

Limited to 1.
Alchemist Lab - 3000 images/WC3gold.webp 2000 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 200 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceressMaster.blp Spell Book
200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp
Allows learning spells for reskillable heroes and Equipment Bags. Contains all available spells for all 5 slots. Use the Change Page abilities to change the listed ones.
Spell Book - 200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 200 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackDragonRoost.blp Dragon Roost
15000 images/WC3gold.webp 15000 images/WC3lumber.webp
Allows to train all Dragons.

Limited to 1.
Dragon Roost - 15000 images/WC3gold.webp 15000 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWebWard.blp Antimagic Ward
1000 images/WC3gold.webp 1000 images/WC3lumber.webp
Prevents enemy Reveals, Far Sight, Portal, Scroll of Town Portal, Blink, Mass Teleportation and Staff of Teleportation spells of enemy units in the nearby area and adds a black mask for enemy players. Can cast Silence, detects invisible units and is permanently invisible itself.

Only works if built before enemy Antimagic Wards in the area.
Antimagic Ward - 1000 images/WC3gold.webp 1000 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 900 - 400 2.00 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMarketStone.blp Trading Post
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Allows training Pack Horses which can gather gold and lumber from your own or allied Trading Posts. This increases your gold and lumber as well as for the allied player.

Allows buying and selling resources other than gold and lumber.
Trading Post - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 900 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStatUp.blp Attributes
200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp
Allows changing the attributes of customizable heroes.
Attributes - 200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 200 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGlyph.blp Skins
200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp
Allows changing the skin of customizable heroes.
Skins - 200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 200 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGenericCreepBuilding.blp Witch Hut
3000 images/WC3gold.webp 2000 images/WC3lumber.webp
Allows learning unit abilities.
Witch Hut - 3000 images/WC3gold.webp 2000 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 200 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlacksmith.blp Armory
1000 images/WC3gold.webp 500 images/WC3lumber.webp
Allows equipping units and heroes.

Limited to 1.
Armory - 1000 images/WC3gold.webp 500 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 1000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStonewall.blp Wall
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
A wall protects your town.
Wall - 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStonewall.blp Wall
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
A wall protects your town.
Wall - 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStonewall.blp Wall
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
A wall protects your town.
Wall - 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGate.blp Gate Closed
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Allows entering your base.
Gate Closed - 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 7 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGateOpened.blp Gate Open
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Allows entering your base.
Gate Open - 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 7 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGenericCreepBuilding.blp Hideout
1000 images/WC3gold.webp
Hideout ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMercenaryCamp.blp 1000 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 0.90 600 22 - 27 1000 5.00 300 5.00 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElvenFarm.blp Fortified Hideout
2000 images/WC3gold.webp
Has beter defensive capabilities than the standard Hideout. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Fortified Hideout ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMercenaryCamp.blp 2000 images/WC3gold.webp - 8 0.90 600 30 - 35 2000 10.00 300 5.00 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneObservatory.blp Guardian´s Citadel
3000 images/WC3gold.webp
Has beter defensive capabilities than the fortified Hideout. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Guardian´s Citadel ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMercenaryCamp.blp 3000 images/WC3gold.webp - 10 0.90 600 35 - 40 3500 15.00 500 8.00 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneObservatory.blp Temple of Light
3000 images/WC3gold.webp
The Eternal Guardian´s seat of power. Has different defensive capabilities. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Temple of Light - 3000 images/WC3gold.webp - 10 0.90 600 35 - 40 4500 15.00 500 8.00 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNShrineOfAszhara.blp Temple of Darkness
3000 images/WC3gold.webp
The Destroyer´s seat of power. Has different offensive capabilities. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Temple of Darkness - 3000 images/WC3gold.webp - 10 0.90 600 35 - 40 4500 15.00 500 8.00 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNEnergyTower.blp Freelancer Tower
120 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Fires bolts of energy. Good at destroying air units. Immune to magic.

Attacks land and air units.
Freelancer Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMercenaryCamp.blp 120 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 1.00 600 19 - 29 500 - - - 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedEnergyTower.blp Advanced Freelancer Tower
160 images/WC3gold.webp 90 images/WC3lumber.webp
Increases the damage of the energy bolts. Good at destroying air units. Immune to magic.

Attacks land and air units.
Advanced Freelancer Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMercenaryCamp.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 90 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 1.00 600 25 - 39 500 - - - 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAmmoDump.blp Freelancer Laboratory
130 images/WC3gold.webp
Creates a laboratory with researches. Can be used to return gold and lumber.
Freelancer Laboratory ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMercenaryCamp.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMercenaryCamp.blp Freelancer Mercenary Camp
130 images/WC3gold.webp
Creates a mercenary camp with trainable creeps.
Freelancer Mercenary Camp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMercenaryCamp.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMerchant.blp Freelancer Shop
130 images/WC3gold.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items.
Freelancer Shop ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMercenaryCamp.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPigFarm.blp Pig Farm
160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Pig Farm ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - - - 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAltarOfStorms.blp Altar of Storms
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes. Provides the research Ogre-Mages to convert Ogres into Ogre-Mages.
Altar of Storms ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollLumbermill.BLP Troll Lumber Mill
205 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains upgrades for Troll Axethrowers.

Owning at least one Troll Lumber Mill will increase the returned lumber from peons by 25.
Troll Lumber Mill ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 205 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 1000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNForge.blp Blacksmith
205 images/WC3gold.webp
Contains upgrades for improved armor, melee weapons, ranged weapons.
Blacksmith ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 205 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 1000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBarracks.blp Barracks
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Grunts, Troll Axethrowers, Ogres and Catapults.
Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVoodooLounge.blp Voodoo Lounge
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Great Hall has (Great Hall, Stronghold, or Fortress) and which buildings you have.
Voodoo Lounge ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcScoutTower.BLP Watch Tower
110 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp
Defensive structure for scouting enemies. Cannot attack. Can be upgraded to Guard Tower or Cannon Tower.
Watch Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 110 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp 3 - - - - 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcGuardTower.BLP Guard Tower
240 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp
Defensive structure.

Attacks land and air units.
Guard Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 240 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp 3 0.60 800 15 - 18 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcCannonTower.BLP Cannon Tower
300 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Defensive structure.

Attacks land and air units.
Cannon Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 300 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 3 0.60 800 15 - 18 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTempleOfTheDamned.blp Temple of the Damned
155 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Death Knights.
Temple of the Damned ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 155 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1100 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAmmoDump.blp Goblin Alchemist
145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Goblin Zeppelins, and Goblin Sappers.
Goblin Alchemist ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1100 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackDragonRoost.blp Dragon Roost
145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Dragons.
Dragon Roost ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1100 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGreatHallWC2v2.blp Great Hall
385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Peons and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Stronghold and then Fortress to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Great Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcStronghold.BLP Stronghold
700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp

Upgrade to Stronghold to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Stronghold ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFortress.blp Fortress
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp

Upgrade to Fortress to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Fortress ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPigFarm.blp Orc Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Orc Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcShipyard.BLP Orc Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Orc Transport Ships, Orc Frigates, and Orc Battleships.
Orc Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanFarm.BLP Farm
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Farm ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanChurch.BLP Church
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Church ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElvenLumbermill.BLP Elven Lumber Mill
120 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains the upgrades for Elven Archers and Elven Rangers.
Elven Lumber Mill ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 120 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlacksmith.blp Blacksmith
140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Contains upgrades for improved armor, weaponry and gunpowder.
Blacksmith ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanBarracks.blp Barracks
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Footmen, Elven Archers and Knights.
Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneVault.blp Arcane Vault
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Town Hall, Keep, or Castle) and which buildings you have.
Arcane Vault ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanWatchTower.blp Scout Tower
30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Basic observation tower. Has no attack, but can be upgraded into a Guard Tower, an Arcane Tower, or a Cannon Tower. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.
Scout Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 300 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGuardTower.blp Guard Tower
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Guard Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 700 22 - 27 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCannonTower.blp Cannon Tower
150 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp
Heavy defensive structure. Particularly effective against clusters of troops. Can learn Fragmentation Shards and Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land units and trees.
Cannon Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 150 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 2.50 800 89 - 111 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMageTowerWc2.BLP Mage Tower
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Priests, and Sorceresses.
Also contains spell upgrades for Priests and Sorceresses, and Magic Sentry.
Mage Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWorkshop.blp Gnomish Inventor
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Siege Engines, Flying Machines, and Mortar Teams.
Also contains the Flare, Fragmentation Shards, Barrage, Flying Machine Bombs, and Flak Cannons upgrades.
Gnomish Inventor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonAviary.blp Gryphon Aviary
140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Gryphon Riders.
Gryphon Aviary ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTownHallWC2.blp Town Hall
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Peasants and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Keep and then Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Town Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanKeep.BLP Keep
705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Keep to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Keep ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanCastle.BLP Castle
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Castle ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGranary.blp Human Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Human Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanShipyard.blp Human Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Human Transport Ships, Human Frigates, and Human Battleships.
Human Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanPeasant2.BLP 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFarm.blp Farm
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Farm ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAltarOfKings.blp Altar of Kings
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Kings ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanLumberMill.blp Lumber Mill
120 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains the upgrades for Lumber Harvesting and Masonry.
Lumber Mill ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 120 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlacksmith.blp Blacksmith
140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Contains upgrades for improved armor, weaponry and gunpowder.
Blacksmith ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanBarracks.blp Barracks
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Footmen, Riflemen and Knights.
Also contains the Defend, Long Rifles, Animal War Training, and Sundering Blades upgrades.
Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneVault.blp Arcane Vault
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Town Hall, Keep, or Castle) and which buildings you have.
Arcane Vault ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanWatchTower.blp Scout Tower
30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Basic observation tower. Has no attack, but can be upgraded into a Guard Tower, an Arcane Tower, or a Cannon Tower. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.
Scout Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 300 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGuardTower.blp Guard Tower
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Guard Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 700 22 - 27 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCannonTower.blp Cannon Tower
150 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp
Heavy defensive structure. Particularly effective against clusters of troops. Can learn Fragmentation Shards and Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land units and trees.
Cannon Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 2.50 800 89 - 111 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanArcaneTower.blp Arcane Tower
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Magical defensive tower. Particularly effective against enemy Heroes and spellcasters. Has the Feedback ability, which causes its attacks to destroy mana, dealing extra damage equal to the mana destroyed. Deals bonus damage against summoned units. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Arcane Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 1.00 800 7 - 10 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneSanctum.blp Arcane Sanctum
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Priests, and Sorceresses.
Also contains spell upgrades for Priests and Sorceresses, and Magic Sentry.
Arcane Sanctum ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWorkshop.blp Workshop
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Siege Engines, Flying Machines, and Mortar Teams.
Also contains the Flare, Fragmentation Shards, Barrage, Flying Machine Bombs, and Flak Cannons upgrades.
Workshop ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonAviary.blp Gryphon Aviary
140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Gryphon Riders, and Dragonhawk Riders.
Also contains the Storm Hammers and Cloud upgrades.
Gryphon Aviary ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTownHall.blp Town Hall
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Peasants and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Keep and then Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Town Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKeep.blp Keep
705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Keep to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Keep ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCastle.blp Castle
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Castle ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanShipyard.blp Human Shipyard
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Human Transport Ships, Human Frigates, and Human Battleships.
Human Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneObservatory.blp Arcane Observatory
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Special building with a high sight range. Has Truesight, Resurrect and Reveal.

Limited to 1.
Arcane Observatory ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeasant.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollBurrow.blp Burrow
160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained. Peons can garrison inside to attack enemy units. Can learn the Reinforced Defenses upgrade.

Attacks land and air units.
Burrow ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 4.00 700 22 - 27 600 - - - 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAltarOfStorms.blp Altar of Storms
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Storms ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNForge.blp War Mill
205 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains upgrades for improved armor, melee weapons, ranged weapons, Reinforced Defenses, and Spiked Barricades.
War Mill ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 205 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 1000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBarracks.blp Barracks
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Grunts, Headhunters and Demolishers.
Also contains the Brute Strength, Berserker, Troll Regeneration, and Burning Oil upgrades.
Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVoodooLounge.blp Voodoo Lounge
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Great Hall has (Great Hall, Stronghold, or Fortress) and which buildings you have.
Voodoo Lounge ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcTower.blp Watch Tower
110 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp
Defensive structure. Can learn the Reinforced Defenses upgrade.

Attacks land and air units.
Watch Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 110 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp 3 0.60 800 15 - 18 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSpiritLodge.blp Spirit Lodge
150 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp
Spellcaster production building. Trains Shaman and Witch Doctors.
Also contains spell upgrades for Shaman and Witch Doctors.
Spirit Lodge ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 800 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBeastiary.blp Beastiary
145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Raiders, Kodo Beasts, Batriders, and Wind Riders.
Also contains the Ensnare, Envenomed Spears, Liquid Fire and War Drums upgrades.
Beastiary ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1100 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTaurenTotem.blp Tauren Totem
135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Spirit Walkers and Tauren.
Also contains upgrades for Spirit Walkers and Tauren.
Tauren Totem ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGreathall.blp Great Hall
385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Peons and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Stronghold and then Fortress to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Great Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStronghold.blp Stronghold
700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Stronghold to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Stronghold ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFortress.blp Fortress
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Fortress to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Fortress ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinShipyard.blp Orc Shipyard
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Orc Transport Ships, Orc Frigates, and Orc Battleships.
Orc Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFountainOfLifeBlood.blp Fountain of Blood
160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Converts Orc units into Fel Orc units which makes them stronger.

Limited to 1.
Fountain of Blood ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPeon.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNZiggurat.blp Ziggurat
150 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained. Can be upgraded to a defensive structure that attacks land and air units.
Ziggurat ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAltarOfDarkness.blp Altar of Darkness
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Darkness ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGraveyard.blp Graveyard
215 images/WC3gold.webp
Provides attack and armor upgrades for Undead units. Also produces corpses and serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Graveyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 215 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCrypt.blp Crypt
200 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Ghouls, Crypt Fiends, and Gargoyles. Also contains the upgrades Ghoul Frenzy, Cannibalize, Stone Form, Web and Burrow.
Crypt ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 200 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1300 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTombOfRelics.blp Tomb of Relics
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Necropolis has (Necropolis, Halls of the Dead, or Black Citadel) and which buildings you have.
Tomb of Relics ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 475 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNZigguratUpgrade.blp Spirit Tower
295 images/WC3gold.webp 90 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to create a defensive structure.

Attacks land and air units.
Spirit Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 295 images/WC3gold.webp 90 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 700 26 - 32 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFrostTower.blp Nerubian Tower
250 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to create a defensive structure that deals cold damage and slows enemy units.

Attacks land and air units.
Nerubian Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 250 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 1.30 700 8 - 10 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTempleOfTheDamned.blp Temple of the Damned
155 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Spellcaster production building. Trains Necromancers and Banshees.
Also contains upgrades for Necromancers, Banshees, and Skeletal Mastery.
Temple of the Damned ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 155 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1100 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSlaughterhouse.blp Slaughterhouse
140 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Abominations, Obsidian Statues, and Meat Wagons. Also contains the Disease Cloud, and Destroyer Form upgrades.
Slaughterhouse ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBoneyard.blp Boneyard
150 images/WC3gold.webp 200 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Frost Wyrms. Also contains the Freezing Breath upgrade.
Boneyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 200 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNecropolis.blp Necropolis
225 images/WC3gold.webp
Primary structure, used to train Acolytes and receive lumber gathered by Ghouls. Can be upgraded to Halls of the Dead and then Black Citadel to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Necropolis ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 225 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHallOfTheDead.blp Halls of the Dead
545 images/WC3gold.webp 210 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Halls of the Dead to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.

