- Fix number of Adventurers in the map description. - Add cheat "-savegui". - Add more unit, building, item and research types for savecodes. - Fix defense type for Turtle Shell item. - Increase death time of creep/boss heroes to avoid their permanent removal from the game. - Disease Cloud of Corrupted Ancient Protector does not require a research anymore. - Recreate Furbolg Tribal Center on AI destruction. - Do not remove Sargeras for non-Boss players on death. - Set mana cost for all levels of Mirror Image to 80 which was 125 from level 4. - Fix effect of item Amulet of Martial Arts and remove Unique from its tooltip. - Add new boss Spider Crab Behemoth. - Rename Sea Giant boss to King Deepbeard. - Reveal certain neutral buildings to Freelancers. - Show hero journey messages with colors, sound and in correct order when leveling up. - Increase Archimonde's hero level to 150 and the level of his Dreadlords to level 60. - Disable hero level up for Mirror Image of bosses because of Evolution. - Move town halls of The Alliance next to the goldmines. - Add line break to the defeat message. - Translate victory message into English. - Add chat command "-wrapup" which converts all buildings into tiny items. - More general approach nor not picking up items which do not belong to your races. - Add portal to and from Alliance island. - Change color of portal to Archimonde to the The Burning Legion player color. - Add portal to and from Boss Fight Island. - Add chat command "-passive" for a passive mode against enemy players. - Engineer Ships can build Haunted Water Gold Mines. - Engineer Ships can place Goblin Water Mines. - Increase stock number and decrease stock delay for Engineer Ships. - Haunted Water Gold Mines can train ships and Sky Barges. - Add research Improved Air Transport to the Power Generator. - Add Mercenary Camp from the Future to the Boss Fight Island. - Increase hitpoints and mana bonus from 50 % to 60 % for Evolution. - Increase hero ability levels to 100. - Show the percentage in the tooltip of Brilliance Aura. - Increase hero level of Archimonde to 500 which is the maximum hero level skill points can be spent. - Remove irritating boss marker at mages creep spot in Lordaeron. - Add new boss Mathog. - Allow deactivating Divine Shield. - Reduce cooldown and duration of Divine Shield. - Add new boss Gul'dan. - Simplify triggers to drop legendary artifacts on hero deaths. - Add JASS function AssignAllUnitsToCurrentGroup to assign all units at once to a creep respawn group. - Add global unit group variable udg_CurrentRespawnGroup to add all respawning creeps to it. - Replace useless Embassy of Theramore with an Arcane Academy of Theramore selling mana-related items. - Remove useless Tavern of Theramore. - Add new island next to Maelstrom with new boss Sea Witch. - Play Naga or Blood Elf Theme if you choose the corresponding races. - Reduce the number of air units and increase the number of ground units for Demon/TBL AIs. - Add new boss Avatar of Sargeras with legendary item which can convert units to different races. - Fix worker counter in stats when using Charm. - Add more unit and building types for savecodes. - New race Goblins. - Add save code for researches and chat command "-loadr XXX" to load it. - Allow voting for Only Freelancers for AI in the beginning. - Generate dragon units and good items savecodes with cheats. - Replace Tier 1-3 equivalent texts with "Tier 1", "Tier 2" and "Tier 3" instead of listing all town halls. - New island Kezan with boss Rumblefitz. - Allow disabling AI The Burning Legion and The Alliance via votes in the beginning. - Add chat command "-racerepick" to repick your first race as Warlord. - Add Hall of Fame floating text to hero selection. - Add building type Research Tent for all races with important researches to save icon space in tier 3 buildings. - Fix hotkeys for bonus hero Medivh. - Add chat command "-savec" to generate savecodes into files without printing information for a long time. - Remove weather effect from hidden island. - Add learn hotkey to ability Summon Sea Elemental of bonus hero Admiral Proudmoore. - Remove message "Upgraded Evolution.". - Reduce Demon Housing model scale to make build area visible. - Let Naga AI build special building. - Add more Hidden Bases. - Add chat command "-saveautoon/off" and auto save the hero every 10 minutes. - Adapt Warlord and Freelancer descriptions. - Add portals to different boss islands on the sea. - Always summon Sunken Ruin mercenaries for Freelancers when the regions are unknown. - Fix respawning The Alliance AI at the correct start location. - Add chat command "-help/-h" to list all chat commands. - Becoming a demigod requires a Nether Dragon. - Add