- Add missing credits. - Add link to quest for reward items. - Spell Mass Web does not target dead units anymore. - Improve race Nerubian. - Translate building Azjol Nerubian Obelisk back into English. - Fix icon of Pandaren quest 4. - Add levers for gates only where no bridges exist. - Support Orb of Blood in savecodes. - Fix tooltip of item Demon Slayer Axe. - Fix tooltip of research Improved Creep Hunter. - Chat command "-sellall" does not trigger chat command "-sell" anymore. - Update system CustomConsoleUI so HP and mana values are shown with custom race UIs. - Increase hero ability mana costs with every level. - Fix animation of summoned Minigun Tower. - Reduce charges of item Honeycomb. - Item Shadow Orb Fragment can be dropped by creeps and carried around by heroes now. - Add recipes Craft Shadow Orb +X. - Fix tooltips of Formula items. - Support more items for save codes. - Add mine Monument. - Remove requirement of Evolution Stone icon. - Fix Moving Boxes for buildings Slaughterhouse and Sacrifical Pit. - Fix pick mode for chat commands "-h2", "-h3", "-p1" and "-p2". - Change owner of mines to harvesting player. - Show resources of mines in tooltip of icon ability. - Add hero Acolyte. - Fix starting correct race repick timers. - Add profession 3 and race 3. - Add checks for profession and race selection modes. - Update backpack UI on dropping all and picking up items. - Fix tooltip of building Gnome Factory. - Fix dependencies of Gnome units. - Add Random Mine to West Northrend start location. - Add background, gold and item icon frames to the backpack UI. - Add Disassemble ability to building Crafting Stash. - Item Horn of the Clouds can be dropped now. - Add recipe Craft Shield of Honor. - Fix allowing crafting items with only one of the requirements. - Add info about Orb of Web to item Orb of Orbs. - Hide dummy of item Orb of Royality.