Attacks land and air units.
Halls of the Dead ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 545 images/WC3gold.webp 210 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 1.00 800 10 - 12 4000 - - - 1200
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackCitadel.blp Black Citadel
870 images/WC3gold.webp 440 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Black Citadel to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.

Attacks land and air units.
Black Citadel ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 870 images/WC3gold.webp 440 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 1.00 800 12 - 15 6000 - - - 1200
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNerubianZiggurat.blp Undead Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Undead Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRevenant.blp Lich King
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Allows reanimating 22 dead units anywhere on the map. Besides, allows summoning 1 Shades anywhere on the map.

Limited to 1.
Lich King ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMoonWell.blp Moon Well
180 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained. Has the Replenish Mana and Life ability. Can gain the Well Spring upgrade. Regenerates mana at night.
Moon Well ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 1.45 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAltarOfElders.blp Altar of Elders
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Elders ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHuntersHall.blp Hunter's Hall
210 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp
Contains the attack and armor upgrades for all units, the Ultravision and Well Spring upgrades.
Hunter's Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 210 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1100 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAncientOfTheEarth.blp Ancient of War
150 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Keeper of primary assault troops. Trains Archers, Huntresses, and Glaive Throwers.
Also contains Archer, Huntress, and Glaive Thrower upgrades.

Attacks land units.
Ancient of War ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 2 2.50 128 36 - 47 900 0.50 - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAncientOfWonders.blp Ancient of Wonders
90 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Tree of Life has (Tree of Life, Tree of Ages, or Tree of Eternity) and which buildings you have.

Attacks land units.
Ancient of Wonders ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 90 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 2 2.50 128 20 - 25 450 0.50 - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTreant.blp Ancient Protector
135 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp
Defensive Ancient. When rooted in the ground, can hurl enormous rocks at nearby enemy units.

Attacks land and air units.
Ancient Protector ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 135 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp 1 - - - - 1000 0.50 - - 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAncientOfLore.blp Ancient of Lore
155 images/WC3gold.webp 145 images/WC3lumber.webp
Keeper of ground based spellcasters. Trains Druids of the Claw, Dryads, and Mountain Giants.
Also contains the upgrades for Druids of the Claw, Mark of the Claw, Abolish Magic, Hardened Skin, and Resistant Skin.

Attacks land units.
Ancient of Lore ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 155 images/WC3gold.webp 145 images/WC3lumber.webp 2 2.50 128 40 - 50 900 0.50 - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAncientOfTheMoon.blp Ancient of Wind
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Keeper of aerial assault units and spellcasters. Trains Hippogryphs, Druids of the Talon, and Faerie Dragons.
Also contains the upgrades for Druids of the Talon and Mark of the Talon.

Attacks land units.
Ancient of Wind ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 2 2.50 128 37 - 46 900 0.50 - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChimaeraRoost.blp Chimaera Roost
140 images/WC3gold.webp 190 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Chimaeras.
Also contains the Corrosive Breath upgrade.
Chimaera Roost ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 190 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTreeOfLife.blp Tree of Life
340 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Wisps and entangle gold mines. Can be upgraded to Tree of Ages and then Tree of Eternity to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.

Attacks land units.
Tree of Life ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 340 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp 2 2.50 128 40 - 50 2000 0.50 - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTreeOfAges.blp Tree of Ages
660 images/WC3gold.webp 365 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Tree of Ages to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.

Attacks land units.
Tree of Ages ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 660 images/WC3gold.webp 365 images/WC3lumber.webp 2 2.50 128 48 - 60 4000 0.50 - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTreeOfEternity.blp Tree of Eternity
990 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Tree of Eternity to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.

Attacks land units.
Tree of Eternity ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 990 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp 2 2.50 128 59 - 74 6000 0.50 - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNentangledmine.blp Night Elf Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Night Elf Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 2 - - - - 800 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNightElfShipyard.blp Night Elf Shipyard
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Night Elf Transport Ships, Night Elf Frigates, and Night Elf Battleships.
Night Elf Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTreeOfLife.blp World Tree
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Giant World Tree of the Night Elves which can hold up to 8 Wisps. Heals Night Elf units and causes extra damage against Demon units. The caused damage depends on the number of Wisps in the World Tree. If the World Tree is full with Wisps, then healing Night Elf units will also resurrect dead units all over the map!

Limited to 1.
World Tree ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWisp.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfFarm.blp Elven Farm
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Elven Farm ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfAltar.blp Altar of Mana
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Mana ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfLumberMill.blp Blood Elf Lumber Mill
120 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains the upgrades for Lumber Harvesting and Masonry.
Blood Elf Lumber Mill ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 120 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfForge.blp Blood Elf Blacksmith
140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Contains upgrades for improved armor, weaponry and gunpowder.
Blood Elf Blacksmith ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfBarracks.blp Blood Elf Barracks
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Blood Elf Lieutenants, Swordsmen, Dragonhawk Riders, and Archers.
Also contains the Defend, Blood Elf Animal War Training, and Cloud upgrades.
Blood Elf Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfVault.blp Blood Elf Arcane Vault
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Town Hall, Keep, or Castle) and which buildings you have.
Blood Elf Arcane Vault ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanWatchTower.blp Scout Tower
30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Basic observation tower. Has no attack, but can be upgraded into a Guard Tower, an Arcane Tower, or a Cannon Tower. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.
Scout Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 300 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfMagicTower.blp Blood Elf Guard Tower
120 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure witch magic attack. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Blood Elf Guard Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 120 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 600 19 - 29 1000 - - - 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanArcaneTower.blp Arcane Tower
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Magical defensive tower. Particularly effective against enemy Heroes and spellcasters. Has the Feedback ability, which causes its attacks to destroy mana, dealing extra damage equal to the mana destroyed. Deals bonus damage against summoned units. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Arcane Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 1.00 800 7 - 10 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBESanctum.tga Blood Elf Arcane Sanctum
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Priests, Sorceresses, and Spellbreakers.
Also contains spell upgrades for Priests and Sorceresses, Control Magic, Siphon Mana, and Magic Sentry.
Blood Elf Arcane Sanctum ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBEWorkshop.tga Blood Elf Workshop
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Ballistas, Wagons, and Cages.
Blood Elf Workshop ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPhoenixEgg.blp Phoenix Egg
140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Phoenixes.
Phoenix Egg ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfHall1.blp Blood Elf Town Hall
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Peasants and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Keep and then Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Blood Elf Town Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfHall2.blp Blood Elf Keep
705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Keep to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Blood Elf Keep ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfHall3.blp Blood Elf Castle
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Blood Elf Castle ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElvenFarm.blp Blood Elf Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Blood Elf Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElvenShipyardA.blp Blood Elf Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Human Transport Ships, Human Frigates, and Human Battleships.
Blood Elf Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMagicVault.blp Magic Vault
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Casts Burn Mana and Siphon Mana.

Limited to 1.
Magic Vault ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBloodElfPeasant.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 500 - 600 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCoralBed.blp Coral Bed
115 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Coral Bed ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurgalSlave.blp 115 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 1200
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAltarOfDepths.blp Altar of the Depths
255 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of the Depths ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurgalSlave.blp 255 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNagaRoyalVault.blp Royal Vault
205 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains upgrades Coral Blades, Coral Scales and Submerge.
Royal Vault ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurgalSlave.blp 205 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 1000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTreasuryOfTheTides.blp Treasury Of Tides
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Temple of Water has (Temple of Water, Temple of Tides, or Temple of Seas) and which buildings you have.
Treasury Of Tides ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurgalSlave.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTidalGuardian.blp Tidal Guardian
130 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure.

Attacks land and air units.
Tidal Guardian ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurgalSlave.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 700 30 - 45 500 - - - 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNShrineOfAszhara.blp Shrine of Azshara
180 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Naga Sirens and Couatl. Also contains spell upgrades for Naga Sirens and Couatl.
Shrine of Azshara ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurgalSlave.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSpawningGrounds.blp Spawning Grounds
205 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Naga Myrmidons, Snap Dragons, and Dragon Turtles. Also contains the Ensnare upgrade.
Spawning Grounds ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurgalSlave.blp 205 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPyramidOfTheSerpent.blp Pyramid of the Serpent
205 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Naga Whalers and Coral Golems. Provides the research Resistant Skin.

Can be used to return harvested lumber.
Pyramid of the Serpent ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurgalSlave.blp 205 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTempleOfTides1.blp Temple of Water
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Mur'gul Slaves, Mur'gul Reavers and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Temple of Tides and then Temple of Seas to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Temple of Water ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurgalSlave.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTempleOfTides.blp Temple of Tides
705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Temple of Tides to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Temple of Tides ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurgalSlave.blp 705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTempleOfSeas.blp Temple of Seas
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Temple of Seas to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Temple of Seas ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurgalSlave.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurlocHut1.blp Naga Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Naga Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurgalSlave.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHighborneShipyard2.blp Naga Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Night Elf Transport Ships, Night Elf Frigates, and Night Elf Battleships.
Naga Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurgalSlave.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAzsharaStatue.blp Statue of Azshara
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Giant statue which protects your base with powerful storms.

Limited to 1.
Statue of Azshara ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurgalSlave.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInfernalCannon.blp Fortified Infernal Machine
150 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained. Can be upgraded to a defensive structure that attacks land and air units.
Fortified Infernal Machine
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAltarOfTerror.blp Altar of Twisting Nether
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Twisting Nether ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ Floating Rock
215 images/WC3gold.webp
Provides attack and armor upgrades for Demon units. Also serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Floating Rock ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 215 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDarkPortal.blp Dimensional Gate
200 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Overlords, Fel Stalkers, and Nether Drakes. Also contains upgrades for the unit types.
Dimensional Gate ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 200 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1300 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ Obelisk
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Demon Gate has (Demon Gate, Large Demon Gate or Gigantic Demon Gate) and which buildings you have.
Obelisk ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 475 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNInfernalFlameCannon.blp Fortified Infernal Juggernaut
295 images/WC3gold.webp 90 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to create a defensive structure.

Attacks land and air units.
Fortified Infernal Juggernaut
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 295 images/WC3gold.webp 90 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 700 26 - 32 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ Dungeon of Pain
155 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Spellcaster production building. Trains Eredar Sorcerers and Succubus.
Also contains upgrades for Eredar Sorcerers and Succubus.
Dungeon of Pain ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 155 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1100 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPortal.blp Portal
140 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Doom Guards, Greater Voidwalker and Infernal Machines. Also contains the Defend, Cripple, Slow and Rain of Fire upgrades.
Portal ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNUndeadShrine.blp Shrine
150 images/WC3gold.webp 200 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Infernals. Also contains the Permanent Immolation, Hardened Skin and Resistant Skin upgrades.
Shrine ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 200 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDemonGate.blp Demon Gate
225 images/WC3gold.webp
Primary structure, used to train Gan'arg Engineers and receive lumber gathered by them. Can be upgraded to Large Demon Gate and then Gigantic Demon Gate to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Demon Gate ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 225 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDemonGate.blp Large Demon Gate
545 images/WC3gold.webp 210 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Large Demon Gate to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.

Attacks land and air units.
Large Demon Gate ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 545 images/WC3gold.webp 210 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 1.00 800 10 - 12 4000 - - - 1200
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDemonGate.blp Gigantic Demon Gate
870 images/WC3gold.webp 440 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Gigantic Demon Gate to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.

Attacks land and air units.
Gigantic Demon Gate ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 870 images/WC3gold.webp 440 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 1.00 800 12 - 15 6000 - - - 1200
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVolcano.blp Demon Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Demon Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNUndeadShipyard.blp Demon Shipyard
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Undead Transport Ships, Undead Frigates, and Undead Battleships.
Demon Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 2 - - - - 750 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDarkPortal.blp Outland Dimensional Gate
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Giant Dimensional Gate from Outland which transports Demons into this world.

Limited to 1.
Outland Dimensional Gate ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBookOfSummoning.blp Book of Summoning Pedestal
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Allows summoning Infernals from the sky.

Limited to 1.
Book of Summoning Pedestal ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGanarg.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDraeneiHutFarm.blp Draenei Hut
160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Draenei Hut ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranai.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 4.00 700 22 - 27 600 - - - 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAltarOfSeers.blp Altar of Seers
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Seers ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranai.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHarvestersMill.blp Draenei Harvester's Mill
170 images/WC3gold.webp 55 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides Draenei researches and allows returning lumber.
Draenei Harvester's Mill ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranai.blp 170 images/WC3gold.webp 55 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1250 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranaiHut.blp Draenei Barracks
170 images/WC3gold.webp 55 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Draenei Vindicators, Stalkers, Demolishers and Salamanders.
Draenei Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranai.blp 170 images/WC3gold.webp 55 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1250 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranaiHut.blp Draenei Shop
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items.
Draenei Shop ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranai.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 485 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRockTower.blp Boulder Tower
120 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Fires massive boulders that deal splash damage. Good at destroying ground units. Immune to magic.

Attacks land units.
Boulder Tower
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranai.blp 120 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 2.50 800 89 - 111 500 - - - 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedRockTower.blp Advanced Boulder Tower
200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp
Increases the damage of the boulders. Good at destroying ground units. Immune to magic.

Attacks land units.
Advanced Boulder Tower
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranai.blp 200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp 6 2.50 800 110 - 132 800 - - - 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranaiHut.blp Seer's Den
100 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Draenei Seers, Harbingers and Tamed Nether Drakes.
Seer's Den ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranai.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1150 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranaiChiefHut.blp Draenei Haven
400 images/WC3gold.webp 195 images/WC3lumber.webp
Allows the collection of gold, produces Laborers and can revive Heroes.
Draenei Haven ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranai.blp 400 images/WC3gold.webp 195 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranaiHut.blp Draenei Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Draenei Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranai.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinShipyard.blp Draenei Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Orc Transport Ships, Orc Frigates, and Orc Battleships.
Draenei Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranai.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCage.blp Draenei Prison
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Big prison which can capture units from anywhere on the map! Can also Ensnare units anywhere on the map!

Limited to 1.
Draenei Prison ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranai.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolgHut2.blp Furbolg Hut
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food. Can cast Battle Stations which leads to Furbolgs entering the hut and shooting arrows from inside at enemy units.
Furbolg Hut ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolg.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 4.00 500 22 - 27 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNResStone.blp Resurrection Stone
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Resurrection Stone ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolg.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNatureTouchGrow.blp Lumber Camp
120 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains the upgrades for Furbolg warriors.
Lumber Camp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolg.blp 120 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMarketplace.blp Furbolg Marketplace
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items.
Furbolg Marketplace ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolg.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolgTracker.blp Guarding Furbolg
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure.