chat command "-pingdragons" to ping all Dragon Roosts. - Power Generator causes damage in area of boss Gul'dan. - Add secret combination to enter Gul'dan's dungeon. - Add treasure with trap to Gul'dan's dungeon. - Fix hero revival for Furbolg AI. - Support more heroes for Freelancer AI. - Add leaderboards quest log entry from the original Reborn map. - Invisibility and Berserk have 100 levels now and are set to the hero's level up to level 100. - Both Pit Lords in Outland carry an Orb of Fire now to attack air units. - Initial Towers of the Arcane Academy of Theramore allow changing hero abilities. - Add fixed Computer player Gaia who provides some units on the map which can be rescued. - Add research Improved Navy for all races. - Human, Night Elf and Undead ships are affected by Evolution now. - Added shipyards to The Alliance for initial navy AI support. - Fix soundset of Nether Dragon boss. - Use the hero proper name of bosses in the message for all players when defeating them. - Add build blockers to the Outland portals area. - The Alliance and Blood Elf AI build special building Magic Vault. - Reset hero level researchs on full repick. - Try to fix alliance change reaction by AI players by swapping player parameters. - Add Water Waygates. - Allow Engineer Ships to build Portals on water. - Do not allow to load save objects which do not belong to your race. - Decrease the save code IDs by splitting them up into units, buildings, items and researches. - Increase maximum level of research Evolution from 100 to 1000. - Do not increase the area of effect for War Stomp with each level to avoid lags. - Disable AI special players by default to avoid crashes. - Move creep dragons further away from the Orgrimmar start location. - Add chat command "-pingkeys" to ping all keys which are not in black mask for a player. - Replace Spell Immunity of bonus hero Archimonde with Invisibility. - Add research Improved Creep Hunter which increases the maximum creep level of certain unit abilities. - Fill savecodes with fixed number with remaining zeroes to always have a fixed length since we do not store the number. - Fix cooldown for savecode researches. - The chat commands "-save" and "-savegui" open a custom GUI in singleplayer only which allows managing savecodes. - Do not load research levels from savecodes if your current ones are higher. - Do not load savecodes if they are empty. - Store Improved Navy level in the hero savecode. - Fix an issue of loading not existing hero level 2 from the savecode. - The savecode stores if your hero has become a Demigod or not. - Add two more creep unit types (one healing) to the Neutral Mercenary Camp of Freelancers. - Translate abilities of Tinker back into English. - Allow saving fragment items required to become a Demigod. - Reorder columns in the stats multiboard. - Give Kil'Jaeden boss Banish ability. - AutoSkillHero and simplify Boss Island boss creation. - One single cheat "-levelX". - New cheat "-cheats" to list all cheats. - Ping Water Goldmines with "-pinggoldmines" chat command. - Make Sargeras boss much stronger by giving him some powerful unit abilities. - Do not allow to pick Sargeras boss as second hero. - Add item Feed made by the Research Tent which increases the hero level of all bosses. - Add third hero at hero level 100 with chat command "-thirdrepick". - Add cheats "-orderon/off" to debug orders by all players to find crashes. - Attribute Bonus has 1000 levels now. - Sorcerer and Runeforger craft items with 4 charges instead of 3 now. - Allow enabling AI for yourself at hero level 200. - Clans. - Reset abilities of mercenary and creep Dark Wizard to default. - Give Maiev a Shadow Orb to attack air units. - Add Demon Quests 3 and 4. - Lower the priorities for Research Tent and Power Generator to avoid AI crashes. - Bounties. - Store item names, descriptions, tooltips and extended tooltips in backpacks to avoid losing dungeon key information. - Add Goblin Bank. - Enable Warcraft's Item Stacking. - Give boss Ancient Dragon Turtle and Spider Crab Behemoth an orb item to attack air units. - AI cannot buy Random Events or Alliance with the Burning Legion anymore. - New bonus hero Antonidas. - Add random bonus hero support. - Do not allow to load savecodes which have been generated during the same game to avoid duplicating stuff. - Enable visibility for bonus heroes from start for VIP players. - New bonus hero Fel Beast. - Add Shivarra creeps. - Add quest entry Lore. - Allow filling auto savecode file with the custom save GUI. - Fix the icon positions for the abilities of bonus hero Wizard. - Allow defeating AI and show defeat in stats. - New boss Akama in Outland. - Allow Paladin bosses to be included as