- Add creep Explosive Barrel. - Add learnable hero spell Summon Djinn. - Fix reacting to changing player color popup menu in AI UI. - Fix effect of item Demon Slayer. - Add custom icon for Explosive Barrel. - Add custom icon for spell Inscription. - Add learnable hero spell Demoralize. - Add learnable hero spell Parry. - Fix hero spell Water Ray for slot 1. - Prevent Charm for all Neutral Hostile units in player selection. - Fix tooltip of hero spell Fire and Frost Ray. - Add Random Mine to Azuremyst Isle. - Add Lever Gate and Bridge to Azuremyst Isle. - Add NPC Velen to Azuremyst Isle. - Open gate at Azuremyst Isle. - Eredar tier 1-3 buildings train Male Citizens now. - Add hero Ancient Sasquatch. - Add hero Ancient Wendigo. - Add cheat "-creeps". - Fix position of Fountain of Power in player selection. - Increase scaling of hero Brood Mother. - Start at page 0 in player selection taverns. - Fix hero standard ability Loot Ray. - Fix aiming with mouse for Fire and Frost Ray by using AngleBetweenCoordinatesDeg. - Change icon of building Acclamator. - Support all items from Goblin Merchant in savecodes. - Support all trophy items in savecodes. - Change owners of Dalaran Mutants creeps to Neutral Hostile. - Improve race Free People of Middle Earth. - Remove duplicated unit Raccoon from save codes. - Add Raccoons to the map which can be hunted. - Add chat command "-t/-trophies". - Bear Traps lead to hunting trophies. - Hunting Dogs can cast Track now. - Fix Crab Shell trophies dropping from Crabs. - Fix model of hero Golden Val'kyr. - Add creep Harpy Windwitch. - Add creep Centaur Archer. - Add creep Green Dragon. - Add creep Red Drake. - Add creep Furbolg Tracker. - Add creep Black Dragon. - Add creep Satyr. - Add creep Satyr Trickster. - Add creep Enraged Wildkin. - Add creep Berserk Wildkin. - Fix slot and hotkey for hero spell Breath of Fire for hero Anasterian Sunstrider. - Add custom icon for building Ice Troll Hut. - Remove food cost from bonus hero Gul'dan. - Add hero Captain. - Replace hero spell Sentry Ward with Mana Ward for hero Witch Doctor. - Remove old hero spells from World of Warcraft Reborn. - Move Mannoroth's Reincarnation hero spell to slot 3. - Fix requirements of cook recipes. - Register missing buildings for save codes. - Add ability Brilliance Aura to Witch Hut. - Add ability Black Arrow to Witch Hut. - Replace broken SD soundset FemaleSatyr with Satyr. - Add cheat "-heroskills". - Add hero standard ability Ultravision. - Add custom icon for hero spell Mechanical Repair. - Change hero spells for hero Archimedes. - Add learnable hero spell Spade. - Fix picking up items into the hero's backpack when the inventory is full. - Redirect some orders issued to the backpack to the hero. - Do not add command buttons to backpacks. - Add special building for race Satyr. - Satyr research Nature's Blessing affects tier 1-3 now. - Add equipment Wolf Spirit Hood. - Add equipment Infernal Destroyer. - Use new op limit when adding all heroes to the tavern to avoid issues. - Update system PagedButtons to version 1.5 - Add random buttons to the taverns of the player selection. - Remove Random Tavern from player selection. - Remove unused Tavern buildings from object data. - JASS function PlayerCanBuyHero checks for bonus heroes now. - Add skin Furbolg Ursa Warrior. - Add skin Sorceress. - Add skin Captain. - Use custom icon for hero U. S. General. - Use custom hero spell Divine Shield for hero U. S. General. - Add learnable hero spell Sting. - Add learnable hero spell Oathbreakers. - Add learnable hero spell Horn of Gondor. - Add boss Gruul the Dragonkiller. - Add back bonus hero Sylvanas for race High Elf. - Add back bonus hero Thalorien Dawnseeker for race High Elf. - Add back bonus hero Jango Fett for race CIS. - Add skin Ranger. - Add skin Ancient of Lore. - Give hero spell Send to the Future 15 levels instead of 3. - Function IsRaceUnit uses ship, Tauren and Dragonhawk types. - Add learnable hero spell Christmas Creatures. - Add boss Al'ar to