Attacks land and air units.
Guarding Furbolg ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolg.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 700 22 - 27 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFountainOfLifeDefiled.blp Defiled Fountain of Life
200 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Building to train Furbolg Shamans and Furbolg Elder Shamans which are useful spell casting units. Restores life and mana of units.
Defiled Fountain of Life ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolg.blp 200 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - 450 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCage.blp Wolves Cage
200 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Building to train tamed wolves of the forest.
Wolves Cage ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolg.blp 200 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGreenDragonRoost.blp Green Dragon Roost
300 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Green Drakes.
Green Dragon Roost ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolg.blp 300 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolgHut.blp Furbolg Tribal Center
225 images/WC3gold.webp
Main building which produces Young Furbolgs and revives dead heroes.
Furbolg Tribal Center ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolg.blp 225 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolgHut.blp Furbolg Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Furbolg Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolg.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinShipyard.blp Furbolg Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Orc Transport Ships, Orc Frigates, and Orc Battleships.
Furbolg Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolg.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCorruptedAncientProtector.blp Corrupted Ancient Protector
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Corrupted Ancient Protector which is a defensive building to protect your base. It has Thorns Aura for structures and Disease Cloud.

Limited to 1.
Corrupted Ancient Protector ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFurbolg.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 2.00 300 2.00 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinSheepProcessor.blp Goblin Sheep Processor
160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Goblin Sheep Processor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroTinker.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - - - 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinAltar.blp Altar of Engineering
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Engineering ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroTinker.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinDerrick.blp Fuel Pump
145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains upgrades for improved armor, melee weapons, ranged weapons, Repair, Improved Construction, Fuel, Chemistry, Improved Lumber Harvesting, and Improved Banking.
Fuel Pump ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroTinker.blp 145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1100 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinBarracks.blp Goblin Barracks
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Goblin Flamethrowers, Goblin Sappers, Flame Shredders and Ogre Goblin Squads.
Also contains the Mobile Turret, Flame Grenade, and Explosive Barrel upgrades.
Goblin Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroTinker.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMerchant.blp Goblin Shop
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items.
Goblin Shop ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroTinker.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinGearTowerv2.blp Goblin Tower
110 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp
Defensive structure. Can upgrade Observatory and learn Reveal. Can be upgraded to Goblin Rocket Tower.

Attacks land and air units.
Goblin Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroTinker.blp 110 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp 3 0.60 800 15 - 18 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinTowerOrange.blp Goblin Rocket Tower
160 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp
Defensive structure against air units. Can be upgraded to Advanced Goblin Rocket Tower.

Attacks air units.
Goblin Rocket Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroTinker.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp 3 0.60 800 15 - 18 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinTurret.blp Goblin Turret
200 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp
Defensive structure against ground units.

Attacks land units.
Goblin Turret ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroTinker.blp 200 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp 3 0.60 800 20 - 23 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAmmoDump.blp Goblin Arcane Laboratory
150 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp
Spellcaster production building. Trains Goblin Mage, Goblin Sorceress and Goblin Alchemist.
Also contains spell upgrades for the three unit types.
Goblin Arcane Laboratory ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroTinker.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 800 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTaurenTotem.blp Goblin Tank Factory
135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Flame Tanks, Assault Tanks, Goblin Emperors and Goblin Steam Rollers.
Also contains upgrades for tanks.
Goblin Tank Factory ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroTinker.blp 135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ Goblin Air Field
145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Goblin Air Drones, Goblin Zeppelins, and Goblin War Zeppelins.
Also contains the Barrage, Air Supplies and Goblin War Zeppelin Bombs upgrades.
Goblin Air Field ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroTinker.blp 145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1100 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinHallTier1.blp Goblin Town Hall
385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Goblin Laborerers, Goblin Shredders Goblin Citizens and receive gathered resources.
Goblin Town Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroTinker.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinHallTier2.blp Goblin Stronghold
700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Stronghold to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Goblin Stronghold ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroTinker.blp 700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinHallTier3.blp Goblin Fortress
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Fortress to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Goblin Fortress ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroTinker.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPocketFactory.blp Goblin Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Goblin Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroTinker.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinShipyard.blp Goblin Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Goblin Submarines, Engineer Ships, Transport Ships, Orc Frigates, and Orc Battleships.
Goblin Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroTinker.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarvenHouse.blp Dwarf House
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Dwarf House ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarvenAltar.blp Altar of Mountains
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Mountains ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarvenForge.blp Dwarf Blacksmith
140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber. Contains upgrades for improved armor, weaponry and gunpowder.
Dwarf Blacksmith ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarvenBarracks.blp Dwarf Barracks
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Troll Slayers, Dwarf Riflemen and Dwarf Riders.
Also contains the Berserker Upgrade, Long Rifles, and Animal War Training upgrades.
Dwarf Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarvenTavern.blp Dwarf Tavern
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Town Hall, Keep, or Castle) and which buildings you have.
Dwarf Tavern ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarvenScoutTower.blp Dwarf Scout Tower
30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Basic observation tower. Has no attack, but can be upgraded into a Dwarf Guard Tower, a Dwarf Gun Tower, or a Dwarf Cannon Tower.
Dwarf Scout Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 300 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarvenMysticHall.blp Dwarf Mystical Hall
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Dwarf Runecasters, Battle Priests and War Golems.
Also contains spell upgrades for them.
Dwarf Mystical Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarvenWorkshop.blp Dwarf Workshop
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Siege Engines, Flying Machines, Mortar Teams and Steam Fortresses.
Also contains the Flare, Fragmentation Shards, Barrage, Flying Machine Bombs, Flak Cannons, and Elite Siege Tank upgrades.
Dwarf Workshop ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarvenAviary.blp Dwarf Beastiary
140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Gryphons, Giant Polar Bears, and Gryphon Riders.
Also contains the Breeding, Devour, and Storm Hammers upgrades.
Dwarf Beastiary ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarvenHall.blp Dwarf Town Hall
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Peasants and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Keep and then Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Dwarf Town Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarvenKeep.blp Dwarf Keep
705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Keep to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Dwarf Keep ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarvenFortress.blp Dwarf Castle
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Dwarf Castle ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoldMine.blp Dwarf Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Dwarf Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarvenShipyard.blp Dwarf Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Human Transport Ships, Human Frigates, Human Battleships, Ironclad Submarines, and Gnomish Submarines.
Dwarf Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarvenLumberMill.blp Dwarf Lumber Mill
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Gathers lumber from trees nearby.

Limited to 1.
Dwarf Lumber Mill ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDwarfMiner.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElvenFarm.blp High Elf Farm
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
High Elf Farm ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAltarofEternity.blp Altar of Sun
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Sun ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHighelfEnchanters.blp Enchanter Tower
140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Contains upgrades for improved armor, weaponry and gunpowder.
Enchanter Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMageTower.blp High Elf Barracks
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Blood Elf Lieutenants, Swordsmen, Dragonhawk Riders, and Archers.
Also contains the Defend, Blood Elf Animal War Training, and Cloud upgrades.
High Elf Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfBazaar.blp Bazaar
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (High Elf Town Hall, High Elf Keep, or High Elf Castle) and which buildings you have.
Bazaar ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElvenGuardTower.blp High Elven Guard Tower
120 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure witch magic attack. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
High Elven Guard Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 120 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 600 19 - 29 1000 - 500 2.00 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHighelfMageTower2.blp Mage Tower
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Priests, and Sorceresses.
Also contains spell upgrades for Priests and Sorceresses, and Magic Sentry.
Mage Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfStables.blp High Elf Stables
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains High Elf Knights.
High Elf Stables ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlueDragonNexus.blp Blue Dragon Nexus
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Blue Drakes.
Blue Dragon Nexus ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHighElfSanctuary.blp High Elf Town Hall
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Peasants and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Keep and then Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
High Elf Town Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHighElfSanctuary1.blp High Elf Keep
705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to High Elf Keep to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
High Elf Keep ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHighElfSanctuary2.blp High Elf Castle
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to High Elf Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
High Elf Castle ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfWindMill.blp High Elf Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
High Elf Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElvenShipyardA.blp High Elf Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Human Transport Ships, Human Frigates, and Human Battleships.
High Elf Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWellSpring.blp Sunwell
200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Casts Sun Key and regenerates life and mana of player units. Can change the time of day to 12 for some time.

Limited to 1.
Sunwell ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElfVillager.blp 200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 500 - 600 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGear.blp Gear
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Gear ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAltarOfKings.blp Altar of Technology
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Technology ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPocketFactory.blp Gnome Factory
140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains the upgrades.
Gnome Factory ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanBarracks.blp Gnome Brassman
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains primary assault troops. Trains Riflemen, Field Engineers, and Artillery Tanks.
Gnome Brassman ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneVault.blp Technology Fair
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Town Hall, Keep, or Castle) and which buildings you have.
Technology Fair ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanWatchTower.blp Gnome Turret
30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Simple defense tower.
Gnome Turret ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp 30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 300 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneSanctum.blp Gnomish Laboratory
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Priests, and Sorceresses.
Also contains spell upgrades for Priests and Sorceresses, and Magic Sentry.
Gnomish Laboratory ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWorkshop.blp Gnomish Inventor Lab
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Drill Engines, Flying Machines, Mortar Teams, and Bombardiers.
Gnomish Inventor Lab ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonAviary.blp Gnome Aviary
140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Gryphon Riders, and Hover Copters.
Gnome Aviary ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTownHall.blp Town Hall
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Peasants and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Keep and then Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Town Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKeep.blp Keep
705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Keep to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Keep ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp 705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCastle.blp Castle
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Castle ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGranary.blp Gnome Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Gnome Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanShipyard.blp Gnome Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Human Transport Ships, Human Frigates, and Human Battleships.
Gnome Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHeroGnomeEngineer.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNForestTrollHut0.blp Troll Hut
160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Troll Hut ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - - - 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAltarOfBlood.blp Altar of Blood
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Blood ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNForge.blp War Mill
205 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains upgrades for improved armor, creature attacks, ranged weapons, and creature armor.
War Mill ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 205 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 1000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMercenaryCamp.blp Troll Camp
200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp
Sells Troll creep units.

Limited to 1.
Troll Camp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 400 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBuilding_TrollBarracks.blp Troll Barracks
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Headhunters, Manhunters, Darkspear Troll Riders, and Voodoo Cannoneers.
Also contains the Berserker, and Troll Regeneration upgrades.
Troll Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVoodooLounge.blp Voodoo Lounge
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Great Hall has (Great Hall, Stronghold, or Fortress) and which buildings you have.
Voodoo Lounge ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcTower.blp Watch Tower
110 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp
Defensive structure.

Attacks land and air units.
Watch Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 110 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp 3 0.60 800 15 - 18 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSpiritLodge.blp Spirit Lodge
150 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp
Spellcaster production building. Trains Shaman and Witch Doctors.
Also contains spell upgrades for Shaman and Witch Doctors.
Spirit Lodge ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 800 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBeastiary.blp Troll Beastiary
145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Batriders, Bats, Troll Golems, and Zalandari Throne of Wars.
Also contains the Liquid Fire and Barrage upgrades.
Troll Beastiary ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1100 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIceTrollHut0.blp Ice Troll Hut
135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Ice Troll High Priests and Ice Troll Warlords.
Also contains upgrades for Ice Troll High Priests and Ice Troll Warlords.
Ice Troll Hut ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBuilding_ForestTrollT1.blp Great Hall
385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Peons and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Stronghold and then Fortress to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Great Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBuilding_ForestTrollT2.blp Stronghold
700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Stronghold to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Stronghold ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBuilding_ForestTrollT3.blp Fortress
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Fortress to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Fortress ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGenericCreepBuilding.blp Troll Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Troll Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinShipyard.blp Troll Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Orc Transport Ships, Orc Frigates, Orc Battleships, Gnomish Submarines, and Troll Tigershark Riders.
Troll Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTempleOfSacrifice.blp Temple of Sacrifice
160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Sacrifices Troll units converting them into random creeps with their base level.

Limited to 1.
Temple of Sacrifice ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTrollGathererPurple.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNtentTauren.blp Tent
160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Tent ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - - - 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTaurenTotem.blp Altar of Earth Mother
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Earth Mother ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTaurenLumberMill.blp Lumber Mill
205 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains upgrades for improved armor, melee weapons, and ranged weapons.
Lumber Mill ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp 205 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 1000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTaurenBarracks.blp Tauren Barracks
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Tauren Axe Fighters, Tauren Spear Throwers, Tauren Catapults, and Kodo Beasts.
Tauren Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTaurenLounge.blp Spirit Lounge
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Great Hall has (Great Hall, Stronghold, or Fortress) and which buildings you have.
Spirit Lounge ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTaurenWatchTower.blp Watch Tower
110 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp
Defensive structure. Can learn the Reinforced Defenses upgrade.

Attacks land and air units.
Watch Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp 110 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp 3 0.60 800 15 - 18 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTaurenSpiritLodge.blp Spirit Lodge
150 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp
Spellcaster production building. Trains Spirit Walkers and Tauren Druids.
Also contains spell upgrades for Spirit Walkers and Tauren Druids.
Spirit Lodge ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 800 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTaurenRoost.blp Wyvern Roost
145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Wyverns, and Spirit Wyverns.
Wyvern Roost ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp 145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1100 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTaurenTotem.blp Tauren Totem
135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Tauren who can be upgraded to Elite Tauren.
Tauren Totem ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp 135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNchieftainshall.blp Great Hall
385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Tauren Workers and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Stronghold and then Fortress to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Great Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNchieftainsgreathall.blp Stronghold
700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Stronghold to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Stronghold ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp 700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNchieftainsgreathall.blp Fortress
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Fortress to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Fortress ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNarmory.blp Tauren Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Tauren Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNShamanTotem.blp Totem Pole
160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Reincarnates dead non-Tauren units.

Limited to 1.
Totem Pole ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTauren.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandarenHouse.blp Pandaren House
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Pandaren House ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandarenShrine.blp Altar of Wind
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Wind ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandarenMill.blp Lumber Mill
120 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains the upgrades for Lumber Harvesting and Masonry.
Lumber Mill ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 120 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandarenBlacksmith.blp Blacksmith
140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Contains upgrades for improved armor, weaponry and gunpowder.
Blacksmith ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandarenDojo.blp Dojo
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Honorguards, Archers and Warlords.
Also contains the Defend, Improved Bows, and Command Aura upgrades.
Dojo ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandarenBrewery.blp Brewery
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Pandaren Temple, Advanced Pandaren Temple, or Great Pandaren Temple) and which buildings you have.
Brewery ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandarenScountTower.blp Scout Tower
30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Basic observation building. Has no attack, but can be upgraded into an Arcane Lantern. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.
Scout Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 300 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandarenGuardTower.blp Guard Tower
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Guard Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 700 22 - 27 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandarenCannonTower.blp Cannon Tower
150 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp
Heavy defensive structure. Particularly effective against clusters of troops. Can learn Fragmentation Shards and Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land units and trees.
Cannon Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 2.50 800 89 - 111 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandarenMagicTower.blp Magic Tower
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Magical defensive tower. Particularly effective against enemy Heroes and spellcasters. Has the Feedback ability, which causes its attacks to destroy mana, dealing extra damage equal to the mana destroyed. Deals bonus damage against summoned units. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Magic Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 1.00 800 7 - 10 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandarenTemple.blp Elemental Sanctuary
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Monks, Sages, and Druids.
Also contains spell upgrades for Monks, Sages, and Druids, and Magic Sentry.
Elemental Sanctuary ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandarenWorkshop.blp Workshop
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Dragon Turtles, Firework Teams, and Primal Pandaren. Allows researching upgrades Firework and Fragmentation Shards.
Workshop ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandarenFlightMaster.blp Storm Spire
140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Cloud Serpents and Giant Sea Turtles. Contains upgrades Chain Lightning and Cloud.
Storm Spire ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandarenTownHall.blp Pandaren Temple
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Pandaren Woodcutters and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Advanced Pandaren Temple and then Great Pandaren Temple to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Pandaren Temple ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandarenKeep.blp Advanced Pandaren Temple
705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Advanced Pandaren Temple to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Advanced Pandaren Temple ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandarenPalace.blp Great Pandaren Temple
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Great Pandaren Temple to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Great Pandaren Temple ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBarrel.blp Pandaren Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Pandaren Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNightElfShipyard.blp Pandaren Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Gnomish Submarines, Engineer Ships, Pandaren Transport Ships, Night Elf Frigates, and Pandaren Battleships.
Pandaren Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTreeOfLife.blp Jade Forest
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Can cast Disarmament.

