- Add building Kobold Tunnel. - Add unit Kobold Child. - Fix AI auto crafting for profession Astromancer. - Do not show item owner in backpack UI if it is Neutral Passive. - Shorten width of tooltips in backpack UI. - Fix matching hero for race in AI settings. - Improve Freelancer AI settings. - Add chat command "-pingf". - Add taunts. - Automatically replace standard hero ability with Submerge on water for Naga heroes. - Mention the actual effect of hero standard abilities in tooltips when changing. - List hero standard abilities on the website per hero. - Fix icon of hero standard ability Cyclone in shop. - Give hero standard ability Rejuvenation 15 levels. - Replace Revenant of the Tides with Naga Sorceror for race Naga. - Give Naga Sorceror missing abilities. - Add Naga research Naga Sorceror Adept Training. - Fix registered Naga researches. - Naga units are affected by research Backpack now. - Add ability Submerge to unit Naga Whaler. - All Naga Submerge abilities require research now. - Add Naga building Sunken Portal. - Add portrait model for Naga building Statue of Azshara. - Custom icon for unit Naga Whaler. - Change model for building Naga Housing. - Add chat command "-skymoon". - Add mount Direhorn. - Use updated PagedButtons system with model previews. - Fix a crash on loading savegames due to UnitSoundSetsFakeBars not hiding frames. - Fix JASS function GetStandardHeroAbility. - Add mount Goblin Car. - Use custom model for Chests. - Add Engineer building Chest. - Fix JASS function IsWaterUnit for all unit types. - Configure neutral water zone per map. - Add item Molotov Cocktails. - Add item Grenades. - Add equipment AK-47. - Add equipment Sniper. - Add item level, gold cost and lumber cost for equipment to website. - Add Goblin quest 2. - Goblin quests use a simplified way to ping the next target. - Add ability Horn to car mounts. - Add votes "-foodX". - Add chat commands "-helpfood". - Add creep Direhorn. - Add custom log UI which helps reading messages in multiplayer. - Add skin General Grievous. - Add skin C-3PO. - Add skin R2-D2. - Buildings Murloc Blademaking Hut and Murloc Lumberkeep have different hotkeys and icon positions now. - Add item Tome of Damage. - Add item Tome of Armor. - Add item Manual of Mana. - Add equipment M249. - Add equipment Stormwind Armor. - Hero Eredar Warlock is classified as Undead now. - Hero Succubus is classified as Undead now. - Hero and boss Archimonde is classified as Undead now. - Hero and boss Kil'jaeden is classified as Undead now. - The hero has to return the Charm spell item in Demon quest 2 now. - Fix the name of Lady Hederine in demon quest descriptions. - Add Dimensional Gate to Outland and connect it to the one in Azeroth. - No more talk to me effect on Lich King from the start of the game. - Refactor Forsaken quests. - Stop Firework Team by player Gaia to attack creeps in the beginning. - Checkbox in backpack UI enables bag numbers now instead of disabling them. - Use functionality from PagedButtonsConfig in backpack UI. - Add hero standard ability Nocturnal. - Add hero standard ability Diurnal. - Fix icon of ability Diurnal. - Scale down mines Power Plant and Nuclear Power Plant. - One lever in Sunwell. - Add tiny building items for race High Elf. - Register missing tiny tower items for race Human. - Add vote "-limits". - Add vote "-nolimits". - Register Dragownhawk Aviary for race High Elf. - Use different icon for hero spell Druid Forms. - Replace tile Square Tiles Outland with Snow. - Use Snow tiles in Northrend. - Add trees to player selection. - Add vote "-summer". - Add vote "-spring". - Add vote "-fall". - Add vote "-winter". - Add vote "-seasons". - Add vote "-noseasons". - Less Sunken Ruins terrain in Outland. - Add chat command "-time". - Add season and weather systems enabled for certain zones. - Remove default Snow weather effects from Northrend. - Fix icon of Advanced Farming. - Animals of profession Farmer have resource Meat now. - Critters have all tilesets now. - Fix custom sound sets for Cow units. - Demon Gate at Black Citadel. - Add item Pumpkin. - Add item Seed Pumpkin. - Fix fly height of hero Gryphon Rider. - Make Waygate ability area smaller to fix Outland portals. - Fix JASS function PlayerCanBuyHeroEx checking for unlock all. - Add JASS function GetPlayerNameColoredSimple. - Add JASS constants for hero journey hero levels. - Improve message for first equipment bag in hero journey. - Add hero standard ability Burrow to Nerubian and Kobold heroes. - Lich King drops item Frostmourne. - Add taunt system. - Add chat command "-taunts". - Add chat command "-tauntson". - Add chat command "-tauntsoff". - Replace tile Bricks Outland with Sand. - Add zone Tanaris. - Add critter Camel. - Change missile of Sand Elemental for race Dalaran. - Add creep Enraged Sand Elemental. - Add creep Berserk Sand Elemental. - Add creep Sand Worm. - Add creep Sand Troll. - Add vote "-timecycle". - Add vote "-notimecycle". - Add vote "-morning". - Add vote "-noon". - Add vote "-day". - Add vote "-evening". - Add vote "-midnight". - Add vote "-night". - Add vote "-weather". - Add vote "-noweather". - Increase duration of item Cage. - Add cheat "-terrain". - Add ability Inspect Ground to item Goblin Tool Box. - Fix player selection text tag visibility. - Custom icon for unit Zandalari Throne of War. - Fix sound SargerasLaugh in cinematic Old Gods. - Register Night Elf Child for race Night Elf. - Register Harpy Windwitch for race Centaur. - Item Orb of Kil'jaeden can be used now. - Tome items are not used automatically anymore. - Scale down unit Naboo Star Fighter. - Scale down unit AAT. - Add missing texture CorruptedNightElfBase. - Add research Improved Corrupted Ancient Protectors to race Satyr. - Add creep Egg Sack. - Move multiboard toggle button into actions bar. - Fix Eredar AI starting units. - Fix worker type for Satyr AI when loading workers into mines. - Fix IDs in Satyr AI script. - Pet Sludge unit for Satyr race. - Satyr Child unit for Satyr race. - Add item Weather Balloon. - Fix "Drop all items." action in action bar. - Improve registered zones. - Doodads and destructibles change animations because of day and night cycle now. - Improve terrain of player selection. - Add Fireflies doodad. - Add vote "-nowater". - Add vote "-water". - Add vote "-waterred". - Add vote "-nofog". - Add vote "-nowater". - Add vote "-fog". - Add missing hero standard ability Berserk to hero Ancient Hydra. - Add missing hero standard ability Berserk to hero Sauron. - Give hero Wisp the hero standard ability Repair. - Add creep Living Statue. - Add ability Selfdestruct to Command Buttons. - Replace Pet Worm with Pet Dog for race Furbolg. - Furbolg AI trains Pet Dog now. - Use custom icon for hero spell Explosive Barrel. - Use custom icon for Goblin ability and research Explosive Barrel. - Do not allow Selfdestruct in player selection. - Remove Happy Easter from Event House since it is supported by calendar. - Fix choosing a start location when not a member in Elven Clan. - Change model of Druid Tree Form. - Add mount Night Elf Car. - Add more paths from Northrend's coast into the land. - Fix learn icon of hero spell Phoenix Egg. - Add hero Phoenix. - Add learnable hero spell Phoenix Egg for slot 4.