Outland. - Add neutral passive building Phoenix Roost to Outland. - Add custom Phoenix Egg abilities for Ancient Phoenix and creep Phoenix. - Add learnable hero spell Phoenix Egg. - Add missing tooltip to creep Phoenix. - Add creep Lesser Thunder Phoenix. - Add creep Thunder Phoenix. - Add creep Greater Thunder Phoenix. - Add hero Monk. - Bonus mounts require hero level 55. - Add bonus mount Dwarf Car Mount. - Add bonus mount Orc Car Mount. - Add bonus mount Undead Car Mount. - Add bonus mount Demon Car Mount. - Add hero standard ability Speed Boost. - Allow registering maximum levels for hero standard abilities. - Change icon of hero spell Minigun Rage. - Change icons of Old Horde towers. - Fix models of Old Horde towers. - Add special building for race Gnome. - Add hero Boba Fett. - Add race Rebel Alliance. - Add hero Millennium Falcon. - Fix Gronn model. - Fix cleaning up effects for Sith light sabers on unit decay and removal. - Replace Jedi unit models with team colored models and attach light sabers as effects. - Automatically add limits for registered race unit types. - Register all Worgen researches. - Add music Cantina Band to Record Player. - Fix AI autopicking professions and races at higher hero levels. - Show technology percentage in player info. - Add hero standard ability Select Turrets. - Add bonus hero Qui-Gon Jinn. - Add Star Wars skins. - Add attribute Thief. - Mention light saber chat commands in quest log. - Add equipment Extra Light Saber. - Add equipment Metal Boots. - Add equipment Knight Shield. - Improve race Terran. - Improve race Sauron's Forces. - Improve race Alliance of Lordaeron. - Add chat command "-cinrace X". - Building Demon Shipyard has no Blight growth anymore. - Fix texture path of unit Elekk Knight. - Add custom icons for many models based on screenshots. - Vrykul race can train Human ships now. - Fix number of maximum races by starting with 0 and not 1. - Devour Cargo ability stays now with hero even after transformations. - Use custom icons for Blood Elf researches. - Add Child unit to many races. - Make Goblin Tunnels Waygates to simplify the whole concept. - Disable Dwarf railroad system. - Add building Fel Orc Shipyard. - Add building Nerubian Shipyard. - Add profession Thief. - Remove Thief items from Goblin Merchant. - Change effect of item and spell Pickpocketing. - Add hero Razomane Chieftain. - Add hero Vampire. - Prevent double fade after skipping a cinematic. - Decrease shadow size of Harvest Carts. - Fix bounty for Gnome research Inventions. - Fix profession bonuses for extra crafted items and units. - Register creep Blood Wizard. - Register creep Defender Golem. - Register creep Guardian Golem. - Register creep Moss Covered Granite Golem. - Register creep Flesh Golem. - Register creep Gnoll Poacher. - Register creep Gnoll. - Register creep Gnoll Brute. - Register creep Gnoll Warden - Register creep Gnoll Overseer. - Register creep Gnoll Assassin. - Add building Shipyard to Freelancer. - Add cheat "-savecodemissing". - Place more chests on the map. - Professions allow crafting more than 1 item or unit per rank. - Add purchasable properties. - Scale down some neutral buildings. - Add missing Goblin Laboratory to start location Argus. - Add missing Goblin Merchant to start location Thunder Bluff. - Add profession Chronomancer. - Remove some neutral buildings from Goblin Bank Island. - Remove Taxi system. - Move neutral buildings from Goblin Bank Island to Theramore. - Add chat command "-g/-get". - Recipe Craft Potion of Healing does not require any tier anymore. - Recipe Craft Potion of Mana does not require any tier anymore. - Add recipe Craft Potion of Greater Healing. - Add recipe Craft Potion of Greater Mana. - Add recipe Craft Potion of Invisibility. - Add recipe Craft Potion of Greater Invisibility. - Add start location Icecrown Citadel. - Add start location Silvermoon. - Add start location Sunstrider Isle. - Add start location Thunder Buff. - Add start location Outland Black Citadel. - Add