Limited to 1.
Jade Forest ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPandaVillager.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 500 - 800 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLordaeronFarm.blp Farm
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Farm ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLordaeronAltar.blp Altar of Lordaeron
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Lordaeron ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLordaeronLumberMill.blp Lumber Mill
120 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains the upgrades for Lumber Harvesting and Masonry.
Lumber Mill ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 120 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLordaeronBlacksmithV1.blp Blacksmith
140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Contains upgrades for improved armor, weaponry and gunpowder.
Blacksmith ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLordaeronBarracks.blp Barracks
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Footmen, Archers, and Knights.
Also contains the Defend, Improved Archery, Crossbowmen, Spearmen, and Animal War Training upgrades.
Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLordaeronTradeHouse.blp Trade House
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Town Hall, Citadel, or Palace) and which buildings you have.
Trade House ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLordaeronScoutTower.blp Scout Tower
30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Basic observation tower. Has no attack, but can be upgraded into a Guard Tower, an Arcane Tower, or a Cannon Tower. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.
Scout Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 300 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLordaeronGuardTower.blp Guard Tower
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Guard Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 700 22 - 27 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLordaeronCannonTower.blp Cannon Tower
150 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp
Heavy defensive structure. Particularly effective against clusters of troops. Can learn Fragmentation Shards and Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land units and trees.
Cannon Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 2.50 800 89 - 111 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLordaeronArcaneTower.blp Arcane Tower
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Magical defensive tower. Particularly effective against enemy Heroes and spellcasters. Has the Feedback ability, which causes its attacks to destroy mana, dealing extra damage equal to the mana destroyed. Deals bonus damage against summoned units. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Arcane Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 1.00 800 7 - 10 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLordaeronMageTower.blp Mage Tower
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Mages, Sorceresses, and Battle Mages.
Also contains spell upgrades for Mages, Sorceresses, and Battle Mages, and Magic Sentry.
Mage Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLordaeronWorkshop.blp Workshop
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Riflemen, Banner Carriers, and Alliance Siege Towers.
Workshop ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLordaeronAviary.blp Gryphon Aviary
140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Gryphon Riders, and Pegasus Knights.
Gryphon Aviary ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLordaeronTownCenter.blp Town Center
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Peasants and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Citadel and then Palace to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Town Center ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLordaeronCitadel.blp Citadel
705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Citadel to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Citadel ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLordaeronPalace.blp Palace
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Palace to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Palace ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGranary.blp Human Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Human Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLordaeronShipyard.blp Lordaeron Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Human Transport Ships, Human Frigates, and Human Battleships.
Lordaeron Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNScarletMonastery.blp Scarlet Monastery
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Special building with a high sight range. Has Truesight, Resurrect and Reveal.

Limited to 1.
Scarlet Monastery ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Lordaeron.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStormwindHouse.blp House
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
House ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStormwindAltar.blp Altar of Lions
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Lions ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStormwindLumberMill.blp Lumber Mill
120 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains the upgrades for Lumber Harvesting and Masonry.
Lumber Mill ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 120 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStormwindBlacksmith.blp Blacksmith
140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Contains upgrades for improved armor, weaponry and gunpowder.
Blacksmith ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStormwindBarracks.blp Barracks
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Footmen, Rangers and Knights.
Also contains the Defend, Improved Bows, Marksmanship, Unmount, Animal War Training, and Sundering Blades upgrades.
Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStormwindArcaneVault.blp Arcane Vault
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Town Hall, Keep, or Castle) and which buildings you have.
Arcane Vault ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStormwindScoutTower.blp Scout Tower
30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Basic observation tower. Has no attack, but can be upgraded into a Guard Tower, an Arcane Tower, or a Cannon Tower. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.
Scout Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 300 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStormwindGuardTower.blp Guard Tower
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Guard Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 700 22 - 27 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStormwindCannonTower.blp Cannon Tower
150 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp
Heavy defensive structure. Particularly effective against clusters of troops. Can learn Fragmentation Shards and Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land units and trees.
Cannon Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 2.50 800 89 - 111 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStormwindArcaneTower.blp Arcane Tower
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Magical defensive tower. Particularly effective against enemy Heroes and spellcasters. Has the Feedback ability, which causes its attacks to destroy mana, dealing extra damage equal to the mana destroyed. Deals bonus damage against summoned units. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Arcane Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 1.00 800 7 - 10 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStormwindMageTower.blp Mage Tower
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Priests, Sorceresses, and Mages.
Also contains spell upgrades for Priests, Sorceresses, and Mages, and Magic Sentry.
Mage Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStormwindWorkshop.blp Workshop
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Siege Engines, Flying Machines, and Mortar Teams.
Also contains the Flare, Fragmentation Shards, Barrage, Flying Machine Bombs, and Flak Cannons upgrades.
Workshop ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStormwindAviary.blp Aviary
140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Gryphon Riders, Eagle Knights, and Gryphon Knights.
Aviary ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStormwindTownhall.blp Town Hall
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Peasants and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Keep and then Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Town Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStormwindKeep.blp Keep
705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Keep to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Keep ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStormwindCastle.blp Castle
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Castle ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGranary.blp Human Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Human Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNobbyMansionShipyard.blp Stormwind Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Human Transport Ships, Human Frigates, and Human Battleships.
Stormwind Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCathedralOfLight.blp Cathedral of Light
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Special building with a high sight range. Has Truesight, Resurrect and Reveal.

Limited to 1.
Cathedral of Light ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBanner_Stormwind.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGeneradorazul.blp Dalaran Power Generator
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained. Creates a damaging aura around it.
Dalaran Power Generator ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - 500 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElvenAltarOfKings.blp Altar of Magic
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Magic ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - 500 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ Magical Pen
120 images/WC3gold.webp
Allows capturing enemy units.
Magical Pen ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 120 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ Arcane Blacksmith
140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Contains upgrades for improved armor, weaponry and Dalaran buildings.
Arcane Blacksmith ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - 500 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ Dalaran Guards Tower
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Footmen, Riflemen and Knights.
Also contains the Defend, Long Rifles, Animal War Training, and Sundering Blades upgrades.
Dalaran Guards Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - 500 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneVault.blp Arcane Vault
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Town Hall, Keep, or Castle) and which buildings you have.
Arcane Vault ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - 500 2.00 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDalaranGuardTower.blp Dalaran Guard Tower
120 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Basic watch tower. Can be upgraded into a Dalaran Sky Guard Tower. Can learn the Feedback ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Dalaran Guard Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 120 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 1.00 600 19 - 29 500 - 500 2.00 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNElvenGuardTower.blp Dalaran Sky Guard Tower
200 images/WC3gold.webp 90 images/WC3lumber.webp
Advanced watch tower. Can learn the Feedback ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Dalaran Sky Guard Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 200 images/WC3gold.webp 90 images/WC3lumber.webp 6 1.00 600 30 - 42 800 - 500 2.00 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneSanctum.blp Arcane Sanctum
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Sorceresses, Fire Mages and Wizards.
Also contains spell upgrades for Sorceresses, Fire Mages, Wizards, and Magic Sentry.
Arcane Sanctum ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - 500 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCage.blp Dalaran Zoo
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Dalaran Mutants, Dalaran Rejects, Guardian Golems, and Flesh Golems.
Dalaran Zoo ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - 500 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneAviary.blp Dalaran Aviary
140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Dragonhawk Riders.
Also contains the Cloud upgrade.
Dalaran Aviary ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - 500 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneTownHall.blp Dalaran Town Hall
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Elemental Servants and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Keep and then Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Dalaran Town Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - 500 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneKeep.blp Dalaran Keep
705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Dalaran Keep to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Dalaran Keep ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - 500 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneCastle.blp Dalaran Castle
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Dalaran Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Dalaran Castle ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - 500 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneGranary.blp Dalaran Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Dalaran Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - 500 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneShipyard.blp Arcane Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Human Transport Ships, Human Frigates, and Human Battleships.
Arcane Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - 500 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ Violet Citadel
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Special building with a high sight range. Has Truesight, Resurrect and Reveal.

Limited to 1.
Violet Citadel ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLightingElemental.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 1.80 900 90 - 102 600 - 500 2.00 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKultirasHouse.blp House
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
House ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKultirasAltar.blp Altar of Sea
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Sea ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKultirasLumberMill.blp Lumber Mill
120 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains the upgrades for Lumber Harvesting and Masonry.
Lumber Mill ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 120 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKultirasBlacksmith.blp Blacksmith
140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Contains upgrades for improved armor, weaponry and gunpowder.
Blacksmith ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKultirasBarracks.blp Barracks
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Footmen, Riflemen and Knights.
Also contains the Defend, Long Rifles, Animal War Training, and Sundering Blades upgrades.
Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKultirasTradeHouse.blp Trade House
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Town Hall, Keep, or Castle) and which buildings you have.
Trade House ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKultirasTowerScout.blp Scout Tower
30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Basic observation tower. Has no attack, but can be upgraded into a Guard Tower, an Arcane Tower, or a Cannon Tower. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.
Scout Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 300 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKultirasTowerGuard.blp Guard Tower
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Guard Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 700 22 - 27 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKultirasTowerCannon.blp Cannon Tower
150 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp
Heavy defensive structure. Particularly effective against clusters of troops. Can learn Fragmentation Shards and Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land units and trees.
Cannon Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 2.50 800 89 - 111 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKultirasArcaneSanctum.blp Arcane Tower
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Magical defensive tower. Particularly effective against enemy Heroes and spellcasters. Has the Feedback ability, which causes its attacks to destroy mana, dealing extra damage equal to the mana destroyed. Deals bonus damage against summoned units. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Arcane Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 1.00 800 7 - 10 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKultirasArcaneSanctum.blp Arcane Sanctum
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Ship Doctors, Storm Sorcerers, and Hydromancers.
Also contains spell upgrades for Ship Doctors, Storm Sorcerers, and Hydromancers, and Magic Sentry.
Arcane Sanctum ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKultirasWorkshop.blp Workshop
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Siege Engines, Flying Machines, and Mortar Teams.
Also contains the Flare, Fragmentation Shards, Barrage, Flying Machine Bombs, and Flak Cannons upgrades.
Workshop ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKultirasGryphonAviary.blp Aviary
140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Peregrin Falcons, and Water Dragons.
Also contains the True Sight and Devour upgrades.
Aviary ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKultirasTownHall.blp Town Hall
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Sailors and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Keep and then Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Town Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKultirasKeep.blp Keep
705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Keep to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Keep ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKultirasCastle.blp Castle
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Castle ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKultirasShipyard.blp Kul Tiras Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Human Transport Ships, Human Frigates, Kul Tiras Battleships, Engineer Ships and Gnomish Submarines.

Provides researches Shipyard Repair and Improved Navy.
Kul Tiras Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - 200 2.40 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNProudmooreKeep.blp Proudmoore Keep
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
A big keep to defend your base. Counts as a town hall. Causes extra damage against Heavy and Light armor units. Can cast Monsoon and summon Sea Elementals.

Limited to 1.
Proudmoore Keep ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSailor.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 2.00 900 60 - 72 7000 - 600 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGilneasFarm.blp House
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
House ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGilneasAltar.blp Altar of Moon
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Moon ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGilneasLumberMill.blp Lumber Mill
120 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains the upgrade Improved Wall.
Lumber Mill ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 120 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGilneasBlacksmith.blp Blacksmith
140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Contains upgrades for improved armor, weaponry and Worgen traits.
Blacksmith ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGilneasBarracks.blp Barracks
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Footmen, Riflemen and Knights.
Also contains the Defend, Long Rifles, Animal War Training, and Sundering Blades upgrades.
Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGilneasTradeHouse.blp Trade House
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Town Hall, Keep, or Castle) and which buildings you have.
Trade House ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGilneasTowerScout.blp Scout Tower
30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Basic observation tower. Has no attack, but can be upgraded into a Guard Tower, an Arcane Tower, or a Cannon Tower. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.
Scout Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 300 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGilneasGuardTower.blp Guard Tower
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Guard Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 700 22 - 27 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGilneasCannonTower.blp Cannon Tower
150 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp
Heavy defensive structure. Particularly effective against clusters of troops. Can learn Fragmentation Shards and Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land units and trees.
Cannon Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 2.50 800 89 - 111 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGilneasArcaneTower.blp Arcane Tower
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Magical defensive tower. Particularly effective against enemy Heroes and spellcasters. Has the Feedback ability, which causes its attacks to destroy mana, dealing extra damage equal to the mana destroyed. Deals bonus damage against summoned units. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Arcane Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 1.00 800 7 - 10 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGilneasWizardTower.blp Wizard Tower
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Nightstalkers, Druids and Battle Mages.
Also contains spell upgrades for Nightstalkers, Druids and Battle Mages, and Magic Sentry.
Wizard Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGilneasWorkshop.blp Workshop
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Gilneas Gunships, Manticores, and Banner Carriers.
Also contains the Rockets, Cargo, Barrage, and Human Courage upgrades.
Workshop ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGilneasManorHouse.blp Manor
140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Mindless Worgen, and Stormcrow Knights.
Also contains the Improved Critical Strike and Slow Poison upgrades.
Manor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGilneasTownHall.blp Town Hall
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Peasants and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Keep and then Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Town Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGilneasKeep.blp Keep
705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Keep to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Keep ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGilneasCastle.blp Castle
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Castle ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGilneasWorgenDen.blp Worgen Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Worgen Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGilneasShipyard.blp Worgen Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Human Transport Ships, Human Frigates, and Human Battleships.
Worgen Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGilneasCathedral.blp Cathedral
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Special building which can force the moon to appear.

Limited to 1.
Cathedral ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGate.blp Greymane Wall Closed
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Allows entering your base.
Greymane Wall Closed ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNworgen.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 12 - - - - 15000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulFarm.blp Fisher House
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Fisher House ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNResStone.blp Altar of Runes
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Runes ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTheBlacksmith.blp Blacksmith
140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains upgrades for improved armor, weaponry and gunpowder.
Blacksmith ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVikingLongHouse.blp Longhouse
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Warriors, Spear Carriers and Mammoth Riders.
Also contains the Defend, and Spiked Shell upgrades.
Longhouse ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFarm.blp Inn
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Dragon's Reach, Advanced Dragon's Reach, or Fortified Dragon's Reach) and which buildings you have.
Inn ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNLamp.blp Lamp
30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Basic observation tower. Has no attack.
Lamp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 300 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCastle1.blp Val'kyr Temple
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Golden Val'kyrs, Dark Val'kyrs, Undead Vrykuls, and Runecarvers.
Val'kyr Temple ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCage.blp Beastiary
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Armored Wolves, Mammoths, and Giant Polar Bears.
Beastiary ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDragonRoost.blp Proto Drake Roost
200 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Proto Drakes.
Proto Drake Roost ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 200 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulMain1.blp Dragon's Reach
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Vrykul Workers and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Advanced Dragon's Reach and then Fortified Dragon's Reach to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Dragon's Reach ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulMain2.blp Advanced Dragon's Reach
705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Advanced Dragon's Reach to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Advanced Dragon's Reach ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulMain3.blp Fortified Dragon's Reach
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Fortified Dragon's Reach to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Fortified Dragon's Reach ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWell.blp Vrykul Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Vrykul Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIceHumanShipyard.blp Vrykul Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Human Transport Ships, Rakkar Ships, and Gnomish Submarines.
Vrykul Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFarm.blp Halls of Valor
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Special building which brings back dead warriors as champions.

