- Fix syntax error in file "war3mapimported\CustomConsoleUI.fdf". - Chat command "-aitraceon/off" works per sending player now. - Improve AI tracing. - Fix AutoSkillHero when not being able to learn a skill which has some level skip requirement. - Remove confusing output of AutoSkillHero when not being able to learn a skill. - Add custom icon for Locomotive and Railway info quest. - List "-ping" chat command in info quest "Quests". - Shorten tooltips of Demigod and Void Lord heroes. - Reduce AOE of Furbolg building Corrupted Ancient Protector. - Remove some creeps from Kul Tiras. - Move creeps on Kul Tiras further away from the start location. - Remove invalid building IDs from non-Warcraft races from gameplay constants. - Fix registered Kobold pet. - Replace Kul Tiras Water Dragon with Albatross Rider. - Generate calendar events for website. - Reselect hero Goblin Shredder after casting Kaboom!. - Fix memory leak from hero spell Burning Sky. - Increase scale of hero Ogre Magi. - Fix disallowing Selfdestruct in player selection area. - Fix food and gold costs of Pet Dog. - Fix food and gold costs of Pet Rat. - Fix food and gold costs of Pet Rabbit. - Register custom UI for race Vrykul. - Remove unused ability object data fields. - Change the order of mounts. - Revise game information. - Change race of many Goblin, Draenei, Furbolg and Eredar units to Other. - Item Gem of True Seeing can be dropped by creeps and saved now. - Item Scroll of Animate Dead can be dropped by creeps and saved now. - Item Red Drake Egg can be dropped by creeps and saved now. - Refactor arena code into vJass. - All arena items can be saved now. - Init recipes before save codes for items to register the crafted items properly. - Custom models for High Elf ships. - Custom models for Blood Elf ships. - AI units only cast Divine Shield if they actually have the ability. - Fix maximum hero and skill level constants. - Change tooltip of Drop All Items button in actions bar UI. - Display number of dropped items for actions bar UI button. - Do not hide actions bar on unchecking the checkbox. - Increase cooldown of hero spell Parry. - Fix icon positions of Sell and Buy 100 Argunite. - Revise displayed text for chat command "-time". - Fix ID of Kobold worker unit for AI. - Fix ID of Gnoll Citizen Male unit for AI. - Scale down Dimensional Ship buildings of race Eredar. - Add AI shipyard location at start location Sunwell Grove. - Register Corrupted Entangled Gold Mine for race Satyr. - Refactor auto loading mines for AI. - Register more mine types to kill them on repick and replacing AI units. - Change race for many heroes from Creep to Other to hide unit level in UI. - Generate mine race buildings on the race pages of the website. - Improve race Gnoll. - Add creep Silithid Wasp. - Add creep Quiraj Prophet. - Fix JASS functions GetPlayerRaceX which fixes many other bugs. - Add chat command "-aishredders". - Every AI starts with 3 Shredders now. - Fix soundset of Stormwind unit Ranger. - Increase attack range of Stormwind unit Cannon. - Purchasing properties automatically sets all corresponding race researches to the maximum level. - Rename hero spell Demon Master into Nether Dragon Master for boss Veraku. - Fix hotkey and icon position of ability Spell Book of the Old Gods. - Add hero standard ability Spell Book of the Old Gods. - Change research Hero Level 100 into Hero Level 65. - Change hero spells of boss Tortolla. - Add race Bandits. - Add hero Dark Wizard. - Add hero Bandit Lord. - Add hero Assassin. - Change race of hero Thief to Bandit. - Add mount Crow. - Add short chat command "-z". - Revise short map description. - Add NPC Falric to start location Icecrown Citadel. - Move Random Mine at start location Icecrown Citadel. - Replace model of boss Queen Azshara to reduce file size.