start location Outland Illidan's Camp. - Add hero Sludge Monstrosity. - Add custom icons for Demon race researches. - Add hero Salamander Lord. - Add quest "Defeat Archimonde". - Fix Tuskarr AI script. - Add chat command "-pingproperties". - Improve crafting system. - Fix model of item Potion of Invulnerability. - Add skin Ogre Warrior. - Add skin Ogre Magi. - Add skin Ogre Lord. - Add skin Gronn. - Add skin Thane. - Add skin Flamebinder. - Add skin Wolf Rider. - Add skin Nerubian Queen. - Add skin Giant Skeleton. - Add skin Skin Sludge Monstrosity. - Add skin Salamander Lord. - Add item Potion of Lesser Invulnerability to the VIP room. - Add item Glowing Mushrooms. - Add item Kobold Candle. - Fix icon of item Tiny Gathering Hall. - Add chat command "-aieasy X". - Add chat command "-ainormal X". - Add chat command "-aihard X". - Add chat command "-aiinsane X". - Add NPC Elder Ko'nani. - Add resource Fel. - Add chat command "-helpsave". - Add chat command "-b/-bans". - Add start location Kezan. - Add NPC Monte Gazlowe. - Rename Clan Meeting Point into Clan Shop. - Revise Clan Shop system. - Add item Clan Pandaren Banner. - Add item Clan Dwarf Banner. - Add item Clan Gnome Banner. - Make primary attribute of hero Ogre Magi intelligence. - Make primary attribute of hero Monk intelligence. - Add achievement Landowner. - Add learnable hero spell Summon Ship. - Add hero standard ability Summon Ship. - Add hero standard ability Summon Submarine. - Add mount Ship. - Add mount Submarine. - Add learnable hero spell Summon Red Dragon. - Add item Mushroom. - Add neutral unit Drillbot. - Add item Magical Coin. - Add profession Prospector. - Add Tuskarr quests. - Add chat command "-whaleson". - Add chat command "-whalesoff". - Replace Massive Ruined Gate in Northrend dungeon. - Move all portals from Portal Room to Outland. - Give all portals the Way Gate model and soundset. - Zones have player colors now. - Automatically give all portals the name of their destination zone. - Add hero Thief. - Register summoned units for website. - Add custom icon for Accept. - Add command buttons to preplaced units in the beginning of the game. - Fix dependency of Pandaren Blacksmith. - Rename NPC Queen of the new Citadel into Lady Hederine. - Add cheat "-professions". - Add cheat "-boots". - Add more tiny items for buildings. - Reset all heroes to the neutral zone when a player leaves the game. - Share vision or even control with users when a player leaves the game. - Add custom icon for item Sleeping Bag. - Register more zones. - Remove duplicated item type Gold Bars. - Increase maximum stacks for item Gold Bars to 100. - Add zone Emerald Dream. - Add actions bar UI. - Do not add command buttons to rootet ancients which cannot move by default. - Change costs of item Gold Coins to 125 lumber. - Replace Black Dragon Roost with Blue Dragon Roost on Elven Clan Island. - Place Infernal Juggernaugts in Tomb of Sargeras. - Add mount Elk. - Add learnable hero spell Abolish Magic. - Add hero Dryad. - Fix learnable hero spell Barrage. - Fix directory path in savecodes UI. - Add ambient sound votes. - Add sky votes. - Reselect hero after casting spell Burning Sky. - Fix Water Portal destination to the sea at Northrend. - Disable AUTO_UPDATE_STOCKS for performance. - Improve performance of JASS function IsInSinglePlayer. - Improve race Centaur. - Change mount of hero Centaur Khan from Wyvern to Eagle. - Add tooltip to toggle multiboard checkbox. - Simplify code for toggle multiboard checkbox. - Add missing texture for building Sawmill. - Fix learnable hero spell Summon Green Dragon. - Add boss Ysera. - Add boss Xavius. - Add music A Call to Arms to Record Player. - Add creep Dryad Faun. - Add JASS function IsUnitNeutralBuilding. - Register all mercenary camps as neutral buildings. - Add achievement Explorer. - Add achievement Master Explorer. - Add skin Druid of the Claw. - Add skin Druid of the Talon. - Add skin Dryad. - Add skin Darth Vader. - Add skin Darth Maul. - Add back hero Gunner.