Limited to 1.
Halls of Valor ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVrykulWorker.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNerubianZiggurat.blp Nerubian Ziggurat
150 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained. Can be upgraded to a defensive structure that attacks land and air units.
Nerubian Ziggurat ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSpiderAltarIconNew2.BLP Altar of the Spider
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of the Spider ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNEgg.blp Hatchery
215 images/WC3gold.webp
Provides attack and armor upgrades for Nerubian units. Also hatches Spiderlings and serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Hatchery ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 215 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAncientSpawningPit.blp Spawning Pit
200 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Nerubian Warriors, Crypt Fiends, and Crypt Drones. Also contains the upgrades Ghoul Frenzy, Cannibalize, Stone Form, Web and Burrow.
Spawning Pit ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 200 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1300 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAncientVault.blp Vault of Relics
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Necropolis has (Necropolis, Halls of the Dead, or Black Citadel) and which buildings you have.
Vault of Relics ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 475 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFrostTower.blp Nerubian Tower
250 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to create a defensive structure that deals cold damage and slows enemy units.

Attacks land and air units.
Nerubian Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 250 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 1.30 700 8 - 10 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAncientShrineV1.01.blp Ancient Shrine
155 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Spellcaster production building. Trains Necromancers and Banshees.
Also contains upgrades for Necromancers, Banshees, and Skeletal Mastery.
Ancient Shrine ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 155 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1100 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSpiderNest.blp Nest
140 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Nerubian Spear Throwers, Nerubian Spider Lords, and Flying Bombarders.
Nest ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAncientBurrow.blp Spawning Ground
150 images/WC3gold.webp 200 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Nerubian Queen. Also contains the Freezing Breath upgrade.
Spawning Ground ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 200 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIceRuinsMetropolis0.blp Metropolis
225 images/WC3gold.webp
Primary structure, used to train Workers and receive lumber gathered by them. Can be upgraded to Halls of the Dead and then Black Citadel to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Metropolis ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 225 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIceRuinsMetropolis0.blp Advanced Metropolis
545 images/WC3gold.webp 210 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Advanced Metropolis to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.

Attacks land and air units.
Advanced Metropolis ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 545 images/WC3gold.webp 210 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 1.00 800 10 - 12 4000 - - - 1200
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIceRuinsMetropolis0.blp Great Metropolis
870 images/WC3gold.webp 440 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Great Metropolis to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.

Attacks land and air units.
Great Metropolis ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 870 images/WC3gold.webp 440 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 1.00 800 12 - 15 6000 - - - 1200
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIceCrownObelisk.blp Nerubian Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Nerubian Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIceRuinsShipyard.blp Nerubian Shipyard
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Undead Transport Ships, Undead Frigates, and Undead Battleships.
Nerubian Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 2 - - - - 750 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNerubianPalace.blp Azjol-Nerub
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Powerful strong building with Chaos damage and Frost Attack.

Limited to 1.
Azjol-Nerub ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNnerubianSpiderLord.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 1.30 600 80 - 86 3000 - - - 600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIgloo.blp Igloo
160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Igloo ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - - - 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNTundralAltar.blp Altar of Ice
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Ice ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNIcySpire.blp Icy Spire
205 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains upgrades for improved armor, melee weapons, ranged weapons, and Improved Fishing.
Icy Spire ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 205 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 1000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNIgloo.blp Igloo Barracks
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Tuskarr Fighters, Tuskarr Spearmen and Tuskarr Mammoth Riders.
Also contains the Frost Immunity, Ensnare, and War Stomp upgrades.
Igloo Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNNorthpactShop.blp Northern Vendor Shop
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Great Hall has (Frozen Hall, Frozen Stronghold, or Frozen Fortress) and which buildings you have.
Northern Vendor Shop ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNBlockOfIce.blp Block of Ice
110 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp
Defensive structure with close attack range. Has the Freezing Breath ability. Can be upgraded to Spider Shrine, Ice Wall, and Frost Snowman.

Attacks land and air units.
Block of Ice ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 110 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp 3 0.60 300 15 - 18 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNSpiderShrine.blp Spider Shrine
190 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp
Defensive structure. Can cast Web and has the ability Spawn Spiderlings.

Attacks land and air units.
Spider Shrine ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 190 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp 3 0.60 800 15 - 18 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNIceWall.blp Ice Wall
190 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp
Strong Defensive structure without attack.
Ice Wall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 190 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp 6 - - - - 3000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNPermafrostSnowman.blp Frost Snowman
190 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp
Defensive structure which causes magic damage. Has the Feedback ability. Can learn the Magic Sentry upgrade.

Attacks land and air units.
Frost Snowman ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 190 images/WC3gold.webp 120 images/WC3lumber.webp 3 0.60 800 15 - 18 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNHuntersRest.blp Hunters Rest
150 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp
Spellcaster production building. Trains Shaman and Healers.
Also contains spell upgrades for Shaman and Healers.
Hunters Rest ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 800 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNIceCuttersLodge.blp Ice Cutters Lodge
145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Giant Frost Wolves, Icetusk Mammoths, Polar Bears, and Giant Snowy Owls.
Also contains the Etheral Beasts, Critical Strike, Cleaving Attack, Devour and Elite Armored Polar Bear upgrades.
Ice Cutters Lodge ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1100 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNCrystallineCavern.blp Decorated Cavern
135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Chieftains.
Also contains the Clans upgrade which gives Chieftains the Command Aura ability.
Decorated Cavern ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNicon1good.blp Frozen Hall
385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Workers and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Frozen Stronghold and then Frozen Fortress to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Frozen Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNicon2good.blp Frozen Stronghold
700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Frozen Stronghold to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Frozen Stronghold ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNicon3good.blp Frozen Fortress
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Frozen Fortress to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Frozen Fortress ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIcyTreasureBox.blp Tuskarr Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Tuskarr Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIceHumanShipyard.blp Tuskarr Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Tuskarr Fishing Boats, Gnomish Submarines, Engineer Ships, Orc Transport Ships, Orc Frigates, and Orc Battleships.
Tuskarr Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAnkh.blp Burial Place
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Has auras with effects depending on the number of units lost to enemies.

Limited to 1.
Burial Place ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTuskaarBrown.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurlocHut1.blp Murloc Hut
205 images/WC3gold.webp
Increases food.
Murloc Hut ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp 205 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 1000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurlocAltarOfTheDeeps.blp Altar of the Shores
255 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of the Shores ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp 255 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurlocLumberkeep.blp Murloc Lumberkeep
205 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Murloc Lumberkeep ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp 205 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 1000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurlocBlademakingHut.blp Murloc Blademaking Hut
205 images/WC3gold.webp
Contains upgrades Coral Blades, Coral Scales, Swarming and River Bank.
Murloc Blademaking Hut ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp 205 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 1000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurlocBarrack.blp Barracks
180 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Murloc Tiderunners, Murloc Huntsmen and Murloc Flesheaters.
Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurlocTreasureHold.blp Murloc Treasurehold
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Gathering Hall, Gathering Stronghold, or Gathering Fortress) and which buildings you have.
Murloc Treasurehold ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurlocBoneChipper.blp Bone Chipper
130 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure.

Attacks land and air units.
Bone Chipper ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 700 30 - 45 500 - - - 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurlocSorcererDen.blp Murloc Sorcerer Den
180 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Murloc Bubble Mages. Also contains spell upgrades for Murloc Bubble Mages.
Murloc Sorcerer Den ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurlocHatchlingGround.blp Hatchling Ground
205 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Snap Dragons, Dragon Turtles, and Sea Giants. Also contains the Murloc Eggs upgrade.
Hatchling Ground ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp 205 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurlocGatheringHallLevel1.blp Gathering Hall
385 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Mur'gul Slaves, Mur'gul Reavers and receive gathered resources. Also contains the Naga weapon and armor upgrades, and the Submerge upgrade.
Gathering Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurlocGatheringHallLevel2.blp Gathering Stronghold
705 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Mur'gul Slaves, Mur'gul Reavers and receive gathered resources. Also contains the Naga weapon and armor upgrades, and the Submerge upgrade.
Gathering Stronghold ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp 705 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurlocGatheringHallLevel3.blp Gathering Fortress
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Mur'gul Slaves, Mur'gul Reavers and receive gathered resources. Also contains the Naga weapon and armor upgrades, and the Submerge upgrade.
Gathering Fortress ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurlocHut1.blp Murloc Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Murloc Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurlocHut1.blp Murloc Fisher
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Giant statue which protects your base with powerful storms.

Limited to 1.
Murloc Fisher ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMurloc.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCentaurTent.blp Ogre Tent
160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Ogre Tent ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - - - 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAltarOfStorms.blp Altar of War
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of War ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranaiHut.blp Forge
205 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains upgrades for improved armor, melee weapons, and ranged weapon.
Forge ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 205 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 1000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgreMound2.BLP Ogre Cave
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Ogre Warriors, Ogre Stone Throwers and Ogre Dummers.
Also contains the Ogre Strength, Pulverize, and Resistant Skin upgrades.
Ogre Cave ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranaiHut.blp Draenor Merchant
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Ogre Mound has (Ogre Mound, Advanced Ogre Mound, or Fortified Ogre Mound) and which buildings you have.
Draenor Merchant ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRockTower.blp Boulder Tower
120 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Fires massive boulders that deal splash damage. Good at destroying ground units. Immune to magic.

Attacks land units.
Boulder Tower
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 120 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 2.50 800 89 - 111 500 - - - 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAdvancedRockTower.blp Advanced Boulder Tower
200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp
Increases the damage of the boulders. Good at destroying ground units. Immune to magic.

Attacks land units.
Advanced Boulder Tower
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp 6 2.50 800 110 - 132 800 - - - 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDranaiHut.blp Magi Lodge
150 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp
Spellcaster production building. Trains Ogre Magi, Ogre Warlocks, and Ogre Necromancers.
Also contains spell upgrades for Ogre Magi, Ogre Warlocks, and Ogre Necromancers.
Magi Lodge ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 800 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCage.blp Beastiary
145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Ogre Hunters, Clefthoofs, Bronze Drakes, and Zeppelins.
Also contains the Ensnare, Ambush, and Lightning Attack upgrades.
Beastiary ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1100 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSimpleOgreArena.blp Ogre Arena
135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Ogre Lords, Mok'Nathal and Gronn.
Also contains the upgrade Reincarnation for Ogre Lords, Summon Bear for Mok'Nathal and War Clubs for Gronn.
Ogre Arena ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgreMound.blp Ogre Mound
385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Ogre Slaves and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Advanced Ogre Mound and then Fortified Ogre Mound to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Ogre Mound ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgreMound.blp Advanced Ogre Mound
700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Advanced Ogre Mound to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Advanced Ogre Mound ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgreMound.blp Fortified Ogre Mound
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Fortified Ogre Mound to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Fortified Ogre Mound ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPigFarm.blp Ogre Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Ogre Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinShipyard.blp Ogre Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Orc Transport Ships, Orc Frigates, and Orc Battleships.
Ogre Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCentaurTent2.blp Stonemaul Camp
135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Stonemaul Ogre, Stonemaul Magi, and Kor'gall.

Limited to 1.
Stonemaul Camp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOgre.blp 135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ Eredar Pylon
160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Eredar Pylon ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ 160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 4.00 700 22 - 27 600 - - - 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNEnchantedGemstone.blp Altar of Naaru
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Naaru ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanLumberMill.blp Argunite Mill
120 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains the upgrades for Lumber Harvesting and Masonry.
Argunite Mill ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ 120 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlacksmith.blp Eredar Forge
140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Contains upgrades for improved armor, weaponry and gunpowder.
Eredar Forge ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ 140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ Barracks
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Footmen, Riflemen and Knights.
Also contains the Defend, Long Rifles, Animal War Training, and Sundering Blades upgrades.
Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneVault.blp Argus Merchant
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Town Hall, Keep, or Castle) and which buildings you have.
Argus Merchant ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCrystalGenerator.blp Man'ari Crystal
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Priests, and Sorceresses.
Also contains spell upgrades for Priests and Sorceresses, and Magic Sentry.
Man'ari Crystal ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBeastiary.blp Eredar Workshop
145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Elekk Knights, Vigilants, Siegebreakers, and Nether Rays.
Eredar Workshop ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ 145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1100 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNightElvenAirship.blp Dimensional Ship
400 images/WC3gold.webp 195 images/WC3lumber.webp
Allows the collection of gold, produces Artificers.
Dimensional Ship ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ 400 images/WC3gold.webp 195 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNightElvenAirship.blp Advanced Dimensional Ship
400 images/WC3gold.webp 195 images/WC3lumber.webp
Allows the collection of gold, produces Artificers.
Advanced Dimensional Ship ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ 400 images/WC3gold.webp 195 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNightElvenAirship.blp Dimensional Ship Fortress
400 images/WC3gold.webp 195 images/WC3lumber.webp
Allows the collection of gold, produces Artificers.
Dimensional Ship Fortress ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ 400 images/WC3gold.webp 195 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGeneradorazul.blp Eredar Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Eredar Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPigFarm.blp Pig Farm
115 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces food. Trains Fel Boars. Can learn Slaughter Time. Contains the research Piggery.
Pig Farm ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 115 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAltarOfTerror.blp Altar of Chaos
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Chaos ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosMill.blp War Mill
205 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains upgrades for improved armor, melee weapons, and ranged weapons.
War Mill ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 205 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 1000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosBarracks.blp Barracks
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Grunts, Crossbowmen and War Machines.
Also contains the Fel, and Burning Oil upgrades.
Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosVault.blp Chaos Vault
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Great Hall has (Great Hall, Stronghold, or Fortress) and which buildings you have.
Chaos Vault ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcTower.blp Watch Tower
110 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp
Defensive structure.

Attacks land and air units.
Watch Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 110 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp 3 0.60 800 15 - 18 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWarlockTemple.blp Warlock Temple
150 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp
Spellcaster production building. Trains Cultists, Warlocks, and Elders.
Also contains spell upgrades for Cultists, Warlocks, and Elders.
Warlock Temple ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 800 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosBeastiary.blp Beastiary
145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Raiders, Kodo Beasts, and Lancers.
Also contains the Ensnare, and War Drums upgrades.
Beastiary ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1100 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDragonRoost.blp Red Dragon Roost
200 images/WC3gold.webp
Trains Red Dragons.
Red Dragon Roost ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 200 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFelOrcGreatHall.blp Great Hall
385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Peons and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Stronghold and then Fortress to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Great Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFelOrcStrongHold.blp Stronghold
700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Stronghold to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Stronghold ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFelOrcFortress.blp Fortress
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Fortress to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Fortress ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosVault.blp Fel Orc Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Fel Orc Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFelOrcShipyard.blp Fel Orc Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Orc Transport Ships, Orc Frigates, and Orc Battleships.
Fel Orc Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHellfireCitadelOutland.blp Hellfire Citadel
160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Strong citadel building which defends your base. Can cast Rain of Chaos.

