- Add profession Bard. - Add chat command "-v/-version". - Register zones. - Add learnable hero spell Summon Black Dragon. - Add learnable hero spell Summon Blue Dragon. - Add learnable hero spell Summon Bronze Dragon. - Add learnable hero spell Summon Nether Dragon. - Add learnable hero spell Damage Aura. - Add hero Ranger for race Night Elf. - Give hero Ranger proper names. - Add learnable hero spell Generate Gold and Lumber. - Add system HandleCounters. - Add multiboards for handle counters and timers in debug mode. - Change icon and model of NPC Monte Gazlowe. - Add Goblin quest 3. - Add Goblin quest 4. - Custom icon for unit Steam Fortress. - Add hero Bard. - Chat command "-letter" shows the savecode in UI. - Equipment bags won't get several hero spells anymore. - Fix targets of spell Mass Inner Fire. - Enable ships for property New Stormwind. - Do not activate all resurrection stones when activating one. - Add neutral building Goblin Racing Organisation to Kezan. - Add multiple racing tracks to the map. - Car mounts have ranged machine gun attacks now. - Add system OnStartGame. - Add summoned units bonus for hero spell Summon Spider Egg. - Add achievement Racer. - Scale down unit Goblin Submarine. - Remove shadow from unit Goblin Submarine. - Scale down neutral mines. - Add chat command "-pingrace". - Add info quest "Railway". - Always do cheat "-website" at 12. - Fix cut off quest descriptions for website. - Fix selecting next altar. - Add item Tome of Skill Points. - Prevent using tome items when tomes are disabled. - Add system StopWatch for performance analysis. - Disable frame focus when clicking on any actions bar button. - Do not auto revive for player Bosses. - Add random corpse creeps. - Add custom icon for neutral building Bronze Dragon Roost. - Fix owner of Attributes building in player selection. - Fix playable map dimensions. - Move Admiral Proudmoore to Kul Tiras. - Improve race Tuskarr. - Fix tooltips and hotkeys for building Research Tent and the researches. - Move portal and scale down portal area on Kul Tiras. - Research Improved Mount increases maximum mana points instead of sight range now. - Increase limits for zones to fix the zones in Argus. - Fix showing/hiding resources multiboard for clicking players only. - Fix desyncs caused by actions bar UI. - Fix desyncs caused by skill UI. - Add unit TIE Fighter to race Galactic Empire. - Fix icon of unit AT-AP. - Add mount Wolf. - Shorten names of customizable heroes. - Improve race Dragonkin. - Improve race Quillboar. - Improve race Kobold. - Add more races to Random Warcraft III race for AI. - Fix hotkey of spell Feral Spirit. - Remove hero Master of Time. - Remove profession Chronomancer. - Remove neutral Turnstile buildings. - Remove time related items. - Remove rewind time systems. - Remove talk systems. - Remove code from object fields data system. - Fix increasing attribute points on transforming back into customizable hero. - Fix giving a customizable hero attribute points only once. - Keep hero standard ability for transforming heroes. - Register hero spells for transformed hero forms. - Add custom icon for building Record Player. - Remove unit classification Undead from hero Acolyte. - Add hero glow to hero Naga Siren. - Change Ogre mounts into Black Dragon Mounts. - Change Fel Crossbowman mount into Black Dragon Mount. - Change Tuskarr Chieftain mount into Snowy Owl Mount. - Change Unbroken mount into Nether Drake Mount. - Register correct Fel Orc Child for race Fel Orc. - Give Troll race Pet Direhorn. - Add custom icon for unit Troll Golem. - Add custom model for building Troll Beastiary. - Remove all non-Warcraft theme stuff. - Fix many boss hero tooltips. - Mention required hero level in boss hero tooltips. - Place hero General Vezax at Old God's prison. - Add Centaur Child to the AI script and register it. - Add mass spell system to reduce code per mass spell. - Remove chat command "-vipdesc" and item VIP Name. - Remove item VIP Car. - Improve error message on not being able to pick a hero. - Add bonus hero Furion. - Add skin Furion. - Add skin Malfurion. - Add vote "-portals/-noportals". - Scale down Paladin units. - Fix Centaur special building in AI script. - Fix shipyards and navy units in AI scripts. - Sacrificial Pit race buildings are recognized as buildings now. - Mention chat command "-unlock" in tooltips now. - Mention required hero level in Void Lord hero tooltips now. - Fix listed taunt chat commands in quest log. - Remove mention of Hall of Fame from the quest log. - Computer AI trains frigates at sea locations now. - Log chat messages in custom chat log. - Fix crash on saving the game by not using CreateRegion in globals. - Fix title color of calendar multiboard on loading savegames.