counters for Forsaken quest 3. - Allow Paladins to complete Forsaken quest 3. - Make sure players are enemies on killing for Forsaken quest 3. - Allow saving all 3 tier buildings for Freelancers. - Add cheat "-foldername". - Mention that Legendary items and quest rewards are not saved. - No hero equivalents anymore in gameplay constants which treats all hero types the same way. - Add cheat "-foldername". - Use a folder for all generated savecodes. - Consider hero XP from heroes in repick when increasing creep Evolution. - Only load gold and lumber from savecode if it is higher than your current gold and lumber. - Fix changing creep Evolution level when loading heroes with levels not having modulo 10 = 0. - Disable AI special players by default. - Remove AI special players from stats if disabled. - Remove Neutral Hostile and Neutral Passive from stats. - Sell expensive Glyph items in Arcane Academy of Theramore. - Show bonus heroes for VIPs on repick. - Neutral Laboratories for Freelancers can be used to return gold and lumber. - New bonus hero: Dwarf Mage. - Refactor trigger names and move them into folders. - Add building Event House. - Freelancer Towers. - All tier town halls use a spell book for the player interactions. - Fix quest markers over Illidan for Draenei quests. - Fix quest markers over Queen for Demon quests. - Give Medivh's Spell Book a shared cooldown to prevent mass casting. - Fix Magma Giant tooltip and costs. - New hero: Khadgar. - More preplaced creeps with random dropped item types instead of fixed ones. - Add Scroll of Town Portal to the list of dropped item types by creeps. - Make Maiev's guards vulnerable during the quest, so the player can kill them. - Fix removing quest marker from Kael after Naga Quest 1. - Refresh backpack before getting and after releasing control of Illidan to fix its hero icon position. - Power Generators do not sell Crystal Balls anymore since they are a reward for a Naga quest. - Limit Goblin Artist colors to 10 in total per player. - Random events spawn 20 units at maximum to prevent massive lags. - New bonus hero: Carsten. - Decrease the rate for Transmute. - Massively decrease the damage multiplier for Drunken Brawler. - Add item Feed AI to increase the hero level of AI heroes. - Neutral Shop sells Magical Cuter and Magical Seed. - Add Discord to loading screen. - Do not share vision during hero selection and repick to prevent black mask areas from allies. - Fix unwanted level up effect on Mirror Image caused by Evolution. - Fixed area for Thunder Clap to avoid lags. - Increase cooldown for Boss Fight Island. - Divide the boss level in Boss Fight Island by 2. - Give Impale a fixed stun duration. - Decrease the life drain percentage of Death and Decay.and Dalaran Shield and give them a fixed cooldown. - Reduce the percentage of Cleaving Attack. - New hero: Ranger. - New race: High Elf. - Remove level values from Cold Arrows tooltip. - Replace ulti of Sylvanas Windrunner with Banshee Form. - Increase number of levels for hero ability Battle Roar. - Add missing learn hotkey to hero ability Cripple. - Black Arrow abilities support units with levels greater than 5. - Reset full repick flag on normal repick to prevent game mode dialog showing up. - Add Dragonhawk mounts for High Elf and Blood Elf heroes. - Human can train Spellbreakers and Dragonhawk Riders again. - Add Phoenixes and Phoenix Egg building to Blood Elf race. - New hero: Funny Bunny. - Add chat command "-discord". - Add cooldown for hero savecodes. - Give Bosses on Boss Fight Island orbs. - Remove splash damage from Guards of Sargeras to prevent them from killing Sargeras. - Disable many quest items and rewards to be sold by the Theramore Marketplace. - Immediately check for enough votekick votes after starting which fixes votekicks in singleplayer. - Use summoned level 4 unit types from World of Warcraft Reborn again. - Many summon hero abilities have stronger but less summoned units now. - Do not allow alliance chat commands with player The Alliance. - Hide The Burning Legion and The Alliance from score screen if disabled. - Recreate stats multiboard on alliance changes to hide Warcraft's multiboard for full shared control. - Remove votekick timer window and reset votes on timer expiring. - Do not allow votekicks against The Alliance. - Rain of Chaos and Call of Drakes summons always 4 units now. - Add missing learn hotkeys of Crushing Wave and Watery Minion hero abilities. - Change Multiplayer detection to work with only 1 player left. - Do not reset gold and lumber on repicking and picking Warlord. - Made AntiDenseMan#1202 a VIP. - Add all alliance chat commands to the separate quest log entry Alliances. - Fix AI alliance responses.