Limited to 1.
Hellfire Citadel ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChaosPeon.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 12 2.00 700 55 - 60 5000 - 300 2.00 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackEmpireTowerEndlessFountain.blp Endless Fountain
115 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Endless Fountain ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFacelessOne.blp 115 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 1200
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackEmpireAltarOfTheVoid.blp Altar of Void
255 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Void ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFacelessOne.blp 255 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackEmpirePrisonOfUnspeakableHorrors.blp Prison of Unspeakable Horrors
205 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains upgrades for improved armor, melee weapons, ranged weapons, and Tentacles.
Prison of Unspeakable Horrors ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFacelessOne.blp 205 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 1000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackEmpireSleeplessTower.blp Sleepless Tower
205 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Unbroken Darkhunter, Bone Throwers, and Riders.
Sleepless Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFacelessOne.blp 205 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackEmpireVaultOfOminousSecrets.blp Vault of Ominous Secrets
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Great Hall has (Great Hall, Stronghold, or Fortress) and which buildings you have.
Vault of Ominous Secrets ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFacelessOne.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackEmpireTowerAcidicCarnivore.blp Acidic Carnivore
130 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure with low attack range but high damage. Can learn Bash and Poison abilities.

Attacks land units.
Acidic Carnivore ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFacelessOne.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 250 45 - 60 500 - - - 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackEmpireAncientLibraryOfForbiddenKnowledge.blp Ancient Library of Forbidden Knowledge
150 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp
Spellcaster production building. Trains Witches and Cultists.
Also contains spell upgrades for Witches and Cultists.
Ancient Library of Forbidden Knowledge ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFacelessOne.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 800 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackEmpirePulsatingPortal.blp Pulsating Portal
145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Tricksters, Ballistas, and Aqirs.
Pulsating Portal ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFacelessOne.blp 145 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1100 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackEmpireCreationHive.blp Creation Hive
135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Berserkers, and Kings.
Creation Hive ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFacelessOne.blp 135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackEmpireTwistedHalls.blp Twisted Halls
385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Peons and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Stronghold and then Fortress to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Twisted Halls ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFacelessOne.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - 200 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackEmpireWhisperingChambers.blp Whispering Chambers
700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Whispering Chambers to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Whispering Chambers ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFacelessOne.blp 700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - 200 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackEmpireCathedralOfMadness.blp Cathedral of Madness
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Cathedral of Madness to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Cathedral of Madness ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFacelessOne.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - 200 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNNzothEyeIcon.blp Faceless One Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Faceless One Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFacelessOne.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNForgottenOne.blp Forgotten One
745 images/WC3gold.webp 250 images/WC3lumber.webp
An ancient and powerful creature who hurls fire at its enemies. Can cast Spawn Tentacle, Firebolt, and Charm.

Attacks land and air units.

Limited to 1.
Forgotten One ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFacelessOne.blp 745 images/WC3gold.webp 250 images/WC3lumber.webp 4 2.00 600 40 - 70 4000 10.00 1000 5.00 1400
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCorruptedMoonWell.blp Corrupted Moon Well
155 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained. Has the Replenish Mana and Life ability.
Corrupted Moon Well ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp 155 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 2 - - - - 600 - 300 1.25 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCorruptedAltarOfElders.blp Corrupted Altar of Elders
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Corrupted Altar of Elders ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCorruptedHuntersHall.blp Hunter's Hall
210 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp
Contains the attack and armor upgrades for all units, the Ultravision and Well Spring upgrades.
Hunter's Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp 210 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1100 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCorruptedAncientOfWar.blp Corrupted Ancient of War
255 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Keeper of primary assault troops. Trains Satyr, Satyr Tricksters, and Giant Skeleton Warriors.

Attacks land units.
Corrupted Ancient of War ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp 255 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 2 2.50 128 44 - 55 800 0.50 - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCorruptedAncientOfWonders.blp Corrupted Ancient of Wonders
90 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Tree of Life has (Tree of Life, Tree of Ages, or Tree of Eternity) and which buildings you have.

Attacks land units.
Corrupted Ancient of Wonders ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp 90 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 2 2.50 128 20 - 25 450 0.50 - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCorruptedAncientProtector.blp Corrupted Ancient Protector
240 images/WC3gold.webp 130 images/WC3lumber.webp
Defensive Ancient. When rooted in the ground, can hurl enormous rocks at nearby enemy units.
Attacks land and air units.
Corrupted Ancient Protector ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp 240 images/WC3gold.webp 130 images/WC3lumber.webp 2 - - - - 1500 0.50 - - 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCorruptedAncientofLore.blp Corrupted Ancient of Lore
155 images/WC3gold.webp 145 images/WC3lumber.webp
Keeper of ground based spellcasters. Trains Druids of the Claw, Dryads, and Mountain Giants.
Also contains the upgrades for Druids of the Claw, Mark of the Claw, Abolish Magic, Hardened Skin, and Resistant Skin.

Attacks land units.
Corrupted Ancient of Lore ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp 155 images/WC3gold.webp 145 images/WC3lumber.webp 2 2.50 128 40 - 50 900 0.50 - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCorruptedAncientOfTheMoon.blp Corrupted Ancient of Wind
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Keeper of aerial assault units and spellcasters. Trains Hippogryphs, Druids of the Talon, and Faerie Dragons.
Also contains the upgrades for Druids of the Talon and Mark of the Talon.

Attacks land units.
Corrupted Ancient of Wind ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 2 2.50 128 37 - 46 900 0.50 - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDemonGate.blp Demon Gate
300 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Fel Stalkers, Doom Guards, and Infernals.
Demon Gate ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp 300 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 12 - - - - 10000 - - - 400
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCorruptedTreeOfLife.blp Corrupted Tree of Life
385 images/WC3gold.webp
Primary structure, used to train Wisps and entangle gold mines. Can be upgraded to Corrupted Tree of Ages and then Corrupted Tree of Eternity to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Corrupted Tree of Life ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp - 2 2.50 128 40 - 50 1500 0.50 - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTreeOfAges.blp Corrupted Tree of Ages
660 images/WC3gold.webp 365 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Corrupted Tree of Ages to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Corrupted Tree of Ages ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp 660 images/WC3gold.webp 365 images/WC3lumber.webp 2 2.50 128 48 - 60 2000 0.50 - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTreeOfEternity.blp Corrupted Tree of Eternity
995 images/WC3gold.webp 200 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Corrupted Tree of Eternity to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Corrupted Tree of Eternity ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp 995 images/WC3gold.webp 200 images/WC3lumber.webp 2 2.50 128 59 - 74 2500 0.50 - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNentangledmine.blp Satyr Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Satyr Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 2 - - - - 800 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNUndeadShrine.blp Skull of Gul'dan
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
A powerful Demon artifact which made corrupted Illidan but also made him stronger. Can cast Rain of Chaos.

Limited to 1.
Skull of Gul'dan ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSatyr.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCentaurTent.blp Centaur Tent
160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Centaur Tent ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNcentaur.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 4.00 700 22 - 27 600 - - - 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCentaurTent2.blp Centaur Camp
385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Centaur Workers and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Stronghold and then Fortress to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Centaur Camp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNcentaur.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGnollCamp.blp Gnoll Camp
385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Centaur Workers and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Stronghold and then Fortress to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Gnoll Camp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGnollKing.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAltarOfStorms.blp Altar of Candles
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Candles ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKobold.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNForge.blp War Mill
205 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains upgrades for improved armor, melee weapons, and ranged weapons.
War Mill ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKobold.blp 205 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 1000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKoboldBarracks.blp Barracks
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Kobold Warrior, Kobold Tunnelers.
Also contains the Candles, and Burrow upgrades.
Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKobold.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNVoodooLounge.blp Kobold Shop
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Great Hall has (Great Hall, Stronghold, or Fortress) and which buildings you have.
Kobold Shop ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKobold.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSpiritLodge.blp Spirit Lodge
150 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp
Spellcaster production building. Trains Kobold Geomancers and Witch Doctors.
Also contains spell upgrades for Kobold Geomancers and Witch Doctors.
Spirit Lodge ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKobold.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 135 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 800 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGreathall.blp Kobold Camp
385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Kobold Engineers and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Stronghold and then Fortress to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Kobold Camp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKobold.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStronghold.blp Advanced Kobold Camp
700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Advanced Kobold Campto enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Advanced Kobold Camp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKobold.blp 700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFortress.blp Fortified Kobold Camp
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Fortified Kobold Camp to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Fortified Kobold Camp ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKobold.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPigFarm.blp Kobold Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Kobold Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNKobold.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNQuilboarShelter.blp Quillboar Shelter
385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Peons and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Stronghold and then Fortress to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Quillboar Shelter ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRazorback.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAltarOfStorms.blp Altar of Wings
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Wings ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGreenDragon.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDragonRoost.blp Dragon Roost
385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Dragonspawn Slaves and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Advanced Dragon Roost and then Fortified Dragon Roost to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Dragon Roost ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGreenDragon.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFarm.blp House
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
House ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHoplite Helmet UPG2.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAltarOfKings.blp Altar of Gods
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Gods ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHoplite Helmet UPG2.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanLumberMill.blp Stockpile
120 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains the upgrades for Lumber Harvesting and Masonry.
Stockpile ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHoplite Helmet UPG2.blp 120 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlacksmith.blp Blacksmith
140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Contains upgrades for improved armor, weaponry and gunpowder.
Blacksmith ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHoplite Helmet UPG2.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanBarracks.blp Barracks
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Swordsman, Hoplite, and Companion Cavalry.
Also contains the Defend upgrade.
Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHoplite Helmet UPG2.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAncientMarket.blp Marketplace
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Town Center) and which buildings you have.
Marketplace ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHoplite Helmet UPG2.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGuardTower.blp Watch Tower
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure.

Attacks land and air units.
Watch Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHoplite Helmet UPG2.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 700 22 - 27 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneSanctum.blp Temple
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Priests, and Sorceresses.
Also contains spell upgrades for Priests and Sorceresses, and Magic Sentry.
Temple ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHoplite Helmet UPG2.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWorkshop.blp Archery Range
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Archers and siege weapons.
Archery Range ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHoplite Helmet UPG2.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTownHall.blp Town Center
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Slaves and receive gathered resources.
Town Center ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHoplite Helmet UPG2.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGranary.blp Greek Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Greek Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHoplite Helmet UPG2.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAncientShipyard.blp Dock
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Human Transport Ships, Human Frigates, and Human Battleships.
Dock ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHoplite Helmet UPG2.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneObservatory.blp Lighthouse of Alexandria
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Special building can cast Inner Fire and has ability Command Aura.

Limited to 1.
Lighthouse of Alexandria ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHoplite Helmet UPG2.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGenericCreepBuilding.blp Roman Tent
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained. Can train Roman Legionaries.
Roman Tent ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRomanHelmet.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanLumberMill.blp Roman Villa
120 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains the upgrades for Lumber Harvesting and Masonry.
Roman Villa ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRomanHelmet.blp 120 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAncientBarrack.blp Roman Barracks
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Praetorian Guards, Roman Centurions, Roman Archers and Eques.
Roman Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRomanHelmet.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAncientMarket.blp Marketplace
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Town Hall, Keep, or Castle) and which buildings you have.
Marketplace ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRomanHelmet.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGuardTower.blp Guard Tower
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Guard Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRomanHelmet.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 700 22 - 27 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneSanctum.blp Roman Temple
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Priests, and Sorceresses.
Also contains spell upgrades for Priests and Sorceresses, and Magic Sentry.
Roman Temple ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRomanHelmet.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAncientWorkshop.blp Roman Workshop
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Ballistas, Catapults, Siege Towers, and Roman Military Engineers.
Roman Workshop ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRomanHelmet.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGryphonAviary.blp Circus Maximus
140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Chariots.
Circus Maximus ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRomanHelmet.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTent.blp Command Tent
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Slaves and receive gathered resources.
Command Tent ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRomanHelmet.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWheat.blp Roman Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Roman Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRomanHelmet.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAncientShipyard.blp Roman Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Human Transport Ships, Human Frigates, and Human Battleships.
Roman Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRomanHelmet.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneObservatory.blp Triumphal Arch
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Special building can cast Inner Fire and has ability Command Aura.

Limited to 1.
Triumphal Arch ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRomanHelmet.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHousing.blp House
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
House ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMedievalHelmet.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMedievalTavern.blp Tavern
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Tavern ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMedievalHelmet.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSawmillNew.blp Lumber Mill
120 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains the upgrades for Lumber Harvesting and Masonry.
Lumber Mill ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMedievalHelmet.blp 120 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTheBlacksmith.blp Blacksmith
140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Contains upgrades for improved armor, weaponry and gunpowder.
Blacksmith ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMedievalHelmet.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArmoryStone.blp Barracks
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Footmen, Riflemen and Knights.
Also contains the Defend, Long Rifles, Animal War Training, and Sundering Blades upgrades.
Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMedievalHelmet.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMarketStone.blp Market
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Age I, Age II, or Age III) and which buildings you have.
Market ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMedievalHelmet.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTowerLookout.blp Scout Tower
30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Basic observation tower. Has no attack, but can be upgraded into a Guard Tower, an Arcane Tower, or a Cannon Tower. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.
Scout Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMedievalHelmet.blp 30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 300 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTowerGuard.blp Guard Tower
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Guard Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMedievalHelmet.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 700 22 - 27 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTowerSentry.blp Sentry Tower
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Sentry Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMedievalHelmet.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 700 22 - 27 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNChurch.blp Church
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Monks, Wizards and Witches.
Also contains spell upgrades for Monks, Wizards and Witches.
Church ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMedievalHelmet.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSiegeshop2.blp Siege Workshop
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces siege weapons.
Siege Workshop ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMedievalHelmet.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCastle6.blp Knight's Castle
140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Gryphon Riders, and Dragonhawk Riders.
Also contains the Storm Hammers and Cloud upgrades.
Knight's Castle ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMedievalHelmet.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCastle1.blp Age I
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Peasants and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Keep and then Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Age I ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMedievalHelmet.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCastle2.blp Age II
705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Keep to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Age II ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMedievalHelmet.blp 705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCastle3.blp Age III
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Age III ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMedievalHelmet.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWheat.blp Medieval Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Medieval Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMedievalHelmet.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDockWood.blp Dock
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Human Transport Ships, Human Frigates, and Human Battleships.
Dock ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMedievalHelmet.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBuildableCathedral.blp Cathedral
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Special building with a high sight range. Has Truesight, Resurrect and Reveal.

Limited to 1.
Cathedral ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMedievalHelmet.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTent.blp Tent
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Tent ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArmoryWood.blp Barracks
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Footmen, Riflemen and Knights.
Also contains the Defend, Long Rifles, Animal War Training, and Sundering Blades upgrades.
Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCastle1.blp Fort
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Saboteurs and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Advanced Fort and then Central Fort to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Fort ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCastle2.blp Advanced Fort
705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Advanced Fort to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Advanced Fort ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ 705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCastle3.blp Central Fort
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Central Fort to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Central Fort ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTerranBunker.blp Bunker
160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained. Pioneers can garrison inside to attack enemy units.

Attacks land and air units.
Bunker ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNReichSapper.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 4.00 700 22 - 27 600 - - - 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTent.blp Hospital Tent
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Hospital Tent ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNReichSapper.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGermanWeaponSupport.blp Weapons Storage
140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Contains upgrades and allows units to return lumber.
Weapons Storage ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNReichSapper.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGermanBarracks.blp Barracks
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains U. S. Rangers, U. S. Marines, Snipers and Medics.
Also contains the Fast Reload, Grenades, Flashbangs, Camouflage, and Headshot upgrades.
Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNReichSapper.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBrickTower.blp Equipment Store
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items.
Equipment Store ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNReichSapper.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGuardTower.blp Guard Tower
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Guard Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNReichSapper.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 700 22 - 27 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneSanctum.blp Officers Room
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Priests, and Sorceresses.
Also contains spell upgrades for Priests and Sorceresses, and Magic Sentry.
Officers Room ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNReichSapper.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGermanTankCompany.blp Vehicle Factory
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Humvees, M-113b Medics, M1A2 Abrams, and Rocket Launcher Vehicles.
Also contains the Load and Repair Aura upgrades.
Vehicle Factory ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNReichSapper.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRadar.blp Airbase
140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Su-35 Super Flankers, Stealth Bombers and Satelites.
Contains the upgrade Flares.
Airbase ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNReichSapper.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGermanHQ.blp Headquarters
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Peasants and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Keep and then Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Headquarters ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNReichSapper.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGranary.blp German Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
German Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNReichSapper.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFarm.blp Berghof
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Special building with strategic commands. Allows casting Artillery Strike.

Limited to 1.
Berghof ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNReichSapper.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTerranBunker.blp Bunker
160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained. Engineers can garrison inside to attack enemy units.

Attacks land and air units.
Bunker ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNhelmet.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 4.00 700 22 - 27 600 - - - 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTent.blp Hospital Tent
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Hospital Tent ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNhelmet.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlacksmith.blp Factory
140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Contains upgrades and allows units to return lumber.
Factory ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNhelmet.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ Radio Tower
30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Basic observation tower. Has no attack, but can be upgraded into a Missile Launcher, Flamethrower Turret, or a M61 Vulcan Turret. Can learn the Reveal and Radar abilities.
Radio Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNhelmet.blp 30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 300 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanBarracks.blp Barracks
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains U. S. Rangers, U. S. Marines, Snipers and Medics.
Also contains the Fast Reload, Grenades, Flashbangs, Camouflage, and Headshot upgrades.
Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNhelmet.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBrickTower.blp Equipment Store
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items.
Equipment Store ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNhelmet.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFlakCannons.blp M61 Vulcan Turret
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure wtih fast range attack.

Attacks land and air units.
M61 Vulcan Turret ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNhelmet.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 900 30 - 35 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNClusterRockets.blp Missile Launcher
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure. Can learn the Radar ability.

Attacks air units.
Missile Launcher ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNhelmet.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 700 40 - 45 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFlamethrower.blp Flamethrower Turret
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure wtih close range attack.

Attacks land units.
Flamethrower Turret ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNhelmet.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.32 300 12 - 17 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneSanctum.blp Heliport
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Cargo Helicopters, Cobra Attack Helicopters and Apaches.
Also contains the upgrades Flares and Cluster Rockets.
Heliport ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNhelmet.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWorkshop.blp Vehicle Factory
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Humvees, M-113b Medics, M1A2 Abrams, and Rocket Launcher Vehicles.
Also contains the Load and Repair Aura upgrades.
Vehicle Factory ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNhelmet.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRadar.blp Airbase
140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Su-35 Super Flankers, Stealth Bombers and Satelites.
Contains the upgrade Flares.
Airbase ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNhelmet.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTownHall.blp Command Center
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Engineers and receive gathered resources.
Command Center ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNhelmet.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTownHall.blp Advanced Command Center
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Engineers and receive gathered resources.
Advanced Command Center ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNhelmet.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGranary.blp Modern Warfare Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Modern Warfare Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNhelmet.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanShipyard.blp Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Human Transport Ships, Human Frigates, and Human Battleships.
Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNhelmet.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneObservatory.blp United Nations Building
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Special building with strategic commands. Allows casting Artillery Strike.

Limited to 1.
United Nations Building ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNhelmet.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTerranSupplyDepot.blp Supply Depot
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Supply Depot ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTerranSCV.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTerranArmory.blp Armory
140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
enable production of advanced units such as Valkyries and Goliaths.
Armory ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTerranSCV.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTerranBarracs.blp Barracks
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Footmen, Riflemen and Knights.
Also contains the Defend, Long Rifles, Animal War Training, and Sundering Blades upgrades.
Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTerranSCV.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTerranBunker.blp Bunker
160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained. Engineers can garrison inside to attack enemy units.

Attacks land and air units.
Bunker ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTerranSCV.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 4.00 700 22 - 27 600 - - - 800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTerranAcademy.blp Academy
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Priests, and Sorceresses.
Also contains spell upgrades for Priests and Sorceresses, and Magic Sentry.
Academy ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTerranSCV.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTerranFactory.blp Factory
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Vultures, Siege Tanks, and Goliaths.
Factory ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTerranSCV.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCommandCenter.blp Command Center
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Peasants and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Keep and then Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Command Center ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTerranSCV.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGondorFarm.blp Gondor House
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Gondor House ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNHobbitMan.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAltarOfKings.blp Altar of Free People
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Altar of Free People ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNHobbitMan.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlacksmith.blp Dwarven Forge
120 images/WC3gold.webp
Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
Also contains the upgrades for Lumber Harvesting and Masonry.
Dwarven Forge ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNHobbitMan.blp 120 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanBarracks.blp Gondor Barracks
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Gondorian Soldiers, Gondorian Archers, Ithilien Rangers and Fountain Guards.
Also contains the Defend, Long Rifles, Animal War Training, and Sundering Blades upgrades.
Gondor Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNHobbitMan.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMerchant.blp Shop of Middle Earth
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Town Hall, Keep, or Castle) and which buildings you have.
Shop of Middle Earth ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNHobbitMan.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTowerRohan.blp Rohan Scout Tower
30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Basic observation tower. Has no attack, but can be upgraded into a Gondorian Guard Tower.
Rohan Scout Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNHobbitMan.blp 30 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 300 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTowerArthedain.blp Gondorian Guard Tower
100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary defensive structure. Can learn the Magic Sentry ability.

Attacks land and air units.
Gondorian Guard Tower ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNHobbitMan.blp 100 images/WC3gold.webp 70 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 0.90 700 22 - 27 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneSanctum.blp Elven Outpost
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Priests, and Sorceresses.
Also contains spell upgrades for Priests and Sorceresses, and Magic Sentry.
Elven Outpost ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNHobbitMan.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNStables.blp Rohan Stables
140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp
Contains upgrades for improved armor, weaponry and gunpowder.
Rohan Stables ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNHobbitMan.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 40 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTreeOfLife.blp Enchanted Tree
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Ents and Eagles.
Enchanted Tree ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNHobbitMan.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRohanTownHall1.blp Hall of Rohan
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.
Hall of Rohan ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNHobbitMan.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRohanTownHall2.blp Advanced Hall of Rohan
705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Advanced Hall of Rohan to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Advanced Hall of Rohan ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNHobbitMan.blp 705 images/WC3gold.webp 415 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRohanTownHall3.blp Golden Hall of Rohan
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Golden Hall of Rohan to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Golden Hall of Rohan ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNHobbitMan.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 625 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHobbitHole.blp Hobbit Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Hobbit Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNHobbitMan.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanShipyard.blp Human Shipyard
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Boat construction facility. Produces Human Transport Ships, Human Frigates, and Human Battleships.
Human Shipyard ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNHobbitMan.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneObservatory.blp Minas Tirith
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Special building with a strong armor and strong attack. Can train Gondorian units.

Limited to 1.
Minas Tirith ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNHobbitMan.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 2.00 1200 70 - 82 600 - 300 2.00 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNMordorStronghold1.blp Great Hall
385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Peons and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Stronghold and then Fortress to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Great Hall ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcWarrior1.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 185 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNMordorStonghold2.blp Stronghold
700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Stronghold to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Stronghold ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcWarrior1.blp 700 images/WC3gold.webp 375 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 4000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBTNMordorStronghold3.blp Fortress
1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp
Upgrade to Fortress to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Fortress ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcWarrior1.blp 1025 images/WC3gold.webp 565 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 6000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBaraddur.blp Barad'dur
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Special building. Has Truesight, Reveal and Summon Orcs.

Limited to 1.
Barad'dur ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcWarrior1.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPalantirSauron.blp Orthanc
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Special building. Has Truesight, Reveal and Summon Orcs.

Limited to 1.
Orthanc ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcWarrior1.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTurbolazer.blp Turbolazer
110 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp
Defensive structure. Produces food, allows returning lumber and provides researches for troops.

Attacks land and air units.
Turbolazer ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGungan.blp 110 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp 3 0.60 800 15 - 18 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPotionBlueSmall.blp Bacta Tank
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Bacta Tank ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGungan.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanBarracks.blp Barracks
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Clone Troopers, Arc Troopers and Kaminoan.
Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGungan.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneVault.blp Kamino Shop
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Town Hall, Keep, or Castle) and which buildings you have.
Kamino Shop ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGungan.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneSanctum.blp Jedi Temple
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Jedi.
Jedi Temple ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGungan.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWorkshop.blp Vehicle Factory
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces AT-RT, AT-AP, Clone Turbo Tank, and AT-TE.
Vehicle Factory ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGungan.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTN.Galaxy.blp Spaceport
140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains ARC-170s, V-Wings, Consular-class Cruisers, and Republic Gunships. Provides researches Hyperspace and Rockets.
Spaceport ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGungan.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcclamator Class Assault Acclamator
385 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Droids and receive gathered resources.
Acclamator ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGungan.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 2 - - - - 2000 - 1000 2.00 1400
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGranary.blp Galactic Republic Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Galactic Republic Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGungan.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDeathStarV2.blp Coruscant
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 4 images/WC3food.webp
Allows attacking enemy bases.

Limited to 1.
Coruscant ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGungan.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 2 2.00 1200 17 - 20 10000 - 1000 2.00 1400
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTechnoUnionShip.blp Techno Union Ship
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces food, allows returning lumber and provides researches to imrpove your troops. Protects your base by attacking enemy troops.

Attacks land and air units.
Techno Union Ship ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGeonosian.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 1.90 900 15 - 25 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPotionBlueSmall.blp Bacta Tank
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Bacta Tank ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGeonosian.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanBarracks.blp Droid Factory
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Battle Droids, Super Battle Droids, and Droidekas.
Also contains the Battle Formation, and Shield upgrades.
Droid Factory ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGeonosian.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneSanctum.blp Sith Temple
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Sith.
Sith Temple ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGeonosian.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWorkshop.blp Heavy Droid Vehicle Factory
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces Dwarf Spider Droid, Homing Spider Droid, Hall Fire Droid, MTT, and AAT.
Heavy Droid Vehicle Factory ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGeonosian.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTN.Galaxy.blp Spaceport
140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Droid Star Fighters, Droid Tri-Fighters, Droid Gunships, Munificent Class Frigate, and Providence Class Destroyers.
Spaceport ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGeonosian.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/ Droid Control Ship
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Peasants and receive gathered resources. Can be upgraded to Keep and then Castle to enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Droid Control Ship ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGeonosian.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 2 2.00 1200 17 - 20 2000 - 1000 2.00 1400
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGranary.blp CIS Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
CIS Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGeonosian.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRebelTurret.blp Hoth Blaster
110 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp
Defensive structure. Produces food, allows returning lumber and provides researches for troops.

Attacks land and air units.
Hoth Blaster ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIthorian.blp 110 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp 3 0.60 800 15 - 18 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPotionBlueSmall.blp Bacta Tank
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Bacta Tank ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIthorian.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanBarracks.blp Barracks
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Recruits, Troopers and Repeaters.
Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIthorian.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneVault.blp Tatooine Shop
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Town Hall, Keep, or Castle) and which buildings you have.
Tatooine Shop ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIthorian.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneSanctum.blp Jedi Academy
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Jedi.
Jedi Academy ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIthorian.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMercenaryCamp.blp Mos Eisley Cantina
140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Tusken Raiders, Gungan, Grans and Bantha Riders.
Mos Eisley Cantina ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIthorian.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTN.Galaxy.blp Spaceport
140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains X-Wings, Y-Wings and B-Wings. Provides researches Hyperspace and Rockets.
Spaceport ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIthorian.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTownHall.blp Rebel Base
385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Ithorians and receive gathered resources.
Rebel Base ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIthorian.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 205 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGranary.blp Rebel Alliance Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Rebel Alliance Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIthorian.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneObservatory.blp Echo Base Shield Generator
1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp
Special building which gives friendly buildings an armor bonus. Trains Wampas.

Limited to 1.
Echo Base Shield Generator ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIthorian.blp 1200 images/WC3gold.webp 700 images/WC3lumber.webp 8 - - - - 600 - 300 2.00 1800
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTurbolazer.blp Turbolazer
110 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp
Defensive structure. Produces food, allows returning lumber and provides researches for troops.

Attacks land and air units.
Turbolazer ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNR2D2.blp 110 images/WC3gold.webp 80 images/WC3lumber.webp 3 0.60 800 15 - 18 1000 - - - 1600
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPotionBlueSmall.blp Bacta Tank
180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp
Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.
Bacta Tank ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNR2D2.blp 180 images/WC3gold.webp 50 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNHumanBarracks.blp Barracks
160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary troop production building. Trains Stormtrooper, Field Trooper, Plex Trooper, Assault Trooper, and Dewbacks.
Also contains the Dewback upgrade.
Barracks ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNR2D2.blp 160 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneVault.blp Coruscant Shop
130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp
Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Town Hall has (Town Hall, Keep, or Castle) and which buildings you have.
Coruscant Shop ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNR2D2.blp 130 images/WC3gold.webp 30 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArcaneSanctum.blp Sith Temple
150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Sith.
Sith Temple ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNR2D2.blp 150 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1050 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWorkshop.blp Vehicle Factory
140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp
Produces AT-STs, and AT-ATs.
Vehicle Factory ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNR2D2.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 140 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTN.Galaxy.blp Spaceport
140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains TIE Interceptors, TIE Bombers, and Imperial Shuttles. Provides researches Hyperspace and Rockets.
Spaceport ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNR2D2.blp 140 images/WC3gold.webp 150 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 1200 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNRepublicAssaultShip.blp Star Destroyer
385 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp
Primary structure, used to train Astromech Droids and receive gathered resources.
Star Destroyer ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNR2D2.blp 385 images/WC3gold.webp 60 images/WC3lumber.webp 2 - - - - 2000 - 1000 2.00 1400
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGranary.blp Galactic Empire Housing
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Provides an additional source of gold income.

Limited to 4.
Galactic Empire Housing ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNR2D2.blp 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTomeBrown.blp Hero Abilities
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Allows changing the standard ability of your hero.
Hero Abilities - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMerchant.blp Equipment Laboratory
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Equipment Laboratory - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNsteelcage.blp Crafting Stash
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Allows crafting items using the items in its inventory. You can drop items from your hero's inventory in a Crafting Stash to use them for crafting.
Crafting Stash - 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNThievesGuildX.blp Thieves Guild
200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp
Sells killed units from creeps and enemy players. Units can only be purchased once and are removed from the Thieves Guild after that. However, when they die again, they will be readded.

Limited to 1. Does not sell workers, citizens or summoned units.
Thieves Guild - 200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 400 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackMarket.blp Marketplace
200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp
Sells items dropped from creeps.

Limited to 1.
Marketplace - 200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 400 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackMarket.blp Alchemist Lab
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Alchemist Lab - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMerchant.blp Black Market
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Neutral shop with all kinds of items to improve your hero and unit stats and to build a Hideout for Freelancers.
Black Market - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAmmoDump.blp Goblin Laboratory
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Goblin Laboratory - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMerchant.blp Goblin Merchant
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Goblin Merchant - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinShipyard.blp Goblin Shipyard
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Goblin Shipyard - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoldMine.blp Gold Mine

Gold Mine - - - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoldMine.blp Water Gold Mine

Water Gold Mine - - - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWaygate.blp Way Gate
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Way Gate - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFountainOfLife.blp Fountain of Health
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Fountain of Health - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFountainOfLife.blp Fountain of Mana
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Fountain of Mana - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFountainOfLife.blp Fountain of Power
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Fountain of Power - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGreenDragonRoost.blp Green Dragon Roost
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Green Dragon Roost - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDragonRoost.blp Red Dragon Roost
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Red Dragon Roost - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackDragonRoost.blp Black Dragon Roost
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Black Dragon Roost - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlueDragonRoost.blp Blue Dragon Roost
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Blue Dragon Roost - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDragonRoost.blp Bronze Dragon Roost
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Bronze Dragon Roost - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackDragonRoost.blp Nether Dragon Roost
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Nether Dragon Roost - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPhoenixEgg.blp Phoenix Roost
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Phoenix Roost - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceressMaster.blp Hero Spells Slot 1
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Allows buying hero spells for slot 1.
Hero Spells Slot 1 - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceressMaster.blp Hero Spells Slot 2
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Hero Spells Slot 2 - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceressMaster.blp Hero Spells Slot 3
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Hero Spells Slot 3 - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceressMaster.blp Hero Spells Slot 4
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Hero Spells Slot 4 - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceressMaster.blp Hero Spells Slot 5
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Hero Spells Slot 5 - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTaurenTotem.blp Goblin Vehicle Shop
135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Flame Tanks, Assault Tanks, Goblin Emperors and Goblin Steam Rollers.
Also contains upgrades for tanks.
Goblin Vehicle Shop - 135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCage.blp Mounts Cage
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Mounts Cage - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIceCrownObelisk.blp Obelisk
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Obelisk - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCrate.blp Chest
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Chest - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCrate.blp Flotsam
50 images/WC3gold.webp
There is a 50 % chance to get 5 - 50 units of a random custom resource (no gold and no lumber).
- 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 100 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFish.blp Fish School

Allows harvesting 1000 meat.
Fish School
- - - 0 - - - - 3000 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWaygate.blp Blue Turnstile Entry
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Blue Turnstile Entry - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWaygate.blp Red Turnstile Entry
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Red Turnstile Entry - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArmoredOge.blp Stonemaul Arena Master

Stonemaul Arena Master - - - 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGeneradorazul.blp Power Generator
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Power Generator
- 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFrostmourne.blp Legendary Artifact
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Legendary Artifact - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 2000 5.00 - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTomeBrown.blp Hero Abilities
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Allows changing the standard ability of your hero.
Hero Abilities - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMerchant.blp Equipment Laboratory
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Equipment Laboratory - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNsteelcage.blp Crafting Stash
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Allows crafting items using the items in its inventory. You can drop items from your hero's inventory in a Crafting Stash to use them for crafting.
Crafting Stash - 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNThievesGuildX.blp Thieves Guild
200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp
Sells killed units from creeps and enemy players. Units can only be purchased once and are removed from the Thieves Guild after that. However, when they die again, they will be readded.

Limited to 1. Does not sell workers, citizens or summoned units.
Thieves Guild - 200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 400 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackMarket.blp Marketplace
200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp
Sells items dropped from creeps.

Limited to 1.
Marketplace - 200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 400 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackMarket.blp Alchemist Lab
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Alchemist Lab - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMerchant.blp Black Market
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Neutral shop with all kinds of items to improve your hero and unit stats and to build a Hideout for Freelancers.
Black Market - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAmmoDump.blp Goblin Laboratory
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Goblin Laboratory - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMerchant.blp Goblin Merchant
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Goblin Merchant - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinShipyard.blp Goblin Shipyard
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Goblin Shipyard - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoldMine.blp Gold Mine

Gold Mine - - - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoldMine.blp Water Gold Mine

Water Gold Mine - - - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWaygate.blp Way Gate
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Way Gate - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFountainOfLife.blp Fountain of Health
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Fountain of Health - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFountainOfLife.blp Fountain of Mana
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Fountain of Mana - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFountainOfLife.blp Fountain of Power
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Fountain of Power - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGreenDragonRoost.blp Green Dragon Roost
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Green Dragon Roost - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDragonRoost.blp Red Dragon Roost
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Red Dragon Roost - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackDragonRoost.blp Black Dragon Roost
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Black Dragon Roost - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlueDragonRoost.blp Blue Dragon Roost
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Blue Dragon Roost - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDragonRoost.blp Bronze Dragon Roost
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Bronze Dragon Roost - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackDragonRoost.blp Nether Dragon Roost
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Nether Dragon Roost - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPhoenixEgg.blp Phoenix Roost
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Phoenix Roost - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceressMaster.blp Hero Spells Slot 1
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Allows buying hero spells for slot 1.
Hero Spells Slot 1 - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceressMaster.blp Hero Spells Slot 2
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Hero Spells Slot 2 - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceressMaster.blp Hero Spells Slot 3
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Hero Spells Slot 3 - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceressMaster.blp Hero Spells Slot 4
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Hero Spells Slot 4 - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceressMaster.blp Hero Spells Slot 5
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Hero Spells Slot 5 - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTaurenTotem.blp Goblin Vehicle Shop
135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Flame Tanks, Assault Tanks, Goblin Emperors and Goblin Steam Rollers.
Also contains upgrades for tanks.
Goblin Vehicle Shop - 135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCage.blp Mounts Cage
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Mounts Cage - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIceCrownObelisk.blp Obelisk
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Obelisk - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCrate.blp Chest
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Chest - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCrate.blp Flotsam
50 images/WC3gold.webp
There is a 50 % chance to get 5 - 50 units of a random custom resource (no gold and no lumber).
- 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 100 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFish.blp Fish School

Allows harvesting 1000 meat.
Fish School
- - - 0 - - - - 3000 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWaygate.blp Blue Turnstile Entry
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Blue Turnstile Entry - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWaygate.blp Red Turnstile Entry
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Red Turnstile Entry - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArmoredOge.blp Stonemaul Arena Master

Stonemaul Arena Master - - - 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGeneradorazul.blp Power Generator
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Power Generator
- 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFrostmourne.blp Legendary Artifact
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Legendary Artifact - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 2000 5.00 - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTomeBrown.blp Hero Abilities
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Allows changing the standard ability of your hero.
Hero Abilities - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMerchant.blp Equipment Laboratory
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Equipment Laboratory - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNsteelcage.blp Crafting Stash
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Allows crafting items using the items in its inventory. You can drop items from your hero's inventory in a Crafting Stash to use them for crafting.
Crafting Stash - 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNThievesGuildX.blp Thieves Guild
200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp
Sells killed units from creeps and enemy players. Units can only be purchased once and are removed from the Thieves Guild after that. However, when they die again, they will be readded.

Limited to 1. Does not sell workers, citizens or summoned units.
Thieves Guild - 200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 400 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackMarket.blp Marketplace
200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp
Sells items dropped from creeps.

Limited to 1.
Marketplace - 200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 400 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackMarket.blp Alchemist Lab
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Alchemist Lab - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMerchant.blp Black Market
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Neutral shop with all kinds of items to improve your hero and unit stats and to build a Hideout for Freelancers.
Black Market - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAmmoDump.blp Goblin Laboratory
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Goblin Laboratory - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMerchant.blp Goblin Merchant
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Goblin Merchant - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinShipyard.blp Goblin Shipyard
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Goblin Shipyard - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoldMine.blp Gold Mine

Gold Mine - - - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoldMine.blp Water Gold Mine

Water Gold Mine - - - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWaygate.blp Way Gate
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Way Gate - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFountainOfLife.blp Fountain of Health
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Fountain of Health - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFountainOfLife.blp Fountain of Mana
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Fountain of Mana - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFountainOfLife.blp Fountain of Power
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Fountain of Power - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGreenDragonRoost.blp Green Dragon Roost
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Green Dragon Roost - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDragonRoost.blp Red Dragon Roost
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Red Dragon Roost - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackDragonRoost.blp Black Dragon Roost
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Black Dragon Roost - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlueDragonRoost.blp Blue Dragon Roost
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Blue Dragon Roost - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDragonRoost.blp Bronze Dragon Roost
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Bronze Dragon Roost - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackDragonRoost.blp Nether Dragon Roost
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Nether Dragon Roost - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPhoenixEgg.blp Phoenix Roost
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Phoenix Roost - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceressMaster.blp Hero Spells Slot 1
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Allows buying hero spells for slot 1.
Hero Spells Slot 1 - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceressMaster.blp Hero Spells Slot 2
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Hero Spells Slot 2 - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceressMaster.blp Hero Spells Slot 3
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Hero Spells Slot 3 - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceressMaster.blp Hero Spells Slot 4
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Hero Spells Slot 4 - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceressMaster.blp Hero Spells Slot 5
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Hero Spells Slot 5 - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTaurenTotem.blp Goblin Vehicle Shop
135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Flame Tanks, Assault Tanks, Goblin Emperors and Goblin Steam Rollers.
Also contains upgrades for tanks.
Goblin Vehicle Shop - 135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCage.blp Mounts Cage
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Mounts Cage - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIceCrownObelisk.blp Obelisk
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Obelisk - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCrate.blp Chest
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Chest - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCrate.blp Flotsam
50 images/WC3gold.webp
There is a 50 % chance to get 5 - 50 units of a random custom resource (no gold and no lumber).
- 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 100 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFish.blp Fish School

Allows harvesting 1000 meat.
Fish School
- - - 0 - - - - 3000 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWaygate.blp Blue Turnstile Entry
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Blue Turnstile Entry - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWaygate.blp Red Turnstile Entry
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Red Turnstile Entry - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArmoredOge.blp Stonemaul Arena Master

Stonemaul Arena Master - - - 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGeneradorazul.blp Power Generator
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Power Generator
- 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFrostmourne.blp Legendary Artifact
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Legendary Artifact - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 2000 5.00 - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTomeBrown.blp Hero Abilities
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Allows changing the standard ability of your hero.
Hero Abilities - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMerchant.blp Equipment Laboratory
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Equipment Laboratory - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNsteelcage.blp Crafting Stash
80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp
Allows crafting items using the items in its inventory. You can drop items from your hero's inventory in a Crafting Stash to use them for crafting.
Crafting Stash - 80 images/WC3gold.webp 20 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 500 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNThievesGuildX.blp Thieves Guild
200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp
Sells killed units from creeps and enemy players. Units can only be purchased once and are removed from the Thieves Guild after that. However, when they die again, they will be readded.

Limited to 1. Does not sell workers, citizens or summoned units.
Thieves Guild - 200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 400 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackMarket.blp Marketplace
200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp
Sells items dropped from creeps.

Limited to 1.
Marketplace - 200 images/WC3gold.webp 100 images/WC3lumber.webp 0 - - - - 400 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackMarket.blp Alchemist Lab
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Alchemist Lab - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMerchant.blp Black Market
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Neutral shop with all kinds of items to improve your hero and unit stats and to build a Hideout for Freelancers.
Black Market - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAmmoDump.blp Goblin Laboratory
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Goblin Laboratory - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMerchant.blp Goblin Merchant
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Goblin Merchant - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoblinShipyard.blp Goblin Shipyard
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Goblin Shipyard - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoldMine.blp Gold Mine

Gold Mine - - - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGoldMine.blp Water Gold Mine

Water Gold Mine - - - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWaygate.blp Way Gate
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Way Gate - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFountainOfLife.blp Fountain of Health
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Fountain of Health - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFountainOfLife.blp Fountain of Mana
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Fountain of Mana - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFountainOfLife.blp Fountain of Power
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Fountain of Power - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGreenDragonRoost.blp Green Dragon Roost
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Green Dragon Roost - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDragonRoost.blp Red Dragon Roost
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Red Dragon Roost - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackDragonRoost.blp Black Dragon Roost
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Black Dragon Roost - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlueDragonRoost.blp Blue Dragon Roost
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Blue Dragon Roost - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNDragonRoost.blp Bronze Dragon Roost
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Bronze Dragon Roost - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNBlackDragonRoost.blp Nether Dragon Roost
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Nether Dragon Roost - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNPhoenixEgg.blp Phoenix Roost
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Phoenix Roost - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceressMaster.blp Hero Spells Slot 1
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Allows buying hero spells for slot 1.
Hero Spells Slot 1 - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceressMaster.blp Hero Spells Slot 2
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Hero Spells Slot 2 - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceressMaster.blp Hero Spells Slot 3
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Hero Spells Slot 3 - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceressMaster.blp Hero Spells Slot 4
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Hero Spells Slot 4 - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNSorceressMaster.blp Hero Spells Slot 5
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Hero Spells Slot 5 - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNTaurenTotem.blp Goblin Vehicle Shop
135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp
Trains Flame Tanks, Assault Tanks, Goblin Emperors and Goblin Steam Rollers.
Also contains upgrades for tanks.
Goblin Vehicle Shop - 135 images/WC3gold.webp 155 images/WC3lumber.webp 5 - - - - 900 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCage.blp Mounts Cage
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Mounts Cage - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNIceCrownObelisk.blp Obelisk
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Obelisk - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCrate.blp Chest
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Chest - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNCrate.blp Flotsam
50 images/WC3gold.webp
There is a 50 % chance to get 5 - 50 units of a random custom resource (no gold and no lumber).
- 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 100 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFish.blp Fish School

Allows harvesting 1000 meat.
Fish School
- - - 0 - - - - 3000 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWaygate.blp Blue Turnstile Entry
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Blue Turnstile Entry - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNWaygate.blp Red Turnstile Entry
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Red Turnstile Entry - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 150000 - - - 500
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNArmoredOge.blp Stonemaul Arena Master

Stonemaul Arena Master - - - 5 - - - - 485 - - - 1000
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNGeneradorazul.blp Power Generator
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Power Generator
- 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 0 - - - - 2000 - - - 900
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNFrostmourne.blp Legendary Artifact
50 images/WC3gold.webp
Legendary Artifact - 50 images/WC3gold.webp - 5 - - - - 2000 5.00 - - 900
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNAcolyte.blp - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMercenaryCamp.blp - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMercenaryCamp.blp - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMercenaryCamp.blp - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
- - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMercenaryCamp.blp - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMercenaryCamp.blp - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMercenaryCamp.blp - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMercenaryCamp.blp - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNMercenaryCamp.blp - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
ReplaceableTextures/CommandButtons/BTNOrcPeon.BLP - - 0 - - - - 0 - - - 0
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